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Messages - hanzomon4

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Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
What the hell is fluoride tablets?
Um.  It's in your water (assuming you live in the USA). You should know.  Flouride is used to protect teeth so it's put in the water supply in the hopes of raising national dental health.

Never heard of it in tablets before.... And no I didn't know it was in the water for dental health either. Tooth paste? Yeah, but I don't swallow tooth paste.

The Seed Discussion Forum / I heard ART retired
« on: October 26, 2007, 09:21:38 PM »
Wait the seed was still operating pass the year 2000!??!

What the hell is fluoride tablets?

Web forum hosting / Problems
« on: October 26, 2007, 04:16:03 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
no, just commenting on those who like to put all the blame on parents,  some of whom might actually have gotten some information from these forums, and made a more informed decision,  if they weren't chased off with porn and hate.

In that case blame the parents that just don't listen until something horrible happens. Few ever listen no matter how nice or upfront you are, if you say anything that suggest the program they chose is bad you get called a liar/druggie/loser/whatever, they just don't listen. I mean would you have believed us(and not just us but ISAC, Cafety, etc...) before something happened to your son?

....I agree with SC about something being foul. He keeps trying to blame Deborah, Deborah?!?! We all know Deborah always post credible information with sources and when has Deborah ever tolled someone? Who has a vendetta against Deborah because her info is solid and he can't get her to call him a "cunt" or something stupid that he could point to and say "See!!!".

Nope didn't survive 10mins, but I have another idea

----------------- end of OP

Edit stamp test

Nope it just made a duplicate post

Nope didn't survive 10mins, but I have another idea

----------------- end of OP

Web forum hosting / Re: Get real
« on: October 26, 2007, 01:31:26 AM »
Quote from: ""Crash Test Dummy""
Quote from: ""pb mom""
Quote from: ""Scarlett Chiclet""
Ok, I haven't got time now to find the Gook's words of wisdom on user blocking. Wish I did. But as to the porn content, I don't usually edit other people's posts unless they request it or at least give their ok. We don't make editorial decisions we just keep the site up so that each user can make their own calls. There's a whole lot of content on here that I find to be far more offensive than pornographic images. Sometimes I argue against it when I have the itch and the time but I don't make any attempt to control the content. And trying to ban someone is an exercise in futility even if it were a worthwhile endeavour, which I do not believe it to be. Generally, when the opposition comes out with porn, spam, ad hominem attacks then you know you've won the argument.

Well, I think you've lost one of the major benefits of this forum. And at least one of your admins is abusing their privileges, and bumping logged in users off, which undermines any credibility you might have had in a big way.  You really should think about at least temporarily blocking IP's for those who post porn or continually ruin the threads in the name of free speech.

More than one kid who is in a program today would be safely home with their parents instead, had their parents been able to stomach this site, and actually acquire some useful information. And some kids who are dead might be alive. At best this forum has been reduced to not so funny entertainment for idiots at this point, and will never be taken seriously by any prospective parent, "real" survivors, investigator, journalist, or anyone else who has a sincere interest in exposing the abuse in the teen treatment industry. Congratulations.

My user account was compromised, so I no longer log in to post. I attempted to get information on the industry from this forum in an effort to expose what happened to my son. I sincerely doubt many parents would stick around for more than 5 minutes. So you survivors who get off on others' pain and abuse, have at it. More kids will suffer because of you, providing yet more entertainment for your sick minds. For those who post useful information and discussion about real issues, I suggest you find a real forum. Disagreement, discussion, and freedom to state one's opinions are great.  This version of free speech really sucks.

And if I were you, I'd spend a teeny amount of time keeping tabs on some of your "admins"..... But oh wait... then you'd be behaving like a .... parent.....

PB Mom

Quality guilt trip.

+1, So now it's fornits who's to blame for kids being sent away and/or being killed in programs.


Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I'm game,

I will post this and immediately hit the edit button. I will then open another tab and quote myself. I'll wait 30min then apply the edits in the other window to see if the stamp is there.

Let's see

I'm game,

I will post this and immediately hit the edit button. I will then open another tab and quote myself. I'll wait 30min then apply the edits in the other window to see if the stamp is there.

Ok so I waited 10 mins

« on: October 26, 2007, 01:06:01 AM »
Quote from: ""Crash Test Dummy""
What boggles the mind is CCM Girl has repeatedly stated she doesn't believe sexual interactions between staff and client are appropriate.

Yet here on fornits we need to have a big drama blast and flame her because she doesn't believe she was raped?

Again.. Bullshit 100 percent of the time..

No one is saying CCM was raped(she never said that[Edit:I see the guest post, CCM never claimed to have had a sexual relationship with a staff member]). She did say that it was not rape if the "girl enjoyed it", legally that is not true. That statement is not true according to everything that is known about sexual predictors. sexual predictors groom, seduce, victims and often at the time of the assault the victim does feel genuine feelings of love, or something similar, for the attacker. However this has been proven beyond a doubt that this is just another part of sexual predation of children.

Just to add legally a child or someone not of sound mind can not consent.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek girl Jessi Graff missing.
« on: October 26, 2007, 12:56:27 AM »
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
I actually talked to the Mother who is very concerned about her daughter. They still have not located her. The Mother told me there was a man who was harassing her a couple weeks before her disapperance. He was in jail when she went missing however. Also, there was a report that she had tried calling her boyfriend in Colorado, but the Mother of that boy took the call, and was not even a 100% sure it was her. She wasn't sure if she heard her name correctly.

3 weeks is a long time. Apparently, the Mother told me she was on level 6, and due to graduate in December. She had been there 14 months, why would she just say screw it, and run when she was almost due to go home? Any thoughts?

Could she have feared a level drop or being sent to another program?

Chairman Miller Statement on GAO Referral to FBI in Death of Child at Missouri Residential Program
Thursday, October 25, 2007
WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement today.

“I was informed today by the U.S. Government Accountability Office that it has made a referral to the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the death of 15-year-old Roberto Reyes while he was attending the Thayer Learning Center in Kidder, Missouri, in 2004.

“In light of the seriousness of this case – in which neglect, if not outright abuse, likely contributed to the death of a child – I urge the FBI to treat this referral with urgency.

“Roberto Reyes was one of an untold number of children who have died in residential treatment programs around the country. Earlier this month, the GAO reported finding thousands of allegations of child abuse and neglect at these programs, which include boot camps like Thayer, wilderness camps, and other types of programs for troubled children.

“We must do everything we can to end this nightmare of institutionalized child abuse. There is a clear and urgent need for Congress to act to regulate these programs, and that is what we intend to do.â€

The Troubled Teen Industry / New Better Manifesto
« on: October 25, 2007, 07:35:15 PM »
How about abuse of power? Staff/patient Teacher/student

Well that explains the sudden retraction on, or around, the 15th.

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