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Messages - Whooter

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Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 22, 2009, 12:48:42 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Post the study.  Your word is worthless.  BTW, why did you create the login "Whooter" if you're just going to troll anon anyway?  What's the point?

Anyway, this so-called study, based on anonymous surveys, not any clinical data has been thoroughly debunked several times here already.  Post the "study" and I'll post the the obvious knock-outs of this flimsy marketing white paper.

Admins, it's time to link up "Whooter" to all of his anon posts again.  Under the previous agreement, this should happen immediately.

This was an independent study conducted by  Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Canyon Research & Consulting, Inc.; Sarah (Salli) Lewis, Ph.D. and Ellen Leen-Feldner, Center for Research, Assessment, and Treatment Efficacy and Arkansas Institute of Developmental Science; Keith Russell, Ph.D., Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Cooperative, University of Minnesota.

What I typically do is contact the research and consulting firm for the details if needed, but they are not going to give you the names of the participants or raw data if that is your need. I may be able to find the tables and graphs which they provided via a link.

I find it interesting that after all this time of demanding independent studies and then when provided you change your tune.  This occured when everyone was jumping up and down for regulation and licensure and then after they were regulatated you called the regulation agencies ineffective lol.  Are you going to place the researchers and research firms on your axis of evil list now?

As far as linking up posts.  I believe RobertBruce has been waiting for his posts be linked up for some time now but there is some difficulty  getting it done on the present revision.  So any discussion on that topic will have to wait.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 22, 2009, 12:15:36 PM »
Social conflict and aggressive behaviors decrease. Reduction of these self-defeating behaviors continues post-graduation, with greatest improvement shown at the 12-month follow-up assessment.

These results suggest that Aspen Education Group's wilderness therapy programs are teaching important emotion regulation skills, as well as providing a climate for adolescents to rehearse newly acquired strategies to manage negative emotions such as worry, sadness, and anger. Overall findings provide considerable support for the use of wilderness therapy programs in treating resistant adolescents.

Research conducted by: Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Canyon Research & Consulting, Inc.; Sarah (Salli) Lewis, Ph.D. and Ellen Leen-Feldner, Center for Research, Assessment, and Treatment Efficacy and Arkansas Institute of Developmental Science; Keith Russell, Ph.D., Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Cooperative, University of Minnesota.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 22, 2009, 08:24:11 AM »
Quote from: "Oscar"
The outcome of any research is depending of who is paying the bill for this research.

Who else is willing to pay for it?  If you develop a new drug you need to come up with the 25 million or so yourself to have it tested, no one does this for free.  What Aspen did was choose an outside agency which does research for a living and then get a university to work in parrallel with them.  This is about as independent as you can get.

Aspen Education Group / Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 22, 2009, 06:56:53 AM »
Long-Term Outcome Studies of Wilderness Therapy Programs Show Teens Improve at SUWS of the Carolinas

Aspen Education Group has participated in multiple independent research studies to ensure that we provide the most cutting-edge, evidence-based therapeutic practices and clinical models within each of our programs. As the leading provider of therapeutic education programs for youth and young adults, we feel it is our responsibility to measure the effectiveness of our methods and the sustainability of our results.

Aspen Education Group’s Outdoor Behavior Healthcare (OBH) programs, also referred to as wilderness therapy, participated in two long-term, independent research studies, most recently from March 2006 through October 2008. One hundred-ninety adolescents, ages 14-17, enrolled in three different wilderness therapy programs were assessed at admission; one week after they started treatment; graduation from the wilderness therapy program; three months after graduation; and 12 months after graduation. Adolescent participants in wilderness therapy programs experienced reported struggling with issues such as substance use, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, ADHD and academic performance

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 08:52:29 PM »
He's conceded your argument already by resorting to ad hominems.

He has argued clearly and there have been no personal attacks of any kind from him.  Why do you troll this thread?

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 21, 2009, 08:30:58 PM »
Not sure I can agree with you,psy, on the Aspen Ed group.  From some of the information that I have seen Aspen Ranch has had a better track record than Academy at Swift River (ASR) and ASR is a very transparent program with great success among the kids that are accepted there.  So if that is any indication then Aspen Ranch is a good pick.  Aspen also oversees SUWS of the Carolinas which is a wilderness program and has served as a great alternative to boot camp for struggling teens.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 21, 2009, 07:53:34 PM »
Quote from: "NIGEL"
I know I probably shouldn't respond, but here goes:

In response to:

"FYI, the truth about mail at Aspen ranch -all mail, incoming and outgoing is screened by staff. This Nigel troll is just carefully making his point by not lying directly, but leaving out the obvious. That is, he's intentionally vague as a trolling tactic. "

This is not how it is done right now (whether it used to be done this way, I don't know).  My son writes his letters and is not required to show anyone its contents.  In previous letters he has complained about The Aspen Ranch and wrote about how horrible it is.  I truly beleive that his letters are private and confidential.  

