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Messages - Idreamofnewtonsburning

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Executive Staff Death Pool
« on: October 11, 2004, 01:59:00 PM »
Anybody interested in starting a Straight, Inc. Executive Staff :skull:  Death Pool?  Similar to 'Celebrity Death Pools', we could wager on the death dates of certain heinous Straight Execs.  One ground rule, though-- you can't kill the staff members you are betting on. That wouldn't be fair, would it--betting on a Staffer to die and then insuring it happens on that date?  So, in the interest of fairness to all the Straight Staff Death Pool participants (and only for that reason), 'taking out' Staff is prohibited.

Here are a few of the Staffers we can bet on in our Straight Executives Death Pool:

Virgil Miller Newton (of course)

Ruth Ann Newton

Mel Sembler (not Executive Staff technically, but still eligible)

Betty Sembler (same as her impotent husband)

Chris Yarnold

John Repatowski

Helen Petermann

William Rollins (Group Staff Supervisor--an Executive Staff position; therefore, eligible for betting on)

I would appreciate any other Exec's names and comments on their general health, age, lifestyle habits, etc. as this would give us a good indication of how we should bet.  For example, Repatowski is/was an overweight homosexual who smokes.  Three 'high-risk' areas that could be determining factors for betting strategies.

This could be a fun way to kill time before Time kills them.  All in good fun.

Waiting for Virgil to kick :skull:  :skull: ,


Stay away 12 stepper, your lies are not welcome here

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Fr. Cassian story
« on: September 28, 2004, 06:51:00 PM »
On 2004-09-28 10:25:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Get a life. Try a hobby. Expand your horizons. It MIGHT help."

No. I have. I did. It didn't.  :wave:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Fr. Cassian story
« on: September 28, 2004, 11:53:00 AM »
I was thinking that maybe you guys could help me write this story---I think it's got a good start, and I'm sure you guys can help continue it.  It would be a cool place to showcase our writing talents.   Just continue the thread, maintaining the storyline that has already been written.   Here's Part One.  Enjoy, and please participate. Thanks, IDNB. :wave:

Rev. Dr. Dr. V. Miller Fr. Cassian Newton pulled his dick out of the ass of the corpse he had been fucking.  He bent over and stuck his nose close to the jizz-filled anus of the dead boy, catching a whiff of putrifying flesh, and smiled. "Such a wonderful way to begin a day" he thought to himself, and began dressing in his priest costume, stopping only to turn on the TV in his office, which was showing a gay porn flick that he had left in the DVD player.  After a couple of minutes, he got dressed and called out, "Ruth Ann--I'm ready!", a cry which was heeded by Ruth Ann Newton opening his office door, one hand full of dog shit.  She pulled up his robe and began smearing the feces over Virgil's tiny member, then reached up her skirt and smeared her twat lips with the remainder of the canine crap.  This was the ritual they used to begin a day at Christ At the Sea Church, a ritual that was not complete until Ruth Ann inserted a straw in the ass of the corpse and began felching Virgil's cum through it.
   Miller always liked to watch Ruthie slurping his jizz---it reminded him of the old days, back when he could get a hard-on with her.  Nowadays, only animals, corpses, and shit turned him on enough to get it up.
   Ruthie finished slurping Miller's jizz out of the dead boy's ass, walked over to Miller and gave him a deep tongue kiss, during which she passed Miller's spunk over to his mouth.  Miller felt an inward glow of joy as he tasted his own semen, mixed with the dead boy's rotting anal flavor.  He smiled at Ruthie and walked out into the sanctuary.  It was time to do the Lord's work.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Miller Newton, Fuckwad
« on: September 25, 2004, 12:21:00 PM »
Miller Newton truly disgusts me, and is one person that I would love to read about in the obituary section of the paper.  

He is a vile, evil man (a term I use loosely) and I am truly appalled that I have to breathe the same air as he does.  When he finally kicks it from whatever ailment finally does him in, it will be a great day.

I find it truly one of life's many injustices that that man is walking around free after having performed and overseen so criminal abuses against children.

His sick, power-crazed needs for control are indicative of some sort of weirdness that went on in young Virgil's life---perhaps he was assfucked by the other kids at school, or maybe by a teacher, parent or other authority figure such as a minister or priest.  This in no way excuses Miller's criminal antics, but it would help to explain them.

What kind of sadistic monster takes pride in abusing children?  Wow, you're a real man, Virgil.  You sure showed us who was boss.  How you live with yourself is beyond me-- it is actually evidence that you have no heart, soul, or conscience.  If you did you would kill yourself for all the heinous crimes you have committed, crimes which you can in no way "make amends" for.  You disgusting heap of slime, shit and putrid, Ruthie-fucking sleaze, I hope you die of a painful, slow, torturous disease that keeps you around long enough so that each of us can look you in your jaundiced eyes and tell you and your vile hag of a shit-filled whore, Ruthie, exactly how delighted we are at your suffering.  You said you wanted me to "share feelings", AND I WILL GLADLY DO SO.....FUCK OFF and DIE you evil shithead.  I, and many others fucking HATE you!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Goddamn, but I hate Virgil!!!!!
« on: September 22, 2004, 11:12:00 AM »
On 2004-09-20 20:47:00, froderik13 wrote:

"That's cool, I think it's fine that you feel that way, I really do. I liked the whole thing. But don't harsh on me for laughing..I like to laugh, and that opening sentence cracked me up that's all, lol. And just because I laugh doesn't mean that I don't share some of that beautiful hatred for him."

