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Messages - Nonconformistlaw

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / without futher a due
« on: August 19, 2007, 08:25:06 PM »
Quote from: ""Energizer Bunny""
Quote from: ""Nonconformistlaw""
Ummmm.....that just went straight over my head! LOL

44% in a little over and hour and a half. I am guessing it will take 4 hours total.

I told you i geeked out. lol

it will speed up quite a bit if you step away from the computer. lol seriously esp. fornits, the threads here are huge 10 posts on a dial up can take a bit of time to load. Not to mention Waygookins big ass avatars! lol  So the less you do on line the faster it will download.

Go smoke a bowl... oh wait.. GO  have a bowl of captain crunch! LOL :)

You mean I have to entertain myself off-line? Not possible! LOL

Great Idea I love captain crunch!  hehehehehehe :)

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / without futher a due
« on: August 19, 2007, 07:32:32 PM »
Quote from: ""Energizer Bunny""
Quote from: ""Nonconformistlaw""
Its driving me nuts! I wanna hear it NOW damn it! 31% complete.....if I am lucky I MIGHT get to hear it before I go to bed tonight. Oh and if something goes wrong downloading....I have a backup plan, LOL. I'll download in the middle of the night while I am sleeping....that is how I FINALLY got the Drug War Casulaity song done after the first attempt screwed up.

LOL well i could type up the transcript but that would take too long.  You could call and i could put the phone up the speaker but I'm afraid you might not  be able to hear the really good parts. There's only whispering going on then. LOL j/k

Here this is a nice tool when you just gotta know how much longer.

Type in 45 and then click MB..  whatever speed access you have (guessing you are 56k) it will let you know just how long you will have to wait.

I fell in the T2/DS2 6.0M,6.0M-DSL/Cable   range course the phone company is 6 blocks away.

sorry geeked out for a minute.

Ummmm.....that just went straight over my head! LOL

44% in a little over and hour and a half. I am guessing it will take 4 hours total.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / without futher a due
« on: August 19, 2007, 07:01:24 PM »
Its driving me nuts! I wanna hear it NOW damn it! 31% complete.....if I am lucky I MIGHT get to hear it before I go to bed tonight. Oh and if something goes wrong downloading....I have a backup plan, LOL. I'll download in the middle of the night while I am sleeping....that is how I FINALLY got the Drug War Casulaity song done after the first attempt screwed up.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Handle disapointment well?
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:54:07 PM »
Disappointment? I've been debating posting about this cause disappointment doesnt quite describe how I feel. Pissed off is more like it. You can also add insulted and embarrassed to the list too. And believe me, it is not easy to piss me off cause I am pretty damn easy going.

August 11, 2007 was to be the first Cincinnati/Michigan Reunion. For those of you who were genuninely interested but things came up, or you couldnt make it for whatever reason, I am not mad at any of you. Life happens and I am completely cool with that. Many people backed out and told me about it, and that is cool. But I will NEVER plan one again. Why?

I invested a lot of time and money and NOT ONE PERSON showed up. If everyone would have RSVP'd that they werent coming and I KNEW no one was coming, that would be disappointing, but it would not piss me off.

The problem is that some people RSVP'd that they were DEFINITELY coming and did not show up. In all, I was EXPECTING 6 people (7 including me)....and of course there were some who said "MAYBE." So I planned for 20 just in case (knowing that many "maybes" would not show up, I just wanted to make sure I had plenty in case some "maybes" did come). I am not remotely pissed at anyone who said maybe cause maybe means just that, maybe.  But when people RSVP that they are DEFINITELY coming, then dont bother to let me know that they cant make it, and dont show up, that is RUDE as hell. I spent a shitload of money on food, a xtra cooler, drinks, cornhole, and lighting for the yard for NOTHING.

Naturally I made the most of all the food and fun stuff I had set up. My brother and I played the brand new cornhole game I got just for the reunion. My brother, dad, my godfather and I all grilled out, drank beer out in the yard illuminated by the new bambo oil burning yard lights I got, just for the reunion, etc. I still managed to have fun. But that is not the point.

