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Messages - Nazi

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Elan School / lets keep it Elan here
« on: August 22, 2003, 06:00:00 PM »
Even thought I do not like Pete, yes I think it is time to remove the post's of him doing the nasty with Fred.We dont want to hurt Kruglik' feelings now.Marty would get very upset if he saw all the attention diverted over on peter moores topic.
Besides Marty is the shit eater here, what ever came out of his mouth was always shit..Abnd i'm sure peter could use a break

Elan School / NIGGERS
« on: August 22, 2003, 09:58:00 AM »
Yes I did rip on those people you have named and they fuckin deserved it.Go ahead post my ip address, Its not even my real address.I surf through anonymous browsing, not to hide my ident but to prevent cookies on my pc.Pete Moore is an asshole in my opinion and pissed me off numerous amounts of time and got all offened over shit i posted about Staff at Elan,I dont give a fuck what he thinks.All the staff at elan were assholes and deserve what they get on these sites.
I read a post by you about a Mr Brinker and created a sn for it to fuck with you, so what..You were being an ass and deserved it.Keep in my mind, I never started anything here, I simply wrote shit about marty and all the other staff I did not like and asshole Peter got all offended.I'll say it agian, Marty is a child molester, Marc is a fuckin junkie,Gottlieb is possesed by some unknown force, Clare is a whore, Linda is a lesbian and so on and so on.

So what I hurt their feelings?I made up lies about them? You gives a fuck, I dont and I will continue to expose these assholes for what they are.

And another thing, I do hate niggers and the entire hip hop movement,They are lowlifes and have no place in this world.Grant it this is an Elan site and it should be all about Elan, I agree.But when you get people like peter coming in here saying "I love Marc, I dont want no harm to happen to him" fuckin little ass kisser he was in elan.He was so brainwashed by Marc he cant even tell his head from his ass anymore.
So if you dont like what is written about the staff, then dont fuckin read it.

Elan School / NIGGERS
« on: August 20, 2003, 10:01:00 AM »
I was restraining myself in responding to Michael Lewandowski post that I have went back and identified what you have said anonymous I see what you mean.I wonder if he'll take any more lines from you?

Now thats said, the kid cant even come up with his own lines and has to use yours.I gues we should change his name to Michael "Lewd"andowski, because he is LEWD.

Mike you seem to know alot about trailors, do you speak from experience?You have posted many posts at this site about trailors,I think you are speaking from experiences.Though it is unheard of trailor parks in Massachusettes, but then again I live in an upper class neighborhood and dont have the time to go out and tour lower class nieghborhoods.Actually I could use a could laugh, Mike can I come see your neighborhood?

I get a back laugh out of seeing other people struggling and jealous eyes starring at me.

Elan School / NIGGERS
« on: August 20, 2003, 09:52:00 AM »
One more thing, you are so stupid that you dont even realize its people like you that keeep this post going.The more you respond , the more attention this topic gets.Now who's the asswad????


Elan School / NIGGERS
« on: August 20, 2003, 09:48:00 AM »
On 2003-08-19 22:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I have a question.

Why do people even respond to asswads like Nazi?

So he hates black what. Im sure he has far bigger problems to deal with.

Just ignore the neandetrhal fuck and remember, the only hate that is legitimate is self loathing.

Nazi's game is a farce.

Hey Nazi, if whites like you are so superior, why havnt you figured out that expressing your hate simply segregates YOU from the rest of the world...even those with the same skin color as your own??


I am gonna have to answer your question with a question.Why are you responding to me?I thought you just said I was an asswad nazi? You STUPID MOTHERFUCKER....

Elan School / For Paul st. John
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:40:00 PM »
Ok Paul, follow that link then go to navigation part, click on noise pollution part 2 then scroll down and look for malcolm x, click it and it should start playing for you.

Elan School / For Paul st. John
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:33:00 PM »
For some reason this link i posted is not directly taking you too waht i wanted you to hear.There is guy Ned Schnditt who calls up the post office and complains about a malcom x stamp.I cant find it on the site at all.But the link i posted is saved in my favorites section and brings me right to it.I copy and pasted it here and it brings you too a different page and I cant locate the ned scnditt prank call thing anywhere.maybe you willl have some luck.

Elan School / For Paul st. John
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:19:00 PM »
On 2003-08-19 18:16:00, nazi wrote:


This is very funny and you might even find it funny." ... 2col1.html

This should be the correct link, the other one wasnt going to the correct page for some reason.Look for the ned schmidt call to the post office.

Elan School / For Paul st. John
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:16:00 PM » ... 2col1.html

This is very funny and you might even find it funny.

Elan School / For Paul st. John
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:13:00 PM »
Here you go Paul, now I'm no longer anonymous

Elan School / NIGGERS
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:11:00 PM »

Elan School / Marc Rosenbergs address and phone #
« on: August 19, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »
Marc Rosenberg was the biggest asshole in Elan, that skinny little junkie Jew needs to be thrown in the up the ovens and make way for Marc!!!!

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