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Messages - Inculcated

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:36:36 PM »
Quote from: "Inculcated"
Quote from: "psy"

 'it might be construed as outing him.  I've said enough.  Even though I don't check IPs, it's still not fair for me to guess in the position i'm in.  

Think about this: he's no longer registered so he can pretend to be anybody or take any position.  As I said.  Examine the net effect resulting from a posting.
Couldn’t you be enticed to an ethical flip flop… :flip:  just this once? It could be just a wink of that hot and cold game. The winner could track it down (to the specific rock it retreats beneath) and tag it, for the betterment of all.
Quote from: "psy"
"Just this once" would become "just this once more" and so forth.  It would also then become a moderated forum and we'd likely lose immunity.  I'm sorry.  No.  Don't get me wrong.  I hate the little shit, but I can't violate his anonymity.  He has as much right to speak as you.
Aw, okay. I guess I understand. Ethics can be just as alluring as revenge fantasies. Oh, damn I typed that out loud didn’t I?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:20:48 PM »
Quote from: "psy"

 'it might be construed as outing him.  I've said enough.  Even though I don't check IPs, it's still not fair for me to guess in the position i'm in.  

Think about this: he's no longer registered so he can pretend to be anybody or take any position.  As I said.  Examine the net effect resulting from a posting.
Couldn’t you be enticed to an ethical flip flop… :flip:  just this once? It could be just a wink of that hot and cold game. The winner could track it down (to the specific rock it retreats beneath) and tag it, for the betterment of all.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: June 21, 2009, 07:38:51 PM »
Yeah, I felt fucking compelled to express myself.
Ew. There’s a who stuck to the bottom of this forum.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: June 21, 2009, 07:14:54 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Murder victims object to having their names on the internet! Let their murderer(s) go ununpunished and their suffering kept hidden so that no one even knows what was done to them! This is what the victims want
Fucking funny … funny fuck

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: KEN HUEY's FAMILY Photos
« on: June 20, 2009, 10:01:13 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Versus you who'd rather preach, "OMG Remember the children!"

Guess what, we are remembering the children. I just don't accept that there should be any limits in this sort of fight. You don't fight a war with one hand tied behind your back.

This, to me anyway, explains exactly why the industry has expanded over the years.

No one has been willing to go at them with absolutely everything they have at their disposal. The war of the words is over, this is the war of anything fucking goes.

About god damn time.
Damn Che Gookin, soldier of the greater good or not, fighting "the good fight" with dirty tactics… Allowing for children to become collateral damage…
 No good man should lose his sense of honor ,even in such a noble cause.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: KEN HUEY's FAMILY Photos
« on: June 20, 2009, 05:16:12 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Well, is it wrong to post peoples' photos without their permission? I'd say, no. Calo would say, yes.
Is it wrong to post them beside the assertion that s/he pictured is mentally deficient, after kidnapping him/her, for an advertisement? I'd say, yes. Calo would say, no
 I think the situations are a little different, and I have no problem with these kids' getting their photos posted. Maybe it will spark some uncomfortable but necessary brain- glints in the program parents, and Huey family- community.
I mean, if Huey is to argue that under no circumstance is posting peoples' (or kids') photos OK without their permission, well, they are going to need to redo their website, quick-smart.
Again, to those supporting to these tactics:
Refusing to acknowledge the intrusiveness and potential for further harm done by using these children is dangerously close to the warped rationales used by those who run these programs.
An unfitting legacy perhaps of the warped rationales used by those perpetrators who inflicted harm to so many gathered here. I implore all passionately rallied here against such programs to not lose the truth of their cause to similar narrow minded self justifications.

Yeah, ew, CREEPY in a very unsubtle way. I taste bile.
 Why is Che Gookin F*ing around posting family albums; when some of his creative rage could be constructively directed toward such a cause as this nasty bugger?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: KEN HUEY's FAMILY Photos
« on: June 20, 2009, 03:30:37 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Ken Huey makes a dime or two off exploiting the pictures of his captives at CALO. So without further ado here are the pictures of his own children:
And you try to make your point exploiting the pictures of his children. It’s not their fault their dad’s an insensitive prick.

Since this is about helping the kids. I’m all for leaving the kids out of the midst this. They are not meant to be used by anyone. Not even to be used as shrapnel by you.
…And now for some grown up discussion
On another thread you added…
Quote from: "Che Gookin"

*IN NO WAY does the author endorse violence unless it is direct towards himself. He's a kinky freak and likes it rough.
Well Che Gookin you do insight a girl to want to slap you around some. Maybe you would get some sense out of it.  Let’s have a picture of you to see if you’re worth the while of anyone’s attentive discipline.
 :whip: :eek:

Quote from: "Guest"
So since you left, at some point, you don’t consider yourself a child molester.  Interesting way to separate yourself.   So theoretically all the staff in all the programs can potentially be just as good as you consider yourself to be because they may potentially leave at some point in disgust.  It just may take some longer than others.
So again why do you want to smear these peoples good names call them all child abusers and expose them and deny them any privacy?  Why not expose yourself first?  They are no better or worse then you.
I know you were nipping at the heels of Dysfunction Junction, Who. But, I’ll be your huckleberry…it’s called redemption. That is something that happens when strong p-e-o-p-l-e overcome, learn,  and care enough to compassionately share the insights of their experiences.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: A CALO response by Ken Huey
« on: June 19, 2009, 10:54:43 AM »
The ends justify the means? Rationalizations like that are similar to “This is for their own good" …not dissimilar to the skewed reasoning of those involved with these very harmful programs.
The consequences of the kids’ experience of being held and harmed at CALO are likely to be very damaging to them. As are those very real potential consequences to having their personal information and location exposed to anyone even predators. These are at risk children and I don’t see how having the children exposed like this is anything other than reckless and intrusive.

