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Messages - psy

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / from my school
« on: November 28, 2006, 07:49:06 AM »
I was at Benchmark Young Adult School (CEDU clone).  how much of this sounds familiar:

work ethic
house restriction
room restriction
rap sheets
dirt lists
[a major case of] the "fuck-its"
help you to help yourself

from a specific "event" involving sleep deprivation (among other things):

"this is the first day of the rest of your life"
"tell it all brother" - song during disclosure circle
skits of self mockery
"i am a rock" -S&G song played during the "curl up in a ball and get screamed at" part

Quote from: ""Guest""
This may seem like an odd question, but not having dealt with drugs/alcohol before (son went to RTC for other issues), I'm wondering what my boy might have been on last night. His friend drove him home, he was weaving as he came across the deck, stumbled in the door, slurred his words and went straight to bed. According to his "friend", they'd gone out to eat, went to another boy's house where our son repeatedly threw up, then (several hours later)he brought him home. Sounds like a first time drinker chugging too much at once, to me. I'm just wondering if there are other possibilities? Some drug or substance I'm not aware of?

Now THAT is funny.  No.  He was drunk.

[/quote]Sounds like he was slaughtered to me, maybe he smoked a little pot as well, the two together are guaranteed to make anyone sick[/quote]

 :rofl: Okey dokey.  Pot is given to leukemia patients to keep them from throwing up from the chemo.  If your kid blew chunks, he probably wasn't smoking.  His friends might have been.  Pot, in no quantity, will make somebody throw up.  It will keep them from throwing up.  This is actually dangerous in some cases (throwing up is the body's way of doing a stomach pump, avoiding alcohol poisoning), and the real reason why the two should not be mixed (at least not in mass quantities).

Look.  So your kid got drunk and threw up.  Woop-e-di-doo.  I did it once when i was growing up and never drank that much again.  No really.  I never wanted that headache again.  Screwing up is part of growing up.  It's a learning process.  How else are you supposed to know when to stop than to get sick at least once.

Well.  Back to my wonderful vacation in sunny Romania.

Quote from: ""Guest""
(some barely have a GED, let alone a college degree) for the most part.  They are unlicensed and unregulated and experiment on the kids heads with all kinds of new agey crap and old-fashioned 1984-like brain-washing.  They take anyone whose parents have the big bucks to send them there.   I have read on this site how some of these programs actually force kids to confess being sexually abused in front of everyone, male and female, then have it used against them.

Check, check, check, check.  Sounds like where I was.  


the above quoted guest pretty well summarized what goes on at some programs.  It's good you researched the place you sent your daughter (it's better than my parents ever did, who just took the ed-con's word for it).  You must admit, however, that it was still a risk, and that as long as the industry remains completely unregulated there still a danger (which in my mind, especially becuase of my experiences, remains unacceptable).

I never questioned the authenticity of her story of abuse (such a thing should never be done), although it was a frequent occurance by the staff where i was.  I was referring, rather, to the "tennessee plan" which sounded a bit exaggerated at the very least.  As i said, now that she is out of treatment, i might think it wise to ask her about the authenticity the stories.

It sounds like the guys she was going out with were complete shits and for your daughter's sake, i'm glad their dead.

As far as the Lithium goes, it is, in the end, your daughter's choice, though i hope she is getting therapy as well.

You mention that there were "therapists" at the facility you sent your daughter to.  That is a good sign.  Where i was, there were no body on staff with anything above a BA, and no counselors with anything above a HS diploma.

I do aggree, with the guest, however that there is a high likelyhood of early life sexual molestation.  Such would explain a lot about her behaviour.  There was a girl in my program who was very promiscuous.  Eventually she had a flashback of being raped by her father as a child.  It was a memory she had repressed.  She disclosed this to her counselor and it was later made a topic of group discussion.  I would hope the staff at your daughter's facility were more qualified and/or sensitive.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Starting a good program as a model
« on: November 21, 2006, 01:33:36 AM »
Quote from: ""Oz girl""
How was my post too pinball to track? My original post if you had read it at all was about the fact that factors like zero tolerance laws, kids being medicated earlier and for longer and other public policy decisions in the US are what contribute to the "need" for programmes. They both shape public opinion and make it easier for kids to be at risk. They also encourage the idea that rehabilitation of real problems should be punitive and that US kids are out of control when the statistics dont support this. I dont believe it even mentioned the parents of kids who went to programmes.

