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Messages - DannyB ll

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Open Free for All / Re: The Confession You Are All Waiting For
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:57:50 AM »
Quote from: "SUCK_IT"
Danny you don't owe these people any explanations.  Anyone reading your posts can tell your genuine and that you cared about those kids and that's why you were staff.  I know for me that I was a really tough kid to work with and if you had to do some things that were a little bit harsher to these kids in order to get their attention then you had to do it. Nobody's going to hold that against a staff member.  If you put kids in the Ring it was just to knock them down a few pegs to realize they weren't so tough and they could open up and if you pulled a overweight girl on a rope behind your van it was to help her lose weight like on that Sienfeld episode where Jerry gets pulled behind the car for training.

Perhaps your the idiot, SUCK-IT, I don't need your help defending myself, I will maintain my own defense.I love all the attention,my words are screaming out for programs and abuses, the Sienfeld episode was an act,why I dragged that girl from the bumper of the car was for a different and real reason, Therapy and weight loss, and obviously control, and she learned that on that day, Just who was in-charge of her life.I know she would thank me now, for the program I put her on at Elan.  Danny has Spoken, :peace:  :peace:  :peace:

Open Free for All / Re: Danny's van dragging incident
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:19:12 AM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Please just get honest with the group danny. The truth shall set you free. Dodging the question with childish comments wont make me stop asking it. Danny why did you drag that girl behind your vehicle? Moreover, why did you ENJOY dragging her like that? You really have to be ruthless to get off on doing something like that danny. Why are you so hateful?

Everyone is watching as I humiliate you and expose your cowardice. We all know this "shaggy.

Oh and "none-ya" actually is still here. You just aren't quite bright enough to pick up on which new username he's operating under.

No matter how much you try and deflect "shaggy", nothing will change the fact that I can back up my claims about you, while you can't back up any of your lies regarding me. You're a tired old sham who still think he's accomplishing something.

Speaking of which, how is life going? I meant to tell you, I'm actually going to be in your town for about 5 days around the 14th. Do you feel like grabbing a beer or a quick dragging from my car? :rofl:  :rofl: Danny has Spoken.

Open Free for All / Re: Danny's van dragging incident
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:10:53 AM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Since Danny has been particularly spiteful lately, I thought this may be a good time to bring this up and demand the truth from Danny about this incident. Danny you have never properly cleared up the details of what happened the day you assaulted a female inmate at Elan by dragging her behind your van. You have made comments before about how you enjoyed doing this and in fact were laughing while stepping on the gas. You said that you had to turn up the radio to drown out this girls pleas for mercy. You were a staff member at the time and apparently went completely power-crazy. Please clear this up now so we don't have to keep going back to it.

Why you find it necessary to insult and call me names I do not know. I understand your angry "shaggy", I would be too if someone just called me out   it is embarrassing. No problem though, just be honest with the readers, that is all they ask here.Cant you do the same "shaggy"??Remember Shaggy, when you hear the "pop", your head  come out, It is OK. Danny has Spoken.

If It Wasn't For Programs, I Would Be Dead  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:

Open Free for All / Re: people who argue with the fake Danny
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:01:05 AM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
You think you're accomplishing something, but you're not. All it takes is a little more than a chimpanzie like attention to detail to look at his avatar. The rest of you just playing along, you are playing into the real Danny's hand. You give deniability to everything you've ever quoted him on.He just gets to sit back and say"you dumb fucks. That wasn't me"!!

Or was it,your the dumb fuck none-ya,!! I don't need your help or anyone else's,It's ok for everyone else to troll around here under all their multiple screen names and Danny can't. I will do as I want, got it none-ya.Go counsel and save Felice, I dont need your help buddy, your probably my dear friend Felice,with your hidden identity,I dont trust any of you. Danny has Spoken

Open Free for All / Re: Danny's van dragging incident
« on: October 07, 2010, 09:23:07 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB11"
Dont bother trying to reach out to me with empathy Shaggy. I will just spit in your face. I only wish I could drag you behind my car. That way you would understand the feeling of powerlessness that I instilled in that girl at Elan. By the time I slowed the car and untied her she finally had come to understand what true powerlessness was all about.

