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Messages - Watchaduen

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Lon's Rant on Unethical Marketing Practices
« on: August 03, 2004, 03:20:00 PM »
They are all liars and out to make a buck.  From the Independent referral guys, to the Teen Help Agencies, to the Torture Home owners.  Liars all of them.  When we were looking for a place that could help our son we started calling those Teen Help Agencies.  Lies, lies, lies.  Later to find out they have never even visited these places.  If they had, they would have been told the same lies we parents heard.  After being told lies from the Teen Help agencies, we then called the places directly. More lies from the owner's.  The Fountains (owners of Bethel Boys Academy) told us what we wanted to hear.  One question specifically asked by us was "how do you discipline the boys"?  We were assured that no child will ever be touched and that they used military discipline.  When we asked for them to elaborate on that statement, we were told that it would mean extra chores, such as scrubbing a toilet with a toothbrush.  Or running extra laps (having no idea that my son would have already run over 100 laps in a single morning).  LIARS all of THEM!!!!!!!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE
« on: August 03, 2004, 03:08:00 PM »
:grin:   Glad to see BethelTruth's site finally posting stories.  I have sent mine a long time ago.  Hope it gets put on there also.  I realize my post doesn't go into a lot of specifics other than what happened to my son.  But with court dates around the corner I don't want the Fountains knowing what kind of proof nor witnesses we have.  GOD has lead me on this long journey but HE gives me strength every day.  I only wish that the parents from years ago would have already accomplished this.  Yet these victims go home and within a few months give up the fight.  I have been working on this, finding victims, a SUPER lawfirm to take on a case of this magnitude and many, many hours spent on the phone doing my own investigative work.  I knew the evidence was out, it was just a matter of finding it.  The Fountains and a few other corrupt officials down in Miss. have finally hung themselves.

New Info / Bethel Boys Academy, Lucedale, MS.
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:30:00 AM »
Would be happy to help in anyway I can.  Will be e-mailing privately also.  When dealing with these child abuse compounds half of the crime is the parents that realize their child has been abused - to simply disappear into the sunset.  Now armed with the knowledge about the compound their child suffered at, they do nothing.  My eyes have been opened to a whole underworld of legalized child abuse.  When does it stop?  How many more kids must suffer?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE
« on: July 11, 2004, 12:34:00 PM »
And by the way - There is a rumor a float - and I do *stress* it is a *rumor*
Bob Litchfield has bought Bethel boys and girls homes>>>

It would have to be rumor.  Herman Fountain owns those properties outright.  Had the slaves (I mean children) build everything on them.  Charges $25,000 per year for each victim placed there.  Starves those kids so he isn't out big money on feeding those victims.  Pays the employees pennies in which he pays no taxes on.  Cash under the table for all the employees.  Why would he get rid of that cash cow and start all over?  It's obvious the state is willing to let him get away with murder.  His huge home sits directly across the street from the bethel boys compound.  Nope, he isn't going anywhere.

New Info / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE!!!!!
« on: July 10, 2004, 02:59:00 PM »
State seeking accord with girls school

Bethel Academy problems called correctable

By Lora Hines
[email protected]

State officials are negotiating with a church-based home for at-risk girls to allow the return of 38 teens removed after some alleged they were abused.

Earl Scales, an assistant state attorney general, said problems at Bethel Girls Academy near Petal can be corrected, and an agreement to allow the girls back could be reached as early as next week.

"The school serves a purpose," Scales said.
Herman Fountain Jr., the director of the home, denies the allegations of abuse.

"That's all they are, allegations," he said. "They haven't proved anything."

Fountain, however, said he doubts he can come to an agreement with the state attorney general's office.

He said he doesn't want to stop using exercise as a form of punishment, a concession the state demands.

"We're not able to discipline the girls any other way," Fountain said. "We don't use corporal punishment. (State officials) wanted us not to use exercise. I didn't agree with that."

In May, the state Department of Human Services took custody of all girls at the academy as a result of abuse allegations. Some girls told investigators they were forced to swim in a sewage pond and exercise until they vomited.

DHS spokesman Rick Whitlow would not comment and referred calls to the state Health Department. The Health Department referred calls to the attorney general's office.

It is the second investigation at the academy in less than two years. The girls academy, founded by Fountain's father, opened in 1999.

Parent complaints of abuse and neglect at the companion Bethel Boys Academy in Lucedale last year led to a similar investigation by DHS and the attorney general's office. The boys academy, also founded by Fountain's father and directed by his brother, John Fountain, agreed to adopt new policies.

