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Messages - CCM girl 1989

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Quote from: "pppppfffbbb."
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "guest"
A poster accused Zenagent of sexual abuse, being an alcoholic, and failure, upsetting him. He demanded the poster’s IP. It wasn’t revealed, but it’s repulsive that an accused abuser, who demanded the ID of their complainant- as if they had the right to that info- is now a moderator. Moderating powers should not be given to people who do not recognize ethical boundaries concerning privacy. Only people who don’t use their powers to obtain IPs as a method of handling detractors triggering personal insecurities, should be moderators. Zen’s powers should be strictly limited, or removed.

Mike having an ip collection is creepy, as is che “abusing his powers to check on ips.” This issue should be addressed. Moderators should have no more right to check ips for personal aims than regular posters

There needs to be mechanical limitations on moderator powers and these should publicly posted.

Okay, talk about freaky! This is a post a guest wrote way, way back in this thread that I just finally fully read, and comprehended. I know that takes a while for me folks, lol!!!! But, I find it interesting that I am getting the same vibes from this ZEN guy. Can we make sure at least people like this don't have access to our information? Please pretty please! Can we be more responsible about that? I beg of you!!!!!!!!!

You're accusing the guy of sexual abuse, alcoholism and failure based on "vibes"?  At least what he posted about you was accurate and came from your own lack of discretion on the internet.  It certainly didn't defame you.  If he were truly malicious, he would have posted your info in full.  Get over yourself.  You threatened him once that you were going to be "in his neck of the woods" and wanted to confront him, implying you knew where he lived.  Don't cry "foul" - you've done far, far worse, logged in and anonymously.

"Freaky"?  I'd say.  Now you think every anon poster is Zen.  How ironic.

I never said every anon poster was ZEN? Look, this has become a complete waste of time. There is no reason for me to stick around. If ,and when fornits gets back to the way it used to be, then maybe I will come back. It's pretty unfortunate I think that we've let a handful of posters take control of this site. There are plenty of other sites that I can go to where I will not receive this kind of treatment, and have a mature conversation about the TTI. There are people who are making a difference out there. I look forward to being one of those people.

Just like I have devoted a lot of my time to PETA. I even went out, and protested the Stockton Circus put on by B & B. I felt good about what I did. It was tough to have a bunch of people hurling insults at me, but all I really cared about was these poor animals that were living life on the road only being let out of their cages when they were forced to perform. I was able to educate people on the abuse. So, it was worth having people angry with me, and calling me names. I was able to open a lot of peoples eyes, even if they didn't agree with me at the moment, I know they went home, and thought about what I was saying. Hopefully the numbers of people attending the circus every year will continue to dwindle. I was able to make a difference. I don't think people take this site seriously anymore. So, I can't do any good, and I am no longer able to make a difference. I just see the number of programs, and schools growing. I'm wasting my time trying to defend myself here.

It had been a while since I had even posted here, and look what happens when I do. I've met some people on here that I really like, and respect. Who have done things that do make a difference in all this mess. It's just the few of you X however many identities you've taken on X your numerous Guest/Anon postings that I really don't want to deal with anymore.

I miss the days when we had really good debates here. I learned a lot. Too bad that is not the case anymore.

Quote from: "*YAWN*"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "*YAWN*"
Zen's first name is "Kevin".

Considering that's all he posted about you, CCM, that makes you two even.

Now shut the fuck up, CCM.  You get into more than disagreements, and you go anonymous to take shitty shots at people you develop unreasonable hatreds for.  I guess you go anon because your own faults are well known to all and easily pointed out.

I've never been in a program.  I'm not the parent of a kid from a program.  And I'll post as much as I want.

Then what the hell brings you to this board? I don't get it???? I am not out there joining the Knitters of America board? Whatever floats your boat though. People who actually have control of this board are NOT backing up your claims, or Zens claims of me posting anon because it's a lie. I am not responding to anymore of these accusations of me posting anon. It's so ridiculous.

Personal disgust at the industry.

Sen. George Miller wasn't in a program.

Philip Elberg wasn't in a program.