Open Free for All / Re: My Manifesto
« on: October 07, 2010, 09:22:38 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB ll"
Quote from: "DannyB11"
Note to admins: I have decided to restrict my recruiting activities to this OFFA area. This is not because I fear your petty rules. Danny lives by a "higher" law and so I remain aloof from your little restrictions.  I will conduct my activities here because here I can show my full power. The power of powerlessness.

I have decided to start this thread to share my thoughts with the fornits world. You should all be very very grateful and I am sure you are. On this thread I will slowly construct my manifesto. Giving out these pearls of wisdom as I see fit.

Mission Statement: To convince the world that they are all completely powerless over drugs, alcohol etc etc so that when they die, their souls will serve me as slaves in the afterlife. Just being honest with the group here. This is my mission.

Danny Point of Light Number 1: AA is the absolute greatest thing ever! I regularly troll around the meetings to find fresh souls. By any means necessary! is my battle-cry as I recruit new minions. I make the rules and then i am powerless over them so they must be enforced. I am sorry, did that sound insane? Grovel before your God-King and I shall "shower" you with my righteousness.

Much much more to come.

Danny has spoken.
Peace and Powerlessness

Open Free for All / Re: Robert and Shaggy can they be Serious.
« on: October 07, 2010, 09:17:25 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Where's your next question Danny? Let's not lose the momentum.

I notice in your long rambling blathering  against me Robbie, you carefully dodged explaining why you somehow changed the subject from you to me in your attempts to defend Anne, you look like a fool like her, while trolling me. The fact is you've been outed as a liar once again. Only those posters who can't quite grasp reality due to their limited abilities (Robbie) buy into your nonsense. You remain in the negative when it comes to your credibility Robbie. The more time passes the more your online antics will bleed into your day to day life. Keep it up son your just another Pig of the program system.You should be dragged from a car,LOL, :cheers: Keep the drama going Robbie, you never were able to just contribute and have a conversation with people without having to introduce some sort of drama. You have been destined to live in the troll forum forever I believe, Danny has spoken.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:27:37 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Yup, but he says it was for a good defend this poor woman Anne (ironic huh?   :seg2: ).  But he doesn't explain why he felt he had to change the gender of his child in order to do this.
Whoa, just checking some of the posters here in the basement.  Seems you have fun down here too!  I see you found DJ, wasnt sure where he went.

Anne, I know your knee jerk reaction is to run to DJ everytime there was a problem but he cant help you now.  He is only a shell and can only live in the past.  He spends his days and nights looking at thewho’s 10,000 posts trying to find a smoking gun which will take the focus off of him and justify the years he spent trolling me.  I think this sums up your double standard.  You hung onto DJ’s coat strings for years and believed every word he said without reading any of the links for yourself.  You only saw what you wanted to see.  You called everyone a troll who attacked yourself and DJ.

Everytime I would call him on his trolling he cried, for years, that he never guest posted and had only one login name and that everyone else was a liar.  How many times did we hear him say this?  Oh, poor DJ, people would say.

His famous words were:
“I am not the poster "concerned parent." You seem to want to believe I am, but you are incorrect. I believe you have previously stated that this poster was RobertBruce and also Ajax13. I also have only a single login and have never, ever posted under any other user name. That's a fact. Your uulations don't change anything.”

For 3 years he ran everytime I suggested we string our guest posts together.  I finally got him cornered in August of this year.  Boom!  Done.

After we strung his posts together it turned out he had over  100 different aliases including “Concerned Parent”, “RobertBruce .”, “TheWho .”.   It turned out he lied about his education…  no masters, no Phd.  He folded like a cheap suit and ran away.  He knew he was at the end of his road and I suggested that he change his name, which he finally agreed to, because of all the disgusting gay and child porn posts that he trolled everyone with (and I was beginning to post on the forum).  I posted only one or two examples because they are so embarrassing to him and I know that his wife posts here too and didn’t want to humiliate him.

So it seems the anti-program crowd were the ones with the majority of the sock-puppets.  Your side of the fence is pretty dirty, Anne, and closed minded to boot.

