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Messages - ZenAgent

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News Items / Re: More programs shutting down
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:56:52 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Man, you really pick through the media with a fine-toothed flea comb, Oscar. I'm impressed.

Andrew Klepper apparently went to CEDU High School after this incident. Was that before or after Peninsula Village?


From the Comments section:

Erica Kaplan:: [email protected]:: 07/02/2005
For the record i went to CEDU highschool with Andrew Klepper after this crime was commited... hes just a very misunderstood boy, i dont count him as a threat to society... yes, hes made ALOT of HUGE and unforgiveable mistakes in his life but that should not result in him being portrayed as some sort of monsterouse being... i am in no way excusing this horrible crime or saying not to blame him... i'm just saying that Andrew has changed, and he's doing really well and i'm proud of his turn around.

thank you for your time,

I had this exchange on Facebook with one of Klepper's former classmates in MD:

Quote from: "from LM"
i knew that kid
he was fuckin weird

Quote from: "Zen"
I've read that he was only "misunderstood". I don't think that quite covers Klepper's status.

Quote from: "from LM"
dude, trust me...he had problems...and no he was very much UNDERSTOOD

News Items / Re: More programs shutting down
« on: January 04, 2009, 11:49:46 AM »
PV lost the contract with TN DCS/Juvenile Court sometime in late 2007 due to an undisclosed fuck-up by the program.  That's the best I can get from TN DCS.   There have been kids placed at PV who were convicted as adults in other states because the parents were wealthy enough to foot the entire tuition.  When PV was used as a substitute for jail in Andy Klepper's sentence, the judge described PV like it was Gitmo.  In that situation, the familty therapist Jean Bolding refused to deliver a letter from a MD judge demanding Klepper's return.  That's how far PV goes to protect rich, private pay patients.  Klepper couldn't stay at PV because TN state officials were so disgusted with the baseball bat rapist Klepper that they refused to allow him to stay.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Anyone?
« on: January 03, 2009, 06:16:00 PM »
He is a survivor.  Other than that, I don't know yet.  Someone from HEAL did put him in touch with me about PV, though.

Peninsula Village / Re: PV Counselor does a dance!
« on: December 16, 2008, 04:41:30 PM »
Quote from: "stoodoodog"
more nasty comments on You Tube by PV success stories...

raugajht31 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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wow i recognize alot of the staff! shows how people care enough to stick around! screw u ZenAgent! those r great people!

Sounds sweet coming from a cheerleader.  What staff does he remember?  Is he talking about Dominic Hawranke?  DH?  Anyone who picked up a newspaper or watched local news in Charlottesville VA when Hawranke was on trial knows about his murderous homie. He was charged as an adult.  So...tell him to vent on the mass media.

Glad they got rauga off the dope but they neglected his education.

Peninsula Village / Re: PV Censoring Google's "Street View"?
« on: December 13, 2008, 05:17:53 PM »
Isn't that a HIPAA violation?  Wait, that's only when you photograph PV doing something evil and illegal.

I've seen the groups walking about PV in the past and I'll never forget the sad faces on those kids as they marched.  We drove past a group of boys standing in front of the YC getting a lecture from a counselor.  All of the guys stared down or directly at the arrogant looking counselor as we passed, all knew better than to eyeball us.  One young man did make furtive eye contact with us.   It's a tough memory. The young man wasn't idly looking at us, it was obvious there was someone he was hoping to see.
When I first met Act.da I thought he was that young man who risked punishment by looking up in hope of seeing a familiar face.  I've got a good memory, but it's probably wishful thinking - I'd like to think that young man is out and confronting PV like Act.da is doing.

Act, I've got some pictures to send you for your thoughts on what to do with them.  They will piss PV but we might want to photoshop a few individuals out.  You'll see when I send them.  Let me know what you're thoughts are on using them and we''l send them on to Psy.

