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Messages - Rachael

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Actually, I really don't think it's that difficult. I think that it's just a matter of posting the original, then clicking edit and keeping the window open till someone quotes you then submitting the edit.

Wanna test it? Psy, quote this and I'll see if I can do it.

Rachael is an industry whore :D

The Troubled Teen Industry / Nihilanthic must be gay
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:26:46 PM »
Quote from: ""hanzomon4""
I never went to a program. I found out about the industry about a year or so ago and felt obligated to do something. I've always been an avid history buff and I truly admired the major civil rights movements. Never would I have thought that the rights of children and teens were in such a sorry state. Knowing history like I do I know that it's vital that folks unrelated to the issue stand with those personally effected by it. To not do so would be neglecting the responsibilities I feel we have to our fellow human beings. Make no mistake I don't see myself as that important, however every bit of effort is needed and I want to do my part.... whatever that is.

Thank you again for ^ and everything else.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Blueprints
« on: October 24, 2007, 06:18:30 PM »
Thank You!!!!

Currently doing research.

Yeah, the search function is also a bit buggy. I've had to backtrack to the page before it and back a few times.

Also, Interested,

There are many things about AARC and my experience there specifically that I do not post about here. If you are truly interested in the kids who have been through AARC and our stories, feel free to contact me. You can do that by registering and private messaging me or if you post some way of contacting you, I will.

Hello Interested,

I pulled this from March 24, 1992. If you open the document in word, the reference can be found on Page 9. ... =doc&fid=1

MR. NELSON:  Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the Canadian West.   They have developed an exceptionally good program to assist in the care of young people in the province of Alberta for recovery in alcohol and other substances abuses as well as other disorders.   Alberta today has without a doubt exceptional programs for adolescent care, unmatched anywhere in Canada and in fact probably in the United States.  As far as I'm concerned, with the support of the government there is in general terms no reason for young people to have to go to the states.  There is a misconception that because it is an American program it is better.   That is not the case.  Alberta has excep­tional programs that can meet the needs of Albertans in all age groups and particularly our adolescents.  

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Nihilanthic is a loser
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:56:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Call the Whaaaambulance on Nihilanthic

wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhh

Gawd, you guys suck at this game. You don't call the Whaaaaambulance on someone.

You remind me of my mother trying to be "hip to the times" and "layin' down" all the "lingo" from "'da hood".

Honestly, just fuck off the lot of you!

This whole thing is just absurd. CCMgirl is claiming that sexual abuse is ok, just so long as the guy is "hot" and that girls are asking for it and in fact "luring" and taking advantage of the adult males who though in a position of ultimate authority are clearly "victims". She states that those who are "playing" as victims (ie. having the terribly bad taste of speaking up about abuse and/or trying to protect others from the same abuse) should just shut up and let things be since we "enjoyed it" anyway. Meanwhile, theWho and co. are decrying the "abusive, crude and unneccesary" behaviour of Niles. Because apparently rape isn't abuse, but posting a gorilla with a .wav file is.

Posting a picture of a gorilla is not abuse.

Being pinned to the floor in a cold, dark room and brutally violated by multiple assailants whispering in your ear that no one will believe you since you're "just a druggie" and "don't you feel powerless now" and "not so smart now are you".................. and having no way of telling anyone who will listen or help you for months after. But at least you know you're not going to get pregnant since it's been months since you last got your period because stress and lack of food have made you amenorrheic...... That, you fucks, that is abuse. And no I didn't ask for it, and I don't even know if they "were hot" because I couldn't see - does that make me a "victim"?

Open Free for All / WHO SAID IT?
« on: October 24, 2007, 01:01:29 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Um... in context none of these are really all that disturbing. Number one is maybe too blunt, but honestly.....

Taxes are taken from everyone at a fairly minimal amount and pay for a very important social safety net that covers things like employment insurance, parental leave, health care, education, roads and infrastructure.

What's the problem? Are any of those observations incorrect?