Niles wasn't in a program - and props to him for dealing with your B.S.  He's offended by something he knows to be truly wrong and wants to change it.

By trying to keep people from no experience from learning about the industry here, you're doing the WHO's work.  It's a difficult subject for those with no experience to understand, I KNOW.  If the outside world doesn't learn about these programs, then nothing can change. 

But I guess that's what you want. 

By the way, there's a big, big difference between what a knitting group discusses and what Fornits discusses.  Get a clue from somewhere.

Sen. George Miller got involved because he holds a public office, and it's his JOB to address these issues, and concerns of the people. There were issues that were brought to his attention about the TTI, and the abuses that were going on there. What? You think he woke up one day, and went......"oh, I think I am going to spend some time, and investigate the Troubled Teen Industry???"

As far as Niles goes.......for a long time I had nooooooooooo clue why the hell he was here. He later told me that he had a very good friend who went through all this B.S.

As far as Philip Elberg goes?????????? I have no clue who this guy is?


Quote from: "guest"
A poster accused Zenagent of sexual abuse, being an alcoholic, and failure, upsetting him. He demanded the poster’s IP. It wasn’t revealed, but it’s repulsive that an accused abuser, who demanded the ID of their complainant- as if they had the right to that info- is now a moderator. Moderating powers should not be given to people who do not recognize ethical boundaries concerning privacy. Only people who don’t use their powers to obtain IPs as a method of handling detractors triggering personal insecurities, should be moderators. Zen’s powers should be strictly limited, or removed.

Mike having an ip collection is creepy, as is che “abusing his powers to check on ips.” This issue should be addressed. Moderators should have no more right to check ips for personal aims than regular posters

There needs to be mechanical limitations on moderator powers and these should publicly posted.

Okay, talk about freaky! This is a post a guest wrote way, way back in this thread that I just finally fully read, and comprehended. I know that takes a while for me folks, lol!!!! But, I find it interesting that I am getting the same vibes from this ZEN guy. Can we make sure at least people like this don't have access to our information? Please pretty please! Can we be more responsible about that? I beg of you!!!!!!!!!

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Thank God for the ignore user feature!

You told people on the shout board that your wife wanted you to let this all go? Do me a favor, and listen to your wife.

Quote from: "Busch"
Just can't keep the ole trap shut can you?

Okay, all I can say is someone needs to post that picture of Jack Nicholsen from a Few Good Men saying.................."YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!"

Quote from: "*YAWN*"
Zen's first name is "Kevin".

Considering that's all he posted about you, CCM, that makes you two even.

Now shut the fuck up, CCM.  You get into more than disagreements, and you go anonymous to take shitty shots at people you develop unreasonable hatreds for.  I guess you go anon because your own faults are well known to all and easily pointed out.

I've never been in a program.  I'm not the parent of a kid from a program.  And I'll post as much as I want.

Then what the hell brings you to this board? I don't get it???? I am not out there joining the Knitters of America board? Whatever floats your boat though. People who actually have control of this board are NOT backing up your claims, or Zens claims of me posting anon because it's a lie. I am not responding to anymore of these accusations of me posting anon. It's so ridiculous.

Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I didn't post her info.  Why do you keep saying I did?

Was it sadistic for her to attack my entire family, Isa?

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read! This is wrong, wrong, wrong, you are outright lying. Are you serious about me googling Zen Agent???? I would never in a million years have done anything of the such! Vic Leathers?!! Huh? WHUT???? I don't know what the hell you are talking about? Me attacking your family? I didn't even know before yesterday that you were a man! Notice that in the last emails I never even use the words he/she. I didn't even know you had a wife, and a daughter till I saw you posting on the shout box that she has even asked you to drop this whole thing. I have to got to work very early this morning which sucks because it Saturday, but whatever! Point being, my husband just came into the office, and I literally for the first time had to explain to him what was going on here. This was something I have kept from him because I didn't want him involved. He doesn't understand what I went through, and sometimes it's too damn hard to explain to someone why after 20 years you are still dealing with things. Even though I've come a long ways. So, I just had to explain to him about the threat of our information being released. So, now I have him trippin because now he wants to take action which is the whole fucking thing I wanted to avoid. This really sucks. Dammit.

