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Tacitus' Realm / Re: Deep Throat has a new name -
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:25:34 PM » ... president/

What is he? (Obama)

 President Obama is…well now I guess that’s just it, isn’t it? We don’t know.  He is so incompetent…so wrapped up in this image that was created around him, and now so over his head…Obama is dangerous.  Dangerous to America. Dangerous to the world.  Dangerous to our futures.  He is not running this show.  Maybe that’s for the better – who knows?  Maybe he is so incapable that if he really was in charge it might be even worse?

 I tell you what – if you don’t mind my suggestion here.  Let me just talk for a bit.  Let me just let some things out.  I might ramble a bit, but if you’re ok with that – we can clean it up later…just let me talk.  All due respect for your wanting to ask certain questions, but…at this point I want to say some things in my own way if you don’t mind.  You ok with that?
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 Absolutely.  Proceed.

 (Long pause – then laughs)  Ah…looks like I don’t quite know how to start.  My own idea and I haven’t a clue where to begin.

 Maybe tell me when you first started to realize something was wrong with Obama.  When you realized electing him was a mistake.  We covered some of that already before, but now you can just talk about it.  I won’t interrupt – you just say what you want to say and go from there.

 (Hands cover face, followed by a deep sigh)  Yeah…I guess that would work.  Remember when I told you about the First Lady’s racist comment?  The redneck thing?  Yeah – you do. Ok…I thought about quitting the campaign then.  That episode really…it really – I was pissed over it.  But then I ignored it.  Buried it away.  Now why did I do that? What she said, her attitude, was so disrespectful to that man, to his family – why did I just decide to ignore it and move on with the campaign?  I’ve asked myself that many times.  I was weak. I was…I wanted so bad to be a part of a winning campaign again.  And I had already been told I would have a chance to get back inside the White House – if just a little bit.  I hadn’t done that for some time and I missed it.  I know some of your readers, maybe even you do too…think of me as just another Democrat.  Look, I’m proud to say I’m a Democrat.  We have some wonderful, brilliant people in the party.  And I love this country… sorry if that sounds like a stupid cliché.  And yeah, I love politics. I love the action, the give and take, and I guess the power.  I love that too.  Being near that kind of power.  So I let it go.  What the First Lady said – I let it go.  I stayed on because I wanted back in.  I sold out.  I wanted to be a part of something really big, and in 2008, nothing was bigger than the Obama campaign.  Nothing.

 Well, that doesn’t really have anything to do with my realizing Obama was off – that he wasn’t what we thought he was.  But it does give a reference point for my frame of mind. I stayed on, but that situation – the racism, the disrespect I saw by the First Lady, it stayed with me, so that when I did get a chance to go back to the White House during the transitioning, maybe my eyes were a bit more open to the truth than some others around me.  I had already been disappointed you see.  Some doubt had already started to grow about these people.

(Pauses) …So, jump ahead a bit.  I had been in and out of the White House a few times by then, it was very busy.  A ton of people coming and going as is always  the case during the transition.  That is when I started to realize that it didn’t feel like the “Obama White House”.  There was no real…not sure how to really explain this – but there was no real sense of Obama.  Here was this guy who I saw give these incredible speeches.  He looked huge on that stage.  He looked invincible.  He looked like a president.  While in the White House, I never saw him or hardly heard of him for weeks.  He was a ghost.  Anything needed to be cleared, you spoke with people you never heard of before.  Who were these people? Even early on in 2009 Rahm’s position as Chief of Staff was being challenged by Jarrett, with Axelrod trying to keep the peace between the two.  She didn’t trust Rahm immediately – he was of the Clintons, and that was never to be trusted – but keep him close right?  Keep your enemies closer right?  Very Machiavellian – that was Jarrett’s White House even as early as then.  Keep your head down and don’t make a fuss.  And watch your back.  Everyone was uncertain.  The president was absent.  He literally was not there.  Where was he?  Nobody knew – or nobody was saying.  The big decisions – those all went through Jarrett.  All of them.  The First Lady was more visible around the West Wing than the newly elected President of the United States.  It was…odd.