I cant freakin believe people couldnt send a simple freakin email or make a quick call to tell me they couldnt make it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / without futher a due
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:27:05 PM »
I think I'll be ok, as long as I am patient that is. It took eternity to download Drug War Casuality but it worked.

Besides I am up to 16% complete! LOL

If something goes wrong and it doesnt finish right, I'll send you my addy.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: feel free
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:17:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Energizer Bunny""
Quote from: ""4Reagan2Youth0""
No objections on Crapple, Reagan Youth or my my end..
go a head

Here ya go, enjoy! It's 45 megs, I tested the download. Under 60 seconds.  Course I was the only one but still quite zzzzzzzzzzippy!


Thanks bunny girl! Now that is one less thing for me to download.....I HATE dial up....I started the download 25 minutes ago and its a whopping 10% finished! I am in dial up hell!

RY, I will hear it eventually...I am sure you were great!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: words
« on: August 12, 2007, 03:44:07 PM »
Quote from: ""4Reagan2Youth0""
I still remember the day that they lied to me bout
Sending me to a place that was suppose to help me with
problems I didn’t have but the symptoms they were cast on me to fit,
The insured addict of the drug war in the 1980’s

Drug War Casualty, can you feel me?
Drug War Casualty, did you see me?
Sitting straight, watch me motivate.
Really wanting water.
Strange and cultic rules that they’re given me
Long lost and gone is my sanity
Pray to wake up from this terrible dream
Will the day come for my mind to think free?

Then that day I got away running through the streets of Dallas paranoid
Thinking, they were hiding everywhere going to jump out, catch and take me back for some more, brainwashing battery to become a Reagan Youth soldier to fight their war.

Drug War Casualty, can you feel me?
Drug War Casualty, did you see me?
Sitting straight, watch me motivate.
Really wanting water.
Strange and cultic rules that they’re given me
Long lost and gone is my sanity
Praying to wake up from this terrible dream
Will the day come for my mind to think free?

Thanx for posting the lyrics....I hope a lot of people ask you what this song is about....the song is an important one.

Great job Reagan Youth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Talking with a Dr bout Straight Inc
« on: July 25, 2007, 08:40:11 PM »
I only told one Dr and that is when I went to a psychologist a couple years ago. I was falling apart right after finding the boards so Straight was not only relevant, it was THE ISSUE and had everything to do with my diagnosis (PTSD).

To explain Straight, I printed off a lot of stuff off the internet that I thought did a good job of explaining certain aspects of Straight. I used articles, stuff from Wes's site, ISAC, and I brought a couple books...The Great Drug War (ch 2 about Straight) and "Come Clean"...that fiction book based on Straight. So she read some stuff every week, I answered questions, and then talked about Straight in bits in pieces over the course of 8 months. She quickly seemed to understand why it was bad. She didnt understand everything, particularly the mind control aspect, but she understood enough to see it was an abusive and dangerous place. I mentioned the spin offs but dont recall how in depth I got.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: RG
« on: July 18, 2007, 10:22:26 PM »
Quote from: ""2003""
Ours wasn't called heel to toe.  Our was called reading the "homes" list every night, and on the weekends, the out of town oldcomers got to go home all weekend while I had to stay and watch all the newcomers.  The "drop-offs" were when the out of town oldcomers would be dropped off at my house late on Sunday, but most of the time I would have to do all the Sunday bullshit by myself:
Search all newcomer's items, and all out of town oldcomer's items (VERY Scruntizingly, in all the shampoo bottles and pant leg creases)
Read and sign EVERYTHING newcomers draw or write
Have newcomers recite and explain steps in detail

This all took FOREVER to complete, especially when I'd have 5 other n/c's living with me, and only one out of town o/c on sunday.  Only when it was finished were we allowed to watch a movie.  Sometimes that didn't happen.

