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Messages - Whooter

Pages: 1 ... 360 361 [362] 363 364 ... 370
Great find!!  Thank you for the link.  I didnt realize they had done studies.  Here is a summary of the link you provided:

Aspen Education Group’s Outdoor Behavior Healthcare (OBH) programs, also referred to as wilderness therapy, participated in two long-term, independent research studies, most recently from March 2006 through October to as wilderness therapy, participated in  One hundred-ninety adolescents, ages 14-17, enrolled in three different wilderness therapy programs were assessed at admission; one week after they started treatment; graduation from the wilderness therapy program; three months after graduation; and 12 months after graduation. Adolescent participants in wilderness therapy programs experienced reported struggling with issues such as substance use, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideations, ADHD and academic performance.

Research conducted by: Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Canyon Research & Consulting, Inc.; Sarah (Salli) Lewis, Ph.D. and Ellen Leen-Feldner, Center for Research, Assessment, and Treatment Efficacy and Arkansas Institute of Developmental Science; Keith Russell, Ph.D., Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Research Cooperative, University of Minnesota.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son is currently at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 10:01:00 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Guest"
Wow, I have been reading along here and you guys really perk up over this stuff!!  I can see why you are so eager to paint everyone as being evil.  You just view the whole industry through these stories.  This shit happens folks.  We have public school steachers who are raping kids and then moving to other districts... but not all teachers are rapists.  but with programs you cant seem to get past the evil people that have worked there..... the boogey men own you.  The rest of us know we need to keep our guard up but we dont need to give up on life.
HA HA! So predictable it's almost endearing! :rofl:  :rofl:

After you finish roundly trouncing his BS premises, he responds with, "Whoa! Didn't mean to make you work that hard!" "Wow, you really must have spent a lot of time on that post!" "Guess I really hit a nerve there, huh!"

Thats Funny Ursus, You know me so well!!  Sorry I was so obvious.  I am getting tired I think.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:57:04 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
Ah, sorry dude, it's called "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it."  CEDU staff became Aspen staff, helped found the school itself.  Thus CEDU and Aspen are forever linked.  Can't get around it.

Exactly so put the gun down, read a book.... lol.  We are not still shooting Germans, Japanese or British... Learning from the past is what is meant and lets not repeat it.  They didnt mean to keep grinding the axe against people in the past.  We should all be cautious but lets not pre judge people because of where they are from.

See what I mean?
No dumbass nobody "sees what you mean, because you mean nothing...well nothing other that to push programming and fucking weak, obvious lies. You are a joke. A sad stupid joke.
RMA your guess is off. It's a troll,but not some kid...It argues like an idiot troll.

I will take that as you understand my point.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:27:10 PM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
Ah, sorry dude, it's called "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it."  CEDU staff became Aspen staff, helped found the school itself.  Thus CEDU and Aspen are forever linked.  Can't get around it.

Exactly so put the gun down, read a book.... lol.  We are not still shooting Germans, Japanese or British... Learning from the past is what is meant and lets not repeat it.  They didnt mean to keep grinding the axe against people in the past.  We should all be cautious but lets not pre judge people because of where they are from.

See what I mean?

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son is currently at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:21:35 PM »
Wow, I have been reading along here and you guys really perk up over this stuff!!  I can see why you are so eager to paint everyone as being evil.  You just view the whole industry through these stories.  This shit happens folks.  We have public school steachers who are raping kids and then moving to other districts... but not all teachers are rapists.  but with programs you cant seem to get past the evil people that have worked there..... the boogey men own you.  The rest of us know we need to keep our guard up but we dont need to give up on life.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:12:23 PM »
We are all descendents of the cave men but we have since invented the wheel.... alert!!!  Aspen is not CEDU.  Sorry, I know it would help your argument but it is 2009.  Lets talk about what is happening today.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son is currently at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 23, 2009, 08:11:04 PM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"

A guy hired to be a cook at my former school is now running his own school.  Another who was hired from the nearby town to work as a handyman on campus is also now running his own school and he raped a co-worker who had also worked at my school.  These people are not only lacking in qualifications to run any program or school, many have committed serious crimes in their past.  But I guess that just means they are qualified because they too have been messed up...

RMA that was actually a pretty good post (and convincing).  But your last paragraph here plunged you into the depths of the BS meter.  If you can manage to provide a link to these two people who are running programs and links to the articles indicating they rape people we would appreciate it.

Note:  Its funny how these types of post get through here so easily as credible, but when some one says something positive about a program they are hounded as a troll or thought of as being paid by the industry.

 I am amazed that I am the only one here that is neutral enough to see this.  If this were reversed fornits would light up like a cheap carnival.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: September 23, 2009, 07:33:35 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"

Yes, I do agree.  Very good point.  Since Aspen admits that they don't offer treatment, there wouldn't be any use in sending my son there.  Their lawyers probably saved us a lot of headache, heartache and wasted time and money.

There you go, good question.  To be honest with you these kids don’t need treatment.  Most parents have tried all of the local options and they didn’t work.  What their kid needs is structure, solid routine and some people to listen to them.  They need to get their butts back into the classroom and give up the drugs for awhile until they mature enough to make a mature decision and balance their daily habits.  They need to give their families a break so they can get back to a sane household again and focus on their other kids who haven’t had much attention lately due to the upheaval.

Aspen doesn’t need to offer treatment, they need to offer results!  The studies indicate that better than 98% of all graduates move on to the college of their choice and integrate back into the family.  The other 2% either don’t graduate and leave early or end up posting on fornits all day trying to justify that their parents fucked up or the program fucked them up but it wasn’t their own fault.