And then, finally, I was to be part of a meeting that Obama was going to attend. We were told he would be stopping by.  I never spoke directly about this to you before – or if I did, we must have edited it out. I don’t recall now.  But finally I was going to be in the room with this man I had helped to elect.  The president arrived about 20 minutes late.  I say that only as a matter of truth to counter the media’s spin that Obama runs a very tight ship – that he is always on time.  At least that is what they were spinning back then.  Not so much anymore.  But back then that was how Obama was being presented by the media to the America people – a guy who was in total control.  Hell, based on what I had seen of him giving those speeches, I fully expected to see that kind of person – that kind of president.

That’s not what I got.

So he showed up late, like I said. He looked good – just like the campaign.  He sat down and said, “Welcome everybody!”  He turned to a person to his right who I did not know at the time, a younger man, and the president smiled and nodded to him.  Then he looked over at Valerie Jarrett, who sat in a chair behind the president – she was sitting against the wall – watching.  I didn’t even realize she was in the room until the president looked over at her.  There was prolonged silence.  The president folded his hands on the desk and smiled again.  Then he unfolded his hands and leaned back in his chair.  More silence.  He looked over again at the man to his right who then gave the president an agenda for the meeting.  Now I know enough about how these things work to know that the president must have been given that agenda long before he stepped into the room.  Every minute of a president’s day is meticulously mapped out beforehand.  So this thing, which might seem like a minor detail to some, set off my alarms.  What was going on here?  Why was the president being handed an agenda that he must have already been given earlier?

So Obama looks down at the paper and then looks back up at all of us.  He smiles again and then gives off this nervous little laugh.  Now the country is pretty familiar with that laugh these days, but it was the first time I had heard it, and it didn’t do anything to alleviate just how odd this meeting was playing out.  The president recognized someone else at the table and asked for them to begin with item two on the agenda.  Do you want to know what item one on the agenda was?  It read:   Greetings and introductions by President of the United States.  Apparently that item one…well, apparently the president thought he had just handled that part and so it was on to item two.  Of course the gentleman he asked to start on item two had no idea what he was to say, and the man to the president’s right stepped in and proceeded to handle that item himself.  The president appeared completely unaware of his mistake, or maybe he just didn’t care.  The mood in the room had gone from excitement at getting to see the president to one of being very uncomfortable.  If President Obama was unable to handle a simple meeting among secondary staff, how in the hell was he going to be able to run the damn country?

Eventually the meeting did get underway with participation from a number of us in that room, but during that time, which was no more than say, fifteen minutes, the president said almost nothing.  He would smile, he would nod, and he would turn to Jarrett to confirm if something that was said was correct, or agreeable.  The only time the president showed any sign of life was when someone made a reference to basketball.  Then he became far more animated – but that only lasted for a brief moment and he returned to his silent nodding and smiling.  Even though the meeting lasted those 15 minutes at the most, it felt much longer simply because it was so –expletive- uncomfortable. After another episode of silence, Jarrett cleared her throat and declared to us that the president was needed elsewhere.  As soon as she said that, Obama shot up from his seat and gave that same weird smile of his that he had on when he first came in,  a brief “thanks for the talk”, and then headed  out the door with Jarrett close behind.  I was looking around the table and saw some people acting as if the president’s behavior was completely normal, but a few others were, like me, clearly unsettled by what we had just seen.  Something was not right with this president.

That is when I started to ask questions.  As quietly as possible, with those few I already knew, and later a few others I grew to know later, I asked questions about what was going on with President Obama, and the answers I got back were…troubling.  That is when I realized we had possibly made a terrible-terrible mistake in electing this man.  That’s also when I learned that the infighting among the staff was so terribly bad, the president’s smoking – his health, was an ongoing concern, and that his interest in the actual job of being president was non-existent and had largely been given over to Valerie Jarrett, though at the time there was a still a struggle for power between her and Rahm.

(Pause)  …This might not fit entirely with our timeline here, maybe I’m jumping off track a bit, but I want to say something about Rahm Emanuel if that is ok with you.  Set the record straight – or at least clarify how your readers view Rahm.  That ok with you?

Sure – like we agreed, you just speak your mind now.  Say what you want.

