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Messages - Froderik

Pages: 1 ... 493 494 [495] 496 497 ... 500
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Heavy Politics
« on: February 25, 2003, 08:54:00 AM »
Anon. #1: Point taken. But Dean was such a hypocrite that I couldn't resist.

Anon. #2: Cool, whatever...

Anon. #3: You talkin' to me? I gather not...

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2003-02-25 06:00 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Heavy Politics
« on: February 24, 2003, 11:47:00 PM »
After having been on 5th for way too long (year
total!) I didn't worry as much about things that I
would have before. Things that would have gone
"against my conscience" before. Like buying and
listening to punk albums. (uh oh, my PAST!) I read "A Clockwork Orange" on 5th when I would have been squeamish about it before. I started getting (at least I was TRYING to get) heavily political. Some of the music - like "Penis Envy" by Crass, stuff by the Dead Kennedys, and this weird sorta 'skinhead' band called the Nihilistics, was very anti-Gov't. (No I'm not and
never was a racist skinhead) Punk music (and yes,
other music too) kept me feeling like I still had a pulse in there. I figured if anyone got too weird about me enjoying criticizism of the gov't, then that just showed how FULL_OF_SHIT that they (and subsequently Straight) in fact was/were. At school, all I did was either sleep, try to improve my vocabulary (by going thru a pocket dictionary), or doodled. After I 7-stepped, I think, I remember going to an Anarchist library here in Baltimore and looking for anything interesting. I found out about a demonstration against Apartheid. I ended up going down to the embassy with complete strangers and picketing.
The best part was the ride to and from. Enlightening discussions in the car like the politics of Star Trek (having a black woman and asian that didn't act like stereotypes) and stuff like that...It wasn't too long before good ol' sex, drugs and rock n' roll found their way back into my life, for better or for worse. As far as politics go, I don't really have time for 'em anymore, but do appreciate a good, succinct update
now and again...peace out, thanks for reading. >>FR13

PS - Scott B., what's up? When did Dean blast me about punk music? I mean, what did the FAG say, anyway? (Hey, that felt kinda good, no offense to gays on this board)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ...
« on: February 23, 2003, 03:35:00 AM »
At 3AM all I can say is welcome to this and any other boards...well there's really only 2 for us str8 survivors...this one and the yahooo Alumni site. I almost said "group." (I decided against that terminology...) I also went thru the overwhelming wave of emotion that knocked me off-kilter for like a week (at least)
"Less than 72 hours ago I stumbled upon all of this information after 17 years of battling with what seemed to be, as years went by, a severe mental disorder that I only had an abusive childhood to trace it back to. I can't believe that for this long I didn't think of straight as anything more than something that I was ashamed of even admitting I was in. I knew that at 15 years old it is near impossible to be a "drug addict". I would have had to have started ?hard-core? drug use at nine. But still have kept it a secret.

This says it all to/for me. I was exactly the same way with my attitude about straight. Peace!

Open Free for All / ?Can We Delete Posts?
« on: February 11, 2003, 01:32:00 AM »
There seems to be no way to delete your own posts...

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2003-03-10 16:11 ]

The two asian kids were Inja & Silva (?) Lin. I didn't realize that Silva was actually IN the program. I thought that she was a 'sibling.' Inja & I hung out a lot after I 7-stepped. We both liked p-rock. (Mike Salvini had developed an interest in it too...) I remember that Inja's sister was way into Alice Cooper. Yeah, I remember Heath, too. I was an oldcomer in his home an one point. (His step-mom was smokin'! She was YOUNG!) So I helped teach you that Priest tune, eh? Who else was there? I don't remember Dean giving me shit about punk music, but I don't doubt it! Pray, do tell...

" Alex, were you the one who played in a punk rock band? That's the only alex L. I thought of right away! If so, me and Heath Cook tried to contact you after seeing you in a magazine."

Yeah, That was me. I was into punk music before I went in, and I joined back (as guitarist) with my friends who had formed Reptile House in my absence...I wonder what mag you saw me in? You had sorta black, curly hair, right?

I didn't say that getting in someone's face ISN'T 'treating them like shit.' And, I won't say that the program MADE me do that...but if I hadn't done it in some cases, I certainly wouldn't have 'progressed' as quickly, and may have even gotten a set back. So it could be chalked up to a matter of survival and/or brainwashing. My memory of yelling in people's faces is not good. I'm guessing that I must have done it at some point, though. About what, and to whom I yelled at are blocked out. I agree that it is not the way to interact with someone. My wife has scratched my face for doing this in the past. Of course we wonder if this sort of behavior was re-inforced by straight...

Christ! What can I say? That was some intense shit. It really makes you think...just how guilty was I? I just wanted out like anybody else. I can't ever remember treating any newcomer like shit. Besides maybe getting in someone's face in group...but damned if that stuff isn't blocked out like certain passages in CIA documents...

Hey Scott! I was in there when you were. I remember your name, and I'd probably remember you if I saw you in person. Good to see a new/old face for a change. I must have been on 5th when you came in, but I didn't graduate till much later (1/85) story of my frikkin' life! Why the hell did they keep me on 5th so damn long? I ended up copping out from 5th after a disheartening attempt at withdrawal - talk to you later - Alex L.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / my 2nd escape attempt
« on: January 20, 2003, 12:07:00 AM »
No wonder I take relatively little shit from anybody anymore

That right there says it for can anyone go through str8 (even if they didn't 'misbehave') and come out without being affected in some negative way?  :???:

[ This Message was edited by: AlexL on 2003-01-19 21:13 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight-Atlanta 1988
« on: January 18, 2003, 05:10:00 PM »
Welcome aboard...I was in VA from 82 - 85.
Here are a couple more good links
that you may want to check out:

Look forward to more of your posts.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Are you new to the board??
« on: January 15, 2003, 04:32:00 PM »
D'oh! That last post was me (not logged in.) To add a little - It ain't cool to be a jerk and try to badger people into the "fight." That's straight-like behavior...Better to give them a feasible, worthwhile course of action to take part in, and let them participate if they want to.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pysical Abuse
« on: January 12, 2003, 10:35:00 PM »
Thanks for posting this. I remember the name "Peggy Hurly" well. And that's the 1st time that I've heard her mentioned since coming to these boards. I can't picture her, but if I saw a photo, I'd remember her. The guy being sat on was probably (if you don't already know this) Jeff Pokorney. He had a sister named Kim...

Open Free for All / Lyrics
« on: December 28, 2002, 01:11:00 PM »

It's not my imagination
I've got a gun on my back!

Promises you made
Never become fact

We're gonna get revenge
You won't know what hit you
We're tired of being screwed

Don't tell me about tomorrow
Don't tell me what I'll get
I can't think of progress when
Just around the corner
There's a bed of cold pavement
Waiting for me

I'll watch you bleed
That's all I'll need

I won't cry if you- die! DIE!
We're gonna get revenge
You won't know what hit you
We're tired of being screwed


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Shit List Manifesto
« on: December 27, 2002, 10:39:00 PM »
I might be interested in interviewing people, and would definitely not mind being interviewed... What kind of help do you need? Could you elaborate, and provide contact info. please?

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