I'm not harshing you, Frod, but I am serious when I say that the original post is how I really feel.  If it makes you laugh, too, that's fine.  Keep up the good hate, and laugh all you want.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Goddamn, but I hate Virgil!!!!!
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:34:00 PM »
On 2004-09-20 09:36:00, froderik13 wrote:

God, but I hate Miller Newton

 :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  <--- symbols of my hate for virgil

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Goddamn, but I hate Virgil!!!!!
« on: September 20, 2004, 11:41:00 AM »
God, but I hate Miller Newton.  I want him to suffer some sort of unspeakable agony.  That bastard really irks me the way he is out walking around free after all the shit he put us through.  I hate the sonofabitch beyond the capacity of words to describe.  Join me in prayer, please:

Lord, I know I don't talk to you much, and don't even believe in you, but if you would see fit to give Virgil colon and prostate cancer, I would be most appreciative and would call us even on the favors you owe me.  Give it to him good, Jehovah, then let him think there's a chance it'll go into remission just long enough to give him hope and then send it back along with leprosy, ebola, heps A, B, and C, and AIDS.  Show him no mercy, Lord, and let the lesions on his penis continue to remind him of what a shit he was to us in our youth.  Thanks again, and if you come through on this one, we're even. Amen.

Damn but I hate that shithead.  I can't wait 'til he dies, unless he's suffering in constant pain, then I could wait forever.  It disgusts me that he is walking around free, living on the water, and not being tortured for the shit he did.  He needs to be sodomized by the mic he used to spout his bullshit through at open meetings.  He needs to be kicked in the groin by every person he confronted or gave "consequences" to.  I hope that old shit-filled bastard dies a slow, horrible death while lots of Survivors remind him of what a complete asshole and worthless waste of space he is.  I would love to see Virgil quadraplegic in a wheel chair getting vats of shit poured over his head for not "motivating" properly.  Damn, it's times like these I wish I was a military dictator of some banana republic and could send my goon squad up to Norteamerica to kidnap him so my Secret Police Chief could torture Miller and Ruthie for years on end.  That shithead should have his balls dipped in jellyfish venom while Ruthie gets her ass shoved full of PBJs.  That disgusting anus of a man needs to be tortured by some sixteenth century Inquisition types.  God I hate him!  One day, I hope to read on this board how he is suffering from some painful disease, but is expected to live a long, long time.  Serves him right to suffer.  I hate that shit filled asshole and his sorry-ass cuntbag wife.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Think of this......
« on: September 17, 2004, 03:01:00 PM »
Dr. Dr. Rev. Fr. Virgil Miller "Cassian" Newton dying of a painful disease while Survivors of Straight and Kids file into his hospital room to spit, puke, or piss on him and laugh as he convulses in agony as he slowly and painfully dies. :wave:

I really hope this happens.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I can't wait
« on: September 11, 2004, 02:54:00 PM »
I can't wait for Virgil's funeral.

I want to piss on his grave and laugh at Ruthie as she cries.

I want to do lines of coke off of his tombstone.

I want to wear a party hat as I dance on his grave.

I want to do all this and more.......

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I just
« on: July 26, 2004, 10:10:00 PM »

Times were hard for ol' Miller.  Another successful lawsuit, and this time no insurance company was going to be there to bail him out.  The bank was sending foreclosure letters, the car was about to be repossessed, and Ruthie was starting to whine about how they couldn't afford membership in the country club.  Hard times indeed.  Seems like a day didn't go by without a dozen calls from bill collectors, and the last credit card was being cancelled.  Miller phoned Sembler for help.
   "I'd like to help, Miller, but this is getting out of hand.  My lawyer says I shouldn't even be speaking to you until the Bradbury case gets settled.  Tell you what, though.  I'll talk to a friend of mine and see if he can help you out".  Miller waited anxiously over the next few days, when he got a phone call.
   "Hi, Miller, I'm a friend of Mel's.  He said you are having some problems.  Maybe I can help."  He went on to give Miller an address in Tampa to meet him at on the following evening.
     Miller borrowed a car from a sympathetic ex-Straightling and drove to the address in Tampa.  It turned out to be a hotel specializing in meeting the needs of the business traveler.  He parked the car, got out, went through the lobby to the elevator and took it up to the third floor.  He found the door to the suite he was looking for and knocked on it.
     The door was answered by a young asian man, who nodded politely and held the door open for Miller.  "This way, please, sir", he said as he ushered Miller through the hall to an open room with a couch, coffee table, and a couple of leather upholstered chairs.  "Wait here please, sir" said the asian , who then disappeared through one of the two doors in the far wall of the room.  Miller sat and waited, looking over the decor of the room and feeling apprehensive about the meeting about to take place.  He wondered who the friend of Sembler's was, and what would come from the meeting.  At this point, facing the loss of everything, he was desperate.  He sighed and continued to wait.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / The time I fucked Ruthie
« on: March 22, 2004, 11:59:00 AM »
You're welcome!  Read my other cool stories, "Spying On Miller", "Father Cassian News", and the one that started them all, "I had a wonderful dream".  I'm working on a couple of new ones that will star a few other executives, I'm talking to a lawyer about writing one about Sembler, I don't want to be liable for any shit that could occur from writing about dreams I had of a US Ambassador.  The stories might be set in a parallel universe, I'll see what the legal types say.  Thanks for reading and replying, and I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I do.