Ok – thanks.  Good-good.  Well, Rahm…Rahm Emanuel is a classic DC operative at the highest level.  A proven commodity.  The guy is tough, smart, and very-very good at working the system.  And I say that with absolute respect.  Now you gotta understand something here – he was Chief of Staff at the Obama White House.  Now that is a very powerful position, right?  Serious-serious power.  The kind of power Rahm enjoys having.  That’s not saying anything derogatory against him – he enjoys power, and there are few positions in this country more powerful than the one he held at the Obama White House. Problem is, that position had all but been cut off at the knees by Jarrett.  Rahm’s job was reduced almost entirely to acting as a liaison between the White House and Congress.  He quickly became Jarrett’s messenger between Pelosi, Reid, and Jarrett.  Axelrod was in the mix too, but he was secondary.  He was already preparing an exit for himself by that time – most people don’t know that, but that’s what he was doing.  He had come to the realization that Obama was a great candidate but a lousy leader.

Anyways, I guess what I’m getting at here is that what led Rahm to pursue politics back in Chicago had nothing to do with helping Obama out.  Nothing.  It had everything to do  with Rahm wanting out of the Obama administration, and the administration doing everything it could to see him gone.  Jarrett was pushing him out, as was the First Lady, and ultimately, Rahm let them do it.  He no longer wanted to fight for a White House he saw as a growing internal disaster.  “These people are –expletive- clueless.”

So now Rahm has the keys to Chicago, keys that can unlock a lot of things very…uncomfortable to Obama, Jarrett, Michelle – the whole lot of them.  Rahm is no friend to the Obama White House. I want to make that very-very clear to you.   The president all but mocked Emanuel as he left.  The Chicago unions fought against Rahm.  A lawyer close to the Obama machine fought against Rahm.  I am certain Organizing for America monies were spent against Rahm in those fights.  The Obama people were and still are, crawling all over Chicago.  They did not want Rahm Emanuel as Mayor of Chicago.  No way in hell did they want that – but that’s what happened now isn’t it?

Rahm Emanuel didn’t go back to Chicago to help protect Barack Obama.  Rahm Emanuel went back to Chicago to have the power to help destroy the whole myth of Barack Obama – or even more importantly, to destroy Valerie Jarrett and her entire collection of kooks that is the Obama White House.  The bodies buried in Chicago…it’s time for somebody to start digging them up don’t you think?  Who better to do that than Rahm Emanuel…

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Tacitus' Realm / Re: Deep Throat has a new name -
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:03:05 PM »
Home » Politics » World Politics » White House Insider: Clintons, Scandals, and the Birth Certificate..
White House Insider: Clintons, Scandals, and the Birth Certificate..
Published by Ulsterman on November 9, 2010 in World Politics
Tags: democrats, government, news, Obama, Politics, republicans, White house
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Part two of our latest White House Insider series.

Do you mind if we switch gears just a bit?  With the short time we have left I want to throw a bunch of questions at you.  Is that ok?  Sure – fire away kid.  No promise I’ll give you an answer though.

Ok – so you still think Hillary Clinton is thinking of running for President in 2012?  Yes.

What will be the biggest factor in her final decision?  The economy.  If it does not improve she is in. She will run.

How long before that decision is made by her?  By spring – a few more months or so.  But she won’t be the first to jump in against Obama.  Word is there will be a break the ice candidate.
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Break the ice candidate? What is that?  Someone will step in to challenge Obama – break the ice.  That will allow Hillary to come in after and not be the party crasher so to speak.  The first candidate comes in and creates the chaos – she follows after to calm it all down and play up her experience.  She is saving the party and saving the country.  If Hillary gets into the race for president, some version of that process is how it will go down.

You know this?  How?  There is no real “know” in politics.  Things are changing – but Hillary wants in.  She wants to be president.  So, now they just have to wait and plan for the right opportunity.  That opportunity may come, and it may not.  They are looking at deciding by spring though, that much I do know.  For instance, if the scandal breaks – that would give her a prime opportunity to step in now wouldn’t it?

Yes, I guess it would.  If Hillary Clinton were to seek the presidency, would you support her?  Absolutely – I have said that to you already.  Yes, I would absolutely support her.  And I would gladly be a part of her campaign.  Hey Hillary – call me!  (laughs)

How about the new Republican Congress?  Do you think they will get those Bush tax cuts extended?  Probably.  The Democrats are trying to exclude the top bracket cuts.  Make the issue about the Republicans wanting to protect the rich.  That’s from a very old playbook, right?  The Republicans are aware of that trap, and will work to give a blanket extension for all tax payers. In the end you will see the lower brackets given the permanent extension and the upper brackets given a temporary extension – say two years.

