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Messages - FemanonFatal2.0

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 37
The Melting Pot / Re: Count to 1 million
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:25:00 PM »

(ummm stale cheese?)

Open Free for All / Re: Etnic Italian cooking...
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:24:03 PM »
sounds like cabbage. boiling cabbage smells worse than anything in the whole world.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Film on Aaron Bacon
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:16:53 PM »
I must also add... you obviously don't know the story about Aaron bacon because he was NOT on the road to anywhere besides a good college and a successful career. He was a good, smart kid who smoked some weed once in a while. That is NOT the road to prison and the fact that you would assume so just completely proves my theory... again.

As well, id like to point out that you are posting under a guest name as well... you don't have an account and this name, Bellavita isn't exactly a tell of who you are. And as you mentioned you prefer to not have what you say held against you in court, so why would you bash on someone who preferred to remain anonymous? Are you being purposefully contradictive or are you really that dumb?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Film on Aaron Bacon
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:09:19 PM »
Quote from: "bellavita"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "bellavita"
If they didn't love their son they would have just thrown his ass out to make the mess of his life that he was determined to do if left to stay of the destructive path he was on!  Do you NOT see all the drug addicts and men spending their whole lives in prison for things they did when they were young adults and high on drugs! Or what about the drugs overdoses and gangs. Come on people! If you were in a situation that the Bacon's were in you would soon find out that you either find a decent place to keep your son off the streets and away from drugs, or you watch him kill himself. The problem is, these PLACES are the only things available for kids under the age of 18! I know all too well.

No wonder people won't listen to you. You come off as haters and complete idiots.
You are going go back and forth with your ridiculous arguments like high school students and you look ridiculous!

Well, to be accurate, the American govt. took away your son's rights by not enforcing the rights of youth. Were they to start enforcing them, YOU would be punished for YOUR violation of his rights by having him abducted and imprisoned, No one is "kept safe" by being stored in a privately funded prison.

You're a coward. Hide behind your guest name and attack other people ..that's really accomplishing a lot isn't it?
Sit there and hate all you want look like a damn fool.

Darling... darling, darling.

Where does your hate for US come from?... regardless if we have decided to argue on a site that was created for US to do as we please, why do you feel it necessary to bash on Survivors on OUR forum? It sounds much more to me, (and this is reference from the first paragraph I quoted you) that you are simply threatened and afraid of youth and therefore find it necessary to come here to insult us.

You may be in one way or another against the program, but from the looks of your attitude you are still the kind of parent that is the root of the reason these programs exist, and it isn't because you are out-rightly abusive, its your mind state, your illogical fear of youth and your control issues. You may love your son, but the odds are you HATE his adolescence. That hate is what drove you here to insult us, and in doing so you have only become the troll of which you claim to look down upon. WE don't come here to argue, we come here to share our ideas, opinions and information, its only people like you with an axe to grind that come here to fight. Fornits is an awesome site... its FREE in the real sense of the word. No ones going to censor you, come after you or abuse you because you share your opinion and Im sorry if the freedom that us young adults enjoy rubs you the wrong way but I believe its something we deserve after having been locked up and tortured for years upon years.

Bellavita, I'm glad to have a hot headed mom like you here, you help make things interesting because we SO enjoy proving you wrong. The sad part is that its all too easy because all you need is a healthy dose of reality and a little bit of logical thinking to do so. I honestly believe you should take yourself out of the "controlling mother" role for a second and realize this one statement will always be true, in every single situation.

Quote from: "Guest"
No one is "kept safe" by being stored in a privately funded prison.

Then maybe you will realize that our opinions about program parents come from a very logical place. You should also know that most of us, have had FAR MORE experience than you with these programs, and the kids and parents involved to have developed a pretty well proved theory. I'm sorry to discount your 4 day horrifying experience and your "oh so unique" adolescent experience with your son, but weve seen it too many times before to just take your word for it. You have simply been scammed by the media, the media that tells you to be afraid of drugs and teen criminals when the fact is that only one in hundreds of thousands of teens is actually a threat to themselves or their families, and those kids, deserve to GET THEMSELVES locked up. The men who are in prison now, earned their way there by either doing what it took to survive in their neighborhood or they are just sickos that need to be locked up in order to keep US safe. You cant save your son from prison if hes on his way, either he needs to be there or he will mature on his own before he will EVER get that far. The fear you have that his life was "heading down that path" is only a figment of your delusional thinking, it has nothing to do with his ability to survive and mature. By sending him to a program you are essentially expressing your distrust for his intelligence and ability to learn and grow into a man on his own. Men don't need their mommy's to help them survive, they need to learn on their own or they will grow up to be soft and unable to fend for themselves in this cut throat world. Think hes bad now... keep floating his boat and watch he will still be at home at 35. You are doing way more psychological damage by trying to rescue him from himself than the real world ever could.