These are pretty good....why don't you write some stuff about Miller & Ruthie suffering? :rofl:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Spying on Miller
« on: March 03, 2004, 12:25:00 AM »

Anyone got a good story to share?


Why yes as a matter of fact I do: :wave:

Miller "Father Cassian" Newton stepped off the bus and was led into the yard of the Florida State Correctional Institute. He had been given ten years for participating in a stock fraud. Five with good behavior. Years spent basking in the glow of a flourescent light  had been hard on him. His body was frail, his skin pallid. He knew he could never make it through ten years in the general population with his virginity intact. He had to get into solitary. As soon as the burly guard unshackled him he made his move. Exhaling a feminine "hmmph" he weakly slapped the guard. He was quickly taken to the ground, receiving a swift kick to the ribs before being restrained. As he was dragged to the solitary confinement cell he felt nothing but relief. "At least in solitary," he thought "I'll be safe." Unfortunately for Fr. Cassian he had picked the wrong guard to mess with.
The next few days were uneventful. The time in his cell he spent evenly between sleeping, reading a "Drug Free America" book he had gotten from the book cart, and masturbating furiously. His self-flagellation was interrupted on the fourth day. The burly guard he had attacked earlier stepped into his cell. The gleam in the guards eye and the mean grin on his face made Fr. Cassian's pecker quickly shrivel in his hand. "You fucked with the wrong man when you fucked with Trekker Jag," said the guard. "The inmates here call me The Asshole for a reason. Now come with me, punk."
The guard led him down the hall to one of several empty shower stalls. He roughly threw Fr. Cassian in the stall and locked the door. Fr. Cassian was petrified. His mind raced as he imagined the myriad of different tortures that could be in store for him. His worst fears were confirmed when the guard returned. In his hands were a short black dress, black stilleto heels, and a curly blonde wig. "Strip down and put this on, bitch." Fr. Cassian did as instructed and was pleased to notice that the dress fit well and the heels gave him a nice slimming effect. The burly guard admired the drag queen. "The GNAA is gonna love you!"
The guard left the shower stall, only to return minutes later. He opened the door and led 20 large black men into the stall. "Father Cassian, meet the Gay Nigger Association of America. GNAA, meet Father Cassian. I'm sure you all will get along fine." With that the guard slammed the shower door closed and walked away laughing.
The men approached Father Cassian, backing him into a corner. The apparent leader stepped forward. "No matter what I'm gonna fuck that purdy lil' ass of yours. Now I can fuck it dry or you can lube it up for me." Father Cassian knew he had no choice. He kneeled in front of the leader, who began to slap his face with his 10 black inches. Puss from syphilictic sores quickly covered Father Cassian's cheeks. When the leader was sufficiently aroused he placed his throbbing cock up to Father Cassian's lips. As soon as Father Cassian opened his mouth the leader violently shoved his manhood to the back of Father Cassian's throat and exclaimed "Swallow my shit you cracker bitch!" Father Cassian gagged as he was violently face fucked.
Just when he was about to pass out the leader pulled out, turned him around and shoved his cock into Father Cassian's ass. Father Cassian began to scream in agony but his cries were quickly muffled by one of the other gang member's cocks. They rode him like that for the better part of an hour. When one man finished another quickly took his place. Just as Father Cassian was getting used to the throbbing pain in his anus the men stopped. One man lay down on the floor and Father Cassian was told to get on top of him and take his dick inside him. Exhausted and humiliated, Cassian had no will left to fight. As soon as he inserted the penis another man came up behind him and began to force his cock into Father Cassian's already filled anus. Again his screams of agony were muffled, this time by a smelly black anus.
For another hour he was violated in this way. When the men were finished with him he couldn't walk and his mouth was filled with dingleberries and ass hairs. Before they all left the leader had some parting words for Father Cassian: "Thanks for that sweet piece of ass, punk. We'll see you again tomorrow. Oh by the way, we all have AIDS." It was going to be a long ten years for Father Cassian.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Spying on Miller
« on: March 03, 2004, 12:17:00 AM »
Are oh so clever.  How clever? Oh so clever.
You are a veritable Rex Reed with your scathing critiques.  I'll never publish here again! (you wish) :wave:

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