The Fountains didn't admit to any wrongdoing.

Herman Fountain said the girls removed from the academy want to return.

Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney for parents of some of the girls, said his clients had to find other places to send their children.

"Obviously, the allegations are of a concern," Reed said. "That's why they are taking a wait-and-see approach (with the negotiations)."

The children of Reed's clients didn't complain to investigators, Reed said. He would not identify his clients.

Melissa Lashuay of Chicago is hopeful Fountain can correct the academy's problems. Her daughter, Brittany, 14, was one of the girls removed from the academy.

Lashuay's oldest daughter, Stephanie, previously attended the academy.

"It really turned my daughter around," Lashuay said of Stephanie. "There's been such an improvement in her."

Five girls now attend the academy, Fountain said. More are to come.

He said the academy has lost about $200,000 since the girls were removed. Tuition costs $2,000 a month per student.

Academy employees have been working part-time.

Fountain said he has had to borrow $1,400 to pay the academy electric bill and $1,700 for the mortgage.

"We've been in worse shape than this," he said. "This isn't going to stop me from helping people."


The Troubled Teen Industry / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE
« on: July 10, 2004, 02:57:00 PM »
State seeking accord with girls school

Bethel Academy problems called correctable

By Lora Hines
[email protected]

State officials are negotiating with a church-based home for at-risk girls to allow the return of 38 teens removed after some alleged they were abused.

Earl Scales, an assistant state attorney general, said problems at Bethel Girls Academy near Petal can be corrected, and an agreement to allow the girls back could be reached as early as next week.

"The school serves a purpose," Scales said.
Herman Fountain Jr., the director of the home, denies the allegations of abuse.

"That's all they are, allegations," he said. "They haven't proved anything."

Fountain, however, said he doubts he can come to an agreement with the state attorney general's office.

He said he doesn't want to stop using exercise as a form of punishment, a concession the state demands.

"We're not able to discipline the girls any other way," Fountain said. "We don't use corporal punishment. (State officials) wanted us not to use exercise. I didn't agree with that."

In May, the state Department of Human Services took custody of all girls at the academy as a result of abuse allegations. Some girls told investigators they were forced to swim in a sewage pond and exercise until they vomited.

DHS spokesman Rick Whitlow would not comment and referred calls to the state Health Department. The Health Department referred calls to the attorney general's office.

It is the second investigation at the academy in less than two years. The girls academy, founded by Fountain's father, opened in 1999.

Parent complaints of abuse and neglect at the companion Bethel Boys Academy in Lucedale last year led to a similar investigation by DHS and the attorney general's office. The boys academy, also founded by Fountain's father and directed by his brother, John Fountain, agreed to adopt new policies.

The Fountains didn't admit to any wrongdoing.

Herman Fountain said the girls removed from the academy want to return.

Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney for parents of some of the girls, said his clients had to find other places to send their children.

"Obviously, the allegations are of a concern," Reed said. "That's why they are taking a wait-and-see approach (with the negotiations)."

The children of Reed's clients didn't complain to investigators, Reed said. He would not identify his clients.

Melissa Lashuay of Chicago is hopeful Fountain can correct the academy's problems. Her daughter, Brittany, 14, was one of the girls removed from the academy.

Lashuay's oldest daughter, Stephanie, previously attended the academy.

"It really turned my daughter around," Lashuay said of Stephanie. "There's been such an improvement in her."

Five girls now attend the academy, Fountain said. More are to come.

He said the academy has lost about $200,000 since the girls were removed. Tuition costs $2,000 a month per student.

Academy employees have been working part-time.

Fountain said he has had to borrow $1,400 to pay the academy electric bill and $1,700 for the mortgage.

"We've been in worse shape than this," he said. "This isn't going to stop me from helping people."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE
« on: July 08, 2004, 02:28:00 PM »
Found out one of the girls sent back to Bethel is one of the 38 that the State of MS. had removed due to abuse.  This little russian girl (adopted and sent to Beth-HELL) when she was 11, will spend her teen years living there.  One victim says that this girl isn't allowed to go back home, yet all the victims and employees of Bethel Girls compound state she is a wonderful little girl and sweet disposition.  What makes the story even worse is that there is an adopted Russion brother also.  He is sentenced to spending his teen years at Bethel Boys compound.  No matter how many raids on Bethel's or children removed for abuse, these two victims are stuck there until they are 18.  Considering they spent the first part of their lives at a Russian orphanage and now will spend the rest of their growing up years at Bethel child abuse compounds, how are they ever supposed to be ready to face the world, live on their own as young adults?
Bethel tells you when to eat, sleep, forced labor all day long thrown in with some abuse.  That prepares someone for the real world?  Breaks my heart.

