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Messages - Joyce Harris

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:56:00 PM »
Miss Inga,

I always sign on when I have something to say.

And my little 12 year old daughter does not read or write on this site, thank you very much.

And from how nicely she talks about you, your language does surprise me.

Joyce Harris

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Parent support groups?
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:52:00 PM »
I was just reading this topic, and was surprised to see the question directed to me.

I just wondered why anyone would want me to reply if I had or had not been invited to this parent forum.

Should I feel slighted that I have been shunned?

Is this parent forum for all parents that have any connection to Whitmore?


Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Parent support groups?
« on: February 15, 2005, 08:41:00 PM »
I have not been contacted about joining any parent group related to the Whitmore. I did not know that there was one.  My daughter was withdrawn in November, so if this is a group for parents who have children enrolled now, I would not expect to be invited.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / getting abused at the whitmore
« on: February 13, 2005, 11:39:00 PM »
To Annilese's sister. Your sister needs to just work through her guilt and forgive herself, because she had no choice about carrying out Cheryl Sudweek's order to mistreat other students--- if that is what she did.  No one blames her at all. None of the kids came to Whitmore to become involved in hurting each other. Thier parents sent them there for help, not to become involved in hurting each other.  My heart goes out to her.

Speaking out and telling the proper authorities about her experiences at Whitmore could be a healing process for her.  Making people accountable for what they did wrong will make her strong and help her develop more self-esteem.

I am happy that you are there for her.

Chris: I did not "Twist your words around." You said you knew for a FACT that my 12 year old daughter was asleep on the 3rd floor.

All I asked YOU...was how did YOU, an 18 year old youn MAN... know for a FACT what my little girl was doing in the privacy of her bedroom during the middle of the night in what you and the Sudweeks CLAIM is a "Christain-based Academic Boarding School that told me it had a policy of a 10PM bedtime."

Chris you state a lot of things you KNOW FOR A if you state get to live with what you state.

If you want to back down on THIS FACT..then you need to back down on other FACTS YOU SAY YOU KNOW: like the FACT that Cheryl Sudweeks never orders kids to beat kids....or that Cheryl Sudweeks does not curse kids...or that Cheryl Sudweeks underfeeds the kids under her "care."

Chris you took on the job as "spokesperson" for the Sudweeks---why? Can't this grown woman speak for herself?

And:  you do not need to speak for my daughter, she has more integrity than you and both Sudweeks could develop in the rest of your lives.

And you became the authority after only 6 months at Whitmore.  How come you didn't need this fine program for a Full Year like the rest of the kids?

You say "You know for a FACT that my 12 year old daughter was asleep on the third floor...."

Now you tell me WHY and HOW you, who say you are 18 years old, would know anything about my little girl's sleeping habits?

What were you or any BOY doing anywhere near this little girl's bedroom during sleeping hours?

THAT IS ONE OF MY CONCERNS AND COMPLAINTS AGAINST THE SUDWEEKS...just what the heck is any male doing around my little girl's bedroom?

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 04, 2005, 09:50:00 PM »
Inga, another point: I know that the academics at Whitmore are totally lacking.  But perhaps you need a little anatomy lesson....even if we females really wanted to, it is not possible for us to "grow balls."

Perhaps you need to look for another little figure of speech that is more appropriate.

And, you kids there at Whitmore overuse the word "pussy."  It has totally lost its shock effect if that is your intention. It really is not all that offensive or crude. Believe me, we have all heard worse.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 04, 2005, 09:41:00 PM »
Inga, my dear.  Whenever I talk on this site, I always use my name, if you bother to read.  And, I do not allow my 12 year old daugher to read, write on, or even know this site exists. She most certainly has heard all of you teenagers use you foul Cheryl-approved-improper-language enough in her two months at Whitmore to last her a life-time. My daughter came home reporting that while under Cheryl's supervision at a public movie theatre that one of you foul-talking girls confessed in group to giving a "hand job" to one of the boys.  And I was so worried that my daughter AT WORSE would be indoctrinated into a religion that conflicted with the one we practice in our home.  

Now how shocked do you think we were to have this little girl reporting sexual activities to us?  And reports of abuse?  And telling us how Cheryl Sudweeks confides in you kids in her Group Sessions about her inadequate sex life with Mark?

So, Inga---anything I have to say, I say it openly.  And my little girl will never have anything to say on this site.

I believed Cheryl Sudweeks when she told us she understood adopted kids. She said her understanding camed from her experience of ADOPTING HER DAUGHTER DARLENE.   Well, that was just another lie that Cheryl Sudweeks fed us, Inga.  I have read court papers that state firmly that she and Mark never adopted Darlene.  Darlene was a foster child, period.

So why don't you attack Cheryl Sudweeks for awhile, and ask that woman why everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.

