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Messages - anythinganyone

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Carlbrook
« on: July 13, 2009, 03:35:37 AM »
Quote from: "E Adams"
If you're naturally skeptical, have a sense of humor and don't get overly swept away by torrents of emotion then the place was no terror camp.

Did you consider yourself to have been completely honest (or at least, for the majority) with peers and staff.  Not an accusation, I'm just curious.  I actually concurred with most of this post, and I think some people are better equipped to deal with programs, and I do believe programs can have some benefit (though it depends on the people running it and the staff).  I can remember a particular staff member who was pretty helpful and caring and treated me like a human being.


Hahaha, "Environmentally Friendly Brain Wash"

Facility Question and Answers / Re: boys/girls town?
« on: May 09, 2009, 02:38:04 PM »
The Intensive Residential Treatment Center is a long-term, 24-hour residential treatment program for youth ages 7 to 18 with psychiatric disorders.

Why does it stop at eighteen?

The residential program is specifically designed to offer medically directed care for more seriously troubled youth who require supervision, safety and therapy but do not require inpatient psychiatric care.

Exactly what sort of stage or severity is needing to be locked into a residental place for psychiatric disorders while not needing inpatient psychiatric care?

The Center provides round-the-clock supervision, locked/secure facilities and numerous other safety and program features. Typically, youth admitted to the Center are unable to function in normal family or community settings.  For many of these high-risk youth, placements in traditional treatment programs have repeatedly failed and reunification with the family shows little promise without stabilizing intervention.

This implies it's more of behavior modification or "reunification" than psychiatric help.

The IRTC program is ideal for youth who have the following problems:

      Physically assualtive
      Suicide ideation/threat

why not "suicide gesture" or "suicide attempt" (it seems to give the impression to me it's trying to indirectly imply it's for people not actually suicidal but using it as a way to "manipulate").  Legally speaking, someone who's suicidal would need "inpatient psychiatric care".


Lol, I wonder how equipped they are to deal with that.

      Actively running away

How is this a psychiatric problem?

      Poor impulse control

Very vague and can be a vide variety of things based upon what is considered "poor impulse control".

      School behavior problems

This seems kind of iffy, I don't consider this a psychiatric problem.


This is bedwetting right?  So we're putting the homicidal and people who have difficultly controlling urination in the same environment and given the same treatment?

      Poor social skills

That's sad.  There is no need to put someone with poor social skills into such an environment, and once again, with people with issues such as being homicidal.


Same comment as the enuresis one.

      Physical and verbal aggression

What exactly is "verbal aggression"?  I think most people have been "verbally agressive" at some point in their lives, and some to a larger extent, especially frustrated teenagers.

      Property destruction
      Chemical dependence

In other words, any drug use or issue whatsoever.


Vague.  This could be very minor things stolen.

      Sexual issues

This one is especially vague.  "Sexual issues" could be anything, things such as ED or disinterst; being "promiscious" or not being that sweet little virgin mommy and daddy want you to be until married; homosexual desires or feelings; masturbation; pornography etc.; sexual assualt; inappropiate sexual molesting or harassment.

Few of these are appropiate for needing to be locked in a place for "medical help"

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: May 08, 2009, 09:09:28 PM »
I don't know what you mean by "disclosure".

The seminars were held every two months or so, there were seven seminars at the time I was there (although they get changed a lot, now there's six): Discovery, Focus, Parent-Child I, Principles, Parent-Child II, Keys to Success, Parent-Child III, and Parent-Child IV.  I only went through Discovery.
In the seminar, if your effort was considered inadequate or it "wasn't the right time", you would "choose out".  "Choosing out" meant essentially you were kicked out and would have to redo the seminar within the next two months.  You needed to "graduate" seminars to progress in levels, privileges, and to ultimately get out.  It was called "choosing out" because by your actions, you chose to leave and redo it next time.
 A lot of emphasis was put on the way we phrased our words.  We "choose" to do things, we never "have" to or are forced to.  There was a lot of emphasis on being accountable as opposed to being a "victim" as well.  A victim is someone who blames others for their situation or choices; they make no progress in life.  There was also the "Comfort Zone".  I have the Discovery charts somewhere in the house, and I'll get them out to refresh my memory, sorry, I forgot a lot of this.
Anyways, seminars were co-ed.  Girls sat on one side of the room and boys the  other.  We could not communicate with the opposite sex off-task or it was a cat 4 (loss of two levels with minimum points + 30 worksheet tape credits and staff buddy) and meant "choosing out"
I'll write more later; I'm not in a stellar mood and my chest hurts.

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: May 05, 2009, 12:41:55 AM »
I guess not, oh well :(

This is a pretty terrible troll :(

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: April 25, 2009, 10:04:26 PM »
You still around?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Is my mom's punishment ok?
« on: April 25, 2009, 10:03:19 PM »
I consider it abuse to make a child get naked in order to humiliate them.  The fact she spanked you while naked can also be considered sexual abuse especially considering your age, and the fact she could've done the same to you clothed.

Do you have any markings?

Funny thing is that we were both in Cross Creek around the same time, but I'm not sure if I ever saw her.  I'm almost certain we were never in any seminars together, but I may have seen her walk in line and such.

