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Messages - JDavid

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Bill O'Reilly was just on TV last night reinforcing the idea that drug use contributes to teen pregnancy.  I wonder how long it's going to be until people realize teen pregnancy is not bad to begin with.  It's the system in which the teens live that is bad.  I have no interest at all in sustaining such a system.  I was thinking yesterday: we are expected to postpone the lives of our kids for the sake of this system.  That sucks.

Plus, I hope their version of hell after they die is exactly like first phase for eternity complete with host homes at night where Satan is their oldcomer.  Drive them through heaven twice a day so they can see what they are missing, but never let them out of the car until they get to the building or the host home.

If they have casket burials... you can bet I will find their graves.  I will "visit" them often.

We haven't made this connection yet: what is more evil/destructive?... drug use or holding teenagers in concentration camps?  I haven't seen that comparison yet.  I guess it might have been made before.

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-21 13:02 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Important Notice to All Readers
« on: May 21, 2003, 03:26:00 PM »
You need to study capitalism and how it works in order to realize that it is true that people are only wealthy because they climb all over the poor.  That is how it is in the USA and the rest of the world.  That is capitalism.  Think on this comment and apply it to any vision of wealth you can imagine "In order for one person to be rich, many many others must be poor".  Here is another one: "If everyone had capital, there would be no use for the capitalist system".

Telling me to love it or leave it is apartheid mentality.  A person's political dissent should never be put before the corporations which rule the world, regardless of who is right or wrong.  Apartheid is extremely primitive and savage thinking.

You wave the flag; you waive your rights!  America is nothing to be in love with unless you love establishing supremacy at the expense of the third world (study the World Bank and the IMF), or if you love corporate rule over the working class.  Take a close look at the lobbyists our politicians are virtually employed by.  Study some eminent domain cases where the corporation squashes the majority of local neighbors and plunks a franchise down at the entrance to their subdivision.

Wage slavery or the threat of enforced poverty is not a choice; it is a threat.  There's nothing free about forcing people to aquire the means of survival from the wealthy.

On 2003-05-21 08:57:00, Anonymous wrote:

"JDavid, you sound like a Communist. The wealthy are "only wealthy because they climb all over the poor."??? Where'd you get that closed-minded opinion? I don't know what Country you're referring to but it isn't the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To coin MG8, "Love it or leave it" Comrade. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!! :flame: "

I used to go to a few different types of forums every now and then thinking I'm going to be able to light a real fire by bringing up a drug war debate, with me clearly taking the stance against the drug war, but it never happens.  I can't remember any time (after Straight) which a person stepped up and took a pro-drug war stance against me.  

I think people really do range from neutral to  hardcore against the drug war.  It has become so boring due to no opposition that I don't even try it anymore.  You won't see masses of people protesting the end of the drug war when it does end.  It will end.  

Those drug war people are pretty damn old now.  They will die of old age soon.  This is the rare occassion in which death is a wonderful thing.  I will be celebrating the death of each of those nasty old bitches as they are toe-tagged and their shriveled prune bodies are hauled off to the crematorium.  I hope their carcasses shit themselves in the van on the way, just so the van drivers can get a look at what kind of disgusing animals they really are.  I know there's the possibility of a next generation taking their place.  I just wanted to be enthusiastic for a second about the death of the generation which founded Straight.

I don't do any drugs, but I know a few marijuana users.  Zero percent of them ever committed gun violence, date rape, teen pregnancy, auto accidents, gang killings, and terrorism.  Not even the auto accidents or teen pregnancy.

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-20 16:51 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Important Notice to All Readers
« on: May 19, 2003, 06:45:00 PM »
Being poor means your penalty is going to be a lot more severe, relatively.  That's what the United States of Whatever is all about.  Jack boots for the poor and phenomenal privilege for the wealthy who are only wealthy because they climb all over the poor.  