The Troubled Teen Industry / New/old victims are still at Bethel
« on: July 06, 2004, 07:09:00 PM »
:eek:   Just found out from another victim at Bethel that the state of MS. has allowed two former victims to be returned to Bethel.  Isn't that nice.  One little girl is a Russian girl adopted.  Will spend her life living at Bethel.  She came there when she was only 11.  She also has an adopted brother from Russia who will spend his young years living at Bethel boys compound.  No matter how many times the state raids those child abuse compounds those children are stuck there.

New Info / Bethel Boys Academy, Lucedale, MS.
« on: July 02, 2004, 11:34:00 AM »
Fountian was seen recently at the Lucedale, MS Auction selling livestock

Well, at least we know why there is so much confusion as to whom the usage of cattle prongs is appropriate.  I guess that will be his defense as to why he shocks the boys/victims with cattle prongs.
"I'm sorry Judge, I honestly thought they were cows".

The Troubled Teen Industry / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE
« on: June 29, 2004, 06:24:00 PM »
Rumor has it that Bethel now has two former students.  Trying to find out now if it was two of the 38 removed or not.  Right after the raid, some of the parents were outraged that their daughters had been removed.  Not worried sick because their daughter had been removed due to allegations of abuse.  Those same parents immediately began pushing to have their daughter's retured.  Makes me ill.

Not to blow any of this down.  But prior to my husband and I sending our son to Bethel Boys Academy (only to be beaten and tortured), we honestly didn't know this could happen in the United States.  The few articles I ever read on these types of places seemed so out of my thinking.  If these places really were that bad then the kids that were sent there were equally as bad.  Young kids who belonged to gangs, doing drive-by shootings.  Or teens already so messed up in the head they had raped young children.  Robbing elderly people with a loaded gun.  You get the idea.  
These stories never get the point across that a parent (keyword being ANY parent) can send their child away to these places.  Or any parent can be deceived into believing these places will stop their child from simply talking back (a common thing teens do).  Or skipping a little school, smoking a little pot or ciggys.  Curing the desire to have sex at 16 yrs. old.  All things that many average teenagers out there do.  It needs to come out that "average" teenagers are sitting in these cult child abuse compounds.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Update on Bethel Girls Academy
« on: June 20, 2004, 12:31:00 AM »
At least we know that the Attorney General's office isn't willing to look the other way.  How many times does Bethel have to make the news for abusing children?  Why, if there is no corruption, does the State of Mississippi continue to look the other way???

Thayer Learning Center / Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« on: June 08, 2004, 03:51:00 PM »
:eek:  When my husband and I started looking to place our son for some help, we had spoke with TLC.  This was before we even knew there was legalized torture homes for kids.  TLC was blatantly honest in that the kids get no therapy while there.  The tough discipline will be all that's needed.  They (the kids) also start off by sleeping in tents.  They have to "earn" their right to even have a bed.  We were also told that there would be no visitation from parents (even on holidays) but that it was necessary as these are bad kids who deserve to be there and away from their parents.  WHoooooaaaaa.  I couldn't believe my ears.  In the end we decided on Bethel Boys Academy, Lucedale, MS.  It was just as bad and torturous as TLC, but they just lie about it.  Yes, your child with get therapy, activities, schooling, etc.  TLC at least was honest that they were going to neglect your kid.  They just left out that they would be physically abused.  Imagine that.

New Info / Bethel Girls Academy - ABUSE!!!!!
« on: June 04, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »
Bethel hearing delayed

By Antoinette Konz

A hearing before a Forrest County Youth Court judge on the removal of 38 girls from a Petal school for troubled teenagers has been postponed after an attorney for several parents said he had received new information in the case.

"Based on that information, we decided to ask for a continuance. I filed the motion this (Wednesday) morning," said Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney representing three parents of students who attended Bethel. "I do not know at this point when the hearing will be continued."

The hearing, which stems from a multi-agency investigation of the Bethel Girls Academy which began May 19 was to have been before Judge Michael McPhail.

Reed would not comment on the nature of the information he received. He did say, however, that some parents of the girls have been notified about some of the allegations of abuse at the Bethel home, but he would not elaborate.