As to whether i have been to a programme, you are right, i have not. I also have not been to Abu Ghraib  or guantanamo bay but i do believe organisatons such as Amnesty international and the red cross when they say that there is abuse.
 But as you want a case study of a standard "teen industry" programme in the US lets look at Academy at Swift River. Perhaps you can explain to me the therapudic value of some of the policies which Dave marcus outlined in What it takes to pull me through. Afterall in his preface he claims that when he went to the school it was an industry leader. Here are some questions that book raised with me.
Why did a boy who was in for impulsive behaviour continually get "banned" from hanging out with a boy who was known for being mature and calm. Surely this is a friendship they would encourage. What was their paranoia about kids like DJ and Tyrone developing friendships?

Why would they send a girl with an eating disorder on a rigourous wilderness programme. Rudy Benz had discribed her as being dangerously thin.

What good interrogating Ashley did? While they finally forced her to admit to a sexual relationship with phil, the process of writing truth lists and confessing to all of her peers was so degarding that she threw herself in front of a car. Surely people who are experts with troubled kids would be aware that this kind of public humiliation could tip an emotionally fragile girl over the edge.

Aah.  the dirts lists.  Yeah that brings back memories.  Mine was always incomplete for some reason.  The staff always kept handing them back.  "You missed something.  You know what".  Sometimes I did.  Sometimes I didn't.  In either case, it didn't seem right to rat people out for pointless shit like "breaking bans" which could actually get them into real trouble.  Most of the time they were just handing it back to see if they could squeeze out something more.  By comparing the lists in group as they were being written, by a process of elimination, they were pretty effective in discovering just about everything that went on.  Snitches were rewarded handsomely.  It's a nice bit of ethics to teach kids.

In fact what is the specific therapudic benefit of truth lists and public confession at all?

You get them to "face up to their shit".  That's therapeutic ... ish..  kind of:rofl:.  They have to face the truth of what they did (or any rumor, which became truth after enough people wrote it down).  So dirt lists teaches kids truth.  Yes that's it.  The virtues of truth and hearsay.

I'm not sure how much about dirt lists are understood but i'll explain why the programmers use it.  In order to initiate proper reprogramming of the mind, the programmer must appear to have almost supernatural control over the environment, creating a "big brother" atmosphere where you feel you are being watched by informants all the time (and you were... you never knew what peers were writing down on their dirt lists.  If they didn't have anything good, they would put down rumors).  This type of "peer based" surveillance was commonly practiced in "communist" countries where almost a third of the entire population were informants.  With dirt lists, it's worse, you never knew who you could trust, as even you were an informant.

If you, person A, knew about something, and person F wrote "person B kissed person C, and person A and person D saw it happen" you would have to do one of two things:

Option 1Write nothing, and hope nobody else did.  Taking the chance that if they find out you knew about it, you would be in shit.  Generally only level 1s took this option since Level 2s would lose their levels for that sort of behavior.  Chances are the staff is going to hand the dirt list back as incomplete in any case.  They like to do that to see if they can squeeze any more information out.  Since you don't know whether or not Person A, B, C, D wrote down, or what is on person F's dirt list, you have to weight the probability that staff knows about the horrid act (kissing) and if they do, you might as well attempt to carry favor by writing down "I , person A, saw Person C kiss person B, person D was also there and saw it happen."  You may ask, "Well how did person F" get to know about it.  Well none of us ever knew exactly how either.  Somebody had loose lips but you never knew who.  If you kept denying things, and eventually even person B, and C confessed, you would end up being in even bigger trouble then they would be.  It is at this point when you are fined up the yin-yang and given "work ethic".