Why two years?  Because that will work in the Democrats’ favor for 2012.  They will be able to once again say how the Republicans want to give tax cuts to the rich.  It’s a simple trap – but the Republicans are stupid enough to fall for it.  Just watch.  50/50 they actually fall for it.  Boehner…he’s not all that bright you know.

Even with Democrats like yourself being so open about it?  The “trap” that is?  Sure.  This little blog of yours won’t make one difference on that.  The media is already trying to set it up for Democrats. The messaging is already initiated.  Look for the Republicans to make the same mistake the Democrats did after 2008 – thinking the American people are on their side.  No – the American people despise both parties.  Well, now that Republicans won back the House in 2010, they can once again be painted as the party for the rich, for the bankers, for big business, etc.  With a Republican Speaker, it will make that task much easier for us.  Losing the House has made me far more hopeful that Democrats can do well – or at least much better,  in 2012.  There will be a lot of bumps along the way, but our chances have greatly improved.

You sound a lot more positive than you were before.  What happened to all the crisis in the Democratic Party talk?  Oh, the party is still in crisis, and there is going to be much more to come…what’s that saying?  First comes denial, then anger, and finally acceptance.  Maybe I’m at the acceptance stage now.  People in the party are talking, things are forming, I see a new and stronger direction for 2012 and beyond.  Unless of course, Nancy Pelosi somehow manages to keep her leadership role within the party.  That would be…incredibly stupid of us.  But you never know what Democrats are capable of right?  If Pelosi retains her position, there will be more staff leaving the White House because that will signal the party has truly lost its political compass and the White House will have been proven powerless in correcting it.  Nobody wants to work for a loser.  The poor bastards who were around for Carter – it took them years to recover their careers, and some never really did.

How likely is it she keeps her role as Democrat leader in the House?  She is out. I just cannot see it happening – her being allowed to be minority leader.  No way.  Yeah, it could happen – it’s possible, but very unlikely.  And if it does happen…well, you can throw all of my hope for 2012 out the window.  Pelosi is too mixed up in what is coming at us in the coming months.

The White House scandal?  Yes, that, and the ethics investigations of Rangel and Waters, and likely some others.  The Republicans will drag those out for optimal impact.  We know that – we’ve accepted that.  Having Pelosi out in front as the face of the party during this time would be a horrible decision.

Specifically on the White House scandal again – I was told a report was coming soon.  Something from a mainstream media outlet.  Have you heard something similar?  Where did you hear that?  Your newspaper days coming back to you now?

Just something I heard – reliably.  Have you heard anything similar?  (pause) Yes.  Many people have. This thing is percolating just under the surface right now.  Sooner – not later, the pot is gonna start boiling.  Yeah, someone is about to test the waters with this thing.  I’ve heard that.  Then again, I’ve heard that for a while now, so who knows, huh?  I’d watch yourself though – told you that before.  Be very careful who you are talking to on this.  These people don’t play nice.

But nothing more specific?  A name?  No-no-no.  Not going there – not yet. I don’t have the protection.  Read the Times.  Somebody there has sniffed it out.  And a guy over at the Post.  If the Post starts to get on it, the Times will probably go ahead and break it open, loyalty to the White House be damned.  I told you before, parts of the story have already been given out publicly here and there.  One part will lead to another and then another.  It’s underway right now.  Every week a little bit more shows itself.

You really like this cloak and dagger stuff don’t you?  (laughs)  Yeah, I suppose I do.  But I also take it seriously, and you should too.  Your blog thing is reaching the eyes and ears of some people very high up, and it’s driving them absolutely nuts.

Ok, I gotta ask this.  And I don’t mean any disrespect to you but so many of my readers bring this up and some of them make pretty credible arguments on the subject that I’ve wanted to ask you about it for awhile…(leans forward) You got my attention – what’s the question?

The birth certificate issue…is it…is there some validity to… (eyebrows raise up) You’re going to ask me a Birther question!  (laughs)  I’m not laughing at the question, I’m laughing at how uncomfortable you are in trying to ask it!

Well, it does seem to go right into full on conspiracy stuff which I don’t like to pay much attention to.  Hey, almost every great government scandal began as a silly conspiracy right?  It’s how one side effectively discredits the other – just call them crazy.  I have done it many times.  Not so much because I enjoy it but because it works.

