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Messages - act.da

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village: Girls STU empty??
« on: August 28, 2008, 04:27:17 PM »
If Girls STU is indeed empty, I hope it stays that way.
A couple years ago PV combined the Boys side of the outdoor program into just two clans because there were so few patients. Not sure if they got enough new admissions to go back to the usual clan system or not though.
Can someone please provide an update on what clans are currently active on both sides?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: August 23, 2008, 10:38:20 PM »
"Without the care and patience of the doctors and staff at Peninsula
Village, our daughter would be in a very dark, lonely and difficult place."
 -PV Parent

Peninsula Village / Re: 9-27-08 PV Protest! (Raleigh)
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:56:21 PM »
Unfortunately NC has a law against "wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer" on any public property, but I think it'll be alright if I decide to wear a hat and sunglasses. Hopefully I won't get "fair-gamed" by PV.
I can probably hold two or three 24x24 signs, any suggestions on what they should say? I know one of them is going to be something like "PV ABUSED ME" or "TORTURED BY PV" but I need two more!
Don't worry, there will be plenty of pictures and hopefully some video too.
Now to gather supplies - where did that airhorn go...

Peninsula Village / 9-27-08 PV Protest! (Raleigh)
« on: August 21, 2008, 07:13:21 PM »
Well, probably.

Peninsula Village holds "family support workshops" every other month at the RDU Country Inn and Suites at 201 Airgate Dr. Morrisville, NC and the next one is scheduled for the morning of September 27th.
According to my research, although the mailing address of the Country Inn and Suites is listed as in Morrisville, that area actually falls under the jurisdiction of the Cary PD. Cary city code defines permit-required protests as having more than four protesters. A person with the Cary PD that I spoke with believed that a recent Supreme Court ruling now prevents them from requiring permits for any protests, but wasn't certain about this.
One Cary regulation that I came across is that any signs cannot be larger that 24x24 inches. It is also against NC law to possess or have access to any object capable of inflicting serious bodily injury within 500 feet of any protest. This restricts any supports or handles for signs to nonmetallic materials no larger than 3.5in by 1in.
All of these rules will be abided by, and all other laws will also be followed.
Here's the schedule for PV's parent group:
-9:00 a.m. Coffee/light breakfast
-9:15 a.m. Education
-10:15 a.m. Break
-10:30 a.m. Support group
-Noon adjourn
If anyone wants to help out or can attend, please either post in this thread or send me a PM letting me know. Hopefully everything will work out this time!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: August 15, 2008, 09:41:57 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "act.da"
ZenAgent, whenever you make it over to PV I'd really like to have some pics of the white off-campus vans and the license plates on them
They'll SUE you for that! (even if you don't do it)...  You're stalking the poor program and causing untold emotional sufferings to the poor poor staff members who will probably write very nasty  declarations about you composed of 70% heresay 20% opinion, and 10% pure fiction.  Shame on you. Act.da.  Have some compassion on the poor poor staff members.  They have feewings too!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: August 15, 2008, 02:41:30 PM »
White vans are used for off-(concentration)camp trips, like taking kids to AA meetings in herds.  The blue van is inter-compound transport.
ZenAgent, whenever you make it over to PV I'd really like to have some pics of the white off-campus vans and the license plates on them.

According to what I was told, I'm supposed to either be dead, or in jail right now.
I feel pretty good about not being in either of those situations.
Same here.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: ? about RTC
« on: August 02, 2008, 10:33:27 PM »
From the symptoms/diagnoses you've descibed (ADHD, no impulse control, ODD, no cause and effect, aspergers, manic depression, bipolar) he sounds like a pretty typical 15 year old boy. Imprisonment in a RTC would be just about the worst thing to do to him. If they already have a specific RTC in mind, let us know and maybe some survivors can fill you in about the place.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: August 01, 2008, 03:16:19 PM »
This is not at all complete but it still has alot of interesting info.
Make sure you have Google Earth installed, then click the link and choose open (or save if you'd like).

Feel free to add or make corrections to it.

Peninsula Village / PV google earth map info
« on: August 01, 2008, 03:14:53 PM »
This is not at all complete but it still has alot of interesting info.
Make sure you have Google Earth installed, then click the link and choose open (or save if you'd like).

Feel free to add or make corrections to it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: August 01, 2008, 01:48:02 PM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Never have been able to get a straight answer from anyone in the Blount Co. gov't., from cops to the health dep't.   It's sure as hell clear they want to dodge the ownership issue.  There's a local forum in Knoxville where a local cartographer studied the park issue and ended up concluding it is currently under PV.   How that can be is not an issue Blount or PV wants to address, which makes it all the more worthwhile to dig into it.

Act.da, is there anything you want a first-hand check done on at PV?  I haven't been out there in a while to feel the evil vibes.
The people I was talking with seemed pretty nervous, it almost made me think they had been told to deny or "no comment" about any knowledge if anyone asked about it.

When you get out to PV, could you try to get some photos of the vehicles they use for patient transpostation? I'd also be interested in seeing if their tactics during cross-campus hikes have changed. Of course, photos of just about anything around PV could potentially be useful, so my advice would be just snap away!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: July 31, 2008, 09:28:34 PM »
Today I made a call to the Blount Count Parks and Rec office regarding Jones Bend.
Turn your speakers up, and check it out:

p.s. - help bring back the war on PV, don't let this thread die.

Peninsula Village / PV & Jones Bend Blount County Park
« on: July 31, 2008, 02:43:40 PM »
Today I made a call to the Blount Count Parks and Rec office regarding Jones Bend.
Turn your speakers up, and check it out:

Peninsula Village / Re: THE NEW STAFF
« on: March 06, 2008, 04:35:33 PM »
About time! I've been anxiously waiting to see who PV puts up on the hit-list next. Couple new faces there, along with some old ones. Did a quick search and got a couple possible hits:

Nena Taylor
10604 Bitteroot Way
Knoxville, TN

Heidi Poore
438 Self Hollow Rd.
Rockford, TN

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Peninsula Village
« on: February 25, 2008, 11:09:34 AM »
Thanks for the info Zen. I don't remember Dominic Hawranke being at PV while I was there. The name does sound familiar though, so I may have met him at Peninsula Hospital across the street.

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