81 ... _FO_02.doc

...(50) B.A. does participate in one hour per day of group psychotherapy, conducted by the two program directors who live with his group.  The group psychotherapy consists of discussing the events of the day and engaging in problem-solving discussions. However, the program directors are not psychologists, although some have degrees in activity therapy or specialized training in recovery counseling.  Dr. Pennewell meets with these counselors twice weekly to review and provide oversight.  There is also a group therapy session every other week with Dr. Pennewell or Dr. Greg Gass, a certified child psychologist.  Pennewell Testimony

 (52) Dr. Pennewell noted that B.A. still has “apex” storms where he loses control and engages in violent behavior, and that he had such an episode on May 10 which required physical restraint.  Other than that episode, however, which Dr. Pennewell characterized as a “setback,” there had been a good deal of improvement in B.A.’s  social skills  and in his ability to contain himself.  She credited B.A.’s success at Peninsula Village to its structure, isolation, staff-student ratio, staff with a therapeutic and clinical understanding of the issues causing B.A.’s problems, and medication.  Nevertheless, in Dr. Pennewell’s opinion, although much improved, B.A. would not be ready to be discharged in mid-June, as he had just had an episode requiring physical restraint, demonstrating that he was still having problems with rigid thinking and anger management, and he had recently had a medication adjustment, the efficacy of  which was as yet unknown.  She anticipated that by the end of summer 20023, he would have progressed sufficiently to be discharged from Peninsula Village.

 (68) On May 10, 2002, B.A. engaged in physically violent and aggressive behavior requiring physical restraint.  B.A. remains at Peninsula Village at the time of writing this order.

Quote from: "iamartsy"

Oh, no..."collusion" is one of PV's favorite words.  They even accuse parents of "collusion" via telepathy.  Change collusion to conspiracy and PV sounds like a bunch of tin hat-wearing paranoids.

"Conspiracy" in the name could play on programs' paranoia.

Peninsula Village / An Attempt to Hide Pegler's Misrepresentation?
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:29:20 PM »
PV's addy has changed to:

If you run that on the Wayback Machine, you'll find PV's history starting Sept. 25, 2006.  Run and the archive goes back to 1999.  What's the difference between the Sept. 25, 2006 cache and the previous cache on Aug. 20, 2006?  

Pegler's credentials.

Sept. 25, 2006:

Bob Pegler, CAS
Community Relations and Recovery Services Manager

# Certified Addiction Specialist
# Certified ROPES Facilitator

As Community Relations and Recovery Services Manager, Bob is responsible for the management of the Peninsula Village Chemical Dependency Recovery Program, Family Support Groups, Activity Therapy, and all Alumni and Community Relations projects. Bob also oversees the Admissions Department. Bob facilitates weekly recovery groups and chemical dependency education groups with the outdoor cabin groups as well as the Admission and Assessment Units. Bob is one of the founding staff members at the Village and is a member of the Village Leadership Team.

August 20, 2006:

Program Manager, Residential Services

# Certified Addiction Specialist
# Certified ROPES Facilitator

Professional Affiliations/Licensure:
# American Psychological Association & Appalachian Psychoanalytic Association
# Licensed Psychologist/Health Service Provider, Tennessee

As Program Manager, Bob is responsible for The Boys and Girls Cabin Program, as well as Activity Therapy Services. He has a background working with adolescents in treatment settings for over 20 years. He was one of the founding staff at Peninsula Village in 1986. He has a background as an Activity Therapist, and has specialized in Addiction Therapy since 1984, when he helped in creating the Youth Chemical Dependency Unit at Peninsula Hospital. He lives with his family in Knoxville, and has two adolescents of his own.

On Staff at Peninsula Village Since: 2004

The vanishing degree again.  He was listed on PV's website as a licensed psychologist and health service provider for two years.  He is not and never has been licensed in the state of TN for anything, not even addiction treatment.   Pegler does not have a degree in Psychology.  PV is trying to sweep their fraudulent past under the rug.

Peninsula Village / One More Gone
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:08:16 PM »
Kim West, longtime PV Intake Services Coordinator, is no longer employed by the program.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Fag-fixing and the Moral Majority
« on: December 07, 2008, 11:11:19 AM »
Quote from: "Gue$t"
If it isn't drugs, programs are experts at finding things to justify their existence ('internet addiction,' homosexuality, etc.).

In the program you went to (please specify), was being gay considered a problem to be fixed?

Or maybe it was simply tied into your "drug problem"?