And ask her what pleasure she gets out of tormenting you girls and pitting you against each other like you are doing on this site?

Will it be you and Hannah cursing each other tomorrow?  Sure it will be if Cheryl Sudweeks orders you to do so.

Joyce Harris

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Miricle Workers
« on: February 04, 2005, 04:27:00 PM »
The woman at the Utah Office of Education is Georgia Loutensock.  I left off her last name.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Miricle Workers
« on: February 04, 2005, 04:25:00 PM »
Cayo, you asked about the education at Whitmore. It is a joke.  The Sudweeks advertised in 2002 on their web page "fully accredited," and today they yell, "fully accredited."  Talk to Ms. Georgia at Utah Office of Education 801 538-7789. Whitmore is finally NOW in the "candidacy status" of accreditation, and the Sudweeks were forced to apply for accreditation when they "surrendered their license" for a treatment center to the State of Utah due to these abuse allegations. The Sudweeks need the accreditation to secure a School license from the City of Nephi. It is as simple as that.  Whouldn't it have been a lot more simpler if the Sudweeks had just gone for accreditation IN THE FIRST PLACE rather than advertise falsely for over 3 years just to lure parents into their program?

School--my child had no teachers, no classes, and her work was graded by a fellow student who writes on this site and has the grammar and writing skills of a poor 3rd grader. It was, and probably still is a big joke and waste of the parents' money.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Whitmore Academy in Utah?
« on: February 03, 2005, 11:25:00 PM »
Hannah, I have no idea why you would hold a grudge against me, or why you would think I am a terrible person.  You do not even know me at all;
and I have no idea why you would think I am an insecure person.  I have a wonderful family, and home and great security.  The only negative in my life is the Sudweeks and the horrendous abuse they put my daughter though at Whitmore Academy, and the sadness my daughter feels when she worries about you kids at Whitmore. I do not know your family, but I would think from some of the things posted on this site, that they would be seriously worried about you.  If you were my daughter I would be worried about you being viously beat up by Casie at the direction of the woman you refer to as "another mother figure" Cheryl Sudweeks. I would be worried about you observing your fellow students being humiliated in group sessions led by this "mother ffigure."  I would be worried about you having inadequate food, and not being allowed to eat breakfast and lunch on the days the Sudweeks take you kids to "buffet" for dinner.  I would be worried about your confessions in group about activties that your "mother figure" should help you with and not simply dismiss as she does.  

So, you don't know anything about me except the lies your "mother figure" has told about me. And, as things stand---I most certainly am not being investigated for child abuse, and I have never had the health department criticize my mansion of a home.

And I have never written ugly things about you, until you attempted in your very un-nice way to attack me.

So, please keep me out of your little Whitmore cat fights.

Joyce Harris

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Parent support groups?
« on: February 03, 2005, 10:05:00 AM »
For parents who support Mark and Cheryl, how do you get on this message board>

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Parent support groups?
« on: February 03, 2005, 10:03:00 AM »
The supportive parents' anger was just weird stuff to me. Sort of like if anyone could possible believe anything negative about the Sudweeks then they naturally had to be attack from all angles. Like "how dare you ask anything about the Sudweeks....they are a gift from God... you people saying they abused kids will are a liar..." OR "Who are you? You don't know Mark and Cheryl, I do!"   That kind of thing. Any one with an opinion not supportive of the Sudweeks is just wrong in their opinion and will not have a voice. So there is no use in trying to have a dialog with them and present any other point of view.  It is just a waste of time.

I do not let my 12 year old daughter read or write on this site.  But Zita knows that Joey was beaten, because she was there, and she was forced by Cheryl Sudweeks to particpate in hitting Joey herself.  So, Chris---do not say that my daughter did not see Joey getting beaten up.  I have enough respect for others who were with her beating this boy not to name them---but my daughter has told the truth, and yes Joey was beaten at Cheryl Sudweeks' direction. Zita is not responsible, because she knew if she did not obey Cheryl Sudweeks, she would have been beaten herself.  'It's just like Casie is not responsible for beating up Hannah and Camille--she did it at Cheryl Sudweeks' direction.  That is how it works at Whitmore. Cheryl demands, and the kids obey.  What is there about Cheryl Sudweeks behavior in this area that deserves any defense whatsoever?

Anon: I did not accuse you of anything because I do not know who you are.  I do not know Joey, either.  I do know that Joey was beat up by groups of teenage boys because Zita saw that on more than one occassion.  I only stated that this is simimilar to what is reported about the WWASP programs, so Joey could easily identify with the WWASP programs, too.

I have no idea what Joey said to his parents, and I assume that you do not know what Joey said to his parents either. UNLESS, maybe you listened in on the telephone to his private converstations to his parents.  How would you , whoever you are, know what Joey said to his parents?  PLEASE do not tell me that you know anything because Cheryl Sudweeks told you, please.

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