Even your "innocent do no wrong" favorite actress is in this financial fascism racket, for example.  She takes $20 million per movie while hundreds of interns slave away 10 to 14 hours a day doing shit jobs on the set.  I know that has nothing to do with this.  I just wanted to say it.   :razz:

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-19 15:59 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 19, 2003, 06:26:00 PM »
Each person decides on their own which area in which they want to produce their part.  It is no major issue either because in a town of 18,000 most people will only work maybe one 8 hour day out of an entire month to pull their community duty.  If you don't want to study anything, be a sewer worker or do the garbage hauling.  Jobs like those will be more swamped with people than the jobs that take more to learn, so that means more people.  More people = less hours.  To do something complex like become a surgeon, people would only let ya work on them if you have become qualified to do it (and we don't need government-approved qualifications either, the fact that they graduated and their reputation is qualification enough).  Those jobs will probably  be less saturated, so they'll work more hours.  Still, jobs of that level will not require 40+ hour work weeks from each person because surgeons will be busting through schools much more easily once schools are no longer capitalist-exclusive and the students aren't having to work shit jobs to get through their years in school.  See the competition doesn't exist in this scenario.  There is always more room for more people because more people cuts back on everyone's hours.  Everyone can work anywhere they want because it just means cutting back on everyone else's time they have to spend there without damaging people's "income" like it would today.  No one needs income living like this, but if they want one, they can get into market socialism.

Being selfish works just fine in anarcho-communism.  You have more freedom to be selfish in such a society than you do now.  Being selfish feels pretty good in the current system, but I think selfishness would just be really boring in anarcho-communism.  People could do that though.  It wouldn't harm a thing as long as they weren't intruding on others or stealing.  The rulers of today are selfish, they are intruding and they are stealing from others.

If an anarcho community is going to go to the trouble of establishing itself with utilities, agriculture, construction and so on, they aren't going to do it on flood plains.  There's plenty of good land to do it on.  The people who will live on flood plains will probably be the people who hate society and want to live in exile.  There's no reason to live on a flood plain unless you just wanted to for some weird reason.

What does government do to solve "small" land disputes?  Nothing that the people couldn't do on their own.  Especially if you consider how people will not be clinging to a piece of land for dear life since they never sank any money into it in the first place in anarcho-communism.  Without artificial restrictions, the solutions are more fluid.

On 2003-05-19 08:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The problem I see is that humans are inherently selfish. People generally look out for themselves before they look out for someone else.

I want my acre to be on a bluff over looking a river.  Give some other poor sole the acre in the 5 year flood plain. You can have an acre in the desert. I?m not worried about the ?biggest land disputes? I?m worried about the small ones. If you decide to   Why do you get to work at the power plant and I have to work at the sewage plant? You go work in the hot sun, picking citrus, while I sit on my butt in an air conditioned room monitoring the power plant. Who decides all this?

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-19 15:30 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 18, 2003, 12:16:00 AM »
That's why I say an awareness of the abundance is essential.  If someone is squatting on part of the reserved agricultural turf, and you go tell them there is another 1.6 billion acres out there, they will probably feel kinda ridiculous for acting like this particular patch was his last chance at having a place to live.  This is especially possible when a neighborhood attempts to solve the problem by actually inviting the nuissance squatter to come on over & build a house with them.

That is true that building houses is not that difficult.  So why do you have to spend 30 years paying for it?  The answer is: Artificial restrictions which create demand in conjunction with land hording by those who can afford to rapidly develop it and put huge prices on those developments.  That needs to end.  That is a system which will break probably long before we smash the state unless people just go generation after generation thinking it's ok to have to work your entire life to pay for a place to live.  Population does expand, so that is creating even more demand for dwellings (apartments or houses) on top of the artificial demand.  How out of reach do things have to get before the masses realize the bourgeoise scam which lies beneath it all?

People can deal with construction problems without official land ownership.  It's too easy to steer clear of disputes if people would just try dealing with each other instead of heading off to court like 2nd graders going to tell the teacher.  