Based on her own statements, seems to me Hillary Clinton is either a socialist or a communist.  Take your pick.  Personally I plan to vote libertarian if there is a candidate on the ballot but I am afraid with her massive war chest of campaign funds, she's already got the nomination and the election in the bag.

And what is so wrong with a mild dose of socialism? Canada is moderately socialist, and we're doing pretty well all things considered. Health care for everyone, decent public education, social assistance when needed and no one dies from hunger, poverty or lack of access to medicine. And at the same time, if I understand correctly, our taxes are just about equivalent to yours - we're just not spending ours on war. We encourage immigration as immigrants fuel our economy and work bloody hard when they get here (as a broad generalization).

And hey, who's dollar is worth more now?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / pathway uncovered
« on: October 24, 2007, 12:35:01 AM »
Hey Rachael!  :wave:

In all seriousness, I likely have PTSD too. Nightmares most nights, waking terrors, panic attacks, and other weird symptoms too. I was in AARC (Kids of the Canadian West) about five years ago. Same beast, different name, different place.

Open Free for All / WHO SAID IT?
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:55:56 PM »
Um... in context none of these are really all that disturbing. Number one is maybe too blunt, but honestly.....

Taxes are taken from everyone at a fairly minimal amount and pay for a very important social safety net that covers things like employment insurance, parental leave, health care, education, roads and infrastructure.

What's the problem? Are any of those observations incorrect?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Peninsula Village
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:49:15 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
ooohhh, sounds a little paranoid, right? Freaking hypocritical nazis.

Criticize free's rants & get accused of being program robot - thanks, I did my time in shit holes, so fuck you very much. (especially you crash test asshole - who the fuck are you to question anyone else's own private hell, asswipe!)

Move the thread to another forum. I don't give a shit if she posts or not. However, if you want this to be the quintessential PV thread (which it has -look at the google rank, douchebags) on fornits, then congrats.  You now have 152 pages of total and absolute bullshit, retards.

You guys who defend free's non-program related bullshit on a PV thread are tools at best, who cannot see the forest through the trees. Learn a thing or two about internet algorithms.

Alright, just get at least this straight, changing the name of the thread to something like "free's rant" will not change google ranking. Google rankings are based on a number of things including frequency of searched word on the page, links directing to the page, and number of hits to the page based on the searched term. Simply changing the title won't do anything. To make any difference you'd have to remove references to PV from every post on the thread. Even then it would still be right at the top for quite a while simply based on hits.

The only way you can affect the ranking is by bumping something else up above it by virtue of satisfying criteria better than the current top page. Therefore, if you really are so concerned, start writing in another thread about PV.

The Troubled Teen Industry / AP: Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:03:57 PM »
You all make me sick. This is so fucking twisted, and I cannot believe that you are all sitting around justifying abuse "if the guy is hot enough" and comparing sexual assault to married consensual sex.

Has some bizarre time shift occured and thrown us back to the days when a woman daring to walk alone was "asking for it" and if she didn't fight back hard enough she obviously wanted it to happen?

Quote from: ""TheWho""
You have absolutely no clue of what you are talking about, Niles, that was a mess.


Oh no, that's not a huge fucking pink elephant in my living room. It's actually just a cute little end table from Ikea.

The Troubled Teen Industry / AP: Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools
« on: October 23, 2007, 03:17:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Rachael""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
You have got to be kidding!!  Okay what do we have, 1 or 2 kids who were sexually assaulted in programs  in the past 30 years…….

Alright then, let's conduct a small poll, who here was sexually assaulted while in a program within the last 30 years?

Me for one.

Alright, for those who aren't here to speak for themselves:

These are six other girls that I know were sexually assaulted in the program I was in. I have almost no contact with grads, so no way of knowing how many more there might be.

And here's the thing, not one of these girls reported it to the police. First of all, we weren't allowed to, but more importantly we were convinced that no one would believe us as we were manipulating "druggies".

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