However, best wishes to you and yours, for their sake I hope you finally get it.

The Melting Pot / Re: To FemanonFatal.. Merry x-mas..
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:41:26 AM »


I want to hug them and cuddle them forever!!!!!

Thanks Che!

Open Free for All / Re: The Melting Pot is a trap!
« on: January 04, 2009, 07:36:07 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Dance for me August. You ugly wigger bitch.  You Vanilla Ice/Marky Mark wannabe.   Shake it like the goofy racially confused  jerkoff you are.

Bahahahahaa! :jerry:

Open Free for All / Re: Life.
« on: December 31, 2008, 10:08:55 PM »
yea ya caught me...

the sad truth is that I'm on Fornits INSTEAD of getting drunk.


Open Free for All / Re: Help with emancipations
« on: December 31, 2008, 10:06:51 PM »
well I was told... " you pretty much have to be Britney Spears in order to get an emancipation"

but that was several several years ago.

so now a days you probably only have to be Dakota Fanning.

lol seriously, the only way you can get emancipated is if your parents sign the papers. You as a minor will NOT be able to prove you can take care of yourself. 25 year olds are barely able to take care of themselves in this economy, and I bet you they all wish they had stayed at home a few more years and saved up money. Living on your own at a young age would be a bad idea in this economy and if you are too young to care, or pay attention to the news then you are definately not ready to support yourself. This economy, the job market and our society as a whole are all in for much worse than we are already seeing right now, and it is not the best time to be struggling to survive.

I don't know whats going on in your family life that makes you want to escape so badly but you should reconsider this route and try an option that provides more of a financial safety net. Like go live with relatives or your best friends family or volunteer as a care giver for an elderly person in exchange for room and board.

Either way... this too shall pass.

If you care to share a bit about your issues with your parents and your situation we will probably be able to give you some better advice.

The Melting Pot / Re: Photography thread
« on: December 31, 2008, 09:30:14 PM »




Open Free for All / Re: Life.
« on: December 31, 2008, 07:59:57 PM »
LOL if I was shit-tanked would I really be posting on Fornits?

besides its only 5 where I live so all that will come a little later...

....ponders.... Fuck it Ill start early....

CHEERS!  :cheers:

Happy New Year!

Open Free for All / Life.
« on: December 31, 2008, 05:27:46 AM »
I was just sitting here thinking about my life
and I heard on the tv

"you play with with your balls alot"

and it all made sense

I dont know if that was the trigger or if I'm severally fucked in the head but I realized that

nothings fair and nothing makes sense and everyone's happiness and success is their own

no one should judge anyone else because we are all shitty in one way or another

and as long as you have one thing that makes you happy keep it close and play with it a lot

even if it is your balls.

then I lol'd and felt better

hope I made someones else's day a little better too

Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Like many who have said this before...can't we just end this thread and keep the focus on the work that needs to be done?

Well being that this thread is titled "WWASP experiences" I dont think it would be fair to "end the thread" on account of a few vindictive assholes, However I am in favor of encouraging new comers to feel free to use this thread as it was originally conceived to share their personal experiences within the WWASP system.

In fact if anyone would like to hear it Ill go ahead and share mine. Just give me a few days to write it out...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Online Books On AA/NA
« on: December 29, 2008, 01:11:07 AM »
My opinion on "addiction" is that there are two kinds of addicts. Those who are self medicating and their initial mental weaknesses are driving their apparent need to use drugs, and those who started for fun, became comfortable with the lifestyle and formed a habit. One of which is addicted BECAUSE of a pre-existing condition and the other is simply making a series of bad choices. Although they are both considered "addicts" I believe the treatment for their reasons to use drugs should be treated, not just assuming you can guilt an addict into not using.

