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Messages - blownawaytheidahoway

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / How About This Theory
« on: August 24, 2004, 04:34:00 PM »
Ok. I read the whole string. I need my folks to read it. They are finally seeing that I am held back and there is only one reason why. I oscilate between feelings of greatness because I do know things that poeple who were not STUDENTS don't know. They can't. But the trade off, the very worse part is that I can't hear anything except negativity from people. Even if they don't mean it. It's one thing (one of many) that I have a very hard time with. Even some compliments from people are mistranslated in my head and instead of hearing the voice and words, my thinking only misinterprets automatically and choses the most insulting way possible.
      For all the anon people that are going to tell me to move on, grow up, grow whatever equiptment your perverted minds can imagine in order to become whole again (I can't be absolutely sure what I was since I was only 14) I will just say now that I will be ignoring all comments like that. I know what I need.
You don't know what I learned at RMA. I ran away for months at a time. And there was no restraints and drugs were way way way far from the type of program it was. I was eating snake, mice and dogs down in the desert when I ran away (8/24.88 actually)and was in SEWS. I know why things ain't right in my head and it ain't cause I smoke weed to keep me from going postal with an AR-12 and buying a one way ticket for Spokane like my folks did for me. My hurt comes from RMA. Plain and simple. Messages that I got there that I was unwanted to my parents and that I did need fixing (they break their own ideals, the words are not impeccably chosen, and they are not people of their word). The ratting and faking. I don't trust anyone and I don't walk in the middle of the hallway, I don't sit where I can't see everyone. I thought it was just idiosyncratic, y'know something quirky but it's full blown terror and that don't forget easy. RMA is still making me coo-coo for cocoa puffs!

Sheila the big blonde aerobics instructor, how could I have forgotten to mention Doug and Mona Kim-Brown, or Joe Sweeney, Dan and Mare Krumpatitch, or The Spaniard Alberto who was Carmens relative who was fired for fondling?, Ken the big guy with the mustache who I think lived with his momma, or timeless Lou at the farm, Glenn and Lisa Sutton, Matt Fitzgerald, Greg Burton, Will and Nancy Venard, Alan Milar and his wife, Bob who had been there for a long time and could pretty well pick a guitar to orgasm, Greg Springer, some balding mustached guy I think was named Tom, Joan- hippy with art, Ed Katz, Susan Nelson, yes Russ Decker with really, really thick glasses. Blockhead is a fine description.
what about these guys: Mike Parr,  L.J. Mitchell, and some other bounty hunter dude?
I don't remember any more at this moment. Please add if you recognize some or most of these names.

I would be very surprised if neither were still doing this kind of work. I can think of no other occupation except for prison guard for either. I despise Caroline Wolff still to this day. She got a tit job when I was in Quest (I was in Quest for almost a year) and used to show all the girls and any guys she liked her new goods. This was what I hated most about both of them. Favorites. Obvious feelings of preference for kids based on I don't know what. They chose the kids they liked and treated them like friends- every other person had to hear their wrath. I got a fist for both o them. I used to loved to hear how fucked up they were after moving on as graduates before they came back to the program. If only Randy's throat had fully been severed in his gang fight he used to talk about I wouldn't have had to endure his brainwashed monosyllabic routine constantly. Truth is I never really hated him it's just bull blown resentment. Caroline, I feel differently. I am a man now, probably older than she was when she was abusing me verbally almost every day. I do hate her. She was ALWAYS unkind to me for no reason. So let's talk about the 8 or 9 different abortions she used to tell us about. Just the person to tell young girls how to live. I remember some of the meanest most out of touch things coming out of that disgusting fat bitchy face of hers!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Loves CEDU
« on: August 23, 2004, 09:37:00 PM »
I don't know if I can say that those years were among my favorite. I really tried to take the good with the bad for many years, but to be truthful, I did not often feel what I consider to be real friendships there. A few, but then they were with older brothers that were watching me, and while at the same time making my stay a tiny fraction more bearable, abandoning me for the rest of life? I had few staff friends and the one that I really did have conceeds that I was very misunderstood and that I did have staff who vocally disliked me. I now know that that was their reacting to what they percieved as fearlessness and pride. The people I would like to talk to most about RMA and the whole CEDU enchilada are the people I hope not yet to run into. Almost all the people in my peer group were not cool to me. I was just someone they could beat up on because I was more cerebral. I would become reactive eventually and the heat would be extinguished under their own chair. I resented the cycle. Also, I just didn't really like some of them. But I don't know what they as individuals became. It's not fair to rail on them now, at least not like the staff, but I know that I will have to think a lot about them if I keep corresponding with this crowd.
     I do see that there is certainly a love/hate relationship with these places. That is certainly textbook for someone who is confused about what it all means.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / How About This Theory
« on: August 23, 2004, 03:29:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2004-08-23 12:30 ]