PV doesn't offer to "fix" gay kids outright, they offer to resolve their "sexual confusion".  A former patient said the gay kids were always referred to as "sexually confused" despite their protests that there was no confusion about their orientation.

Peninsula Village / Re: PV Documents Released Here!
« on: December 04, 2008, 06:49:42 PM »
Quote from: "act.da"

Behaviors which may cause discharge:


Only one behavior will cause discharge at PV:  non-payment.

Quote from: "hjdfgj"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Maybe theWho was laid-off due to Aspen's downsizing.

Sadly, no. He's got his own (separate) gig, as far as his income is concerned.

Pimping for Aspen is "just" an ideological sideline, one that I am guessing will not financially impact him significantly one way or the other. The actual money comes from the Justice Dept. and "charitable donations." Aspen kicks in freebies and discounts, and TheWho does a bang-up job at marketing for them in return.

how do you know what thewho does?
What does the who do?

I was going to ask more about "that individual", too, but as long as he isn't marketing here I'd rather forget him then know more about him.

Is it a good thing for the programs to die a natural death due to a recession?  They''ll be gone, but without being Exposed (plug) they have nothing to prevent them from re-opening shop when the economy improves.  Programs are downsizing and consolidating which shows they feel the squeeze.  PV is gasping and thrashing like a fish on the bank because the program's $100,000 tuition has caused admissions to flatline like Benchmark's.  The girls STU was empty and may still be.   PV is part of Covenant Health, a medical conglomerate with the resources to help PV survive the storm.  If PV becomes too much of an albatross because of public awareness of the program's abusive treatment, Covenant will no doubt pull the plug.  So how do we create public awareness of PV in a way that embarrasses the shit out of Covenant?  Hmmm....we do have a plan which would require help from Fornits folk who can travel.  It will be in a venue where survivors can protest their own programs and the TTI in general, too.

Peninsula Village / Re: PV Documents Released Here!
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:09:22 PM »
Quote from: "stoodoodog"
Quote from: "act.da"
Program guidelines and expectations for parents:

I never signed any of these papers so I didn't really know what the expectations were.
About six weeks into the program I was called into a workout session with Dr. McLain, the FT, and about twenty other people (staff). The offices in the admin building are tiny and that dude sliced like a hammer for at least an hour, using a lot of program language that I did not understand. I was still uncertain about what was expected of me and as usual drove off the Peninsula in a state of confusion, shock, panic, fear, anger...

"The treatment team may recommend appropriate treatment for parents"?  Not if the parent is straight pay, they wouldn't dare.  They ignore a parent's vices if the cash is there, we saw that firsthand.  God that pisses me off, especially considering the parent I'm thinking of...  PV won't recommend treatment for a parent, we saw them ignore a raging alcoholic's problem even though his child pointed out the boozing as beyond problematic.  Worse, PV will cover-up for and even interfere with state investigations of cash paying parents who've done...ill things.   That's documented, too.  Act.da and I probably unnerved our grandmotherly critic when she asked how we knew certain abuses occurred at PV.  We said PV provided the evidence - it's in the medical records, meticulous documentation of abuses, criminal negligence and refusal to report allegations of abuse to the DCS. I don't know whether they hang themselves in their records out of ignorance or arrogance - probably a mixture of both.

Peninsula Village / Knoxville Mothers of PV Survivors
« on: December 02, 2008, 02:58:51 AM »
A friend in the PTA asked local families of PV survivors to share their experiences and opinions of the program shortly after our daughter was forced into PV.  The PTA member forwarded the responses to my wife.

Tell the mom and dad that I confirm the food issue, letting them eat so they are happy and quite.
Big part of the weight gain with xxxx and other people I know are the meds. Whether you eat or not. xxxx gained 100 lbs in 9 months, after he was already out of peninsula, he ate very little during that time.

The best to help the kid is for mom and dad to stick together, for other adults and teenagers to befriend the girl in a real way. To love her unconditionally and to find and emphasize the
strengths and good points she has instead of emphasizing the weak points. Help the girl financially if needed to do the things she likes so that she can be equal with others, that she can feel EQUal with others her age.