The biggest land disputes come when a capitalist organization wants to plunk a business down in a residential area.  That won't be a problem at all in an anarcho-communism because there is nothing to capitalize on and no reason to capitalize.  Plus, the neighborhoods would have much greater power to prohibit it from happening because the courts will not be there to force eminent domain to their preferred customer... the corporation.  I have read some eminent domain cases.  Those are not "majority rules" cases; they are "the majority of money rules".  We need to remove courts from having that kind of preferential power so that the majority can rule again.

Hold people responsible for their actions directly.  Land ownership gets in the way of combating destructive behavior (against the community) more than anything.  

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-17 21:20 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sembler in Austell, GA
« on: May 17, 2003, 12:19:00 PM »
Austell is the city I was born in.  Sembler is desecrating my heritage.

Austell Road is a road that goes to Austell, but it is in Marietta.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puf, Puff, Puff , Puff!!!!
« on: May 17, 2003, 12:16:00 PM »
If the similarities exist, then they should be pointed out.  I'm not sure which pow camps Straight had more in common with, Korea or the Nazi's.  I don't see any point in putting Straight not one single notch above the Nazi's because the only reason they did not exterminate us is because there was no money in it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puf, Puff, Puff , Puff!!!!
« on: May 16, 2003, 11:16:00 PM »
It wasn't Ginger & Hamilton who did it.  It was the Nazi's.  Get over yourself.

On 2003-05-16 17:24:00, hedwigfan wrote:

"Gimme a can you compare the systematic near-extermination of a group of people with something as trivial as this????!!!!!!

I speak for those of us whose families ACTUALLY suffered at the hands of the Nazis!!! You have no idea what you're talking about! Anyone who's ever been to Oswiecim (Auschwitz) would agree (I have been there TWICE). Get over yourselves!"

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-16 21:00 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 16, 2003, 11:09:00 PM »
But you are agreeing when you said the ideas are good.  ::bangin:: I disagree that you're disagreeing because I think you agree, so we could just agree to agree.

I'm not being serious.  I don't really expect anyone to instantly agree with me.  Maybe you'll agree months down the road or somethin'.  Just saying "sounds good" is good enough for me.

On 2003-05-16 18:47:00, Mo wrote:

I know this. Why not agree to disagree? Sound like a plan to you? :grin:

Have a great weekend everyone.

*kissie*  *kissie*"

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-17 09:26 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 16, 2003, 11:04:00 PM »
But in anarcho-communism we could go out & build two houses in no time together, and not have to live under mortgages for 30 years.  It would be too easy to build houses to steal them from other people.  That's part of the community.  Plus, part of the community will be stockpiling and/or creating building materials in order to do such things.


Now, under your plan, what's to stop someone from taking your house once you've built it. As a matter of fact, we're having sort of a rough time these days. How about if I pack up my husband, two kids, dog and office and just move right in to your house. You'll just have to scoot over and get used to late night TV because we need the house for awhile. What? It's your house? You don't want to share? I thought not.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 16, 2003, 08:48:00 PM »
I think it is extremely unrealistic.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:59:00 PM »
You say it most likely always will be, but you didn't give a reason you think that.  You're giving too much credit to the capitalists.  The people who are holding the capitalists in power are the working class.  They greatly outnumber the ruling capitalists.  The ruling capitalists' numbers are always shrinking while the working and poverty class numbers are always growing.    It's only a matter of time before the working class refuses to support them anymore.

On 2003-05-16 16:48:00, Mo wrote:

And most likely always will be. I'm not on any political side. (I'm sure that's obvious) I just don't see things chang*When might that be?

ing THAT drasticly ever. I do believe in dreaming though.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Puff-puff
« on: May 16, 2003, 07:35:00 PM »
Well, what is it you think will prohibit it from working in the world we live in?  What is it that will prohibit mankind from production once all restrictions are removed?  Restrictions are an artificial method of creating scarcity, which is to boost the demand only for the gain of those who placed those restrictions.  Those restrictions are what drive people to commit most crimes, because the abundance in order to render such crimes obsolete is not available.  The abundance has been hijacked by capitalists.

[ This Message was edited by: JDavid on 2003-05-16 16:37 ]

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