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Messages - Joyce Harris

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris Letter is Completely True
« on: February 19, 2005, 01:45:00 PM »
Why don't you send me a private message?

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 18, 2005, 11:32:00 AM »
I do have one other remark:

If you have been told that Whitmore Academy is simply a Christian-based "school" and that a child enrolled there will not be exposed to the Mormon religion, and will not be REQUIRED to attend the Mormon Church----then what you have been told is a TOTAL MISREPRESENTATION!!!!!!

Children at Whitmore Academy must attend the  Mormor Church, or at least they did while my daughter was there.

I am not saying that was a bad thing---but that is just the way it was.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 18, 2005, 11:26:00 AM »
About the Mormon Religion at Whitmore:

When we enrolled our 12 year old daughter at Whitmore---we just assumed that Zita would attend the Morman Church with the Sudweeks, and we honestly did not have a problem with Zita learning about a religion that if very different from our own.  

We took it upon ourselves to begin to study about this faith--in order to be aware of some of its teachings.

We looked upon the Sudweeks "being Mormon as a positive."  That they would PROBABLY have high moral values, and PROBABLY have strong family values, and that they would PROBABLY be kind people.

But our daughter's experience at Whitmore proved that our expectations were completely WRONG!

And this by no means is no reflection on the Morman Church or its teachings or values.

I do not believe for one moment that that Sudweeks represent the normal, everyday, faithful member of the Ladder Days Saints Religion, which many of us refer to as the Morman Church.

I would not refer to the Mormon religion as a "cult."  Nor would I ever criticize anyone's chozen religion.

What I do criticize is people who dare hide behind ANY religion to try and justify and uphold their incomprehensible behaviors, and dare say they are doing it in the name of FAMILY, in the name of LOVE, and in the name of GODLINESS.   That is wrong!

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Miricle Workers
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:44:00 PM »
To Anon: Accreditation is more than a word, thank you.

IF it is not important---then why are the Sudweeks taking the bother to try and get accredited then??????

Simple: My understanding is that the Sudweeks need the "school" accredited in order to get a license from the City of Nephi to even have a school there.  Guess "accreditation" is more than just a WORD TO THEM.

And in the State of Utah, and in the State of Texas...home school parents are required by law to register with their local school districts.
So---there are rules to follow, and standards to meet. Operative word there: LAWS!!!

As far as what we know about the on-going investigations against the Sudweeks that is our business.

Please read the topic on this site: Truth Will Prevail if you would like a couple of examples of who tells lies.  

Richard and I have given our statement, and you are welcome to read it.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:28:00 PM »
NOw that we have it straight that I am not a grandmother, and that Leah is not my grandmother.

I do have a question for you:

If your brother has only been at Whitmore for a month----and I understand that Leah has not been at the Whitmore for several months.....

Just how do YOU know that this young lady is a slut???

You need to learn this lesson very early in life young lady:  Do not go around repeating vicious gossip told to you by strangers that you have only know on one little brief visit to a place that you know absolutely nothing about.

YOU do not know Leah.  YOU do not know her grandmother.  And you certainly do not know ME.

So, speak of thing you do know.

If you are impressed with Whitmore--then speak of the nice things that impressed you. Tell about the positive things that you think are working for your brother there.

  But, do not slander other people the hope of defending people and policies that you know absolutely nothing about.

Now you have a very nice day.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:20:00 PM »
We were never told that the Whitmore Academy was legally, or finacially, or academically, or in any way endorsed or sponsored by the Mormon Church...known by us as Ladder Days Saints.

Why do you ask us this question?

We did not choose Whitmore Academy based on any type of religious preferences.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:15:00 PM »
No, it was not explained as a MORMON program.

We were told that the students at Whitmore had the free choice of attending any church in Nephi.

But we assumed that since Mark and Cheryl attending the "Mormon" Church, that Zita would attend with them.  We had no problem with this.

What we did have a problem with was reading the weblog, written by Whitmore students: which stated that any students who did not attend Church on Sundays(even if the student said they were sick) was denied all previleges the following week.