Richard Armstrong, Dana and Stacy Wasserman, Bruce (I really hate this bumbling hick faggot cowardly son of a bitch)Wilson, Dan Earl, His daughter Shannon (maybe married to Assface), son Tim, Carmen Earl, her daughter Nina, Caroline Wolff, Randy Eide, Vicki Jones and her husband Chuck with a different last name, Steve Rooky, Fred and P Thomson, Patrick Stambusky, Tim Brace, John Aaron, Rea and his wife Sharon Krieger, Brett and his wife Lisa Carey, Mike Bonner, Ken bulky guy, Mike dimarco? tall skinny guy started in 1989ish, Ned Murray,
these are just mostly senior staff whose faces I can see purple as they scream they're upsetting lies at me. I can't wait to remember more. Sickening.

rma grad from 1990 lived in b'lyn last and now am in ...
I would very much like to talk to any graduates of similar schools in my area. Help me find one and I'll be very thankful.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rocky Mountian Academy
« on: August 23, 2004, 08:48:00 AM »
I remember when this happened. It was after I had left RMA, but I had come back to visit (also an adventure in lies and treachery on RMA's part) and I even talked to Dan about it. I was ok with Dan and liked Carmen even more. I knew their son and daughter some. (half-siblings I'm pretty sure, I would love to hear from either actually). As I understand it the affair did not happen while she was a student but what the hell do I know? Dan Earl told me himself, so I probably just ate it up.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Loves CEDU
« on: August 23, 2004, 08:23:00 AM »
Ok. If you spend three years waking in a cell, getting meals, intereacting with your incarcerators, and getting out every once in a while some days may not look as bad as others. So under that thought process yeah; I was around kids about my age who were into some of the same things, yeah; sometimes I went whole days without something terrible happening that I had no control over, yeah; occasionally someone would even say something nice. But also, I WAS BRAINWASHED. I allowed it to happen when I realized I wasn't going to be allowed anything remotely similar to the freedom I learned as a runaway before RMA. When that happened it got a little easier. Acceptance. That I had no real choice but to "assimilate".
     Then there are the people who really needed these places in a different kind of way. The people who love it I don't hate. Some people were going to wind up dead, od'd, getting gang banged in front of the camera for a coupla toots o' some ol' shit, some were so scared of people that they needed a crash course in how to communicate SOMETHING to the outside world. But in general: people who went there who didn't need the approaches they got (in my opinion) turned out for the worse getting along out in society later. Long lasting effects of programs' modus operandi cause PTSD, and a whole giant host of "survivor characteristics".
     I think we know what I am talking about however I will open more diatribe on this particular aspect becuase it is important to me to see how other people view the Happiness quotient of the facility they were at.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / The Summit
« on: August 23, 2004, 07:54:00 AM »
I too remember that. I have yet to look through the notebooks to explore more about some of the moments. In fact, even in a theraputic environment like a shrink office I have resisted exploring the full extent of control over us in workshops such as the summit. For years I have adhered to the never-say-shit-promise I gave. I see now that it is out of financial protection for the school to do this. Stolen workshop. The chop shop chop shop. Over the last month or two I have been knowledgeable about the existance of this site I have already quickly flown the gammut of emotion. I want to fly away from it and not go straight in. 'At's funny to me because I go straight into every other conflict in my life. Action. I guess some of that originated with my CEDU "re-education". I need so badly to know that we're not alone in our assessments as grads. I feel guilty a bit stabbing CEDU in the back. And now I need to explore that in itself.
Thanks for being as longlastingly upset as me!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Rocky Mountian Academy
« on: August 20, 2004, 08:54:00 PM »
I went and graduated in 1990.
I have been struggling seriously with many issues. I have disappeared for a while since my discovery of this honest and exposing site, but I am back with computer and plan to write about my experiences to whomever will listen. And to any prospective parents: It will be spiced with vinegar and served with a sneer. Thanx, CEDU "re-education program"  :flame:

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Revenge
« on: July 29, 2004, 02:26:00 PM »
I remember various suicide attempts and the occasional success. I think. the truth is so many things got swept under the carpet I can't accurately remember everything.

I will call. I have been going through everything that I own from RMA. I kept the NB's and i've got everything else too. I will call. I will try to get to the computer more too.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / curious
« on: July 15, 2004, 12:22:00 PM »
You cannot blame that on RMA. If you bacame a skinhead it's because you are subhuman. You deserve to teach at RMA. Up Yours. I'll kick your cracker ass. RMA taught me that.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / curious
« on: July 15, 2004, 12:19:00 PM »
On 2004-07-15 08:51:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I got out of there and became a skinhead just because of Wasserman. His own people oughta keep a better eye on those like him. He gave them a bad name."

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