As for the fact you think I'm "trolling", as I have said before, I probably can't convince you, so this will be the last time I address that (probably).  I am a parent of a current student at Aspen Ranch.  I am not an advocate of the school, and at this time I don't know whether I think it was a good decision to send him there or not.  I am evaluating the program and I will pull my son the second I think I should.  I have been posting here to ask for advice to help my with my own  decision making.  I will continue to do so for the duration of my son's stay, and will also give updates when he comes home.  I have listened and evaluated all the advice I have been given here, and I will continue to do so.

And to this:

"Nigel’s son is going to be fine. We all know that."

I don't know this (although I hope for it on a daily basis).

Thanks Nigel.  It can be tough to ignore the trolls sometimes, but there are many of us who are interested in your updates and candid posting.  We would like you to continue.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 21, 2009, 07:06:54 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
FYI, the truth about mail at Aspen ranch -all mail, incoming and outgoing is screened by staff.  This Nigel troll is just carefully making his point by not lying directly, but leaving out the obvious.  That is, he's intentionally vague as a trolling tactic.  

Example: he says his son "seals the envelopes" himself, BUT, what he leaves out is that his son's counselor reads the letter before it goes into the envelope.  If it contains any message that Aspen Ranch does not want converyed to the parent, the kid is simply forced to rewrite it as the counselor says or lose the whole letter home.  Nigel knows this, but tells the small nugget of truth, that his son physically seals the envelope, albeit with the contents censored.

Maybe his son is already brainwashed and only writes nice things about the program..... lol

Having a tough time swallowing the fact that Aspen isn’t the big bad monster you want people to believe it is?
Nigel’s son is going to be fine.  We all know that.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 05:26:02 PM »
You'll have to explain your business model, then. How do families determine the cost, or is this some reference to what you do with STICC? Losing a child is a horror, but you miss the point: families are trying to save their children by paying for the most expensive program thinking they are saving their child, they want protection. In light of that, your inability to understand how the extraordinary costs of programs conflict with the treatment looks like a dodge.
I dont do anything with STICC nor am I associated with it and I dont have a business model for programs.  The price of anything you purchase is determined via supply and demand.  If everyone stopped buying weed the price would drop to pennies.  If we found out that weed was a wonder drug that preserved life then demand would out run supply and you would pay thru the nose for a single blunt.  The same with programs... the more they build the lower the cost will be.  There are many people who cannot afford kidney transplants because there are not enough to go around.

ST has a history of not tolerating opposing viewpoints - they couldn't censor their forum enough so they locked it down. I would not encourage any parent to visit a site that still allows military-style boot camps for teens to advertise. At least on Fornits you are here to provide the opposing view, right? ST does not provide the same. Despite your criticism of Fornits, you are here and sharing your views. Program survivors aren't allowed at your table.
So your tried to rationalize your answer , but it is still no.  So one of the differences between us is I direct and encourage parents to learn as much as possible from all perspectives and you do not.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 04:34:23 PM »
Let me break it down simply for you: tuition for programs can run $100K and up. Cost is a factor to families who aren't as privileged as yourself, especially those who mortgage their homes to pay for what they are led to believe will save their child. Imagine the horror of a family hocking all they own to pay the cost of program tuition only to have their child be killed by staff.

Simply being able to afford to put a child in a program is no reason to do it.

I think losing a child would be a horror even if it were free.  Trying to place a price on a child doesn’t work for me.  The cost of the programs are determined by the families not the programs.

Then you would encourage them to come to Fornits, correct? It may be an error in perception, but you seem to view the posters on Fornits with extreme distaste. Do you consider Fornits to be without merit when it comes to researching a program?

I feel parents should have access to all the information they can to make their decision (fornits included).  From what I have read posters here would rarely suggest parents gather information outside of anti program sites and I think that is wrong.  People should be open to make up their own minds.

Would you direct a parent to Struggling teens site or to the individual program sites to get their questions answered?

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 03:57:11 PM »
Someone needs to do a 10 yr. study, then.