Daytop Village / Re: Show the man the respect he deserves
« on: June 18, 2009, 02:58:08 AM »
Oh, Levine although we've never met ...I’m feeling some of that tingly positive transference for you.

DAVID A. DEITCH, Ph.D., a Clinical and Social Psychologist, is currently Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, and Director of the Addiction Training Center. Dr. Deitch has 40 years experience in the development of drug abuse treatment systems for adolescents and adults, nationally and internationally. In the non-profit public health sector, he was Co-Founder of Daytop Village, Inc., and also served as Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Phoenix House's Foundation. ... Staff.html
(related) ... dule02.pdf

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: June 13, 2009, 09:38:38 PM »
Quote from: "SEKTO"
On the Dresser building, DAYTOP Dallas mid-'90s (emphases added by myself):

Yep, that's it, that's the Dresser building I remember, all right.   I went through second stage there, and we had Guadenzia there in October '93.  
I remember that the Dresser building had that huge recessed sunken fireplace, and the garish '70s design, all of the mauve taupe, burnt orange, and lime green carpeting and wallpaper.  It was obvious that nobody had renovated the place in years.  When DAYTOP moved in, it was a dump, dusty and trashed out, and looked like it had been frozen in time, circa 1978.  It had been unoccupied for many years.  When it was given to DAYTOP (technically sold for a dollar, so I heard) they had kids from Richardson (myself included) go over there from time to time in the van in order to help clean it out.  

Well SEKTO, you have your predecessors to thank for the garish locale of 2nd stage.

During a smoke break some few of our then small number were rounded in to a room and called a choir. Langstein trained us to project something like holiday cheer in English and Spanish.
On the day of our big performances, the onset of my developing bronchitis caused me to lose my voice. I was not allowed to break formation, even for my fever. (We formed a tree or a bell for the secular)
We went to the Children’s Hospital and they pimped our adorable troubled teen routine to some other places. ( 'stopped at a gas station for some cough drops) We ended up at Halliburton’s party. It was Halliburton that sold the Dresser building to Daytop for a dollar.
I remember one lady who had enjoyed our wassailing voiced her concern that “the little one in front seems flushed” (me)

Thank you, Dick Cheney and Daytop for the Pucci designs and cigarettes and for my chronic asthma.

Daytop Village / Re: Holy Shit! Chinese Daytop
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:47:23 PM »
Note: Escort must have a good personality, responsibility, and strong mental stability to represent Daytop Village.
•  GED stands for general education diploma. Daytop encourages residents to attend GED schools for the following purpose:

1. to provide residents, who are usually school drop out an opportunity to receive general school education and to attain the basic diploma, if possible, for further educational or vocational studies and developments.

2. to help the residents to attain sense of achievement by attaining the GED diploma.
•  Resident who stay in treatment for more than 80 days will be arranged to take the pre-test to assess their listening and reading standards. After the assessment, they will be grouped into different subject classes like maths, writing and reading, science, social studies, etc. that they will be given tutorials, lectures and assignments according to their standards.
For those who have higher capability and motivation of learning, teachers will focus on helping them to prepare the GED test.

In the begining there was Synnanon AND DAYTOP BEGAT ELAN.... ... badcompany
An excerpt from Kevin Gray's article is as follows:
Once upon a time, when a very different Lord of the Flies haunted the classroom.

On a February morning in 1979, deep in the piney woods of Maine, 20-year-old Liz Arnold watched as a houseful of teens berated a weeping girl who'd just wet her pants. The girl's name was Kim. She was 17. Moments before, she'd been spanked with a paddle in front of the 100 fellow delinquents and drug addicts—more than two thirds of them men—who made up the student body of the Elan School, a therapeutic community of last resort that, during its seventies heyday, may have been something far from therapeutic.

As the residents surged over the scuffed linoleum of the dining room, knocking over metal chairs, Kim curled into a ball. "You fucking bitch, fucking whore, fucking fuck-up!” Kim was enduring a "learning experience." She'd mouthed off to the school's senior residents, and at Elan in the seventies, this was the response. But the lesson was getting out of hand. "[We] were whipped into a mob," says Arnold, an ex-speed addict who'd arrived at Elan in 1978 after a phony suicide attempt forced her affluent Ridgewood, New Jersey, parents to seek professional help. "It was brainwashing. People like Kim were gonna be junkies or hookers if we didn't make them get their shit together." Arnold soon added her voice to the eardrum-breaking sound of 100 young adults caught up in the adrenaline rush of anger. To an outsider, it must have looked like mad­ness, a Lord of the Flies outpost with castaways who were regularly dressed in tinfoil, diapers, and "hooker" skirts. Some had signs around their necks that read: I’M AN EMOTIONAL VAMPIRE or ASK ME WHY I’M A BABY or CONFRONT ME AS TO WHY I’M A WHORE. All were red with rage. "Kim," Arnold recalls, "was semi-catatonic."

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