As far as The Who giving you all that information, or him coming to you for my personal information. I think people are smart enough to know that's not The Who's agenda getting program survivors names, and addresses. I know you hate the Who Zen. But, nobody is going to believe you. I don't care what emails you create, or whatever. You lack credibility.

So, you all have a great weekend. Mine now is totally screwed since I get to go to work then start dealing with all this crap when I get home. That's great.

For your own well being, CCM, I suggest you learn that anything you post anywhere is easily retrievable with the right context and the ability to use boolean strings with "Google". You need to learn how to not let things slip.

I'll gladly help you in any way I can if you just ask.

Thanks Niles, I will postpone my computer class, lol!!!! Look Niles, the problem I have is that you all figured out who I was by doing some investigating. Investigating with the information I gave to fornits. Not you, or Zen, or anyone else when I signed up. I didn't throw it out here on this board for everyone to see, as a survivor of the programs, I shared some personal information, which I never wanted traced back to me. Even after you got my name, you yourself then googled my name somehow getting you to which is where those two pictures of me were posted. The ones that you ended up posting on here. That made me feel uncomfortable since I pretty much look the same, and I am sure my stories that I shared here rang bells even after all those years.

Then having my name posted. Then being threatened that all my personal information, along with my husbands name, my families names, and where we all live, that that information was going to be posted for all to see??? Someone actually went as far as to do a criminal background check on me? God, talk about a great bed time story. That would've put even the worst insomniac to sleep in a nano second.

So, yeah. I have a problem with that. Let the fuckers out there that are raking in millions do the dirty work. Not you guys here! But let me tell you, that is now too late. You have a problem with me? I recommend you be a real man, or woman, and come to me with it. Don't be an asshole, and take my information that wasn't personally given to you, or Zen, and blab it all over this board, and post my pictures for all to see That's wrong. I've forgiven you Niles, but we talked for what?????? About two hours?!!!! And by the way, that wasn't off peak minutes baby, lol!!!! I let you say everything you wanted to say to me. Why you disagreed with me. Then, I was able to clarify things with you that you had misunderstood. That's the only reason that you are halfway okay with me here, is you know, I am not a horrible person. We had a real conversation.

As for Zen, I have zero respect for you. You've proven yourself to be a compulsive liar. Half the stuff you have been saying here are all lies, lies, and more lies. I have never lied EVER on this board. I have had somethings I had to retract because of getting outed. So as for you, there is no way I would even waste my time with you. I did put a $100 bounty on your head to get your name. For me to know. Not to broadcast it here, or on the internet. It makes me a little sick to my stomach that you have basically been acting like a sadistic freak towards me ever since Niles posted my picture. I have to tell you, I see red flashing signs saying DANGER!

On a side note nobody should ever be banned from this board. But I also think that only the responsible, and mature people should be able to have access to all our information. That has not been happening. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to be dealing with this crap.

Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I didn't post her info.  Why do you keep saying I did?

Was it sadistic for her to attack my entire family, Isa?

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read! This is wrong, wrong, wrong, you are outright lying. Are you serious about me googling Zen Agent???? I would never in a million years have done anything of the such! Vic Leathers?!! Huh? WHUT???? I don't know what the hell you are talking about? Me attacking your family? I didn't even know before yesterday that you were a man! Notice that in the last emails I never even use the words he/she. I didn't even know you had a wife, and a daughter till I saw you posting on the shout box that she has even asked you to drop this whole thing. I have to got to work very early this morning which sucks because it Saturday, but whatever! Point being, my husband just came into the office, and I literally for the first time had to explain to him what was going on here. This was something I have kept from him because I didn't want him involved. He doesn't understand what I went through, and sometimes it's too damn hard to explain to someone why after 20 years you are still dealing with things. Even though I've come a long ways. So, I just had to explain to him about the threat of our information being released. So, now I have him trippin because now he wants to take action which is the whole fucking thing I wanted to avoid. This really sucks. Dammit.