Option 2"I , person A, saw Person C kiss person B, person D was also there and saw it happen."  Hey.  If you wanted to emotionally grow yourself up to level 2 you had to fuck some people over on the way.  Eventually they would convince themselves that they were doing the right thing, "helping the others", by forcing them to "face their shit".  Privacy was a non-issue.

The overall effect on the psyche of the kid eventually is.  "Well i guess i can't get away with anything, i have not privacy, i should just give in".  Only you wouldn't succeed if you did that either, by the time you realized that out, you were Isolated from the rest of the student population for "spreading negativity".  With this method they could instill a sense of powerlessness into a person and get them ready for "Friendship Workshop" / "Propheets" where they would place the final straw on your back so you would decompensate (see above link) and they could subesquently obliterate your sense of self.

Quote from: ""from the above link for people who never click them""
The tactics of a thought reform program are organized to destabilize individuals' sense of self by getting them to drastically reinterpret their life's history, radically alter their world view, accept a new version of reality and causality, and develop dependency on the organization, thereby being turned into a deployable agent of the organization operating the thought reform program.

What was the therapudic benefit of making kids write lists of things wrong with them? (DJ)

Aah.  The rap sheets.  Therapeutic value.. lemme see.  Well you got to discuss your issues in raps(group).  If you didn't put down three "legitimate" "issues" on your rap sheet, staff would bring up a "legitimate" issue for you.  Well I guess it taught kids to "face their shit"...  It taught sexually abused kids how to talk about their experiences with "daddy" in public.  Hmm.  People got "called out" when staff thought they were not being forthcoming enough.  Confrontation was encouraged.  Hmm.  I suppose that's therapeutic.

Why were all the kids strip searched when entering base camp, including those who had not done drugs? Afterall mainstream drug rehabs dont even do this.

Why?  You never know when they might have a twenty dollar bill, or more in their sock.  God forbid they decided to leave before the refund period.

How did ASR "help" Trevor. All the Smile bans in the world could not prevent him from "speedballing" on his first exeat weekend

In fact while we are on the subject of kids not helped ehat about tanner? he died in a drug overdose at age 20. Did ASR's brand of therapy help him? or his poor grief stricken father who ended up robbing a randon shop because his sadness tipped him over the edge.

Did forcing a girl with a devoutly Catholic upbringing to confess all of her sexual acts publically show a level of cultural sensitivity you would expect of a specialist programme?

Well maybe it....  Nope.  I can't even find a sarcastic justification for that one.  Yeah I saw similar disclosures happen more than a few times and I wouldn't exactly describe it as sensitive.

I would argue not. And i note it did not stop Bianca from getting pregnant 1/2 2 years into college.
And if this was one of the more sucessful peer groups, and Dave claims it was, then how much did the Academy help the other kids?

Which troubled youth programmes in Australia, the UK , ireland or Slovakia employ such methods? Also I am curious If you do know of such programmes in these countries are they for profit?

I don't know of any.  Odd that.  Wonder why there aren't any people on Fornits from those places.  Hmm.  Makes you wonder.  Sorry for the long post.  I would suggest letting the programmie continue to put his foot in his mouth.  The more they type, the more they embarrass themselves.  They are used to a less knowledgeable audience.

PS: I'm going on vacation for a week and might not have net access.  If you need to contact me my cell has roaming.

Quote from: ""habibi""
I know that the "dead r' in jail" mantra is often quoted by those who advocate the use of programs and also by those who ridicule the decisions made by some grieving parents.
In our daughter's case, she was a danger to herself.  I don't want to turn my post into a novel, so I will distill it down to the essentials.

