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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Starting a good program as a model
« on: November 16, 2006, 11:06:19 PM »
Quote from: ""FloMasta""
Since there are so many adults here that know in detail how not to run a teen boarding facility (face it, thats mostly what these places are), has anyone put serious thought into starting their own? It could be non-profit, and offer all the checks and balances that are discussed here.

Has anyone give this any thought before?

Starting one good program wouldn't put the bad ones out of business, or expose them for their practices.  I disagree, also, that these places are simply "teen boarding facilit"ies.  Call a spade a spade.  They're unregulated behaviour modifications facilities (at best).

If I teen is not an immediate danger to him/herself or others he/she should not be institutionalized. Period.  Let the teen deal with the consequences of his/her actions.

It is unfortunate that most parents think these programs somehow rationally convince teens of the error of thier ways.  A brainwashed teen may behave in a more mature matter but it's all a generic program (in the computer sense) of an ideal boy/girl of which the parents would be proud to be parents.  As far as i'm concerned, any involuntary modication of personality or self-image is criminal.  It seems most people have very little respect for the sanctity of free will and the private confines of the mind.  When the "modification" is perfomed by somebody with no proper qualifications, the consequences can be even worse.

Unfortunately, in most states(not California), practicing psychology does not require a licence as long as you don't call it "psychology" or refer to the practice as "therapy".  Would you propose establishing a program with actually qualified therapists?  Such places are commonly known as "funny farms"...  But no parent would dare tolerate such a stigma in their family.

It is for this reason I do not think there is a valid reason for programs.  There is either a school, or a mental instution.  Trying to create an unlicenced middleground is asking for trouble.

The Troubled Teen Industry / 3/5
« on: November 16, 2006, 10:32:59 PM »
I give it a 3/5.  It's a good documentary but does little to expose the scope of the problem.

The Troubled Teen Industry / oops login
« on: November 16, 2006, 05:48:10 AM »
oops.  forgot to login.  above post was me.  sorry for the double post.  i thought i hit the edit button but was not logged on and hit the .. oh nevermind.  shouldn't post at 6 am.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Jesus Camp
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:30:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
I would say though that it is highly manipulative of the wider community as well as the kids. When they had the cute little girl handing out religious cards in the Bowling alley, it is not like anyone could really say no to the kid without looking like cruella deville!

It's as manipulative as any marketing tactic.  But honesly how manipulative is it?  In order for something to be "manipulation" in my mind it would have to be effective.  Most people say "oh gee thanks sweetie" and toss the flier in the nearest trash bin.  Ever handed out fliers?  If you ever do, my advice is: Don't do it near a trash can.  It's really depressing.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Jesus Camp
« on: November 15, 2006, 09:25:08 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I have experienced both these "jesus camps" and a CEDU clone program and i tell you there is no comparison possable. Programs attempt to permanantly alter your thinking, your thought process, your loyalties, and your very image of yourself, not merely your beliefs.

Uh, and Jesus Camp (the one we are talking about) did not try to change thought processes, loyalties, and self image?
I'm reading these forums as an RTC survivor and quite frankly that's insulting.
I would really like you to spend a few months at an RTC and after the physical, emotional, and often sexual abuse tell me that this bible camp is within ten billion miles of the area brainwashing RTCs and TBCs are in. I fucking dare you. Do you even have any idea of what you're talking about? AT ALL?

No he doesn't.  I don't see how "Jesus Camp" relates to the troubled teen industry either.  Sometimes I would like to just love to be able to trap people inside my head so I could force them to live through the memories of things I cant remember.

Bitterness against Christians is as petty as bitterness against any other religion.  There are real problems in the US and it doesn't involve restricting people's practice of religion.

IANAC btw. But prejudice in all it's forms tends to annoy me.

Well i finally got around to reading that tripe.  What a bunch of self centred little shits, whining about how THEY are hurt by their bitter children.
Frankly, I hate to imagine what DS will choose for us as we age!

Took the words right out of my mouth.  If I didn't think my parents were truly sorry for sending me where they did, they'd be going to a nursing home a la Abu Ghraibe.  Hmm.  Really unpleasant nursing homes could make a killing advertising on fornits.