As far as The Who giving you all that information, or him coming to you for my personal information. I think people are smart enough to know that's not The Who's agenda getting program survivors names, and addresses. I know you hate the Who Zen. But, nobody is going to believe you. I don't care what emails you create, or whatever. You lack credibility.

So, you all have a great weekend. Mine now is totally screwed since I get to go to work then start dealing with all this crap when I get home. That's great.

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 28, 2008, 05:24:56 PM »
Quote from: "anonnnn"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Again, notice the blanks...I could have added last name, address, phone number, arrest record... I left all that blank, too.  But someone wants to whitewash it.  How KoolAid.

Once again:  who asked for it, I gave it.  Weasel!

Thanks for verifying I was right...I was only bluffing again

Arrest record? Did you pay to get a background check on CCM? Now THAT is the most creepy thing so far in this thread yet.

I agree!

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 28, 2008, 05:08:33 PM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "OH WEHT"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"

I would like to add - shut up, Miranda.  You're a troll, everyone knows it.  If you're going to act like an asshole, people have a right to address your bullshit.  But you hide.

Psy, can the ignore feature be set to block the IP of the person being ignored, so I don't have to read her shit when she "slips under the radar"?

Does CCM really stand for "Crack Craving Miranda"? 

We were all just told that Zens moderating privileges were limited to the YLF forum.  So how can he come over to the TTI forum and start outing people based on their IP addresses .  Zen, you just outed a survivor on an open forum because they disagree with you.  Why are you so pissed about people posting as a "guest" when you can read everyones IP#? 

Why is it not okay to post as a “guest”?  This is not something that is unique to internet forums or fornits.  Talk radio has had anonymous callers for decades.  People call in and say “This is Mike from Pittsburgh….”  They may or may not give their real name and the show host could check the id of the caller easily if they wanted and out them over the air, but they don’t, because first it isn’t right and secondly people would stop calling in.  Successful open forums (and talk radio) are built upon anonymity.

People say bad stuff about me all the time, but I don’t ask for or expect to get their IP addresses.  Of all the people having keys to fornits, you should be the last one because of your track record here and in other forums.

I think you know who this is just check my IP#.


Yeah...she's a survivor, alright.  Against WWASP, but pro-program, just like Sue Scheff.  Makes anonymous, false allegations so she doesn't have to back them up, and allies herself closely with the who.  I got enough PM's with background on "CCM" to know she's as believable as thewho.

How did I "out" somebody?  If it's posted openly on the internet, it's fair game.  Dude.   By the way, I can't see anyone's IP.  There's a good reason for that, because I would abuse that privilege to "out" you.  Just being honest.

Once again, the ignore feature is useless as long as the ignored slip by as anons.  Block their IP's so they're truly ignored.  Thewho and CCM are so desperate to be noticed, they'll do anything to get attention.  That's truly pathetic, trollish activity.

I am so desperate to be noticed that in the last 6 months I have posted maybe a total of 10 times? I love the fact you have access to my PM's too, and are threatening to post them. The things is, I could give 2 shits less, so be my guest. I haven't used that feature in 4 months, and before that rarely. Just do me a favor, and don't alter all my PM's. Because we all now people were altering my posts. Doesn't give you a lot of credibility. BTW, you have some nerve comparing me to Sue Scheff. BTW, The Who, and I exchanged a few P.M.'s about all the crap I was receiving because I didn't agree with the majority here that all programs were bad. But that was over 4 months ago, and very briefly. It's not like we are buddy buddy! Come on re-read my PM's Zen. They are still sitting there, I don't bother to erase those things, because I have nothing to hide. But, keep in mind if you do decide to be a prick, and post them. It just reflects badly on fornits for allowing you to have access to such private information.