"I am unable to comment on the information at this time," he said. "I will be speaking with the parents later on today."

Reed had asked for the hearing last week on behalf of parents David Bakker of Chicago, Matthew Brown of Dallas and Jason and Lori Salo of Tacoma, Wash. The parents had said they wanted to ask the judge to reconsider removing the teenagers from the youth home.

Paul Walley, a Richton attorney representing Bethel Girls Academy and its director, Herman Fountain Jr., could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Walley and Fountain have denied any allegation of wrongdoing at the school.

Bakker, whose 12-year-old daughter was one of the girls removed from Bethel, said Wednesday that he had received some documents pertaining to the home's operation over the weekend. He did not elaborate.

"As far as the items I have received, I am not so sure about how credible or reliable they are. I still have a lot of questions," Bakker said. "I just don't know what to think right now."

Officials from the state Department of Human Services and the Attorney General's office were involved in the probe. Rick Whitlow, spokesperson with DHS, said Wednesday that his agency would not comment on the Bethel investigation.

The agency has refused to provide information on whether the facility was licensed, if it had been inspected and what the agency's policies and procedures are when it comes to monitoring facilities such as Bethel.

The Hattiesburg American filed a Public Records Act request on May 25 seeking the information. DHS has 14 business days from the filing date to respond.

Forrest County District Attorney Jon Mark Weathers said Tuesday that he has received two packets containing information about the investigation of the Bethel home. He would not elaborate on the contents.

"Based on what I have seen, it merits further investigation," he said. "But I have certainly not made the conclusion that there was any violation of criminal law that took place at Bethel.

"Right now, we just need to go a little further in the investigation and try to determine the facts and the motivation of those who have made these allegations," Weathers said.

A meeting with a representative from the state Attorney General's office and Weathers is scheduled to take place on Friday, he said

New Info / Bethel Boys Academy, Lucedale, MS.
« on: June 04, 2004, 11:29:00 AM »
Bethel hearing delayed

By Antoinette Konz

A hearing before a Forrest County Youth Court judge on the removal of 38 girls from a Petal school for troubled teenagers has been postponed after an attorney for several parents said he had received new information in the case.

"Based on that information, we decided to ask for a continuance. I filed the motion this (Wednesday) morning," said Michael Reed, a Hattiesburg attorney representing three parents of students who attended Bethel. "I do not know at this point when the hearing will be continued."

The hearing, which stems from a multi-agency investigation of the Bethel Girls Academy which began May 19 was to have been before Judge Michael McPhail.

Reed would not comment on the nature of the information he received. He did say, however, that some parents of the girls have been notified about some of the allegations of abuse at the Bethel home, but he would not elaborate.

"I am unable to comment on the information at this time," he said. "I will be speaking with the parents later on today."

Reed had asked for the hearing last week on behalf of parents David Bakker of Chicago, Matthew Brown of Dallas and Jason and Lori Salo of Tacoma, Wash. The parents had said they wanted to ask the judge to reconsider removing the teenagers from the youth home.

Paul Walley, a Richton attorney representing Bethel Girls Academy and its director, Herman Fountain Jr., could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Walley and Fountain have denied any allegation of wrongdoing at the school.

Bakker, whose 12-year-old daughter was one of the girls removed from Bethel, said Wednesday that he had received some documents pertaining to the home's operation over the weekend. He did not elaborate.

"As far as the items I have received, I am not so sure about how credible or reliable they are. I still have a lot of questions," Bakker said. "I just don't know what to think right now."

Officials from the state Department of Human Services and the Attorney General's office were involved in the probe. Rick Whitlow, spokesperson with DHS, said Wednesday that his agency would not comment on the Bethel investigation.

The agency has refused to provide information on whether the facility was licensed, if it had been inspected and what the agency's policies and procedures are when it comes to monitoring facilities such as Bethel.

The Hattiesburg American filed a Public Records Act request on May 25 seeking the information. DHS has 14 business days from the filing date to respond.

Forrest County District Attorney Jon Mark Weathers said Tuesday that he has received two packets containing information about the investigation of the Bethel home. He would not elaborate on the contents.

"Based on what I have seen, it merits further investigation," he said. "But I have certainly not made the conclusion that there was any violation of criminal law that took place at Bethel.

"Right now, we just need to go a little further in the investigation and try to determine the facts and the motivation of those who have made these allegations," Weathers said.

A meeting with a representative from the state Attorney General's office and Weathers is scheduled to take place on Friday, he said

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