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Messages - NOT12NOW

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Seed Psychology
« on: October 28, 2005, 10:16:00 AM »
On 2004-10-11 13:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Greg- would you call the Cathloic Church & every other religion a cult? Is everything organized a cult.  

I know my grandmother believed her children would not go to heaven because they left the church.  

I was protected because I was never offered the true church I would go to like Limbo or something.

Cleveland chick 76-77[ This Message was edited by: NOT12NOW on 2005-10-28 07:17 ]

I had graduated by the time you were there and I only went once for my anniversary so you would have never met me.

there were a few of us seed graduates at Hawken, we hung together, spoke seed talk but stayed away from the program.

I don't remember Evan ever speaking with us.  He probably thought we were fucking up.

A split at the end?  An Art camp and a Libbi camp?  I knew nothing of this.  Please do tell!

I have lots of family in Cleveland but I live in Vermont.

Yeah, pretty sure I went to school with him.
he went to Hawken right?  Didn't know him well, he came to the upper school when I was a sophmore, I think.  I am sorry to say my father may have had something to do with his ending up there.  He pushed for a lot of Hawken kids to go in.  Did you Know Bennet B? Jolly, curly haired guy.  I already asked you about Charlie G. who was graduated over the phone the night the seed left.
If your brother doesn't recall me he would probably remember one of my brothers.  My father worked at the school so my family was all over the place; the Brandt's Amy(me),Peter, Aaron.

Lori yeah, brown hair brown eyes.  She had brothers in the program too.

That's too bad about Diane.  She went from three nights to staff when I was there.  She lived on the east side like me so I often rode with her or ran into her while taking the bus to the seed (on my three nights.) She went to a catholic girls school in Cleveland Heights.  Now doubt she had it bad, but I always experienced her as being relatively gentle-- Someone who would talk about herself instead of scrutinizing me.

I don't know if this was a chick thing, maybe guys didn't do it so much, but chicks turned each other in and when we didn't we would subtly threaten to do so.  Little comments like,? Are you wearing a bra today," or "don't you worry that those pants are almost like jeans," were generally ways we threatened each other.  The unstated message was, I am unhappy about something you did or said to me and I may find an infraction to turn you in for.  Sometimes it was just self-preservation.  One time I was planning an outing with two other girls. When one of them suggested we go to a particular park the other insisted it was a druggy park.  That began a panic,which ended in each of us calling the staff to report the others.  Crappy but that's war.

I never worried about that threat with Diane,
Even if she was seedling hook-n-line she seemed determined to lead by example.  She never said or did those sort of catty things the other girls I knew did.  I actually felt able to relax in her company; something I felt with only a couple people in the program.

Sorry to hear she turned rabid when she was staff.  She was only like seventeen when she made staff.

I am amazed that you figured out who the bad kids were.  Really, with the exception of the girl on my front row who ran away once she was back at school (and she ended up in the front row again--didn't want that.) I never saw many bad kids at least not ones that found ways to live around/above the rules.
I remember a graduate named Lori.  She  came in all the time but  almost never raised her hand.  She sat calmly, no manufactured enthusiasm and raised her hand once every couple days.  Sometimes she came into the rap for just like ten minutes and then quietly walked out. I remember wondering why her demeanor wasn?t indicative of druggy slack. Everyone talked about her being very wise and she did seem nice.
During my three nights she was made staff.  

I created the theory that once you graduated you were beyond question, but it was a theory I never tested on myself.  Once I graduated.   I went back to the Seed exactly once.  On my anniversary week, open meeting night.   I didn?t go in early and I cried the entire time I was supposed to speak.  That way I didn?t have to risk saying the wrong thing. Safely weeping and occasionally squeaking out,  ?I am just so thankful.?

I find these old inventories really interesting, thank you for posting them.
I wonder how common the event in this one is. You got told off and then moved forward in quick succession.  I got my big newcomer come down the same week I was sent home.  I just figured I changed a lot in a few day.

I don't think we had home raps in cleveland or if we did I don't remember.  Can someone explain them to me?

The Seed Discussion Forum / Hurricane Wilma
« on: October 24, 2005, 09:04:00 AM »
Stay safe, we'll talk to you after the storm.

ChrisL said  He's a hopeless romantic who doesn't want to change.
IDon't see why you should.  I didn't and got a great guy.  Baggage is baggage we don't have more than most people, were all fucked up, we just need to know whats in ours.  I think assessing wether people deserve to know your life is the way to go.  It's ok to keep somethings for yourself.

I started wondering if part of the reason we over disclose in stressful situations, like dates.  Is that we learned to seduce the staff by dumping, that's what they encouraged.  It was a way to make people like us, it kept us safe.

I really get the judgement stuff I hadn't thought of it but I am definately  hard on people.  I used to sort of fire all my friends every once and a while---to make a fresh start--try to make friendships I thought would be better for me.

Cleveland chick 76-77

Greg said, "Hehe....go right ahead. We all know young men have a hair trigger sexually, no sense of style or knowledge of women, and to top it off displaced anger issues."

Those aren't the benefits I was thinking of.

Greg said "BTW, my girlfriend moved in with me on Wednsday. Flew back with me from Colombia,"

Mail order bride?

The Seed Discussion Forum / scared straight in miami
« on: October 24, 2005, 08:31:00 AM »
Welcome.  It gets easier :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:  :smile:

When did this become the Woody Allen whine site?

Why are a string of posters now writing about how we are so much more versed in dealing with our feelings then people who haven?t shared our experiences?  Isn't that a little vain?  You can't assume someone isn't in touch with their own emotions simply because they don't want to hear about yours, or don't want to hear about yours on the first date.

We began by talking about tell all compulsions--compulsions don't indicate self knowledge any more than bleeding all over someone does.  

When I was young and naive I thought men who exposed all, right away, were deep and complex along with their cousins the, tell nothing, mystery men but I learned to see these behaviors as warning signs.  Signs of relationships I should avoid.  Not because I am deluged with baggage but because I am fucking smart.  In relationships I looked for men who were strait with me, turn me on, were fun and have the patience to let a relationship develop (all traits my partner has in spades.)  A ?toss,  that was easy anyone who turned me on was fair game for that.?

It?s no big secret relationships need oxygen to ignite.  Don?t blame women and their baggage.  Blame god/evolution whatever but give us a break.  

Please guys stop with the senior section bit.  It?s insulting to us divas, of all ages and you don?t want to upset a full-grown goddess do you?  I?ll say this, and if you guys quit it, I?ll say no more.  I am a better partner at forty they I was at thirty.  I am emotionally more flexible, have less preconceive notions about men and relationships, oh and one last thing my sexual skills, power, and enjoyment are something to behold.  

Oh and if you don?t quit you will force me to start a ?benefits of younger men? thread just for revenge.  I am serious this gun is loaded.

A little hint, by the way, younger woman aren?t without baggage they are just less likely to know what?s in it.

The Seed Discussion Forum / were you a virgin
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:51:00 PM »

The Seed Discussion Forum / were you a virgin
« on: October 21, 2005, 12:20:00 PM »
Didn't know there were too.  I memories were of Suzy C.

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