The love of others other than the mother has helped _____ receive genuine praise from others for his good traits. Yes, there are good traits in these kids, that cannot come to the surface when you are financially not well off like others and don't have the friends because you don't have the money to do the things other kids do.  Teachers and Adults have to show by example to that they respect and value the kid that acts weird in the same way as any other kids. Anything that lets kids treat other kids with disrespect should have severe consequences. Peninsula cannot do the job what society needs to do, they can only put a band aid on it making things worse.
It is not just Peninsula, it is the hospital place in Oak Ridge and elsewhere the same.

got to go,
maybe some time more,

I do remember that my child had to sit with other teenagers where they were sharing their stories, which was more destructive, than helpful to him. Also, one kid telling how you can kill yourself with the chicken bones you are eating there. Whatever your child tells you I would take very serious.  Not knowing if the parents get along or not, I pledge that for the kids sake work this issue out together and chances are your kid will improve just for the fact that you act together on her behalf. The parents don't have to like each other just show the kid that she MATTERS over your own disputes.

Staff at any hospital is more likely to use it for their own benefits when they realize that there is tension between the parents. But even with good intentions it makes it harder for the staff, too.
You have to consider also that a place like Peninsula is there to make profit and usually they keep somebody as long as the insurance pays. After that the kid can go whether it is healthy or not.

All, I can say not peninsula nor other places have helped my child. They overmedicated my child to the point to be a vegetable by sleeping 20 hours a day but NOT changing any of the behaviours.

told my 16 year old yesterday about the girl at Peninsula. Her response was (I had not made any comments to her) if the girl has a medical problem then maybe they can help her but chances are high that she needs more than anything good friends her age to feel good about herself and to feel accepted.
My daughter remembered about her sibling being at Peninsula a few years ago that he did not feel very safe there because of a roommate who tried to stab him with some object.
My other son added that _____ told about how the kid always talked about drugs and how you can kill yourself with batteries. In my opinion nothing was done other than babysitting with the help of meds. Not saying that docs or nurses did not try. But in our situation was nothing achieved or improved. The same counts for another hospital as well as some kids place in Kingston where the kids were rewarded with candy and food.

best wishes to the girl and her family who needs all the love they can get best wishes to the girl and her family who needs all the love they can get.

Three Springs / Re: My Time at three springs paint rock valley boys
« on: December 01, 2008, 12:16:43 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
It makes me happy to know that despite Three Springs, and the hell they endured, those wonderful young men have grown up to be better a better sort of man than I ever have or will be.

You never became desensitized to the violence, though.  The program's purple KoolAid wasn't working on you but you were stuck there kinda like the kids and it wore you down.  You didn't get restrained, T-boned or suplexed (probably a few of the boys would have liked to put you on the other end of a restraint) but you still knew it was wrong.

When our daughter was in PV and I had posted a link to a counselor's MySpace blog/ad featuring her bondage and rubber gear fetish photography.  She called herself "WifeofHades" and her business was Underworld Images.  Lots of pics of pudgy goth girls tied-up, restrained, forced to submit,etc., right next to her postings about her job at PV.  When the PV staff started posting strange defenses of their colleague you posted a message cautioning the PV staff not to take it out on our daughter.  Staff at Three Springs had taken their frustrations with parents out on their kids - "tighten his/her ass up so they can't sit for a week".  That scared the shit out of me - I was naive and didn't think "pros" like the PV staff would do something that unethical and sick.  You were dead-on.  We found out how professional the PV staff were - High School dropouts, local Blount County rednecks...the PV staffers defending WifeofHades did more damage than good - they let slip that the self-proclaimed "expert" W.o.H. had spent four years in a community college and left with fuck all wrapped in nothing.
After our daughter was out of PV, W.o.H. wrote a blog describing details of our kid's treatment at PV including her restraint (which W.o.H. was present at according to the records) and taking shots at our whole family and even Fornits.  I sent a C+P and link to PV's administrator and cc.'d it to HIPAA and JCAHO.  Three days later W.o.H. must have returned to the underworld, because she was gone.

You made apologies to the kids you worked with and made peace.  Ask SettleForNothing about W.o.H.  No mending ever done between them and probably never will be, cause W.o.H. has been brainwashed as much as any kid she's ever wailed on.

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