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Messages - Wh??ter

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I guess none-ya really is a dumbfuck.  He can't understand the difference between "hooter" and "Whooter".  Read much, none-ya?  Just kidding.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Betty Sembler quote
« on: July 07, 2011, 10:31:24 AM »
Why are you addressing rules when I wrote the comment, none-ya?  Your drug addled brain will never be repaired without another program. lol


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Betty Sembler quote
« on: July 07, 2011, 10:17:13 AM »
Quote from: "none-ya"

Nice photoshop job, none-ya.  I'm not surprised at your dishonesty at all.  We just don't believe you though.  I hope you understand all your past lying makes you not credible anymore.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Fornits Comes Back to Life!
« on: July 07, 2011, 10:14:17 AM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
I was responding to Whooter, But I guess when I credited the quote to "Dumbfuck" I guess you had no choice but to fire back.  Just how many posters are you anyway. Maybe it don't matter.Dumbfuck seems to cover the lot of you.

Oh no!  none-ya has a conspiracy theory!  Probably a lot like the one where he thinks the government was responsible for him being in a program.  Sheesh, none-ya.  Get a grip.


Quote from: "marycarm"
But I know I completely failed her.

Look, marycarm, this is just not the case.  Your daughter is out of control and it's completely her fault.  This is why she needs to be removed from the family and put in a program that can help her.  This is not a case of family prblems, it's a case of your daughter being on the wrong path because of her choices.  She needs to be separated for one to two years to get herself together and get back on track.


Quote from: "none-ya"
Dumbfuck wrote;

"I have a lot of experience in this area. While I appreciate your honesty about my sexuality, RTP2003, I approve of the gay lifestyle. that's one of the main reasons my son went to his program. He was showing early heterosexual tendencies and his mother and I wanted to nip it in the bud before he took real action on it . lol"

See I knew you'd feel better

none-ya, the readers can see my original post right above here and can see you fabricated what you wrote.  This won't surprise anyone though, this is fornits afterall.  It's full of liars like none-ya.


Aspen Education Group / Re: Sue Scheff helps troubled teens!
« on: July 07, 2011, 09:58:36 AM »
Quote from: "RTP2003"
Quote from: "rules"
"It is a matter of when safety trumps privacy."


This shows the fucked-up mentality of the anti-drug crusader, and, unfortunately, this attitude spills over into many different aspects of our culture today.  I'm not going to go into why this is fucked up.  It's self-evident; if you don't get it, you are part of the problem, just like Sue Scheff.

I didn't read anywhere that rules was talking about drugs, RTP2003.  You made that part up.  rules is just trying to add some balance to the discussion, now that he's not a moderator he can express his true pro-program feelings.  He has always defended the industry but when he was a moderator the admins made him stay on the sidelines.  Now he's free to support programs out in the open which I applaud.


Quote from: "RTP2003"
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Quote from: "rules"
Quote from: "none-ya"

none-ya stop sending threatening personal messages to my facebook account or I will report you.  This is my last warning.

Welcome to fornits, rules!  This is how none-ya and others here behave.  He sends me gay porn pictures all the time because he knows it will upset me based on my view of gays.


Awww, Whootie, it's's two thousand fucking one gives a fuck that you like to suck down some jizz from a big ol' dick.  It's cool, baby, you can even join the Army now, no one's gonna persecute you for being gay.  Hell, some gay friends of mine said they never felt better than when they finally came out of the closet.  It'd do you a world of good, Whootie, just head on down to your nearest gay bar, get a few drinks in ya, and do what you always wanted to do.  I bet you wake up, covered in strange men's jizz, asshole really sore, and a big, shit eating grin on your face as you relive the night before, with Bif slamming your ass'll love it Whooter, and maybe it will give you something to do besides trolling Fornits.........anyway, chin up, get your courage on, and enjoy the life of sodomy that you've always dreamed of.........

Ha,Ha,Ha it looks like RTP2003 has a lot of experience in this area.  While I appreciate your honesty about your sexuality, RTP2003, I don't approve of the gay lifestyle.  that's one of the main reasons my son went to his program.  He was showing early gay tendencies and his mother and I wanted to nip it in the bud before he took real action on it like you apparently have many times. lol


Quote from: "none-ya"
Quote from: "rules"
Quote from: "none-ya"

none-ya stop sending threatening personal messages to my facebook account or I will report you.  This is my last warning.

I've never sent you or your brother anything on facebook. In fact I never use it. If somebody is using my moniker,it should be easy enough to trace. Besides you know that's never been my style. Since every one here (or at least a lot of you) have re-named yourselves,your individual styles remain intact. So I don't care how many phoney ip's or fake sockpuppet names you hide behind. I have saved every pm that I've sent or received since joining here. Again, this sould be easy enough to check.
Especially for  an ex- moderator.

Oh cry me a river, none-ya.  You sent threats and gay porn pictures.  That's wrong and disgusting.


Quote from: "rules"
Quote from: "none-ya"

none-ya stop sending threatening personal messages to my facebook account or I will report you.  This is my last warning.

Welcome to fornits, rules!  This is how none-ya and others here behave.  He sends me gay porn pictures all the time because he knows it will upset me based on my view of gays.


The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Many Many Programs Abuse Kids
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:54:32 PM »
Quote from: "SUCK_IT"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Deprogrammed"
Whooter..Where in the world has the pope declared and the Catholics declared that they have accepted homosexuality? That is incorrect info..sorry Whooter try again!

The pope was born in like 1920.  If they told him what was going on he would have a heart attack.