So now that your DJ has been banished to the Drama section to spend his life spending his days making ties to John Rueben, what are you going to do?  Lol


You know exactly what she is going to do. Wake up tomorrow like nothing happened the previous day and troll you some more. You can count on that, more so then our Gov't.
Anne and DJ are so clouded with there program mantra they can't do anything else.

I think you may be right, and Bruce is starting to run out of people to blackmail and email.


Well, he can always start at the top of the alphabet again.  :rofl:

Open Free for All / Re: My Manifesto
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:26:45 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB11"
Note to admins: I have decided to restrict my recruiting activities to this OFFA area. This is not because I fear your petty rules. Danny lives by a "higher" law and so I remain aloof from your little restrictions.  I will conduct my activities here because here I can show my full power. The power of powerlessness.

I have decided to start this thread to share my thoughts with the fornits world. You should all be very very grateful and I am sure you are. On this thread I will slowly construct my manifesto. Giving out these pearls of wisdom as I see fit.

Mission Statement: To convince the world that they are all completely powerless over drugs, alcohol etc etc so that when they die, their souls will serve me as slaves in the afterlife. Just being honest with the group here. This is my mission.

Danny Point of Light Number 1: AA is the absolute greatest thing ever! I regularly troll around the meetings to find fresh souls. By any means necessary! is my battle-cry as I recruit new minions. I make the rules and then i am powerless over them so they must be enforced. I am sorry, did that sound insane? Grovel before your God-King and I shall "shower" you with my righteousness.

Much much more to come.

Danny has spoken.
Peace and Powerlessness

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:25:27 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Yup, but he says it was for a good defend this poor woman Anne (ironic huh?   :seg2: ).  But he doesn't explain why he felt he had to change the gender of his child in order to do this.
Whoa, just checking some of the posters here in the basement.  Seems you have fun down here too!  I see you found DJ, wasnt sure where he went.

Anne, I know your knee jerk reaction is to run to DJ everytime there was a problem but he cant help you now.  He is only a shell and can only live in the past.  He spends his days and nights looking at thewho’s 10,000 posts trying to find a smoking gun which will take the focus off of him and justify the years he spent trolling me.  I think this sums up your double standard.  You hung onto DJ’s coat strings for years and believed every word he said without reading any of the links for yourself.  You only saw what you wanted to see.  You called everyone a troll who attacked yourself and DJ.

Everytime I would call him on his trolling he cried, for years, that he never guest posted and had only one login name and that everyone else was a liar.  How many times did we hear him say this?  Oh, poor DJ, people would say.

His famous words were:
“I am not the poster "concerned parent." You seem to want to believe I am, but you are incorrect. I believe you have previously stated that this poster was RobertBruce and also Ajax13. I also have only a single login and have never, ever posted under any other user name. That's a fact. Your uulations don't change anything.”

For 3 years he ran everytime I suggested we string our guest posts together.  I finally got him cornered in August of this year.  Boom!  Done.

After we strung his posts together it turned out he had over  100 different aliases including “Concerned Parent”, “RobertBruce .”, “TheWho .”.   It turned out he lied about his education…  no masters, no Phd.  He folded like a cheap suit and ran away.  He knew he was at the end of his road and I suggested that he change his name, which he finally agreed to, because of all the disgusting gay and child porn posts that he trolled everyone with (and I was beginning to post on the forum).  I posted only one or two examples because they are so embarrassing to him and I know that his wife posts here too and didn’t want to humiliate him.

So it seems the anti-program crowd were the ones with the majority of the sock-puppets.  Your side of the fence is pretty dirty, Anne, and closed minded to boot.

So now that your DJ has been banished to the Drama section to spend his life spending his days making ties to John Rueben, what are you going to do?  Lol


You know exactly what she is going to do. Wake up tomorrow like nothing happened the previous day and troll you some more. You can count on that, more so then our Gov't.
Anne and DJ are so clouded with there program mantra they can't do anything else.

"Anne" is the true sock puppet of Fornits

Open Free for All / Re: To the real DannyB
« on: October 07, 2010, 08:22:20 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
You are playing games with people smarter than you,and you are caught again

Arent you like 50 ?