As far as households, when I was a n/c, I was at a different house basically every night.  Once I had to sleep in a shitty Milford trailer park on the ground in a tiny room with only a cum-covered sleeping bag and pillow.  I tried to pretend it was glue.  I had no choice.

That trailer should never have been a foster home, but it was, because we were low-life drug addicts, and at least we were sober.

I had never even drank before, and was clean for 2 months before entering KHK.  Michelle Dool told me after I had been in there for 9 months that I shouldn't have been in there at all.  By that point I was so brainwashed that I was happy to have been so "lucky" to be put in there.   I was 15, and very innocent still.  My parents pain $26,000, so that's why I stayed in there.  I also helped them out a lot, too.  I kept everyone under control.  I was the top girl phaser for almost my whole phases, so of course I stayed and they loved me.  

If anyone has recent stories of PFC or KHK, let me know.  I would love to talk to you more about them.

Just to Straight it was also reading of the homes each night...I believe the phrase for it was "Home situations". The heel toe part the other poster was describing was the manner in which we had to stand in line for an eternity as staff figured out homes. This usually took so long because of the size of the group (hovered around 200), always coming in and out of the staff office and to group to ask "who can take another newcomer" and the entire process of constantly shifting the homes around then finally hearing the final homes situations for the evening. There are times I swear we stood heel toe in line for an hour or more. It was excruciating! Not to mention smelly, painful, etc.

In Straight oldcomers also had to search newcomer items in the exact manner you described...and then some...inspecting underwear, all clothing items, the seams as you described, the pockets (pulling them inside out) inspecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc., rejecting anything with the slightest bit of alcohol content....frequently mouthwash or rejecting any other "no, no's." The list of no no’s was endless….no stylish (aka imagy) clothes, no belts, no jewelry, etc. What seems to be different is that in Straight this process was done during "clothes search." In the Milford building the clothes search room was immediately after entering the back door but before entering the doors to the group room. Clothes search was done during Monday & Friday open meetings by a few oldcomers who were selected for the "privilege" of doing so.

Newcomers were allowed to watch a movie? That was never allowed in Straight unless shown in group..."Not My Kid" was one movie shown to group. Figures, of course they would let us see the propaganda. ...Other than that, no one could ever watch a thing on tv until 3rd phase and even then the shows were pretty strictly controlled. I don’t recall ever having free access to the tv even when I was “allowed” to watch.

In Straight oldcomers had to go over newcomer MI's .....a process always done extremely late at night and when one oldcomer had more than one nuke MI to go over it did take eternity. Then showers...geez was that ever complicated...nuke hands had to be visible to the oldcomer as the oldcomer showered. That was damn uncomfortable holding hands against the inside of the shower or on top of the shower rod. Then of course supervising nuke showers. All of us crammed in the bathroom cause the oldcomer had to "be aware" of all nukes at all times. Damn slow process...not to mention ridiculous, humiliating, degrading, etc.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Documents added
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:17:00 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
The rights were posted above the water fountain, I believe that there was another page.  I remember asking an oldcomer if I could file a complaint, and they said I could but it wouldn't matter anyway.  I don't think anyone in my group actually put through one, I remember wondering how any clients would have been able to get a hold of these people anyway, with no access to a phone or even snail mail.
I was wondering if newcomers were even allowed to stop at the water fountain and read it? And what you are saying was the same way in Straight....chain of commands usually went nowhere. And you raise another good point. Because of the rules prohibiting phone calls or mail of any sort on 1st phase, it was literally impossible to report any wrongdoing to outsiders. This is one aspect of the program that I believe is particularly dangerous and naturally inappropriate. Kids need to be allowed to have access, w/o supervision to a phone for their protection.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / New Documents added
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:13:00 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
I remember that rap!  We had to draw our tombstone, and we also had to write a fairly lengthy obituary separately.  Then they called on someone to talk about it, like if they hadn't come to KHK how their life would have been, how they were terrible to their family, what horrible people they were, always just putting yourself down, but KHK was the beacon of light! I had forgotten about those kinds of raps.