Edit: whoops. double post

Quote from: ""Guest""
Benchmark's Educational Staff:

Flo Reynolds: Director of Academics
She brings a history of experience that includes retail management.
She assists students in finding classes in work programs.
She escorts the kids to Redlands Adult School and makes sure they don't use the computers (cant have them discovering fornits now can we).  She helps teach occasionally but has no qualifications to do so.
Mona Tripple:
Has a 2 year AA degree in Art
Her previous jobs include installing carpet, and a Vet assistant.
She opened the Art Dept with stain glass and ceramic classes.
She's flo's girlfriend.  She teaches kids the invaluble sciences of gluing little pieces of glass together.  She also does the drug testing.
Tony Armanderes:  Crew Chief
He has various duties which began with security for night watch.
He helps students comply with work assignments.
He supervises work on "our apartments."
He too, is a Jack-of-all-trades"
he teaches kids how to fix the toilets (really).
Steve Kruse"
He only has 2 years of college, yet claims he MAJORED in Psychology.
He teaches the concept of work. by helping them build "the required projects or what ever is needed.
He has "many hands-on-talents"
He teaches "Building trades."  You basically learn how to build dressers, coffee tables, etc.  It's so they don't have to buy furnature for the apartments.  What isn't shipped to the apartments is sold off.  As Deborah would say:
"Get your money for nothin, and your slave labor for free"
Isn't this a school?   What happened to English, Math, Science, History......that sort of thing.
This place sounds like a fucking working-these-kids-to-death zoo!

Well it's more of a BM them until they dissociate into like 5 people type of place.  The behavior modification is CEDU style (propheets, raps, etc).  Jayne used to be the director of Hilltop (CEDU's college) in Running Springs (about 10 miles from Redlands).

Well they claim to be a school according to the affidavit they filed with the state of california.  They also claim to have 10 full time teachers.  I don't know how they figured that one out.  Flo is the only one who actually does some limited teaching at Redlands Adult school, and 2 hours a day could hardly be described as full time.  They also claim to offer HS diplomas (not true).  They did not claim to offer LD assistance though they mention it on their website, as well as an alphabet soup of disorders in their "meta" html tag (which they later deleted, which pointed me to california regulations on practice of psychology, which are actually quite strict).  There is a thread on this here with much more information on a lot of this if you want to comment.  I don't want to hijack this thread.

Quote from: ""Guest""
I went and read the Benchmark website.
This Don Harper...the wife of Jayne S. Longnecker......
His title is "Director of Work Education"
It says he has extensive experience working in a variety of areas.
He exhibits a wide range of skills and abilities and knowledge.
He is a jack-of-all-trades.
He teaches how to work, how to start and finish a job.
That he helped to shape the work program into what it is.

WTF does this mean.  What does this DO-DO actually do?

Not much at all.  In your search did you find any official qualifications.

Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
Also, if you're going to quote ST, it's best to quote in full without a link; since they have no integrity they may edit anything and everything at any time. "We are currently at war with Eurasia", anyone?

There's actually a trick to this milk.  It's based on the principle of a "diff" / "patch".  I regularly archive certain sites and run a
"diff siteOld.htm siteNew.htm" (this shows only what has changed)
Do this after scaring them a little in a general manner.  When they run to cover things up.  BAM.  They've just shown you exactly where to look.

Yes i have been using this for a while on you Jayne.  Why do you think i would warn you?

I'm going to post some snippets of my parent's correspondance (yes they gave me all the letters Jayne.  Don't tempt me or i'll post em all.) with Benchmark Young Adult School in an effort to help explain to those who "just don't get it" what exactly happens behind the scenes:

some background information:  I was at Benchmark to finish High school.  That was my "issue".  Ann Weiss, Ed-con from the department of State and personal friend of Jayne S. Longnecker referred the place as a "theraputic boarding school".  The school age ranged from 17 - 24 at the time.  There is another thread i stated here with more specific information.  I post this here because it pertains to parent manipulation.

Quote from: ""Jayne Longnecker""
When Michael's blowup came, we directed him to
move off property, go to school, with the intent in mind to complete high
school asap.

