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Messages - Horatio

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Tacitus' Realm / Re: Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:33:26 PM »
227days until
National General Assembly

The Steps to Non-Violent Revolution and the Convening of a National General Assembly


1. Elect one man and one woman from each of the 435 congressional districts in March 2012.

2. Bring all 870 delegates to a national general assembly the week of july 4, 2012 in Philadelphia.

3. allow the 870 delegates to debate, write and ratify a petition for a redress of grievances for five days.

4. serve this ratified petition on all three branches of government and all candidates running for political office in 2012.

5.  wait for a reasonable period of time for the 213th Congress and president and supreme court to act upon and redress the grievances.

6. if the grievances are not redressed within that reasonable period of time, reconvene the national general assembly to organize a new third party to run for every open congressional seat in all of the 435 districts in 2014.


If the system will not change, the 99% will change the system

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:30:08 PM »
Guys, arguing amongst one another is the exact dance the republicans and democrats want us doing. So we don't pay attention. Talk about being conditioned, brainwashed and mind fucked. We allow all of them 576 (approx) to have health and retirement for life after just one term. WTF!! We allow lobbyist to run amok willfully and knowingly bidding to the highest dollar.
John your only concern is whether I am a democrat or not...sigh. I am neither.

"If a due participation of office is a matter of right, how are vacancies to be obtained? Those by death are few. By resignation none."  -Thomas Jefferson, 1801.


"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini, 1935, "The Doctrine of Fascism."

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes." -Dwight Eisenhower, 1961.

"The danger [of Citizens United] is that it will further cement the corrupting dependency on private funding of public campaigns that already infects our Congress. The problem in our democracy is not diversity; the problem is a Congress dependent upon the fundraisers. The problem is not corporate speech. The problem is the fundraising Congress." -Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, 2010.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Ron Paul vs. Rick Perry
« on: November 17, 2011, 10:14:30 PM »
Mitt Romney did the exact same intimidation tactic on Ron Paul during the 2008 election. Why is everyone picking on Ron.
His intelligence and pragmatism must put the fear of common sense in his adversaries.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 17, 2011, 10:00:24 PM » ... street/?hp

Mayor Bloomberg shows us his Republican values and what his personal fortune (billions) can do.
He managed to shut down all communications in or out while he raided the occupiers. Had his boys steal
everything from them and discard it in a dump. That was midnight of the first day. Great time no one is
around to document.
WTF is going on in a country when they have to hide, cheat, steal and censor their own people in order
to stop them from peacefully protesting the injustices that people such as Bloomberg endorse.
They totally black out Zuccotti Park so no information got out. I understand the legality, the park is privately
owned and the owners had a rule no camping.
I wonder if people really get what this protest is really all about. Or does the average american just keep going
about their mundane walk, with their heads fixed ahead with a sense of indifference.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 17, 2011, 07:35:59 PM »
Rep Loretta Sanchez Republican Friends Admit To Holding Economy Hostage To Defeat Obama ... r_embedded

Is this called enhancing Republican values.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 16, 2011, 10:13:48 PM »
Aside from the vulgarity for emphasis I actually agree 100%.
Tea Baggers are Republicans trying to wrap themselves in white linen.

Tacitus' Realm / Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.
« on: November 16, 2011, 10:10:48 PM »
From a friend, from a friend.

Tea Baggers Shut the fuck up.

We know you want to end taxation. We know you don’t care that every reputable economist on the goddamned fucking planet has tried to explain to you inbred sisterfuckers that austerity budgets and tax breaks for billionaires and transnational corporations makes joblessness worse, not better. It makes the recession worse, not better. It makes the deficit worse, not better.

But you don’t care what experts have to say, do you, knuckle-draggers, because all you care about is what makes you feel better. And what makes you feel better, apparently, is waddling up and down the street with powdered wigs and little flags and misspelled signs with pictures of the president wearing a turban, and you think that makes your opinion equal to those of educated experts who do research for a living. Don’t you get how utterly fucking bug-stupid that makes you look?

We know you want to drill for oil in Yellowstone and downtown Detroit and fucking Disneyland and two miles down through the fucking Antarctic ice cap and on Mars and every goddamned place you can think of, until the entire solar system is a polluted piece of steaming shit just like fucking Texas.

We know you email each other ape jokes and watermelon jokes and other racist Ku Klux Klan fucking bullshit–just what, three years?– after screaming TREASON! at anyone who dared disagree with George W. Bush, and two years after deciding to tell everyone you’re not actually Republican because that would mean you voted for the moron who destroyed our economy.

Guess what? The 80 percent of us who think you’re a bunch of fucking retarded clowns are sick and tired of hearing about you. The 80 percent of us who think education is actually a good thing are tired of hearing you pontificate about shit you don’t know because you can barely spell your own names.

How you hate Affirmative Action until it’s used to give preferential treatment to white students over students from Asia, or preferential treatment to the underachieving white children of the wealthiest donors. What a fucking bunch of racist hypocrites.

