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Messages - Maximilian

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Quote from: "Samara"
Maxi5, I would go head to head with you any day on the subject of honesty and fucking certainly on the subject of sincerity.  I am really deaf, and yet, you are deafer than I will ever be when you insist on curtailing the issue that you are unpopular here because of your lack of empathy - not over your belief in Program Jesus.  You clearly patronize survivors and think of yourself as superior. Quite strange. I mean, I don't feel a need to visit places where I view the inhabitants as low lifes. And yet, you do.

Makes. No. Sense.

Will it make you feel better if I say you are a better person than me? I'll admit it, Samara. You are superior to me in every way. Now go enjoy your weekend, and stop wasting your time talking to me. I'm not worth your time. I am not superior to anyone on this forum, in fact, I am quite the piece of shit, and will most likely pay for my sins for all of eternity in the pits of hellfire. But I have accepted this about myself, and it doesn't effect the reality of what I experienced in programs. My morals, or lack of, and motivations for posting here are irrelevant to the discussion of whether programs are effective and/or are abusive. I believe the program saved my life, because it's true. I don't see the people who post here as low lifes, I see them as people who had different experience in programs than I did, and sometimes people here agree with me, but often disagree. However I try not to assume who the person behind the avatar really is, or what their motivations are, or judge them. I try to self correct through both self examination and the examination of external influences, remember, everything happens for a reason.

Open Free for All / Re: How long ago were you in a program?
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:36:05 PM »
Remember kids, when Whooter uses a fake alias it's an unforgivable sin!

But when we do it, it's all in good fun!

Nope, no double standard here. Keep moving along, nothing to see here , folks.

Quote from: "Awake"
Quote from: "Maximilian"
But I never abused anybody .

Can you prove you never abused anybody?

This one time I went to visit a friend at their home, and I knew they were granola, earth friendly type of person. That doesn't bother me at all, I use stainless steel water bottles and recycle, I tend to think of myself as someone who cares about the planet. We were talking and having a drink (soda) and I asked if I could go use the restroom. When I got in there the toilet looked like somebody had already urinated in it, and not flushed the toiled. Gross, I thought. I decided to pre flush to make sure it was working, and it did. So I did my business, washed my hands and went out to see my friend. I didn't know if I should say something, because I thought it might be awkward, so I said "I think your toilet might be busted, because it looked like it didn't flush before me". They started grinning as I said this and I wondered what they were smiling about, "we don't flush for number 1". I thought wtf? Who doesn't flush the toilet when they pee, and what adult calls taking a piss "number 1"? Well long story short, it was explained to me that it was a waste of a precious resource, clean water, to flush every time you piss, and said next time I piss in their home I should not flush unless it's "number two". I was thinking whatever, I'll flush if I want, I thought it was all pretty strange, and taking environmentalism way too far. I thought it was gross, at least they could have given me a warning upon entering the bathroom. Well I just wanted to respond to your off topic post with some more off topic stuff, because in the end this will all be nixed by the moderator for being off topic. If the admin is reading this don't even bother saving or moving my posts, feel free to nuke em all, this conversation is pointless.

I have gone and posted on other "survivor" sites, although nobody on those groups and forum referred to themselves with this term. That seems to be reserved for fornits, along with other words like kidnapped, gulag, rapist, etc. I asked if anybody saw or experienced physical abuse, and I was basically laughed out of the group. You think I like programs? You should try talking to the people who frequent some of the groups I read. I don't post there because I don't fit in there, or here. Since I have my own views that don't align either with the "survivor" community or the program faithful, I am kind of in a no mans land of people who are willing to be honest and not have any e-friends. I think I'll live.

Quote from: "Samara"
But to me, you are just a type of rapist who visits the rape survivor site.

You can judge me all you want, and call me a rapist or whatever makes you feel better. I really could care less. This type of emotional grand standing does little counter the logical arguments I have made about why generalizations about an entire industry based on a limited number of individual experiences are not accurate. So you and your buddies can call people names, judge them, and use colorful language to push reader's emotional buttons, but it won't change the fact that most programs are safe and effective, and that many parents will continue to entrust their teens to the care of them. If you don't want to debate about the TTI, then like I said, go found a survivor support group, because fornits obviously isn't what you're looking for. But then again, there aren't that many people looking for a support group because they went to a program as a teen. I wonder why that is.