So…any truth to the birth certificate thing?  Hell if I know – and I’m not sure I want to know.  Do you realize the mess that would create if it was true?  There would be violence of the kind this country has not seen in our lifetimes – or at least your lifetime.  I forget sometimes how old I really am.

C’mon, you’re dancing around it.  Is there any credibility to it?  (leans back, folds arms across chest)  Look, I will say this- people seem to have spent a considerable amount of time and money keeping others from finding out.  I don’t know why more than to say this president has been very protective of almost everything in his past.  From college transcripts to medical records to writings…he’s clearly very concerned with his privacy.  I don’t necessarily fault him for that, but it does make you wonder – I understand that.  If you are asking me if Obama is an American I say yes.  I have no doubt about that.  If you are asking me if Obama was born in America…

That’s exactly what I am asking you.  Yeah…that one is a little tougher to say.  I sure as hell hope so, because if he wasn’t, and somebody is able to prove it – holy hell we got problems.

You really think President Obama might not have been born in America?  Whoa – don’t take it that far, ok?  I’m not comfortable with you putting it quite like that.  It’s not so much I don’t think he was born in America, it’s more that I am open to the possibility of that.  Or I’m at least sympathetic to people who wonder about it themselves.  But I don’t want to go there – it’s irrelevant to me.  It’s too dangerous to consider.  And it’s Obama’s own fault.  He has covered up his past.  Beyond his books, which frankly from what I have seen of him firsthand I don’t think he wrote entirely himself, there really is very little we know about the guy.  The one most responsible for all of these conspiracy stories is Barack Obama.  When you have White House staff – people who were involved in the day to day decisions coming out of the West Wing saying they have no clue who Obama really is, that shows an environment that is going to create a lot of this conspiracy stuff surrounding the president.  And how about I ask you what you believe?  Do you think Obama wasn’t born in America?

I’m not sure.  I used to ignore that talk.  Now I’m not sure.  Like you said, there has been so much cover up of his past.  Why?  And you seem to have the same kind of doubts I do.  Hmmm…I wouldn’t go quite that far.  I think you want to believe in that Birther stuff.  I don’t.  I hope to God it’s not true.  You on the other hand…

Now you’re putting words in my mouth.  I don’t want it to be true either, I am just starting to wonder if…well, it appears there is smoke and maybe there’s fire.   Fair enough.  I can understand that.

So I take it this White House scandal you’ve been talking about has nothing to do with the birth certificate issue?  No – not to my knowledge, no.  Good lord, no.  Don’t tie me up to that subject matter!  And we gotta wrap this one up, ok?

Nervous?  No – just in a hurry.  We can pick this up again when I have more to tell you.

One last question.  Make it quick please.

Who is the next to leave the White House?  You correctly predicted Summers and Emanuel before anyone else. Can you give me another prediction on who the next administration figure who is on the way out?  Sure – but there is going to be a whole rash of departures coming up you know.  Top to bottom.

Can you give me a big name – somebody important who is leaving?  You testing me?

Maybe – just seeing if you are still getting good information.  Oh – I see.  I’m only as good as my last success, is that it?

Sure – something like that.  Gibbs.

Gibbs?  Yeah – the fat -expletive- Gibbs is gone.  And good riddance.

Read more: ... z1IhUgs4o9

Tacitus' Realm / Deep Throat has a new name -
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:52:14 PM »


You used Watergate as an example.  Do you really think Obama could be facing a Watergate type scandal?  I mean, something that big?  Yes I do.  I hope not.  That is what is going on right now – I’m trying to explain that part of it to you but maybe I’m not doing a good enough job of it.  There are those in the party – the Democratic Party, who are right now actively preparing for that possible outcome and taking protective measures to protect the party.  Let Obama go down for it – but save the party.  President Obama in turn – at least those around him who are capable enough still to function in that way, are trying to keep the party entangled in the mess, to motivate them to continue protecting the White House.  THAT is what is going on right now.  And the stakes are very high – the repercussions very serious.  That is why I keep telling you to fully appreciate the dangers here.  This stuff is no joke.  That is why I came to you.  If this goes bad, and it could just like that, I can pull the plug.  And make no mistake – I will.