How you think lesbians have taken over the public university system—despite the fact that all the trustees and presidents and football coaches and most of the professors and most of the students and every evil fucker in any position of power happens to be in possession of a snow white penis.

How you think unions are the bullies with all the power and all the money while corporations are the victims with none of the power and none of the money, with no incentive to screw you because for some reason you’d rather pay them double, triple, quadruple for the same fucking services your taxes used to provide before they were used to pay for tax cuts to people who own yachts and jets. You dumb fucking idiots.

Meanwhile not a single one of you can say a single specific thing about any specific policy that stupid bitch Bachman has ever advocated. But you will of course scream at the top of your lungs that calling her bitch is sooooo wrong because Lord knows you’ve never called Hillary the c-word after wiping the beer foam off the ends of your snouts. What a bunch of misogynistic hypocrites.

Liberal media, huh? One million Latinos march for immigration reform in Los Angeles, but on every donkeypissing television station across America all we see is a tribe of twenty assholes in plaid picketing on a street corner in Arizona because they flunked economics AND history in high school and don’t know the first thing about the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the history of our court system, OR the history of the last eight goddamned years in this country we love more than you do. Yes, more than you do—because we care enough about it to protect everyone’s freedoms—not just our own. Everyone’s property, not just our own. Everyone’s tax money, not just our own.

Shut the fuck up for five fucking minutes, just for once. A town hall meeting is not for screamers. No one wants to smell your Cheetos breath from across the room. No one wants to smell the sweat stains under your armpits as you flail, spraying spittle. A town hall meeting is for people to discuss things, not scream. Stop fucking playing the victim when the SEIU dares to use YOUR OWN goddamned town hall tactics against you. Just because most of the rest of us fear all you scary, hooded, screaming, violent bastards doesn’t mean we all have to just sit there and take it. Fuck you. We want you to go away, back to your basements, back to your generators and your canned peas and your mistranslated bibles and your pregnant daughters, waiting for the rapture while you leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

You lost the goddamned Presidential election, you Tea Bagging Republican bastards.

Go the Fuck away!

Web forum hosting / Re: Definition Of A Sockpuppet
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:12:05 PM »
OK!!  Who on second??    ;)

Open Free for All / Re: ....
« on: November 14, 2011, 07:32:17 PM »
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Fuck off, Danny.

Wayne have you told members here that you use this username (Xelebes) on your absolute writers blog also.

Open Free for All / Re: DANNY BENNISON
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:38:51 PM »
Quote from: "Dannys Shitty Life"

I don't remember him, I never even herd of him, and I remember alot of peep's from back then and i would have rememberd him or at least herd of him.I didn't mean to lash out at him so hard but,back in Elan when one of us was going through a Ring a Paddelling, or a GM,or we saw one of our good freinds get dragged around the room bleeding only to be put through more hell, we couldn't say nothing, we couldn't say Hey stop hitting him/her, or stop the screamming ,let him/her go. We were kids, we were scared we were over powerd. But now I know for myself Iam not a scared little girl anymore and I'am not over powerd and scared to say STOP the shit when I see some one being disrespected. Felice,Mark Matt and Sharon should be commened for all the effort you all have put into closeing down Elan.I know one thing that sure make's me feel good we can now defend ourself's against people like Danny.Thats all I have to say folk's I love you all. NAMASTE
about 5 months ago

Thank you for dragging another of your victims here to testify Danny. You really are an idiot

Felice, Mark, Wayne, Sharon, Matt or who else stumbles around here posting from idiotic usernames. Diane was posting at this time on the "I went to Elan school" facebook site that she didn't even know Danny. You folks were telling everyone who would listen that Danny Bennison was not who he said he was but a shill still working for Elan. As far as you knew Danny was a fake poster.
Now you are saying the opposite.
You can't even keep these posts straight. Can you spell Stupid.
Listen do yourselves a favor have a conference call before you decide to post, get your stories straight.

Felice,Mark Matt and Sharon should be commended for all the effort you all have put into closing down Elan.... :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Riiight !!!!
Felice is in and out of jail, Mark same thing , Matt is a freaking drunk and Sharon it was proven never stepped foot in Elan. Would you all please give us a break.
Surely you can do better then this post.
Danny looks like St.Peter standing besides these clowns.

Come on get your shit together.

Open Free for All / Re: Wayne Kernochan Molester and Liar??
« on: November 05, 2011, 01:13:29 PM »
I guess this confirms the conversation that I reported on between Wayne and Al Beauchane on Elan Survivor Group. Which Wayne has deleted with Al Beauchanes permission.
Al so nice to see that you have kept up your character. Margarett D. helped find this piece of info.
Seems we are getting closer to the informant Wayne has been using to write this memoir.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 02, 2011, 07:42:22 PM » ... Q.facebook

The Most Awesome 99% Image We've Seen All Week.
One thousand folks, one San Francisco beach, and one hard-to-ignore message.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: November 02, 2011, 04:46:25 PM »
Paul wrote:
Well, we definitly disagree on theTeddy Roosevelt-reference.. he sewed a lot of the seeds that led to today's problems..