I felt this was very wrong, and was forcing students to participate, even if sick.

BUT by no means were we told that Whitmore Academy was a MORMAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL.  We were simply told that the Sudweeks attended the Mormon Church, and that the kids enjoyed going with them.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 17, 2005, 10:08:00 PM »
Excuse me.

If you are going to be rude to me with your comments, you need to re-apply your very poor reading skills.

You are referring to me-Joyce Harris- as the "grandmother" and I believe you are referring to my little 12 year old daughter as her granddaughter, Leah.

So, you may be rude to me--but you may not insinuate that my little girl might have AIDS.

Please be very careful about who you are insulting.

I am Joyce Harris, and so far, I am not a grandmother, but I hope I will be since I have two married sons.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris Letter is Completely True
« on: February 17, 2005, 08:01:00 PM »
Maybe you should read under the topic "The Truth will Prevail" and a couple of lies, and "rumors" about our family can be put to rest.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris Letter is Completely True
« on: February 17, 2005, 07:57:00 PM »
That is why it is called "rumors"

You sure seem FIXATED on it, don't you?

Rumors do not bother us at all....nor do lies.

That is why we wrote a statement, and USED OUR FIRST AND LAST NAMES.

We don't recruit supporters.  We are not in a popularity contest or anything like that.

You have made your point that you think you know some little "secret" so thank you very much. I guess we should consider ourselves informed, and we do.

Open Free for All / Would you trust a doctor named Hazzard???
« on: February 17, 2005, 02:45:00 PM »
OK, another Doctor name:

My son suffered horrific cluster headaches for 3 years.  He had successful brain surgery this past June, and thankfully is now pain-free.

His wonderful surgeon's name is:  Dr. HURT!

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris Letter is Completely True
« on: February 17, 2005, 01:17:00 PM »
What "rumors are flying?" other than the Sudweeks and Sue Scheff are going to sue us?

We also "heard" that Mark Sudweeks has used his "psychological expertise" and has publicly declared me, Joyce Harris, to be mentally "crazy" ---so how could he possibly expect to "sue a mentally incompetent person?

Mark Sudweeks has also LIED about me to ISAC while quoting from a NON-EXISTING police report  ISAC saying "I pulled my daughter down a flight of stairs by her hair."  This incident can be read on the ISAC site.

So I would not be surprised by other "rumors."

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Joyce Harris Letter is Completely True
« on: February 17, 2005, 01:01:00 PM »
What would be the point of me writing as an ANON to state that what my husband Richard and I wrote in a statement was true?

The statement stands for itself. Richard and I wrote it together.

I am certain that ISAC would like to hear from other Whitmore parents, and they do not require that your name be printed.  Richard and I chose to use our names.

I choose to use my name on this site.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Parent support groups?
« on: February 15, 2005, 11:48:00 PM »
Correction:  Leah is not my daughter.

My daughter is Zita, and she is only 12 years old and does not read or write on this site.

But, from what I know of Leah, I would be very proud to have a daughter like her.

Thank you for explaining the parent site. A lot of things have been said back-and-forth and many like me were probably confused.

But I doubt if anything on ANY site could have had any impact on my opinion of the Sudweeks.  I did not know about this site until several people called me and told me about the many horrific  LIES that had been posted about me from people at the Whitmore here.  I say "people" but I feel that I know where it came from---the names posted were kids from the Whitmore who do not know me, and who were not even present the night we picked up Zita.

Our home phone number and email address was given out to total strangers (who made threats to our family) by the Sudweeks--nothing is scared to these people.

But thank you for explaining the site.  

Joyce Harris

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / WHO ARE YOU
« on: February 15, 2005, 09:02:00 PM »
Excuse me:  I was using dignity, and I properly put the student's vulgar words in quotation marks if you would bother to re-read what I wrote.

I do not use those kinds of words myself.  I was pointing out to this student that using these types of words DO NOT SHOCK PEOPLE as much as they think.

They can make thier point more clearly, and will be listened to MORE, if they will delete the vulgar words, and just state what they want to say.

Your reprimand was incorrect.

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