AA/NA might be the system that some ex addicts hold onto in order to keep themselves sober but AA/NA is NOT treatment. AA/NA is very similar to a cult, in the way they operate and their belief system. I'm honestly surprised that a system like this would be so main stream, to the point that people are actually being court ordered to attend meetings. The whole thing just creeps me out and reminds me of the program. The fact that you would HAVE to admit (believe) that there is a god and you must submit yourself to his will just makes me laugh! So atheists aren't allowed in AA/NA? So you must first convert to a religion before you can get sober?

Just STOP drinking, snorting coke, smoking meth and your cured! How hard is that? AA/NA making all these excuses that your powerless and addiction is a disease only sets drug users up for failure. They brainwash vunerable "addicts" to NEED AA/NA by playing on their addictive tendencies to swap one "temporary void filler" for another. So if they stop going to meetings they are programed to fail, thus proving the supposed dependency on AA/NA. However if the source of their addiction to drugs was properly treated they would be able to abstain from using drugs without any 3rd party system as a crutch and would find much more success in their sobriety.

I understand that some people are just prone to abusing drugs, and never seem to grasp the concept of moderation. But why is that?... are people really genetically predisposed or is it some kind of chemical imbalance that drives them to over-indulge despite there being many logical reasons not to?

I have the same question about women who stay with men who are abusive, why is it so hard to just walk away from the poison that is destroying their lives?

The Melting Pot / Re: What are you reading?
« on: December 28, 2008, 09:59:28 PM »
currently, Fornits.

Research Banditos / Re: Ideas, Future projects...
« on: December 28, 2008, 09:55:53 PM »
Ill go first.

So, if your following the other posts here then you are aware that I proposed a folder system (database) to be used to organize and store your research materials, Well Psy and I have been talking about a way to, once all the content is collected make the information available online. I have expressed my vision for this project, as it was originally, however we haven't really gotten that far into the development yet. I am happy with the way that we have started building TTI but I have a few more suggestions that would start to pull all of this together.

First thing, I am planning on creating another homepage/site that is designed to appeal to parents and essentially "spoon feed" them the information we have collected and will link back to TTI. I expect that we will connect all our individual program sites to the TTI database in this way, so this will serve the same purpose with a little bit of a different function. If anyone is willing to help me with this project I have some specific research that I needs to be done... here are a few.

1. Professional Opinions and Published Research
2. History of the Troubled Teen Industry
3. List of deaths in programs and their autopsies
4. Information, photos, interviews of fam and friends of deaths in programs, as well as suicides and homicides after program.
 and more as we go along but all this would be more generalized information not so much school specific.

Second thing, I'm not sure how many individual sites you are planning to create but I have a feeling that once we have created a platform for the database, a specific page for each school will be made... What if instead of filling multiple websites with the same information we simply use the individual sites as a home page to link back to the TTI database. So essentially we have 80 different sites out there that all immediately link back to the TTI database. I think that would serve our SEO goal as well as save us a lot of time making 80 different full sized websites, as well as server space not having to post the same information on several different sites. I think that if we all get on board with one universal database and build our individual sites to simply lead to the database we will save lots of time and effort. I also think the database should look like several individual sites within one, a page for each major category and their sub category pages as well. (for instance one page for WWASP schools and an individual page for each school)

Third. I am very much in support of creating a new survivor's support community. I am doing some networking on myspace but I am reluctant to really dive into a full marketing strategy because I am unsure where I can send the people who are interested in joining our group/ movement. I would really like to create a new forum, with its own name and message and a structure that can serve to be several school specific support groups all in one big survivor group. I know this isnt a new idea because there are several forums out there that cater to the same thing, but right now none of them are worth sending my new recruits to. Fornits is probably the most active right now but its also the most harsh e-vironment and that is the exact opposite of what I think we should introduce new members into. what do you guys think of these names?
S.L.A.A.P. = Survivor's Legion Against Abusive Programs - (Tagline - Survivors Strike Back!)
S.A.T.T.I. = Survivors Against the Troubled Teen Industry
S.A.C.S.O = Survivors Action and Community Support Organization
S.A.E.A = Survivors Alliance to End Abuse
or S.A.E.I.C.A = Survivors Alliance to End Institutionalized Child Abuse
maybe you have better ones.... but anyway Please Discuss.

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