Also, it wasn't just 1 WWASP program I went through. I went through a total of 4 different programs. If you don't consider me a survivor having to endure being away from my family for 4 1/2 years going through everything I did, then what is your definition of being a "program survivor"? I'd be real curious to hear that one! Also, you obtained my name from fornits when I signed up. Either that or when I listed myself on trying to find some of my long lost friends that met the same unfortunate fate that I did, to catch up on old times. I didn't sign up to have some fucking loser like yourself that likes to talk the talk, then can't walk the walk, then threaten to spread my name all over this board. How truly pathetic you are. Get a life buddy!

BTW, having my name listed, and having my picture put up on here (thanks to Niles, oh well someone posted yours too), at first it kinda pissed me off, I'll be honest, I wasn't real comfortable having that information just hanging out here. But, I figure if there hasn't been anyone murdered by an angry fornits poster yet, and I am talking about all Ed-Con's to Program Owners to random prickish staff that taunted some of us, and made our lives a living hell, then the chances of someone coming after me, are slim, to none.

If someone does decide to, then hey, when it's your time, it's your time! But, don't think for one second I am not aware of my surroundings. I also have a few family members that are in law enforcement, also some detectives that are undercover in the narcotics division, and it really is not a big deal to have my phones tapped, calls traced, or whatever it takes to find out who you are, and press charges. So, if you like stuff like that on your record, enjoy spending time in court, or love being behind bars, then go for it. I just pick up the phone and make one call, and that starts the ball in motion. So, please make sure this is really what you want to do. If you decide to show up at my house, first of all you would have to make it through security. If you did that, then my dogs would alert me, which then I would proceed to grab my husbands gun, and then I would have to blow your brains out all over my pretty house. Sorry, I am not nice like some people who might aim for a leg to disable you. I aim with the intent to kill.

I really like the majority of the people on here even though we have are disagreements. There are just a few of you that no matter what I say, or do, I will always be on their shit list! Oh well, that's the way it goes.

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 28, 2008, 02:05:59 AM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "guest"
I’m an ex- regular who comes no longer. The repelling force isn’t Mike, but a few fire whirls, including the loss of safety in posting here. Currently, one fears moderators will misuse their clout to compromise a vexing poster’s anonymity, or give information about their identities to programs or authorities.

A poster accused Zenagent of sexual abuse, being an alcoholic, and failure, upsetting him. He demanded the poster’s IP. It wasn’t revealed, but it’s repulsive that an accused abuser, who demanded the ID of their complainant- as if they had the right to that info- is now a moderator. Moderating powers should not be given to people who do not recognize ethical boundaries concerning privacy. Only people who don’t use their powers to obtain IPs as a method of handling detractors triggering personal insecurities, should be moderators. Zen’s powers should be strictly limited, or removed.

Mike having an ip collection is creepy, as is che “abusing his powers to check on ips.” This issue should be addressed. Moderators should have no more right to check ips for personal aims than regular posters

There needs to be mechanical limitations on moderator powers and these should publicly posted.

Secondly, Fornits shouldn’t be hijacked by a small group from a traditionally abusive rtc. The YLF forum shouldn’t be on top. The rtcs and cults discussed inside already have their forums. I feel like some program parents don’t “need” this forum emotionally and have turned it into a place where insults about being gay and poor, and orders to identify yourself have replaced communication. They aren’t interested n communication but a bully-pulpit platform which has resulted in a corresponding decline of other voices

Finally, fornits should be fully anon again. Stop forcing “name” declarations when logging in as guest. “Tortured kids,” “cafety,” and mike’s forum are dead because of the “signing in” policy. The emotions provoked by discussion of therapeutic cult abuse are too painful to expect people to log in. This policy drives survivors away.

Who decides how the forum is run, anyway?
Whoever that is should consider these issues. I surmised that people would stop posting when invasive and unreliable moderators became worries, and this prediction has proved accurate.

With that said, there is no pleasing everyone. Individually, I’d like to feel relatively comfortable that my right to privacy is respected, even if I piss off individual moderators, and that all survivors aims are considered.

And before we EVEN go there, I’m not a troll, or involved in any of the personal disputes referenced.

Could you be any more obvious?  Log in, CCM, if you're going to sling this.  I've got you blocked.


