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Messages - Jill Ryan

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AdvanceEd (SACS) recommends Ridge Creek, Inc. seek separate accreditation for Highlands Prep School.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Re: SICKENING
« on: February 28, 2011, 03:19:50 PM »
According to the ORCC, although the young girl was under age the agencies were told it was consensual and the 16 year old male was not incarcerated.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Re: SICKENING
« on: February 27, 2011, 06:02:46 PM »
Chris Grimwood called the 10-22-2010 incident in.  Nice to know someone 'qualified' was minding the store.

Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results
As of: Saturday, February 26, 2011
R 0000 Opening Comments.
The purpose of this visit was to investigate 88739 linked to 88735.
R 0840 290-2-5-.08(6) Staffing.
Staffing. The institution shall have sufficient numbers of qualified and trained staff as required by these rules to
provide for the needs, care, protection, and supervision of children. All staff and volunteers shall be supervised to
ensure that assigne
This Requirement is not met as evidenced by:
****Based on record review, resident and staff interviews, the agency failed to provide for the
needs, care, protection, and supervision of the children in care.
Findings Include:
Incident #1
(1) During an interview on November 8, 2010 at about 12:39 PM with Resident #1, Resident #1
indicated she/he had engaged in consensual sexual activity with Resident #2 in the school
bathroom on 10-21-2010. Resident #1 indicated that two weeks prior to the incident on 10-21-10,
Resident #1 and Resident #2 engaged in sexual activity several times in various locations on
campus in which one incident (date unknown) occurred behind a tree on the soccer field while
another incident occurred (date unknown) on the downstairs balcony lodge. Resident #1
indicated that there was neither staff supervision nor witnesses to either of the incidents.
(2) During an interview on January 13, 2011 at about 4:15 PM with Resident #3, Resident #3
indicated that she/he was informed by Resident #2 that Resident #2 had engaged in several
sexual encounters with Resident #1 on the campus to include sexual activity which occurred on
the soccer field.
(3) Record review on November 8, 2010 of Incident Report dated 10-22-2010 completed by Staff C,
Page 1 of 3
More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results
As of: Saturday, February 26, 2011
Staff C documented that she/he received notification of a report of two residents who had
engaged in sexual activity in the bathroom at school. An investigation was conducted and
camera records were reviewed on 10-21-2010 which revealed that around 8:17 AM Resident #1
was observed entering the girls bathroom and approximately 2 minutes later Resident #2 was
observed entering the same bathroom. The residents were observed 8 minutes later exiting the
bathroom and returning to their respective classrooms. There was no staff present to monitor the
residents as they went to the bathroom.
(4) During an interview on November 8, 2010 at about 1:06 PM with Staff A, Staff A indicated that
it is the agency's protocol that residents are not allowed to go to the bathroom during class (they
have designated breaks). However, if they are allowed to go to the bathroom during class, then
the teachers are to notify staff in order to monitor residents in the hallway. The protocol was not
followed and the residents were allowed to go to the bathroom unsupervised.
Incident #2
(5) Record review on November 8, 2010 of Incident Report dated 10-21-2010 revealed that
Resident #2 was placed on one to one staff escort after displaying suicidal ideations/attempts
several times during the day. The incident report indicated that on 10-21-2010 an emergency
safety intervention was utilized to prevent Resident #2 from causing harm to him/herself.
Resident #2 was placed on staff escort pending transport and admission to a treatment facility. In
addition, a review of Incident Report dated 10-22-2010 indicated that Resident #2 went to the
bathroom, while still on one to one staff escort, followed by another resident (unknown) who
found Resident #2 with a cord around his neck. Neither of the residents were escorted by staff to
the bathroom. The unknown resident then sought staff assistance who was able to cut Resident
#2 down before she/he lost consciousness. Resident #2 did not suffer any injury. Resident #2
was transported to the hospital for evaluation in which she/he was 1013'd.
(6) During an interview on November 8, 2010 at about 11:13 am with Staff B, Staff B indicated that
Resident #2 has a history of self injurious behaviors which occurred several months prior to the
incident on 10-22-10. Resident #1 had not exhibited any suicidal ideations since August 2010.
Resident #2 was placed on supervision precaution after exhibiting suicidal ideations a couple of
days prior to the incident.
This rule was previously cited on 09-09-2010 and 07-21-2010.
Page 2 of 3
More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen
Georgia Department of Human Resources,
Office of Regulatory Services State Form
Statement of Deficiencies
and Plan of Correction
Inspection begin date
Inspection end date:
Name of Provider or Supplier
Street Address, City, State Zip Code
Inspection Results
As of: Saturday, February 26, 2011
R 9999 Closing Comments.
A brief exit conference was conducted on December 4, 2010. A preliminary report was e-mailed to
the agency on December 10, 2010. A formal written plan of correction is due to the surveyor 10
days after receipt of this final Statement of Deficiencies.
Page 3 of 3
More Information Return to Facility Location and Information Guide Return to Inspection Screen[attachment=0:rec8ml48]ORS-01-13-2011.pdf[/attachment:rec8ml48]