Our child (one of 3) started exhibiting signs of mental illness around preschool age.  We found a child psychiatrist and therapists at a local university medical center.  She remained in therapy for about 4 years.  A complete neuro-psych evaluation determined depression and parasomnia (sleep disorder).  My husband and I were peaceful
attentive, and loving parents.  Loving and involved extended family.  No history of familial mental illness.  No evidence of abuse or molestation of our daughter.
Fast-forward to age 12.  On an overseas trip with grandparents and cousins, she is molested by an older teenage boy.  The hell begins.  Despite the entire family rallying around her with love and support, and despite finding the best local therapist who specializes in sexual abuse and trauma recovery, our daughter spins out of control.
She starts fondling and giving blow jobs to boys in 7th grade.  She leaves the house in the middle of the night and hitchhikes with strangers.  (Yes, we installed a security system).  Gets beaten up, raped and prostituted out when she walks off with strangers at age 14.  From 12 to 14 she is in outpatient therapy and is admitted to a
local adolescent mental health care facility off and on, sometimes for one week, sometimes for 3 weeks at a time.
One summer she disappeared for 9 days.  We live in the rural Midwest where the corn grows very high by August.  Almost every year when the corn is harvested a partially decomposed body is found.  We were absolutely certain that our daughter's body would be found under those circumstances given her tendancy to walk off
with men who were strangers to her.   When we found her, she had lost 10 pounds, was covered in bruises, and spent 5 days in the hospital with an IV.  Didn't seem to faze her.  As soon as she got home she started contacting the men who had abused her.  She admitted to her therapist at a TBS that the plan was for her to rejoin
one of them, drive to Tennessee, and prostitute to feed his heroin addiction.
I've said enough.  I think you get the picture.  We tried to keep her safe, but our state's ONLY long-term inpatient mental health facility had a waiting list of 8 months.  Yeah, we took drastic action or we were going to lose her forever.
Right now she is 19 years old, a sophomore in college, and on the Dean's list.  It was in her RTC where she was finally diagnosed with bi-polar ll.   Wonder of wonders, she was prescribed lithium with an anti-depressant and started to feel like a human being again.
Our daughter still struggles with several issues surrounding her mental illness and sexual abuse.  She probably always will.  But she is alive and moving forward.
Our daughter, my husband and myself have had many long conversations about the merits and drawbacks of residential placement.   We have all come to the conclusion that, for her, placement kept her physically safe while she continued her education and her brain matured.   No more, no less.  She didn't receive any magical, life-changing advice from any of the staff, and she didn't buy into the "program."  She was just kept safe from herself.

by "8/10", Milk is rating you as a troll. (ie.  i give the post an 8/10 on the convincing meter)  I'm not so sure you are a troll so i'll answer you.

I'll only respond by saying I don't think you made the right decision by program, and I don't think lithium was the answer either.  Lithium is a very strong emotional suppressant.  Although it covers the symptons, it really doesn't deal with the crux of the issue, which in my opinion, would be her sexual abuse.  People on Lithium generally are very numb and it wouldn't be nice to her to have to live out such an existence long term when a skilled psychologist could uncover and deal with her issues.

I can guarantee she never felt safe enough to reveal the details of this in program unless it was coerced out of her under conditions of sleep deprivation, starvation, guided imagery, or trance induction (which does happen).  In CEDU schools it's called "propheets" or "Workshops".  We'll just say, from personal experience, it is not exactly good for the mind to have things brought to the surface without your consent.  If this was done to her, I would estimate it being considerably more difficult for her to feel comfortable enough to talk to a therapist about her issues again.  This happened with many people I knew and it was the worst with the ones who were sexually abused.  It's like being victimized all over again.

I'm not so sure you should believe any of her "confessions" in program.  It was not uncommon where I was for one to be forced to buy into exaggerations and outright lies in order to be perceived as "going along with the program".  Often, after enough time, enough pressure, and enough brainwashing (i can explain in further detail if you wish), one actually came to believe their trumped up confessions.  There are a thousand reasons why i could think of such a story with heroin and Tennessee not to be true and it really sounds like something that was made up for your benefit.  Have you talked to your daughter in detail about her program experience?  Where was she?

You may ask.  What alternative?  Well, I've seen other posters suggest a wealth of options before.  A psych ward at a hospital could have been an option as would be any mental institution available, in state, or out of state.  You could have contacted a rape hot line or support group for abused women.  I'm sure they could have helped.  Having friends who understood her experiences might have helped her to realize why she was behaving the way she was.  These are just a few suggestions, though at this point I suggest you research the program where she was placed, and find out if her confessions were truthful (unlikely) or trumped up / coerced.