Treatment?  pppfffsst.... controlled studies???  ppppfsst... by the time they are completed your kids will be finished college and you will have a little grandson bouncing on your knee.

I say let’s stop pussy footing around with all this crap and get your kid started on the path to success!!  Please speak with our bursar (2nd door on the left) prior to filling out an application.. no sense wasting both of our times!!!

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"

Clinical -- Involving or based on direct observation of the patient

Wait - you mean "student", don't you?  You need to read what Aspen's lawyers said again.  No kid in an Aspen program can be called a "patient", now can they?   So your definition of clinical was taken from a source describing legitimate health care, not a school like Aspen.

Sorry, Whooter.  No way around AEG's confession that they provide no treatment or therapy.  We don't need you to speak for them anymore.  They've finally spoken and admitted that they and you have been lying for years.  You're dismissed.

Awww, a little upset that their outcome study didnt line up with your expectations?  Maybe you can write to Aspen and ask them to put a disclaimer that they dont provide treatment or therapy.  Would this make you feel better (I never guest post RB)?  Ha,Ha,Ha  

Let me know how that works out for ya.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 23, 2009, 07:03:33 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
I'd be curious to see exactly what they'd be studying, considering AEG's admission that they provide no treatment.  How does one assess the outcome of non-treatment?

"What do you call a therapuetic program that provides no therapy?"  "That's easy!  Aspen Education!"

No need to have any studies done until we have some actual treatment to assess.

Right now AEG programs can be correctly and accurately labeled as "child bullpens" because all they provide is three hots and a cot (plus the humiliation they throw in for free).

Again, how can anybody do a treatment outcome study on an AEG program when AEG has already admitted that they offer NO TREATMENT.  To engage Whooter on that topic is pure nonsense.  Until they actually provide treatment, which they clearly do not, there's NOTHING TO STUDY.

Well it may not be considered treatment but they do a great job addressing the kids problems and getting them back on track.  Their outcome studies are impressive.  I think they call it a model.  All the kids go through the same stages and then emerge together and are back on track.  They can see licensed therapists if their family wants them to or if it is part of their plan.  Some are part of the school and others are independent depending on the program.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:51:43 PM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
Its frustrating as hell for these programs to get an advocacy group to spend money on them

Good. Those fuckers steal enough people's money.

So thats why they hire third parties to run the studies and not wait for advocacy groups to knock on their door.  Really cant blame them.  I would want to get the word out too if I had a business plan that was successful.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Long-Term Outcome Studies
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:29:27 PM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
who's "they"? Studies from "they" are bullshit.

The only entity who really SHOULD be doing studies about these places are consumer advocacy groups.

Its frustrating as hell for these programs to get an advocacy group to spend money on them.  There are tons of industries and products out there which would love to be spotlighted with a free study by an advocacy group but they just cant do everything.  

There are people who make these on-demand (tankless) water heating systems (just to take an example) and they have been trying to get “consumer reports” to test them and rate them on their web site.  But they are so backed up with products that they cant do it.  So these water heater makers are stuck doing their own testing and reporting or hiring it out.  Doesn’t make them any less credible.  It would be better to get Consumer reports blessing though, I agree.  Just like it would be better to have an advocacy group take on the teen help industry.

Maybe letters to some of these groups, from fornits, would help.

Aspen Education Group / Clinical Study Results
« on: September 23, 2009, 05:18:32 PM »
I came across this on their web site:

"As a medical professional, I've seen lots of programs for teens, and I've heard lots of promises. SUWS is the only one I know of that truly makes a positive difference. I use SUWS not only as an intervention step, but I rely upon their staff for the insight to help me understand how best to help families make the healthiest choices for the long run."
-Adolescent Psychologist

Aspen Education Group / Re: Clinical Study Results
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:59:53 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "John C."
Quote from: "Guest"

Here is a link to one of the sites which has results in Graph form (bottom of page):

Link to Study Results

Hope this helps.

I was curious on the results that the boys stress level increased post program but the girls did not as much. Do you think this is related to integrating back into the home at all?  They commented on this themselves, but no cause was attributed.

My guess would be that boys are not as social as girls so they dont handle the transition back into the family and meeting new friends as easily as girls do, so it is a more stressful for them.  I found that interesting too.

The other interesting thing was, did you notice that the girls performed better in most areas until they hit post program and then the boys performed better.  So the program seems to be more effective longer for boys than girls.  Did you notice this also?

No, I didnt.  My take on it is that there are more boys in programs and therefore their data would be more accurate.  If there would be the same number of boys and girls then we may see them paralleled a little better.

I dont think they provided the break out of boys and girls.  I assumed they were equal.  But now that you bring it up, we dont know do we.  That might account for the differences.  Let me look at it again.

Aspen Education Group / Re: Clinical Study Results
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:26:18 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "John C."
Quote from: "Guest"

Here is a link to one of the sites which has results in Graph form (bottom of page):

Link to Study Results

Hope this helps.

I was curious on the results that the boys stress level increased post program but the girls did not as much. Do you think this is related to integrating back into the home at all?  They commented on this themselves, but no cause was attributed.

My guess would be that boys are not as social as girls so they dont handle the transition back into the family and meeting new friends as easily as girls do, so it is a more stressful for them.  I found that interesting too.

The other interesting thing was, did you notice that the girls performed better in most areas until they hit post program and then the boys performed better.  So the program seems to be more effective longer for boys than girls.  Did you notice this also?

No, I didnt.  My take on it is that there are more boys in programs and therefore their data would be more accurate.  If there would be the same number of boys and girls then we may see them paralleled a little better.

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