You spend an aweful lot of time defending yourself against the things you say.
Nothing about you adds up
You are a fraud
Take your ball and find some mental midgets that want to play with you. Somehow I get the feeling,that there are others here,sick to death,of you
Get some fucking help

Dont bother trying to reach out to me with your bull-shit Art. I will just spit in your face. I only wish I could drag you behind my car. That way you would understand the feeling of powerlessness that I instilled in that fat girl at Elan. By the time I slowed the car and untied her she finally had come to understand what true powerlessness was all about, just like you Art. Danny Has Spoken. You like all the screen names, I am just like you. LOL :rofl:  :rofl:  I will always be better then you Art old pal

Open Free for All / Re: To the real DannyB
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:58:37 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB11"
I have extended my hand in powerlessness to you before none-ya. You slapped away my hand and chose to remain ignorant. Your loss.
Danny Has Spoken

Read it well people, I won't explain myself to anyone. When you talk to me Art I feel like it's appropriate to respond because I have the same beliefs about you and programs and your phony abuse tales as everyone else.Your nothing more than a fraud and phony. Oh and here we have liarsexposed, I see. Well you're the first to be exposed, my friend. I am one of just a few people here who realize that their program saved their lives.  And programs also saved Whooter's kids. It took four programs to save both kids but he knows it was worth it. If it wasn't then his one son wouldn't still be around to go to other one's funeral because he died of an overdose. The programs saved that family.So take the needle out of your arm Art,  your in the minority, liarsexposed. AKA Art  I know your game "buck-o", and I am better at it than you, stay out of my threads. Danny Has Spoken.

 :peace:  If It Wasn't For Programes, I Would Be Dead, :peace:  :peace:  :peace: :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace:  :peace: My love Is Deep For Control Of Programs I Am The Man, Danny Has Spoken

Open Free for All / Re: To the real DannyB
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:36:21 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
You are playing games with people smarter than you,and you are caught again

Arent you like 50 ?

You spend an aweful lot of time defending yourself against the things you say.
Nothing about you adds up
You are a fraud
Take your ball and find some mental midgets that want to play with you. Somehow I get the feeling,that there are others here,sick to death,of you
Get some fucking help

Hey, who luvs ya. Come to daddy. I run this not you Art go bother some others here like you like to do pal. [Ol Danny Boy Spoken.]

Open Free for All / Re: Danny's van dragging incident
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:25:48 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "DannyB ll"
Quote from: "shaggys"
Please just get honest with the group danny. The truth shall set you free. Dodging the question with childish comments wont make me stop asking it. Danny why did you drag that girl behind your vehicle? Moreover, why did you ENJOY dragging her like that? You really have to be ruthless to get off on doing something like that danny. Why are you so hateful?

Your a fraud "shaggy-do" and I know you, I do recall that story and I was doing what I had to to survive, Haven't you ever done something you kind of regretted,? Well thats my confession and guilt. What do you want to know about next.

Finally!  At least you answered this time!

And I didn't drag her, I was just in the car, kind of different would you say,? Know the fact's first buster.

No, I wouldn't say it's different.  Not at all.

[Oh words from Miss Perfect, :bs:  :bs:  :bs: Your a real peach "Anne" and a joke.Love-ya. Danny ]

Open Free for All / Re: Danny's van dragging incident
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:22:58 PM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Danny I did plenty of shit in the program that I regret now. Hell yes! You may already know this but Straight took the mutual- abuse thing to another level. A good portion of each day was spent abusing each other in group in one form or another. Virtually everyone there did shit to somebody else that they regret now. I understand how you got caught up in that shit at Elan but I don't understand the car incident. You really don't seem upset about it at all. I mean, I feel guilty about poking people in the back, helping restrain people and confronting people. If I had dragged someone behind a car I would hang my head in shame and do everything I could to help close abusive programs. I would oppose program abuse as part of the atonement for those sins. Please explain your dismissive attitude towards the over-the-top abuse you committed at Elan.
Why don't you care anymore?

I did't care then and I don't care now,it's the past, and I did what I had to do, and would gladly do it again so fucktard It was 32 years ago,It is 2010 bro, ya kno. Forget about it,I did. Danny

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