More and more accepted by this world eh? Is that why when I tried to turn to survivors for support - people that were friends of mine for years about the harsh break-up from myself and my partner I was treated just so nicely here? Is that why I had a str8 friend think I was coming onto her when I called her babe b/c she felt sick? Wow Wake up Whooter....WOW is that why kids are committing suicide because us homosexuals are so well and widely accepted. Please quit talking about what you do not know.
I am an adult  bi-sexual and still not accepted and loved by many b/c I am gay. I speak from experience , not speculation.

I didnt say that homosexuals are completely accepted in society.  I am saying (from my perspective) that their acceptance has come a long way since the 1960's and in another generation they will be almost completely integrated and accepted.  Back in the 1960's the word Gay was a slur.  They were not accepted at all and were referred to as fruit cakes or as a  birth defect of some type.  They would marry woman and have kids because that was what was accepted of men in those days.  They started having sex with each other in San Fransisco which caused the Aids Virus which proved that homosexuality was unnatural and needed to be treated like a disease.

People are still curious about homosexuals today and what makes them tick.  But they are much more open now and accepted in the business world and society in general.  Straight kids and homosexuals commit suicide, maybe not at the same rate.  Parents are more accepting of gay children than 50 years ago but they would still prefer a straight child over a gay one I would guess and that is why the kids are not open to telling their parents that they are gay and feel much more humiliated if they are outed on the internet like what happened recently.  If this were a straight kid he may still feel humiliated knowing his family may be seeing it but it would pale in comparison to a child who was having a homosexual relationship.

I didnt see you being treated badly because of your sexual orientation here on fornits.  People are treated badly here in general.  I am not gay but I am treated pretty bad at times.


This is one of the smartest things ever said on Fornits.  You people should learn from this man.

Thank you, SUCK_IT.  Some people have a hard time understanding how unnatural it is to be gay.  Look, it's not natural.[/i]  Many programs have components to deal with gay kids and straighten them out.  It has a huge benefit to society.  If there were no gays, the Aids Virus would never have been created.  Finally now we have some programs to help.


Aspen Education Group / Re: MT BACHELOR LAWSUIT
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:44:16 PM »
Thanks for posting this, rules.  Sue Scheff is one of my heroes.  Remember how she humiliated psy and kicked his butt in court for all of his lying?  That was great.


Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:41:50 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "John D. Reuben"
"In 2004, when I found out Michael had drug problems, I founded Saving Teens in Crisis Collaborative to help disadvantaged youths participate in programs too expensive for them."

John, when you discovered Mike had a drug problem, instead of founding STICC to help other kids, you should have supported your son by getting him medically-based treatment for his drug problem.  Why would anyone faced with this situation start a business instead of focusing on their own child's problem?  Don't you see that your refusal to get directly involved in Mike's life is what drove him to drugs in the first place?  Then your solution to this was to have him locked up instead of put into scientifically proven therapy?

John, is this one of the "STICCy results that last a lifetime"?  I guess it is if "lifetime" means "22 years."

This marketing spin makes me nauseous.  We're talking about HUMAN BEINGS here, John.  I know the conscienceless, like yourself, see children as commodities, but this is WAY out of line.  You disgust me, sir.

Of course you are nauseous.  That is because you are weak and lack foresight like most people. See the problem is you miss the bigger picture.  You think small and think problems can be solved by hugging people.  People and kids dont need hugs they need solutions, they need to know someone is in control and can make them feel safe.  Most parents jump in and try to save their child by getting involved in their lives.  But the truth is it is too late at this point to save them by this approach because they have traveled too far down the path.  The parents should have been more involved all along.  So instead of taking the road everyone else was taking another option was to start a business around the problem.  This way you not only get help for your child but you find you are able to raise money for other kids to be placed and after the smoke settles 2 things occur:

1.   It doesn’t cost a dime for treatment and
2.    You can actually reverse the flow and have a few coins end up back in your pocket to boot.

You need to always keep a level head and look for opportunity when others are panicking.  This is key and is the Hallmark of successful people.  Whenever something is going terribly bad try to think about how you can profit by it and turn it around into something good.  I have always been a firm believer that there exists a silver lining in every situation.  It is our jobs to find it and utilize it or someone else will.

As far as trying to find something scientifically proven, that is hogwash.  By the time any good set of studies are completed the treatment is outdated and people have moved on to something more "leading edge".  Hell they still cant figure out how bees fly but that doesnt prevent us from enjoying the honey.

Let's be honest, people.  These programs are very profitable.  Why you get upset that I make money is beyond me.  I don't begrudge you your living. lol  Your lives went down the toilet and made programs necessary.  Just because I choose to turn that need into a great living doesn't give you the right to lie about me all the time.


Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

I don't care how much you question my "story".  I know it's true and, deep down, so do you.  You might not believe it about other programs, but I do think you believe it about Straight.  You just try and throw doubt in there for the benefit of others reading, hoping it'll catch on with them.

I really dont care what others think either.  We all know ourselves and what our individual stories are.  You try to keep supporting that I fabricated a son for other reasons than the ones I described to you.  You do this to try to throw doubt for the benefit of the readers.  Why do you do this?  and why wouldnt the readers believe you are capable of allowing other untruths slip by about your time in straight?


Look, Anne, I already told you the reasons that I fabricated my family.  I'm not going to keep answering questions about my fabricated children when I have already answered them.  Some people would consider this to be "lying" but really all it is is adding balance to the discussion.  Sheesh.  Get a life.


Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
All done Whootie. Now Anne is still waiting on you to answer her question. Why did you lie and claim she had been placed in straight for having 'unprotected sex'?

Anne and I already spoke via PM's.
 You should PM her if you would like the details.


No response, Bruce? lol  That's what I thought.  Anne and I worked it all out and she now agrees with me that she needed to be sent to Straight because of her promiscuity.


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