What is funny is that this "insane/dead/in jail" tripe is used with everybody.  There are a lot of people who feel this is a marketing tactic, as well as a way for parents to feel comfortable about the decision to send their kids away to an unlicensed facility in an unregulated industry.

You can't predict the future and you cannot know what would have happened if you didn't send your kid to program.  Parents often have the uncanny ability to predict the worst to make themselves feel comfortable with an otherwise dodgy decision.  (ie. "well it's better than the alternative").

Most of the time people just grow out of things, and unless you daughter was  an immediate danger to herself or others should not have been institutionalized based on hypothetical "future crime".  If she was a danger to herself or others she should have been sent to a state licensed mental facility where the doctors there could have diagnosed and treated her properly.

Sure i'd love to hear the story.  And i hope she is doing fine now.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I hate lon
« on: November 20, 2006, 05:06:36 AM »
:flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:

Not even hell could inflict the type of punishment that Lon deserves.

Dead insane in jail...  This fuckhead doesn't think suicides happen in program?!?!  Where I was, attempts were commonplace, even with those who never had a history of depression.  This is not to even mention the ones that succeeded.

Yeah i knew a guy who was in program.  It helped him a real lot.  He killed himself just after getting out.  Yeah i knew this girl, who went into program depressed, with no prior drug / alcohol use at all, and turned to meth just after program dumped her on the streets.  Program did her real good.  And I knew of this guy, who just couldn't take the tough love anymore, and after a breakdown, decided to jump off a bridge onto the pavement, head first.  Program helped him a real bunch.  And i knew these other 80+ people who disappeared off the face of the earth after program "helped" them.  And I knew this guy, who went into program for ADHD, after his parents stopped paying for program, he was dropped on the streets, after which he was raped (by a guy from program with more serious issues).  And i knew this other guy, he was 17, who went into program for ADHD, was sent to motel, and raped by the same guy.

I still remember their names, i still remember their faces, and I remember how much program "helped" them.

I fucking hope you die Lon, in the slowest, most humiliating, most painful way possible.  Even then it's far less than you deserve.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Jesus Camp
« on: November 20, 2006, 02:55:24 AM »
Quote from: ""AtomicAnt""
wanted to respond to some other statements made:

psy writes:
I must also epphasize the element of choice in this. Christians believe one must ask Jesus to "come into their lives". Nobody is ever forced to do it and people are not ostracized if they choose not to. Yes it means your Christians friends will bug you about it from time to time but it is hardly program style coersion.

I beg to differ on the issue of force. While no one is forcing anyone to become 'born again' they are doing their best to enact laws that force everyone to conform to their values (gay marriage bans, abortion bans, stem cell research bans, etc). If passed, such legislation 'forces' people to comply with these religious values whether they are believers or not. There are still many States that have 'sodomy' laws banning oral sex and I live in a dry county.

I agree with you that the republican party uses certain issues to rile up their "base" but I don't think it has anything to do with Jesus Camp (apart for the praying for Bush thing).  Read the last sentence of my post.  I think it's disgusting for the government to interfere in people's private lives; however i think that "private lives" includes religion as well.  I personally find such indoctrination distasteful but i don't think it crosses the line into brainwashing.  It is not like these kids are sleep deprived of starved.  Nobody is using hypnosis / NLP / guided imagery to mess with these kids minds.

psy writes:
So fucking what if people have wacky beliefs and teach it to their kids. I don't aggree with it, i think kids should have the choice; however it is a parent's right raise a kid as he/she wants as long as it does not cross the line into abuse. This is freedom of religion at it's best or worst depending on how you look at it.

But isn't this the crux of the issue with programs? If parents can raise their kids anyway they see fit, does that include sending them to programs? If we are not to question these Jesus Camp teachers, how can we question program parents? Isn't the program doctrine just another wacky belief?

How about abusive cults like this one?

Should parents be allowed to raise their kids like that?