Read more: ... z1IhPQKneH

I recall hearing a discussion on terrorist where they said it takes about 10 years from first conception of a large event to the event taking place.  Guess who was visiting Pakistan in the mid-eighties - Who has ties to terrorist organizations and persons - And who has an enduring love affair going with the Media. . .

Just saying.

You were indoctrinated into a cult.  Your very lucky that you retained enough ability to think critically / rationally that you came out of it quickly. Many loose years to such cults. Many loose their families and friends and home and their mental health. Your friend who talked you into this Discovery Seminar - did they have a kid in a "Teen Help" program?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Miraculous Image of JPMorgan Appears on Tortillas
« on: April 02, 2011, 04:25:21 PM »

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Miraculous Image of JPMorgan Appears on Tortillas
« on: April 01, 2011, 12:46:25 PM »

Tacitus' Realm / Re: SEIU Official Reveals Plan To Destroy JP Morgan
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:56:17 AM »
You've made a number of valid points and none I am willing to argue against. But lets take a closer look at this one:

Unions... while I agree that often workers need protection from management, it is more often that management needs protection from workers these days.

I think each needs protection from the narcissism and greed of the other - so - how can the people effected most by an imbalance of power either way best maintain an equilibrium that would benefit all?  Many people who want a reasonably strong union to protect them from being worked to death or starved often do not support what their union is doing politically or even in the negotiation room at times. How best to reform large unions to give the members more direct input into union policies?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: SEIU Official Reveals Plan To Destroy JP Morgan
« on: March 30, 2011, 07:36:12 PM »
Setting aside for the moment that incompetent, senile, and bat-shit crazy teachers can not be removed from the classroom in either the universities or high schools -  Or that *some* large labor unions are organizing actions to intimidate and disrupt the democratic process - How do you envision the results of breaking the banks? What assumptions do you think are probable if indeed "Atlas Shrugs"?

Fro - I have only had time to glance over the link you provided but it looks interesting. When I am feeling a little better I will make a point of looking at at least some chapters closely :)

Tacitus' Realm / Re: SEIU Official Reveals Plan To Destroy JP Morgan
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:18:55 PM »
Actually - I largely agree with you. Even so, I think the people in general are going to loose a great deal more and it seems that some large unions are involved with how it plays out.  The role some of the unions are playing lately disturbs me. And yet, your right that unions are vital if working people don't want to become little more than slave labor. Anyone whose ever worked in a non-union shop knows how bad it can be. And yet - here lately - devistation seems to be what they are working hardest to bring about - b/c if they do destroy the economy - however they do it - they will be making their members far more sub-servant to whom-ever can offer them anything to eat. It reminds me to much of a certain nation in a certain time that people always bring up when wanting to accuse someone else of being power hungry.  

We're a union family. I have argued as hard against "right to work" as I have any number of other issues. I am uncomfortable being on the opposite side of politics from the union leaders - tho I am by no means alone. Still, as I have said else-where - this anti-union crap  - as a general policy - will not fly with me and if they keep it up they'll loose my vote.

And Yet - the kind of thing found in this sound clip is alarming and depressing and I can not support what the SEIU are plotting or apparently why. Nor can I support a union that will engage in voter intimidation and fraud.

Sometimes it really seems that there are no good guys - just bad ones and worse ones and whose who stays in a constant flux.

I'm not manipulating, I am asking: What do you think they are up to, and why?  You think this is OK b/c they're a union? Or b/c you approve of crashing the US economy to redistribute the wealth?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: SEIU Official Reveals Plan To Destroy JP Morgan
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:42:39 AM »
I did some projective analysis of the conversation - OK - but it isn't disingenuous or false. I think my comments to be a very fair and predicable assessment of what they are talking about doing. JP Morgan is mentioned as a place to start. They Do speak of crashing the economy of the US - which Will crash the world's economy - which Will make earning a living wage impossible for nearly everyone - making nearly everyone very dependent on Someone Else to feed and house them - giving Someone nearly total power over the lives of nearly everyone else - IF they actually manage to pull something like this off.  They say clearly they want to bring down the economy so as to re-distribute the wealth (and power?) Do you think they really intend to put any wealth in anyone's pocket but their own?

Why do you think they were having such a conversation? Serious question - Why? What in your opinion are they hoping to accomplish?