I think Straight did similar raps only I dont know if we had to write an obituary. I think what you were subject to, being forced to draw your tombstone and write an obituary is horrible and its low, manipulative as all hell, and in my mind completely inappropriate. I dont see any therapudic value in this whatsoever. Sorry you were subjected to that crap.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / *Petition*
« on: July 14, 2007, 11:05:51 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
As far as I know, most of the kids that are there are court ordered, and they changed the payment system, so you pay based on how much you make or something like that, so I think that they are accepting families who aren't wealthy (i don't know how to phrase that, but you know what i mean) so the group has a totally different feel.  I think that they are accepting medicare too.  Looking back, the parents seemed to be brainwashed too.  I mean they all loved us, and wanted the best for us, but they didn't understand.  They were just totally scared.  All of this is just what I've heard, so don't take it as factual.  To me it seems like it would be bad for them to lose the Milford building.  Not only is it completely locked down, but the location allows for families from Cincy, Columbus, Dayton, and Kentucky.  

I remember when ya'll did the protest.  I had already graduated, but my staff friends told me a little bit about it, people standing outside with signs right?  Penny was pissed when they did that news segment on KHK.  I guess she was under the impression that it would be good publicity for KHK, and instead they made it look cultish.  I haven't read any of the articles that you are talking about, do you have links to any of them?  I'm no longer in Cincy, but just curious, what do you all do when you meet up?

In Straight the parents were the same....scared so they were easy prey. Straight manipulated parents by using every parents worst fears....parents were told that "Your child will end up dead or in jail" without Straight. Straight also did a damn good job brainwashing the parents as well.

Well what we do when we meet up just depends. There has been protests, a gathering for a memorial service for Straight victims we lost to suicide or other causes, other reunions or unorganized hanging out. Since we are "older" you might think what we do is at the VA reuinion last summer we grilled out, hung out, some drank, some didnt, talked about Straight here and there, talked about "normal" things too. When I have met up with survivors informally, we have gone out to see a band play, go out to eat, or just hang out shooting the shit. Basically, aside from the protesting type stuff...we basically do "normal" stuff when we hang out. But hanging out is generally infrequent cause we are all so scattered.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / *Petition*
« on: July 14, 2007, 10:29:53 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
   Only recently have I started looking into this stuff, and have heard things about straight.  I guess I'm in that phase that your talking about where you start to realize everything that happened was so f*cked up, and I guess I'm just trying to work through it? I don't know.  Most of my friends that went through there with me are still all about the program, and when it comes up they say it doesn't matter what it was like because it was the best thing that happened to us.  I disagree.  And so far, talking to other people does nothing because they don't understand, I mean, how can you explain "time out" to some who wasn't there?  So I feel kinda in limbo between the whole 7 stepper thing and 'the real world' for lack of better words.  I haven't talked to anyone about this in a while, hence the long posting.

I cant imagine what it is like to be coming to certain realizations for the first time AND be reading this stuff on the internet. In 86 when I snapped out of it, there was no internet to validate that what I was going through was real, nor did I know it was so common among survivors. I cannot tell you what you are going though but I'll explain what it was like for me. I know its very similar to what Straight survivors went though but we are all individuals who may come to certain realizations and react to them in slightly different ways. It might be different for you or very similar. In other words, I am not trying to tell you what you should be realizing or how you should be reacting.

For me, one day I realized that 20 months of my life had been a lie because it was impossible for me to be a druggie....I never tried drugs and only got drunk once. So I realized that Straight lied to me from day one and screwed with my head (brainwashed) to the point that somewhere along the line I believed I was a druggie.

The other realization was seeing the obvious, glaring and enormous difference between reality and what Straight taught us. For example, people dont go around sharing feelings all the time. Straight taught us to do that to that point that is all we freakin did. So needless to say I got a lot of weird reactions from people. There were many other ways Straight's bs conflicted with reality but that one really sticks out...So I realized Straights teachings were lies because they were so extreme and not remotely realistic for coping with "real life."