No.  Beating kids is out of the question, as is brainwashing or forced labor, however, as i have said, i don't think Jesus Camp qualifies.  Program doctrine is a "Wacky belief" but one is forced to accept it where in Jesus Camp one has a choice.  That is the difference.

Although i don't particularly like the indoctrination they preach, I feel there is no ethical way to forbid it.  As Voltaire said "I detest what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it".

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: struggling teens post
« on: November 18, 2006, 03:48:42 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sometimes parents are hoodwinked by ed cons. In the late 1990's this site gave both Cross Creek Manor and Tranquility bay positive reviews after going on a visit.
Dundee Ranch also advertised both on Struggling Teens website and in the back of the paper copy of the Woodbury Reports

anyone wanna bet how long this post takes to get pulled from struggling teens?

I give it til 30 mins after lon gets in the office.  max.

The Troubled Teen Industry / So glad I found this forum.
« on: November 17, 2006, 09:04:35 PM »

The Troubled Teen Industry / PBS DOCUMENTARY ONLINE
« on: November 17, 2006, 06:11:54 PM »
Deb.  go to

Try that browser.  I'm guessing it's an M$ Internet Exploder issue.

I'm using firefox on a mac and it worked just fine for me.

Hey Rich.  I know you were here a while ago so i'll ask you a question.  I'm looking for Benchmark's licence.  Funny.  I can't find "Benchmark Young Adult School" anywhere.  Since Benchmark is a FULL MEMBER of natsap it is required to be licenced according to NATSAP's guidelines.

I can't find it in the government's list of registered programs (or anywhere on the DOSS website for that matter).

Maybe you can help me out.  I'd really like to know what type of licence Benchmark has so I don't contact the wrong people.  I mean i've already got a big friggin list but if you can help me whittle it down i'd be much abliged.

Ps.  A California Private School Affadavit is not a licence.  And it's apparantly illegal to imply that:

"Filing pursuant to this section shall not be interpreted to mean,
and it shall be unlawful for any school to expressly or impliedly
represent by any means whatsoever, that the State of California, the
Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Board of Education,
the State Department of Education, or any division or bureau of the
department, or any accrediting agency has made any evaluation,
recognition, approval, or endorsement of the school or course unless
this is an actual fact."

You might want to tell your folks at NATSAP that so they can correct your page (and possably your licence membership status):

See the post here about that.

Of course.  If i'm mistaken and Benchmark has a licence of some sort, please feel free to post it here.

The Troubled Teen Industry / PBS DOCUMENTARY ONLINE
« on: November 17, 2006, 12:26:11 AM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Search this site for Montana and read up on what's happening there. In a word, Self-Regulation. Want to talk about Twilight Zone Bizarre. Three programs are heading up the research into whether or not programs should be licensed in Montana and if so apprear to be the ones who will structure any such regulations. Under the Dept of Labor!!! Wouldn't you feel safe knowing the hospital you're having surgery in next week created their own regulations?

That's in the documentary.

Look.  I'm an art major.  Don't take offense.  3/5 is a really good score.  I commend them for their work and the publicity this will create.

Unfortunately they do not mention regulations on psychotherapy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / PBS DOCUMENTARY ONLINE
« on: November 16, 2006, 11:18:15 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
It's not just about WWASPS - it's about 30 programs in Montana and I think only one of those is WWASPS. Get over it already.

You're right.  Maybe i missed it.  Perhaps you could enlighten me as to which program in the Docu. was not WWASP affiliated. Don't take it like i'm trying to be a smart ass.  I actually am curious if I missed something.

Don't get me wrong.  It's a great documentary.  I gave it a 3/5 because i'm a really tough critic and want to save the 4/5 and 5/5 for later documentaries which might surpass this in quality.

The Troubled Teen Industry / PBS DOCUMENTARY ONLINE
« on: November 16, 2006, 11:08:48 PM »
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
Works fine here.

Although please don't link to CAICA on this board. It only goes after the abuse that doesn't pay it. Kinda like a Mafia protection thing.

I was wondering why the documentary was WWASP only.  Well now i feel stupid.

Anybody know of any CEDU documentaries.  I need it to show to some people.

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