Tacitus' Realm / Random thoughts on the passing scene
« on: March 25, 2011, 03:57:50 PM »
March 25, 2011
Obama Adminstration Is Following the 'Detroit Pattern'
By Thomas Sowell

Random thoughts on the passing scene:

They say that records are made to be broken. President George W. Bush set a record by adding $3.2 trillion to the national debt over the course of his eight years in office. But Barack Obama has already beaten that record with $4.4 trillion in just his first three years in office.

People who thoughtlessly give money to panhandlers on the street seem not to realize that this is making installment payments on the degeneration of America.

Don't mention "municipal golf courses" to me. It sends my blood pressure up through the roof. What earthly excuse is there for spending the taxpayers' money subsidizing a golf course? Politicians can't even invoke "the poor," as they do when trying to justify other government boondoggles.

The vocabulary of the political left is fascinating. For example, it is considered to be "materialistic" and "greedy" to want to keep what you have earned. But it is "idealistic" to want to take away what someone else has earned and spend it for your own political benefit or to feel good about yourself.

Lou Gehrig was probably the greatest clutch hitter of all time. Although his career was cut short by the disease that bears his name, in 7 of his 14 full seasons he had over 150 runs batted in. (Babe Ruth was second with 5 seasons.) And Gehrig still holds the career record for home runs with the bases loaded.

Economists are often asked to predict what the economy is going to do. But economic predictions require predicting what politicians are going to do-- and nothing is more unpredictable.

An e-mail from a perceptive reader points out that, although Congressional "earmarks" represent a very small part of federal spending, they can be used as bribes to buy the votes of members of Congress on bills involving the spending of vastly larger sums of the taxpayers' money.

When political commentators from the Fox News Channel had books whose sales would normally make the New York Times' non-fiction best-seller list, the New York Times changed the rules for putting books on that list. Thus best-selling political books by Mike Huckabee and Dick Morris appeared last Sunday on a more obscure list of miscellaneous personal advice and how-to books, such as "Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook."

When the Federal Reserve cites statistics to claim that there is not much evidence of inflation, we need to keep in mind that the statistics they rely on exclude food and energy prices. The cost of living is no sweat if you can do without electricity and food.

Even if it could be proved that judges who are making rulings that go counter to the written law produce better results in those particular cases than following the letter of the law would have, that does not make society better off. When laws become unreliable and judges unpredictable, lawsuits become a bonanza for charlatans, who can force honest people to settle out of court, for fear of what some judge might do.

The mainstream media never expressed half the outrage about Mao Zedong as they did about Ronald Reagan. Yet, when it came to killing millions of innocent civilians, even Hitler was an amateur compared to Mao.

The Obama administration seems to be following what might be called "the Detroit pattern"-- increasing taxes, harassing businesses, and pandering to unions. In the short run, it got mayors re-elected. In the long-run, it reduced Detroit from a thriving city to an economic disaster area, whose population was cut in half, as its most productive citizens fled.

Safety advocates who say that we shouldn't take chances, but should ban things that might be unsafe, don't seem to understand that if we banned every food to which somebody had an allergy we could all starve to death.

The vile people who picket the funerals of American soldiers killed in action are far away enough from the mourners not to be heard. It is media attention that magnifies their sick message.

Intolerance may not promote progress but it can promote survival. An intolerant Islamic world may outlast the Western world that seems ready to tolerate anything, including the undermining of its own fundamental values and threats to its continued existence.
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of The Housing Boom and Bust.
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In 2003, PANI raided the Dundee Ranch facility after a U.S. woman living in Costa Rica, Susan Flowers, reported to PANI that her daughter was being held against her will at the academy. The raid resulted in a student riot and 35 teens escaped from the site (TT, May 23, 2003).

Allow me to take a moment to pay homage to Su Flowers - who was one of the most interesting and determined women I ever had the pleasure to know. She did amazing *crazy* things simply by not worrying what anyone else thought and deserves full credit for getting Dundee Ranch investigated. I wish I had trusted her and helped her a lot more than I did.

Tacitus' Realm / SEIU Official Reveals Plan To Destroy JP Morgan
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:04:03 PM »
UNCUT TAPE: Former SEIU Official Reveals Secret Plan To Destroy JP Morgan

So, what about an organization plotting to bring down the worlds economy? Why would a labor union want to destroy the ability of it's members to earn a living wage? This Can't be in the best interest of it's members - can it?

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