I agree, the more studies the better

Now, now. I was merely pointing out AA is not a business interested in exploitation for profit. My views on finances are not an issue and not being discussed, right?

No it isn’t for profit.  Your point wasn’t clear, thats why I made the comment.  I dont see how the cost plays into this.

You forgot the simplest method: run the program name through an internet search engine, or is that something you would encourage parents to avoid?

That too. I would encourage parents to gain as much information as possible.  I know that many here are against parents branching out and doing this but I believe the more information they  get the better equipped they will be to make a decision.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 02:47:09 PM »
Alright. So it's individual initiative, then? That begs the question whether "successes" have anything to do with the program at all. Some teens get through their difficult periods without being sent to programs through a unique method unknown to you - they mature, and they do it on their own.

Long term, it could be an argument.  When does the program responsibility end and the childs begin?  Interesting question.  Placing the kid back on track is 100% the programs.  Whether or not it sticks is up to the child.  If the kid comes out and goes back to school and then heads off the path again then that was the choice of the child to go back to their old ways.

People (hopefully) attend AA of their own free will, and AA doesn't charge thousands of dollars.

So cost is a big issue with you.

If it fails you blame yourself, and I've never heard of anyone being killed in a restraint during an AA meeting.

No I haven’t either.  But there are plenty that overdose a few hours later, killed in car accidents after leaving the bar etc.  In a program you dont have that type of access to substances which could harm you.  Those decisions are taken off the table while you are there.

You said it before, programs are businesses and people have a right to complain when a service they paid for kills or fucks up their kids. Don't you agree?

Of Course they do and if the child is harmed by the program the parent should sue and have the place investigated or shut down.

Programs put their "best foot forward" to attract customers, but the foot they are hiding is crippled and gangrenous.

Could be, depending on the program.  This is why I always say the parents should always look deeper...ask for references, speak to other parents.  Read up and get local opinions from therapists and schools.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 01:01:09 PM »
Poster, do you believe that what happens to kids post-program is in no way connected to the treatment they received? Interesting, because by that logic you can't cite any "successes" years after graduation. Don't most programs parade out old alumni to impress potential paying parents? Show them the other side as well, then, and don't let what happened to Michael Reuben get swept under the rug or exploited by his father.

Interesting question.  If you have a child who has dropped out of school and has no interest in returning or interest in living by the basic family rules and then post program you have a child who completed college and has rebuilt their family ties then this could be considered a turn around by the program he/she attended.

On the other hand if the child is struggling with the same issues and also has a family history of addiction then the child may get turned around and placed on the right track but the addiction is going to always be with him/her.  The family and child knows this.  This is why a return to drugs or an overdose cannot be tied back to the program as a cause.  It is something that has always been there which there is no cure for.

People who attend AA meetings and then years later return to drinking cant stand there and blame AA for their regression.  I dont see how the 2 are tied together in that way, as one being the cause of the other.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 12:41:04 PM »
Why is what happens to an in individual post-program not an indicator of the program's efficacy? Are the deaths and criminal convictions brushed aside as the failures of the individual, but "successful" alumni are proof of the programs success years after graduation?
Every business puts their best foot foward.  Car dealerships hardly ever have pictures of car accidents on the wall or warn you of recalls on the car you are considering.  It stands to reason that the program would like to show parents the successful side.

Why don't programs allow parents to know the potential dangers of program placements, ie., the risk of physical harm and death, psychological damage, and the very real possibility the program will have no effect if the child doesn't "apply it". (Nice program-speak there)
They do, to some extent.  There are no promises.  They dont promise to cure addiction and if the risk of harm or death was a greater risk than anywhere else then the parents would be warned.  But I have never seen any info which shows programs to be a higher risk to kids.  Most programs supply a lower risk environment than the one they are coming from.

STICC tells folks all the good things programs promise. Fornits shows the harsh reality of program failure.and incompetence.

Parents should be able to make a decision based on all the information, yes? Why do programs demand 100% compliance and blind faith when they don't present all the information available?
Probably the same reason that fornits doesn’t make a huge effort to present the successes of programs.  We dont get all the information here on fornits.  We mostly see just the failures and incompetent or under qualified staff.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 21, 2009, 11:24:16 AM »
Drug addiction is a life time struggle.  The best any of us can do is to stablize and educate people on the dangers of addiction.  The rest is up to the person themselves on how (and if) they wish to apply it.

Is anyone aware of other methods which are more effective?

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