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Messages - FemanonFatal2.0

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Research Banditos / Ideas, Future projects...
« on: December 28, 2008, 06:10:29 PM »
Hey All!

OK, so one thing you might all learn about me is that I am chalk full of ideas. Some are useless and some are genius but most are just under developed... I have found it to be very successful to the development of an idea or plan of action to propose it and let everyone pick it apart and make their suggestions.

So that would be the point of this thread... for any future ideas to be proposed and thrown around until we have developed a solid plan.

Do your best my friends... just make sure your open to feedback. (lolz)

Hey all, In order to send you the new Research Database folder system I need everyones email... please email me at: [email protected] and I will reply back to you with the zipped file.

I will also have it uploaded on the TTI project manager if you prefer to keep your email private.


Facility Question and Answers / Re: Elan Q/A
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:59:01 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
The original poster,  nimda, is me. One of my old accounts that I used to use.

LOL I have a hard time believing YOU would say something like this:

Quote from: "Nimda"
Refrain from flaming, trolling, and etc.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: To the Parents Considering a Program
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:54:58 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Riley"
Quote from: "Guest"
lol i just noticed the emoticon with different guys ejaculating onto a third guy is titled "sue Scheff." he he
nigga, you gay!

since when is taking a leak considered "ejaculation"?

since you had to pump it like a shot gun

The Melting Pot / Re: the Gift that has "Said the Most":
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:43:22 PM »
Quote from: "3xsaSeedling"

WHAA?... you know what kind of gifts are sexual?


The Melting Pot / Re: Count to 1 million
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:41:02 PM »
21 (the age I was discovered that bars aren't all they are cracked up to be)

News Items / Re: More programs shutting down
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:46:53 AM »
Someone mentioned that TB in Jamaica was being shut down and I think I heard that they were, but then did not.

Anyone else hear about this?... have any links or specific information?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: To the Parents Considering a Program
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:45:05 AM »
I know, I want to hunt this guy down and make sweet dirty love to him, what a sexy beast.

The Melting Pot / Re: Count to 1 million
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:39:32 AM »

(lol. the age I was when I got sent to a program)

Yea I know for a fact its Kev.

In fact YOU are probably Kev lol. :moon:

Open Free for All / Re: this place is dead
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:27:46 AM »
Covergaard, Thank you for all your great advice.

Sometimes its hard to see what our little everyday battles do to our time consumption. Honestly tho, I am doing my part for the TTI project and what I do in my free time, that would be posting here and offering my advice to people is something I enjoy doing and I don't believe to be counter-productive.

However I agree that Kev should go back to antiwwasp, and stay there. The only one coming to Fornits to fight is him.

Often I think these boards get a bad name because of a few assholes, for the most part Fornits is doing what its supposed to do. I think spending time focusing on an issue helps develop our defenses as well as get to the truth about things. If Psy hadn't spent so much time on Sue-Sue it would not have become common knowledge that she is dealing dirty... it would have just been swept under the rug because at face value it seems that Sue is playing for our team, which would give us all a bad name if we choose to associate with her or run ads like Kev does. It wasn't until I talked to Psy that I even knew about Sue-Sue and her referring game.

I think what we all do here has a purpose. I think we can all disagree about how to go about bringing down the industry but I honestly believe that each of us doing our part in our own way makes a difference. I do enjoy working with people, but sometimes the constant disagreement can wear on you enough to be more successful going at it alone, or at least doing your part alone. There's a lot behind the scenes we are working on, and all it takes is perserverance and time. When you have so many strong willed people all dedicated to the same thing you are bound to run into a few harmless fights, but the important thing is we never take any of it too personally. I think we all keep in mind that we have a job to do and any drama on Fornits is just entertainment.

Open Free for All / Re: Blow a stick of Bammy like it's 1994
« on: December 28, 2008, 01:55:57 AM »
You all dont realize how BAD it was in 1994!

The Bloods and the Crips were hiding socks,
and OJ was killin folks,
Lorena Bobbit was cutting off cocks,
Believe me, 1994 was no joke!

Rachael from "Friends" was hot,
and Suicide cults were on the rise,
The prince of whales was almost shot,
1994 was crazy guys!

Tonya Harding got Nancy Kerrigan attacked
and the best picture goes to "Schindler's List"
While genocide in Rwanda left 1 million wacked.
living in 1994 was just shit!

Open Free for All / Re: this place is dead
« on: December 27, 2008, 03:41:58 PM »
Considering how much time I spend devoting myself to the many forums I frequent, I would understand how that could be economically unwise. I'm lucky that I work freelance from home, well not so lucky considering how slow it is in the winter months but otherwise I would probably need to be working 2 full time jobs to support myself and my moochy boyfriend. At this point I can get away with one part time job and the freelance usually provides the rest.

We are living in desperate times, and unless you live at home or are in someway blessed with unconditional cash flow, sometimes things like posting on forums are pushed to the back burner. I think once the holidays are over people will log back in, its only us interweb addicts that would prefer the cold comfort of Fornits over spending time with our families. Then again yall dont know my family and I assure you most of you would prefer a colonic over spending time with them.

Anonymity has its perks, however there is a difference between posting anonymously and trolling. Often people come here just to stir shit up... and I wont say that I don't get a kick out of it, but I think that a lot of people would not feel comfortable subjecting themselves to a potentially harsh e-vironment. For Instance I have been getting in contact with a few Darrington Survivors, and they have expressed interest getting involved with our movement, however I really don't know where I should send them to "get involved". Fornits is too harsh, TTI is too dead, TBfight is too specific, ISAC is too hard to navigate, Cafety's sites kinda messed up, and the list goes on.

How does everyone feel about building the TTI Forum as a specific survivor support community. That way as I'm doing the networking on myspace I can have a place to send new people where they will feel comfortable and important that they are helping create the group from the beginning. Would it be agreeable to have some freedom to possibly change the name of the forum, create specific sub forums and do some design work? I am also in favor of keeping anonymity but I would prefer that our mods keep an eye out for trolls and take specific steps to keep the environment welcoming for new guests.

Please Discuss...

The Melting Pot / Re: Favorite Youtube Music Videos
« on: December 27, 2008, 02:54:38 PM »
ooooh nice product placement lol. good job.

Quote from: "Guest"
just figured out that FemanonFatal2.0 = chelsea from antiwwasp

(looks like shortly after she was banned there she showed up @ fornits to make us listen to her meaningless outbursts)

Hahaha wow... Hi Kev, how you been doing?... Not too well from what I've heard, but you know that's how Karma works.

To answer your question Che, Obvious Kev is Obvious, We all know the only person who knows or cares to reveal that information is Kev.

He's also the only person who had access to Pam's Blog.

Isn't it funny how Kev trolls Fornits?...

But how can you blame him?...Have you all seen Antiwwasp lately?... Bahahaha there are all of 2 people that post there now, Kev and FR.

Pathetic. Simply Pathetic.  :twofinger:

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