I post here because I choose to, I don't owe anybody an explanation why. Take a look at the response before yours as an example of the typical response I get here, no matter how polite I am. But that's different right, because they are good, attacking me, someone who is evil, right?  How dare I be honest and admit that a program saved my life, and that I was not abused. Something that many, many kids who went through programs will say. People are angry at me for posting here, because they want to believe everyone who went to programs had a negative experience just like them, and when people like me or Whooter or anybody else dare that this might not be true, they are attacked by the group until they silence themselves by leaving the forum. Sorry I'm not going anywhere, the hypocritical group attack that permeates fornits of unwelcome opinions will not work on me. Remember, I've been in a program, I'm very familiar with, and also immune to this type of tactic now.

I could ask you the same question. Why do you post here when you know "sickos" like me and Whooter are going to question the obvious bullshit that gets posted here all the time, like condemning all programs based on a limited sample of experiences? Maybe you should try your local support group for program survivors, surely there are many, since programs are so abusive and all, right?

The reason people are so mad at me all the time is because I don't read off the fornits script. If I was a program staff who abused 100 kids and came here and said the right things, everyone would be my friend. But I never abused anybody, and choose to be honest, and am hated for it, because I don't tow the party line here, and I tell it like it  was when I went to a program. So is the life of someone willing to be honest with themselves amongst a group of ideologically pure extremists. I've been judged, and called every name under sun. Sicko, cruel , unempathetic, sadistic, an abuser, etc, etc, etc. But all this isn't the result of my actions in real life, simply what I have posted on an internet forum. Words. That's it. Some of you people really need to get some perspective, fornits does not represent reality, programs, or the people in them.

Quote from: "Samara"
The people I know who have been at different programs are not isolated to 10 people on Fornits. They're not even isolated to people who went to programs decade ago. And, no sane reputable person would advocate abusive programs. They also wouldn't talk about survivors or victims the way you do, sicko.  

But at least your true nature is back out of the bag.  You must consider your self an extremist too, then, right? Hanging out here on Fornits the way you do.

Sicko? Well now you've gone and hurt my feelings. I am a victim, and a survivor too. Why would you speak to me in such a way? Oh that's right, you are only considered part of the club here if you spout the same mythology and extremist one sided argument that all programs are abusive. It's sad that someone telling their own experience, contrary to the group think, is so objectionable to the cult like group of insular close minded people that post here.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Dead, insane, or in jail
« on: September 25, 2010, 08:05:04 PM »
The posters here should thank Whooter for taking the time to even talk to them. Here is a reasonable adult, taking questions and responding to what amounts to spoiled and angry children. Have anybody here ever babysat or raised kids, at that age when they keep asking questions rapid fire, one after the other? Why is the sky blue?! Where does the sun go? Why do you do this? Why do you do that? This is what it's like for Whooter on fornits, and yet he puts up with it day after day, and brings nothing but maturity and common sense to a forum severely lacking both.

Whooter has to deal with a group of bitter, angry adults who still have daddy and mommy issues, and question Whooter as if he's a surrogate parent representative of every parents who ever sent a kid to a program. Not only that, but people also attribute programs themselves to him, because he's known as a rich investor that owns lots of programs. It's almost as if everything people hate, is conveniently wrapped up into one tidy package for people to unload their hate, and family issues all at once. It's amazing to me how much people obsess and get angry of Whooter, who holds very reasonable views on this industry, actually. There are people out there who work day and night helping parents send kids to programs, you know, real edcons, not the imaginary ones who post on fornits. Yet people ignore the people who work to send kids to programs in reality, and focus in on their delusional creation here, and spend literally years trolling Whooter for apparently no reason at all, other than they are angry and don't have any other outlet for it.