browneyes » 02 Feb 2011, 00:04

They also failed to mention that three students walked off campus and went missing on the day of the 16th. A lot of things go unreported there.

"A lot of things go unreported there."    So if there were over sixty - 911 calls in two years, including EMS, how many incidents managed to stay in house?

Did it ever dawn on those staff that have left RCS  because of their "integrity" that the honorable action to take is to offer a reality check to the ORCC?

Citing integrity, it appears certain staff had an epiphany and could no longer tell parents to send their children to Ridge Creek School.  Integrity?  Keeping ones mouth shut and leaving the children behind does not absolve you in any way, shape, or form.

"Dweebs" nailed that one!

Ridge Creek School, Creekside Academy, Mountain Brook Academy, and Highlands Preparatory.

This says it aptly:

Lon Woodbury, " I've been seeing reports from all over the world indicating people overseas are being influenced by the success of wilderness therapy in the US. US Wilderness therapy seems to be having quite the influence."

This is beyond sickening.

This is just unbelievable.

Science lab ??  Remember all those grueling hours spent in the Bio lab and  the Chemistry lab in High School?  They were necessary to gain credit for the courses.


"Monday, February 14, 2011

First Therapeutic School to Receive Accreditation by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Ridge Creek School is proud that we were the first therapeutic school in the country to apply for and receive accreditation by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). We feel that this definitely paved the way for greater op­ opportunities for all struggling students to receive placement consideration and acceptance at colleges and traditional boarding schools.

SACS is now known as AdvancED and our 5 year reaccreditation team has just left campus. We are very pleased that not only are they recommending us for continued accreditation but that they commended us for the remarkable commitment of all staff to the success of Ridge Creek School students. They were especially impressed by our professional atmosphere where students feel concern, care and respect from adults. All students who were interviewed said that they would rather be somewhere else especially during the first 6-8 weeks but when asked if in 3-5 years they would look back on this as a positive experience, all students interviewed resoundingly said "YES"."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Shepherd's Hill Farm tries lawsuit threats
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:16:37 PM »
K, thanks.  I'll ask the DHR next time I speak with them.

It doesn't get any better  .... this 'one' came from Eckerd.

Keith Bishop Joins
Ridge Creek School

Kathy Duff

February 13, 2011

Ridge Creek would like to welcome a new addition to our wonderful team! Keith Bishop has joined us as our new Program Administrator. He brings many years of valuable experience to our school and we are excited to have him join us.

Keith comes to Ridge Creek School from Eckerd Outdoor Therapeutic Program where, having served as Facility/Program Director and Master Counselor. Keith is a natural leader, who brings focus and innovation to all career endeavors, as can be seen by his many achievements and commendations earned while serving in the Air Force. While his primary focus here at RCS will be facility operation and organization, he is an avid outdoorsman, who is dedicated to developing the wilderness recreation curriculum at RCS. We are delighted to have his expertise as an addition to our talented staff."

Ridge Creek School is a co-educational, college prep, therapeutic boarding school with "a wilderness twist." Students participate in a college preparatory academic curriculum during the week and experiential education and outdoor leadership activities each weekend. In addition, students take part in weekly individual and group therapy, three times a week with Master's level therapists and counselors.

Here is where another problem exists.  According to the ORS, Ridge Creek Wilderness OCCI is not operational.  It would seem that Ridge Creek, Inc. needs to change their marketing or inform the ORS ... or not, in which case ... business as usual.

