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Messages - Robin Martin

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The Seed Discussion Forum / graduate status
« on: October 30, 2004, 03:00:00 AM »
Actually, I remember quite well seeing "auras" around people after staying clean for an amount of time.  I also experienced a kind of "Clairvoyancey" which I had no control over and freaked out my friends at the time.  I credit this extrodinary sensitivity to having a clean body and mind and rising to another plateau of spirituality.  I remember being at a "Seed party" totally clean, and being able to 'hear' all conversations in the room. Of course, it was telepathically relayed to me and was very strange.  I didn't know how to handled it so I just shared the experience w/ my very good friends.  I was able to quote extraneous conversations verbatim.  This was not always a pleasant experience when I heard someone speaking of me in a negative sense but there wasn't much I could do about it because I had no control and never learned HOW to control it.  But, the gift (?) lasted about 3 mos. and seemed to disapate as quickly as it manifested.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Physical Symptoms
« on: October 30, 2004, 12:43:00 AM »
Yes, Anonymous - I agree w/ your comments.  There is not only "black & white" but, apparently many 'shades of gray'.  I really enjoy all the discussions and perceptions of all involved in this formum and appreciate the openness of this forum.  Thanks for making me remember as I will NEVER forget...

The Seed Discussion Forum / Anniversaries
« on: October 28, 2004, 11:28:00 PM »
Martin was the last name I went by during the Seed years...

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker The Actor
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:51:00 AM »
OK - does anyone remember Doc Severnson (of the Johnny Carson-Tonight Show band) coming in one night for a PR stint?  Unfortunately, didn't play his brass but got up and spoke about his support for the program.  And what about the donation of Jackie Gleason's Limo which was supposed to be auctioned off for donations but apparently utilized by Art for his 'getarounds'.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Anniversaries
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:36:00 AM »
Hey rjfro22, I live in Long Beach, CA. Have lived in CA since 1975.  Have visited Clearwater, FL a few times since moving but not for a long time now. Yes, I was desperate also and condsidered the Seed my "last chance" at survival...not by their observations but mine alone.  Where do you live?  Email me privately if you want.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Physical Symptoms
« on: October 27, 2004, 11:39:00 PM »
Actually, I strayed from what I was going to respond to...Physical Symptoms.  

I went through such withdrawals (not from any particular drug) but from my f***** up lifestyle AND drug use that I relate the experience to that of "A Clockwork Orange"  

Don't know how many of you saw that movie, but it's very similar to what I felt I experienced(brainwashing - so be it)  Anyway, it was a very powerful movie experience which seemed to parallel my recovery program w/ the Seed.  

I would get physically ill if I smelled Pot which was VERY strange for me.  I would pass by my old hangouts and get nauseous.  Very strange, indeed but it didn't matter because it worked for ME.  I know of several people that refused to let go of their past, for whatever reason, and believe they probably suffer today.  My life is good - not perfect my any means, but good!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Physical Symptoms
« on: October 27, 2004, 11:25:00 PM »
rjfro22,  I couldn't agree more w/ what you are saying. My experiences have been very similar to yours.  I've had my slips but continue to go back to the basic teachings of the Seed - warts and all!! As in all things in life, there is a Yin and Yang.  I've never regretted my choice to "enlist" in the program.  Well, maybe for the first week - but after that, I knew I had a long road ahead of me.  I, too, hitch-hiked all over, shot drugs i.e., EVERYTHING which could go into my veins.  Wasn't interested in smoking, snorting, dropping, etc., just wanted to shoot it.  I had been doing needles since I was barely 16 and asked to be put in the Seed a month shy of my 18th birthday.  What a blessing for me!! Yes, it was boot camp to the extreme, but I NEVER would have "gotten it" if it hadn't been as "tough" as it was.  I had seen "family counselers" and could TOTALLY manipulate them as I saw fit.  It seemed they placed all the blame on my alcoholic dad and mom inflicted w/ depression. (which I must say, she overcame after I got it together via the Seed) Yes, you CANNOT bullshit a bullshitter.  That was part of the magic of the Seed.  I have an adult son and many friends w/ children and they do not like to confront me becaue they KNOW that I KNOW what's going on.  It's a trip to see someone in their teens trying to get over on me.  Incidently, my son is awesome and never got into the trouble I did.  He is as good as I was rotten and I'm truly blessed.  I too live in CA - moved out here after graduating from the Seed;  married a good man (also in the Seed) and had a wonderful son.  It sounds like you're one of the few that "got it" and I wish you the best.  Please feel free to e/m me if you'd like!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Anniversaries
« on: October 27, 2004, 10:12:00 PM »
Yep - 31 years next month and I have NEVER regretted making the decision to join the Seed