Yeah, instead staff or the student just wrote whatever the rule violation was on the category, and then the code (i.e. 211)

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: April 18, 2009, 10:13:24 PM »
(7:03:23 PM) AAA: Did they check the girls for layering undergarments?
(7:03:58 PM) BBB: yes but mosetlychecked to see if we had undergarmets on.. grls would rty to go commando
(7:05:10 PM) AAA: ok thanks
(7:05:35 PM) BBB: yup ne thing else?
(7:05:45 PM) AAA: yea, I'm checking to go see what the other questions were
(7:05:58 PM) AAA: A. Who performed the infamous "underwear and bra checks" at Cross Creek? Staff or detainees?
(7:06:02 PM) AAA: B.How many times a day did these "checks" occur?
(7:06:07 PM) AAA: C.What would happen if your refused to take off your clothes or show your body after receiving the order for a "check"?
Would you be forecefully "checked"? How would that violation progress?
(7:07:06 PM) BBB: if u refused a dress code it was a cat four, if u forgot to dres code its a cat 211 ..
(7:07:19 PM) BBB: the grl staff would check us before we left our rooms

There's your answers for those questions. :)

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: April 18, 2009, 12:50:47 AM »
Glad to be of service, I won't have internet though until Monday.

Facility Question and Answers / Re: I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: April 15, 2009, 11:12:39 PM »
A. Who performed the infamous "underwear and bra checks" at Cross Creek? Staff or detainees?

No idea, that was a girl's side only thing.  I know some girls from Cross Creek that were there when I was, and I could ask them and get you that information, and will respond with whatever they reply.

A.Who performed the "strip searches" Staff or detainees?

B. how often did these occur?

When you did an intake you got a strip search, but I didn't get one . . . I guess because I had no history of drug use, but I heard some kids say they did strip searches while I was there when they first came.
I was on suicide watch, and as a suicide watch before I got dressed after staff buddy showers, I had to put on some underwear or a towel and twirl and show off my arms and legs so they could see if I cut myself or anything.  Once it was commented that because I wore boxers, that I did not have to take them off since I could just raise them up for staff to see my thighs.  Hygiene watches had to watched while showering by staff.
C.What would happen if your refused to take off your clothes or show your body after receiving the order to submit to search?
Would you be forecefully "searched." How would that violation progress?

No idea.

A.When going to the bathroom did someone simply enter the bathroom area with you, or did you have to keep the door open so someone could "watch" you during your process of eliminations?

On suicide watch, you had to leave the door cracked or it was a 507 self-inflict, and if you weren't a suicide watch it could be a 504 serious misconduct to leave it open in any way.  No student that was watching you could enter the bathoom while you were in it.
B.Who "watched" you, staff or detainees?

If you were on staff buddy or suicide watch, staff, if not, another student.

4) If detainees who were expected to particpate in sexually abusive acts like "watching" other detainees go to the bathroom refused to, what would happen to them?

This didn't happen (at least not that I'm aware of, it might have in SN but I never went to SN), so I can't answer it.

 What would they do if you did not want to wear a particular outfit they wanted you to? Would it be forcefully put onto you?
B. Who would do so, staff or detainees?

They'd probably force you to put you on, since it was considered imperative to wear the shirt you needed ti to indicate if you were on staff buddy or suicide watch or whatever.  Staff would as far as I'm aware.

Were there any other instances where detainees were forced to engage in  public nudity, or "show themselves," or remove their clothes, or threatened with having them removed forcefully removed by staff or fellow detainees? Were you given privacy when you bathed? etc?

Staff told us stories about how they'd drag people out of the showers "butt naked" if they were too late or refused to get out.  Hygiene watches were supervised when bathing by staff, and as far as I'm aware, staff seen them naked.  I was not on hygiene watch.

Were you blamed for being sexually abused by the Cross Creek operation? That is to say, was not having to get your underwear "checked" considered a "privelege" you had to "earn."

Since I was a boy there, I didn't have to.  They told us that "we created the rules" by our actions, so yes.
b. What were the justifications given for sexually abusing you at WWASP's Cross Creek? Was it that you were dangerous, selfish, bad or mentally ill,etc?

Hygiene watches needed to be watched while bathed in order to make sure they were actually rubbing soap on their bodies and enough at that.  Suicide watches needed to be checked to make sure they didn't cut.  Strip searches were to check for contraband or drugs.  The bra and underwear checks were to prevent run away plans, since wearing more than one pair of anything was a 413 Layering of Clothing and was considered run plans.

c. How did you "earn" the right to not be forced to particpate in public nudity

You got off whatever watch you were on and working the program, I guess.  Being compliant and doing as they say when they tell you to change your clothes and such.  I don't know about the girls' bra checks and if all girls had to do that.  I also forgot to mention that girl staff buddies showered in the locker room, and the doors of the locker room were blurry so you could still see blurry shapes of the girls when they were showering (at least I'd assume so, since I only went there to use the bathroom)

d. On what "levels" (orange? yellow? whatever they call them)did you have to engage in forced public nudity

Yellow was when you were a new student, if you were a suicide watch or run risk you also went into yellow.

Orange was staff buddies.

What you may not have realized at the time of your detention, is that Cross Creek's organized sexual abuse was not incedental. That was yet another way to "break" you, like detainees at Abu Gharib endured organized sexually abuse to "break" them. ... wanted=all[/quote]

Cross Creek didn't have subcategories.  I can't remember every rule, I tried my best to though.

Facility Question and Answers / I was in Cross Creek in 2008
« on: April 13, 2009, 05:12:03 AM »
If anyone wants info about it feel free to ask.

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