Cheryl Tatangelo was hired 6/2010 and is an LPC.  She has left Ridge Creek School.

New Assistant Director Of Counseling

At Ridge Creek

Kelly Vaughan

June 15, 2010

We at Ridge Creek are privileged to announce the addition of Cheryl Tatangelo to our counseling team. Cheryl is a licensed counselor and will be the Assistant Director of Counseling. Cheryl brings 15 years worth of valuable experience in counseling and therapeutics to her position at Ridge Creek.

Cheryl earned a BA in Psychology at California State University in Bakersfield, CA and a MS in Professional Counseling at Georgia State University. Cheryl has spent the majority of her career working directly with families, adolescents and children in crisis.

She is an innovative and creative counselor, adept at developing individual interventions that best suit the needs of each student in order to move them in the therapeutic direction that is most appropriate to their particular issues and struggles.

In her spare time, Cheryl enjoys playing with her rescue pets, Flower, a Terrier mix and Nicki, the cat. She also enjoys water sports, hiking, reading and visiting with her extended family.

Anne Edens has just been hired to replace Cheryl Tatangelo

INTERNS  -This is frightening....see below.

It appears the corporation has figured out a way to get inexpensive help.  Do the representative schools sending the interns to Ridge Creek School have insurance?  Perhaps these schools should have their attorney dissect the Ridge Creek, Inc. insurance policy.


Ridge Creek School
Introduces New
Director Of Counseling

Dr. Anne Edens
Director of Counseling

February 10, 2011

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and provide some insight and information regarding my background and experience. Please contact me directly at any time to answer questions you may have. I am the new Director of Counseling for Ridge Creek School. In this position, I will supervise and support the staff of five counselors and four interns in their work with our students. I am replacing Cheryl Tatangelo who in no longer with the school.I come to Ridge Creek with over 30 years experience in mental health. I hold a Doctor of Psychology from Baylor University in Waco, TX, a Master of Science in Community Agency Counseling from The University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Georgia, Athens, GA. I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of Georgia.

I worked in private practice for the past 16 years where I focused on children, teens, and their families. In particular, I worked with a large number of children in the foster care system as well as later age adoptees. As a result, I garnered a reputation for being an expert on issues related to Reactive Attachment Disorder and other issues related to child neglect, abuse, and abandonment. I also specialized in assessing and treating children with ADHD, helping them and their families develop effective adaptations to cope with the challenges of living with that disorder. Additionally, I have extensive training and experience in working with victims of trauma, including EMDR and Prolonged Exposure Therapy.

As a therapeutic boarding school, Ridge Creek School offers an intense all-around therapeutic program featuring college preparatory academics along with individual and group therapy that teach students life skills to help them not just survive but thrive. Our academic program is recognized and certified by regional accrediting agencies and provides as closely as possible the curriculum and activities provided by a traditional boarding school including a wide variety of sports.

Our clinical program is comprehensive and intensive, utilizing Masters level therapists to address the emotional, behavioral and addiction needs of the students and their families. The structured individual and group therapy as well as adherence to a strong 12 Step program teaches at risk, defiant teenagers how to deal with behavioral and situational issues. However, more importantly, our program helps at risk teens develop insightful thinking and the skills needed to carry them throughout life.

In addition, we are a training site for interns from a variety of programs, including doctoral Clinical Psychology students and masters Counseling students as well as Recreational Therapy students.I am very excited to be a part of the Ridge Creek team and am committed to providing excellent services to our students. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about our program.

Ridge Creek School is a co-educational, college prep, therapeutic boarding school with "a wilderness twist." Students participate in a college preparatory academic curriculum during the week and experiential education and outdoor leadership activities each weekend. In addition, students take part in weekly individual and group therapy, three times a week with Master's level therapists and counselors.

Why would one file a complaint on a school that is "Founded on the bedrock of honor?"

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Shepherd's Hill Farm tries lawsuit threats
« on: February 14, 2011, 11:38:14 AM »
I cannot find Shepherd's Hill Farm or Shepherd's Hill Academy on Georgia's ORS Website as a CCI and OCCI.  Does anyone know if this place has ORS oversight?   Not that it helps.

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