That's why people should thank Whooter for putting up with all their immature bullshit, because without him, there'd be a bunch of 'survivors' arguing amongst themselves. Instead Whooter provides a useful foundation for the creation of a straw man which they routinely and ceremonial burn, representative of all their long held hatred for their own family, and secretly themselves. Without Whooter, all you'd have left is your hate and nobody to unload it on. Well, you could always write your parents a letter, but where's the fun in that.

Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Samara"
A hotline won't do Jack shit. The program will still lie about the kid.  Plus, an unattended hotline would be flooded with calls ranging from pranks to the serious. And emotional/mental/and psychological abuse does not have obvious scars. A kid would not be pulled out pending that type of he said-they said investigation. In the mean time, life would be hell for that kid.
The whole school would be rallied up against that kid, were that kid at Hyde. The condemnation would be palpable; you could cut it with a knife.

Then they would be sacrificed at the stake, and the other kids fed the blood of this infidel right? Ever been to high school? Like normal high school, or did you spend all those years in programs for special kids or something? Because tension between individuals and groups is nothing new, and it's certainly not abuse.

Quote from: "Samara"
Well, Max I guess your humility act has worn off and you are back to being your sanctimonious self insisting their is no program abuse and anyone who disagrees is a self pitying fool.

Look, I don't give a shit about what happened to me 20 years ago - it's over and done. (Other than the nightmares and residual affects.) I do give a shit that it still happens.

My problem with programs is that once you are in, you have no credibility. If you have no credibility, you have no access to authentic advocacy, and you sure as hell can't take genuine accountability for your life's direction.  Programs have too much power to manipulate not only your parents, but your own damn sense of self.  

If you want to believe in your Program Jesus, that's fine.  But you sure as hell don't have any right to tell anyone else that our naked scaly assed Emperor does in fact wear clothes.

And if you really were a program kid -and I am 100% certain you are not, Sweet Canadian - I understand why you think you needed Program Jesus.  Afterall, you basically described yourself as a liar, thief, master manipulator, and bullshit artist. But I can tell you that the vast majority of kids I knew were neither addicts nor Satan incarnate and did not need to be warehoused in some Stepford kid factory.

Yeah, yeah. I've heard this all before. I'm a program parent in disguise. I never went to a program. I was brainwashed by the Program Jesus. I've heard many conspiracy theories attempting to dismiss the fact that not everybody who goes to programs feels the way the extremists here on fornits do. Believe whatever you want, I really could care less. There's about 10 people who post here regularly, sorry, but this slim sample does not accurately represent the diverse views on this industry from the people who went through it.

Open Free for All / Re: How long ago were you in a program?
« on: September 25, 2010, 06:40:59 PM »
This poll has been up for a while and only got 12 votes. That sounds about the number of people who regularly come to fornits and sign in. So that's 12 people out of the tens or possibly hundreds of thousands of kids who have been to some sort of behavioral treatment center during their lifetime. But lucky for us these 12 people have decided all programs are abusive and should be shut down, we should thank them for being so smart and decide what works for everybody else. It also should be noted that most posters here were in programs many years, or even decades ago, which is why their negative experiences don't apply to modern day programs.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Name One Good Program
« on: September 25, 2010, 02:57:51 PM »
I was in a program for teens in the 80's and I'm still upset over it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
About my fourth or fifth month in ....


Yeah it's fairly obvious this robertbruce poster is full of it. I put them on ignore, not even worth the time reading their posts.

Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Upon my walking away and having my back towards him he eloquently responded by kicking me in the small of my back. I'm sure that's theraputic somewhere. In any event, it wasn't my fault that he bit off more than he could chew and ended up receiving from me the beat down of his life.

I've read enough internet tough guy stories to know when I'm being lied to. Nice attempt at portraying yourself as a victim without the necessary emasculation. I think you'd do better just to say you got beat up and cried, and wrote your mom a letter, and asked her to take you home, but she said no. That way you can make people hate program staff, and program parents all in one fell swoop. Two birds with one stone. But with this bit of program fiction you've created, you come off as a troubled teenager who deserved to be in a program, and the staff a victim of your anger issues. In the end, it makes me empathize with your parents for sending you to a program. I suggest a rewrite.

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