That was a lie.  When they sent me into motel they sent me 20 miles outside redlands into a motel in Calamesa (desert in every direction).  They did this becuase i was attempting to orchestrate a student protest and had found a contract law book which i was using to inform students that they could not have signed away their rights.  I had to threaten them with legal action to get them to allow me to be able to go to school after they sent me to motel.  I told Jayne i had contacted an education lawyer willing to work on this pro-bono(bluffed).  She bought it since i had been busy studying California education law in motel and was saavy enough to explain to her exactly what she had done illegally.

Quote from: ""Jayne S. Longnecker""
He has not been attending daily
She told my parents had not been attending Redlands Adult School daily.  First off.  I was bussed there from the motel, and never missed a single day of school except for a few occasions when they forgot to pick me up.  School attendance records can show this.  why would she lie about something like this?:

Quote from: ""Jayne Longnecker""
(He can finish anytime
Not true.  I was only allowed to work at Redlands Adult School when Flo (the education lady) was there which was approx 2 hrs / day.

Quote from: ""Jayne S. Longnecker""
but must finish before graduation on June 6 if he wants to walk.)  He is apparently trying to do this.  My question is, if Michael does finish HS by graduation, will he still have funding to continue his program at Benchmark at least until September? ... He will improve if we have the time to turn him around. I am not sure
how much improvement we can get done in a year, but we will do our best.  I believe he could use at least 18 months, but you'll have to let me know what you are willing to do in order to accomplish this.
At this point my parents had already stated this was not a possablity.  The US Dept of State was not willing to pay for more than a year of "high school" (i was a junior,  why would they).  She continues:

Quote from: ""Jayne Longnecker""
Can Michael do all of this before
September?  It's possible.  Will he need more time?  He could use the time, and you'll need to tell us what is in your thinking
more time more money. Maybe the previous letter from my dad (in which er letter was a response to) had something to do with it:

Quote from: ""My Dad""
It was my understanding from both Carl and Flo that Michael was going to graduate in June.  Flo told us she was ordering him his cap and gown. Now I understand things can change, but his graduation date is crucial for us as to whether the U.S. State Department will pay for Benchmark. With only a month to go until graduation, is he on track for graduation, or not?

Now that i think about it.  It's about that time the "school bus" started being a little less punctual.

This was the relavant part of the letter my father was responding to:
Quote from: ""Jayne S. Longnecker""
As to school, Michael could be finished very quickly if he so chose.  He seems to realize that he needs more time, but I'm not sure he thinks its for the same needs as the rest of us.    Academically, he is pretty sound. but emotionally, he is still very dependent.  He could use more time than September
She does not seem to get NO MORE TIME.  conidering my parents made the situation clear when i enrolled.

this regarding the three cup o noodle soup / day diet:
Quote from: ""Jayne Longnecker""
we could put him on the same old boring menu... anything that will underscore his need to comply.

Here is my father's subsequent response to her requests for more time:

Quote from: ""My Dad""
--  If he graduates in June, the State Dept. will pay, and has already paid, for Benchmark until September 30.
 --  Assuming that he graduates in June or sometime between June and
 September, the State Dept. will not, I repeat not pay after September 30.
 --  We are not in a financial situation that we would be able to pay after
 September 30.
the U.S. is crucial to whether the State Dept. will fund Benchmark passed September (assuming that Michael does not finish high school by September and State is willing to pay) that would be crucial as well since if we are in the States, the U.S. State Dept. will not pay for Benchmark... we must be overseas for State to pay.
 I have some concerns about any discussion about going beyond September because I don't see how that would be funded?  My last conversation with Carl seemed to indicate that Michael was told that he has until September 30 to Sink or Swim.  At least, that was my understanding and that is why we are considering being reassigned to the States.  If he were to fail at being independent and he reached out to us, we wanted to be more available
I was very lucky my parents were so kind.  If it were not for their compassion they would never have discovered the truth about what was really going on.