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 27, 2004, 01:22:00 AM »
Understood... thanks for the chats - signing off for this day.  

I bid you peace../

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 27, 2004, 12:12:00 AM »
OK - bottom line...Are you where you need to be?

Anyone out you feel "you've arrived" or are you still searching?

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 27, 2004, 12:10:00 AM »
GREAT!! I believe in "whatever it takes".  I have to add though, my MOM was INSTRUMENTAL in helping me get in.  She eventually became my best friend and I lost her in '80.  She volunteered for the sandwich making the taxi driving...all while working a full time job.  Anyway, too personal but I'm glad you got it together!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 26, 2004, 11:23:00 PM »
Thanks for the congrats! I had a lot of help.

Well - first, one has to WANT to change, right?
which I so desperately did.

Second, I think most of us had some form of 'demon' and made a choice OR NOT to get to the core and get to work on the changes.

Third, is to realize if "you're going through hell, keep on going" -Winston Churchill

...and I did!!!

I give the Seed credit in providing me the tools in which to take command of my life.  It's very sad to hear someone has gone back to an old lifestyle or is in constant struggle for happiness - never feeling worthy of the grace  to be alive.  Due to many trials in my life, there were times after graduation that I too, considered suicide, but alas, I'm chicken.

It sounds so cliche, but I never believe there is anyone to blame but ourselves for our choices and behaviors.
Yes - I look in the mirror every day and give thanks for another day above ground.

The Seed Discussion Forum / THE SEED SUCKS
« on: October 26, 2004, 10:57:00 PM »
Nope - never wanted "staff status".  I went in first, my brother Mark came in 2 weeks later.  After graduating, I dated Doug S. who was a staff member for a while and an avid skydiver. He lived w/Bob R (also a staff member)and his brother and a black guy (staff) whom I gave my cat "Sunny" to when I moved to CA.  I lived w/ 4 other girls Mary C, Julie, Renata (sp)in St. Pete and when I moved vowed I would never live w/ another girl as long as I lived LOL!! Many good times!!!

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 26, 2004, 10:06:00 PM »
Thanks!  Sometimes I wonder if I'm alone in my beliefs as to what the Seed REALLY did for me.  Then again, it's not as important as the end result, you know?

To go to Journal of Applied Polymer Science go to and then journal search and put the journal number and year
-- Journal of Applied Polymer Science  Vol. 47, 1984

The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker & the Beginning of the SEED
« on: October 26, 2004, 10:04:00 PM »
Thanks Greg for correcting me in regards to the building being provided "rent free" for the 1st year - you are correct.  1973??  I could have sworn it was '71 but then again, I was so f***** up.  I never thought I would forgot my intake date!!  Actually, Susie did my intake and "boldface lied to me telling me if I didn't like it after two days I could sign myself out". Yeah, right - best lie I've ever been told!!  Yes, I was shooting drugs and never have after the day I entered.  I really don't care what they did or how they did it but for a hardcore chickie, it worked and made my life a lot clearer and gave me access to a whole new world which I will be forever grateful.  Sorry for  using full names - understand!  Thanks for the response!

Marijuana clearly has medicinal value.
 Thousands of seriously ill Americans have
 been able to determine that for themselves,
 albeit illegally. Like my own family, these
 individuals did not wish to break the law but
 they had no choice.

--Lyn Nofziger, former deputy chairman of the Republican National Committee

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