I am talking about Theodore Roosevelt 26th President early 1900's WWI not his distant cousin Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32nd President early 1930's till mid 1940's WWII.

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: October 30, 2011, 05:14:53 PM »
Paul, I am not against capitalism I own a small business myself. I am against what big business is doing to this country today. Oil company's, Banks, Wall St, Investment groups, China's trade surplus, WTA, WTO, Big pharma, WallMart. They are into a steroid capitalism. Just like a pro wrestler on steroids there are consequences which usually are very ugly.
I know you didn't like what happened in the last 4 years.
The only positive I actually saw out of the last few years, we lost a few TC's due to the economy (and reddits).

Tacitus' Realm / Re: What is the economy anyway ??
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:12:44 PM »
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
Quote from: "none-ya"
Ask all the 60 somethings that were teenagers during the summer of love ('67) That tried sharing,communal living,going back to the land and all. It's a utopian pipe dream. People are just naturally greedy. That's why the cult of money and sucess is such a natural draw.Even for the "do-gooders",the more you,have the more you can give away.But sometimes you just have to throw up the white flag during the "monopoly" game and redistribute the property and money or the game's
over.Think about what that would lead to in real life.........

or maybe not

This is true, and they weren t the only ones who tried.. many well-meaning groups of Americans have tried it.. A group of transcendentalists, whom I admire quite a bit for the most part tried it as well.. It didn t last very long though.

In the end, trade is the fairest, best , most righteous way to do business.

If some people want to live on farms, and make everything they use themselves, that is their choice.  But obviously, most do not or they would be doing it.. different groups of people specializing in different things, benefits everybody involved.

The cool thing about a capitalist society, is that anyone who wishes to operate in a manner, partially, or completely free of capitalism is pretty much unfettered. They can do as they choose.

In society's that are communistic or socialist, everybody has to play along with the same game.  There are no options.  And in order to maintain this type of society requires forceful governments that violate human rights according to American standards, and as well objective standards.

Paul St. John

Paul I grew up in a small town (actually it was a tri-town) we had a Regional H.S. made up of those three towns. There were 7 families that provided jobs for this county. Russos had a large chicken farm and processing plant, Holbertons had the produce, Hensons had the dairy and meats plus hogs, Cares had the timber and hay, Perraults had the potatoes, beans, tomatoes and peppers, the Lewis's owned the Drygood store and the Wrights owned the American Motors dealership. The orginal AT&T was coming through with the cross Atlantic phone lines, we still had textiles miles and sod growing was also beginning to take hold.
My name is John Wright (from facebook and these were my descendants).
I am talking about Washington County in Southern Rhode Island. The school is called Chariho. Native American name. Cha= Charlestown, ri= Richmond and ho= Hopkinton, Cha-ri-ho. We had a volunteer Ambulance and Firemen dept. Police were the State Police
We existed and subsisted because of each other, we enjoyed life and the Profits we made were enough. Capitalism cruelty had not yet come into our lives. But when it finally did it wiped out what I had known as a child in maybe two years.
My point was these were all Americans that were happy with their idea of "PROFIT". They were not greedy to the point of injuring others just to make a buck.  
From 1974-1976 the Tyson Foods, Guidas dairy, Stop and Shop Foods, The EPA and many greedy politicians (who didn't even live in Washinton County) totally wiped off the face of the earth all 7 families accomplishments they had created over maybe 100 years.
The politicians and big business made it so we were dependent upon them. This is the point of suburbia with the food stores, Home depots, WallMarts and Malls. They pass ordnances in these sub-divisions so you can't even have a garden that will produce substance for a family.
We (the average citizen) are not benefiting from the World Trade Ass. or even are own trade here in America. Living in America is like Vegas and/or Wall Street it is all a bet and the cards are stacked against you. Middle class America is once again at a very bad disadvantage, we are loosing are clout. Take away the middle class (make us marginal) and you have a third world country, haves and the have-nots.  
Gov't intentionally leaves us out of the conversation (remember 2008 when you found out about the historic collapse, did you feel like WTF, I did) Bankers/Banks walked away with cash, AIG, Investment Corps and Car manufacturers. They marketed and traded our homes like they place bets on the crap table. Our fucking homes (our private lives) they targeted a certain group of people and exploited them.
They have taken ours jobs to other countries so they could make more money, they take our jobs here and give them away to others so they can make more money. Then they say we won't do the jobs or we won't pay the extra cost if they use Americans. This is called propaganda. Say it long enough and people will be conditioned to believe it.
Have you looked a the price of sneakers and jeans of late, furniture ect....all these are made else where. $145.00 for a pair of Nike sneakers made in indo-china it cost NIKE a few dollars to make and ship back here.

This is not capitalism this is called wholesale pillaging. There are so many more examples.

There was a time when America made 90% of everything we consumed and we were doing just fine until Wall St. got greedy. !901, 1929, 1980's, 1990's, 2000's, 2010's.
What we need is another Theodore Roosevelt.

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