You guessed it folks.  In her response she urges my parents to go overseas:

Quote from: ""Jayne Longnecker""
Whatever you do, should not
include Michael's returning to home, wherever that may be, to live.
needs to tell us what he is willing, and able to do to take care of himself.
However, the emotional issues that still plague him are still there, and he
needs help to deal with them in order to be at his best, and hopefully by
now, he is willing.
Interesting isn't it.  Translation: "NO NO NO.. don't come back... just stay thousands of miles away... and we'll take care of him."

oh.  but don't worry we'll offer him a scholarship but DON'T TELL HIM ABOUT IT!!!:
Quote from: ""Jayne S. Longnecker""
"I may or may not wish to have Benchmark continue with Michael beyond September, but I have scholarshipped some kids who I believe in and who will absolutely take advantage of this in a healthy way. This is a fact that I do not wish anyone to discuss with Michael.  I share it only because he could make significant gains by then and would benefit by staying awhile longer.
Not quite.  She shared it because she wanted to further convince my parents to go overseas, and that i would be fine without them.  Why not tell me?  Because "scholarships" aren't quite what they sound like.  She gives "scholarships" to kids when she needs a remodeling job done.  It's free labor, just give them a $60 / week motel and a cup o noodles diet.  It's cheaper than mexican.  When the job is done they get dropped on the streets.  She'll tell your parents whatever she feels like: EG: "He ruined his last chance ..."  This happend to a friend of mine,  he was raped while on the streets.  His parents would not take him back.  He was sent to Benchmark for ADHD.

When you did that Jayne.  You made youself a lifelong enemy.

Now. to get back to more general things.  What happens when a parent asks about the specifics of "therapy?"

Quote from: ""Jayne S. Longnecker""
I am not
eager for parents to get involved in the questions surrounding therapy
anymore than I am eager to explain the in's and out's of our emotional
growth program
, and frankly, Dr. Nelson is so busy, that I can't guaranteethat he will have the time to answer all the questions you may have.  We don't generally involve parents in this way, with the professionals that we have dealt with for years, and whose work we have seen and trust.

Well i wonder why.  But parents.  Trust them.  They know what they're doing.  They have GED degrees.

Oh.  And Nelson is their only psychologist they refer to, and is not employed by the school.  Yes.  they're had a long healthy relationship over the years.  Hypothesis (not allegation, since it would be very hard to prove): Nelson says all the kids are fucked up, nelson gets more business, Jayne is happy, parents think kids crazy, Nelson is happy, he keeps getting more "clients".

The contract signed on intake states a kid will only see doctors / shrinks the school approves and recommends.  Hmm...

At some point i am going to post all these letters online.  Soon. Jayne, Soon.  ::jawdrop::

PS to Fornits Webmaster:  the cookies ARE broke.  Maybe i clear my cache and try it again. you did switch hosting companies so maybe it has a cookie stored but will not be used because of differing IP addresss.

that was me above.  forgot to login

I can't even read it.  I have a headache already... and i just found the rest of my school files today.  God how can parents be so stupid.

All current / Former students of Benchmark Young Adult School who might be monitoring this page are going to want to read the information in this link:


Benchmark would seem to fall into the "second generation" category.  More elaboration on this later as I do more research.

a few snippets:

Programs used the organization and application of intense guilt/shame/anxiety manipulation, combined with the production of strong emotional arousal in settings where people did not leave because of social and psychological pressures or because of enforced confinement. The pressures could be reduced only by participants accepting the belief system or adopting behaviors promulgated by the purveyors of the thought reform programs.
In the newer thought reform programs, attacks appear to be designed to destabilize the subject's most central aspects of the experience of the self. The newer programs undermine a person's basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, emotional control, and defense mechanisms. We suggest that attacking the stability and quality of evaluations of self-concepts is the principal effective technique used in the conduct of a coercive thought reform and behavior control program.
The tactics of a thought reform program are organized to destabilize individuals' sense of self by getting them to drastically reinterpret their life's history, radically alter their world view, accept a new version of reality and causality, and develop dependency on the organization, thereby being turned into a deployable agent of the organization operating the thought reform program.

IE:  If it works you get to be a testimonial.  How does it feel?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Pricing
« on: November 13, 2006, 11:31:59 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

Why doesn't Fornits / ISAC / CAFETY advertise.  If they could set up a Paypal account for this purpose, i'd donate.

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