The other realization for me was that I had no clue to carry on normal conversations, didnt know what was new, cool or recent music due to Straight isolating me from the world. Of course it didnt help that I also had symptoms of PTSD caused by Straight mixing in all these realizations. It also did not help that every time I tried to explain Straight to people they looked at me like I just said I was from Mars or something. So there was no one I could talk I know what you mean about how people just dont get it when you try to explain.

I ended up going "downhill fast" because of all these realizations and being overwhelmed by them.... I turned into a wild party girl almost overnight. I did things I never would have considered doing before Straight....and it was because I was trying to forget Straight, rebelling against Straight, trying to be normal and of course as part of PTSD.

Dont worry about the long winded posting....that is also typical around here!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / *Petition*
« on: July 14, 2007, 05:02:15 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
I remember when ya'll did the protest.  I had already graduated, but my staff friends told me a little bit about it, people standing outside with signs right?  Penny was pissed when they did that news segment on KHK.  I guess she was under the impression that it would be good publicity for KHK, and instead they made it look cultish.  I haven't read any of the articles that you are talking about, do you have links to any of them?  I'm no longer in Cincy, but just curious, what do you all do when you meet up?

Yes we stood outside in the freezing cold all day with signs...we were there until open meeting was over. The WCPO tv crew showed up and reported for local evening news.

Hey Other working links to those 2 WCPO KHK stories?...the links I saved arent working anymore.

Cincinnati Beacon also showed up for this protest....which was the beginning of all these articles, responses etc. You will notice that each article has numerous comments beneath the original story....all the comments are worth reading, although it will take some time.

Here are all the links to the Beacon articles (all should work, I just checked)....I'll reply to the rest of your post after I finish cutting grass! ... ask_force/ ... s_milford/ ... stigation/ ... _survivor/ ... ir_rights/ ... onnection/ ... _employee/ ... ping_kids/ ... arch_31st/

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / *Petition*
« on: July 14, 2007, 02:40:15 PM »
Omg I wish I could see that scrapbook! What a wealth of information that must be! Penny Walker is still at KHK as far as I know. DO you remember if that scrapbook contained everything Miller Newton did at Straight (before starting KIDS)? I just wonder if Miller Newton's past was revealed to KHK clients.

So its falling apart huh? Of course it is, the second you take away the things that force kids to stay and comply naturally they will not follow the program anymore. That is just one reason the Straight treatment model does not work....its 100% based on coercion. No treatment can possibly work unless they individual wants to change and has made that decision of their own free will. And if KHK/Straight treatment "works" its only because its coerced....the "happy perfect child" is not real in the sense that they are 100% forced to be that way....those "changes" dont last long. Most Straight sirvivors will tell ya all about how they fell apart once the programing wore off and they realized the bs they had been forcefed in the program.

So Miller Newton is still running his little cult. Is there anything that will wake this idiot up? How many times does that jerk have to be sued for millions because of his bogus "treatment methods" before he gets it?

btw, you are the 2nd former KHK client to say KHK ignores those drug tests. Did you see all the articles in the Cincinnati Beacon? One former KHK client did a guest column....that person was pretty ambivalent and said bad things but then at times seemed to defend KHK. These articles were run after we did the Feb 2006 protest.  I can send you links to all of them if you want.

Yes, Straight had a "discipline rap" after each Open Meeting (Mon & Fri) Straight it was called Open Meeting review. Check out this clip....its from the movie "Not My Kid" the film version of Miller Newton's book which portrayed Straight, only it really watered the truth down, blatently lied...or completely omitted facts.

"Not My Kid"

Read the comments...I posted the same thing you said about the affect of the yelling, screaming and being called a liar.

The money issue is another persons area of interest but I do know PFC lobbied county officials in Indiana and spewed all their lies and got county money for the Valparaiso branch.

Are you in Cincy? I am....I am having a gathering next month for Cincy and Michigan Straight survivors but I already invited one other KHK person.....she's from before your time though. You should come if you are close....I am sure you would have everything in common with us.

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