I guess you won't see this, will you Zen? Hahahahaha, ya right! You know you can't resist my posts, lol!!!!! Anyway, not my post above, btw. Hellooooooo, this person is waaaaay too smart, and uses much bigger words then me. They more then likely applied a good amount of proxy too, lol!!!!! Not even my writing style. Come on Zen! Maybe you have forgotten my writing style since you have on your Ignored list? Whatever! If you're going to point a finger make sure it's at the right person. But that's really not your style now, is it?

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:44:35 PM »
Quote from: "Nihilanthic"
Oh, we did too!

And you're proud of doing this? Interesting.

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 27, 2008, 05:33:23 PM »
Also, I forgot to mention!!!!!!! The altering of my posts, I really LOVED that!!!!!!

Open Free for All / Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« on: February 27, 2008, 05:18:46 PM »
Quote from: "TheWho"
Quote from: "Hooter"
I have sat here and watched people, under the guise of well intended posters, telling parents, who were here looking for advice, that there was no help available for their child and that all programs were abusive.

Because all TBS/RTC type programs that use LGATs or the like, ARE abusive.

Thank you for posting this, I was looking for an example of a closed minded non-thinker.....

This is the exact mentality many of us have to live with here on fornits... all TBS's are the same... they are all abusive... 25,000 children are abused every year and nobody knows about it, in 30 years not one child has ever been helped. 

We all have to listen to this crap yet people think I should be banned, go figure.


I personally feel like using the ignore feature is weak. I mean come on!!!! Can't you just overlook posts made by these individuals that bother you without having to click an ignore button? I assume most of us have jobs here? When you have a problem with a co-worker are you able to click Ignore, and poof! The person automatically vanishes?!!! I don't think so! I don't feel The Who should have been banned in the past, nor should he be banned in the future. Having The Who around gives all you anti-program people the opportunity, and the ability to prove to parents why all programs are bad. Use it to your advantage.

As far as Fornits goes. It's still a great place to get information, and to connect with others. But, I personally don't feel safe posting things on here anymore. I also would make it very clear to current staff members/parents/or anyone that happens to be pro-program to be very careful about who you give your personal information too. And I am talking about from the second you make the decision to sign up for an account here. Don't use your real name, and if your email has your name in it, come up with a dummy one. I was very naive when it came to all this. my bad. You live, and you learn!

Also, has anyone noticed how there has been a decrease in postings? I do take into consideration that there has been a good number of other sites that have popped up that are similar to this one. But, do you think it could also be because there has been threats to expose people, or just outright doing it? There are also a lot of you on here that are very computer savvy. That's great, and all but keep in mind that some of us don't know how to use a proxy, or what a proxy even is! I hear the word proxy, and for all I know it could be just some damn cream people use to treat their hemorrhoids, lol!!!! But, if this was the forum it once used to be, nobody would be worried about slapping on any damn proxy?!! But, unfortunately it's not. So, I guess I'll sign up for a computer class. Anyway...........that's about it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Who is Dane Kay?
« on: February 19, 2008, 12:04:10 PM »
Discovery Academy was founded in 1989 and subsequently purchased in 2003 by Redcliff Ascent, a wilderness program located in the state of Utah. The new owners have an extensive background and interest in experiential and adventure therapies. Within the adventure therapy, experiential education structure, Discovery now stresses a relationship model of care. Over the past two years, the Redcliff ownership has expanded and refined the experiential components of the program, while strengthening some aspects of the existing programming. Their philosophy is clearly different from the original behavioral approach and they stress significantly stronger and more positive relationships with the students.

There are six owners of Discovery; Dane Kay, Jim Salisbury, Scott Peterson, his brother Steve Peterson who are also the original owners of Redcliff Ascent, Brent Hall and Steve Nadauld. All six owners are Discovery Academy board members. Brent Hall serves as the executive director for Discovery and Steve is the admissions director for the Redcliff Ascent wilderness program. The clinical director for Discovery is Ken Condie, who was formerly a therapist for Redcliff wilderness. Discovery leadership clearly has sufficient experience and dedication in working with troubled teenagers.

I'm just there any relation to Ken Kay, Jay Kay???????

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