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Messages - mithygato

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: June 09, 2003, 02:04:00 AM »

Glad to see another survivor from the Richardson prison.

Welcome to the board that lives to shut down such places, and keep future generations from being tormented. ::bwahaha2::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / 'Hooked' On a Feeling...
« on: June 07, 2003, 05:45:00 PM »

I usually agree what you have to say, but thinking that it is acceptable and normal to have sex with children is sick. ::rainbow::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Important Notice to All Readers
« on: June 06, 2003, 02:02:00 AM »
What does any of this have to do concerning survivors of Straight? :???:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / 'Hooked' On a Feeling...
« on: June 05, 2003, 12:21:00 AM »
Hey everybody,

Sex rap to me is a fucking t.v. reality series Straight out of the past.  Fox would air it if they could . . .

The sex raps are by far the wierdest thing I have ever experienced in my life . . . having to express those types of issues to anyone but family and certified professionals who are trained in that area is without excuse!
If I could go back in time I would probably stake the  building and SERIOUSLY hurt a lot of upper phasers and staff.
Big time.

I am sure it was a lot worse for the girls, since one in four girls in the U.S. are estimated to have been sexually abused/molested before age 18.
Most of the girls I've dated, and a close family member have chosen to trust me with painful experiences such as these.  I would never scream at them, blame them and put them even through even  more abuse.
What they (Straight)did was sick.

Being guys, I think alot of us (especially us Hellraisers) thought of the guys sex rap as being a bragging festival, and issues such as rape rarely came up in our guys rap.

However, I know for a fact many of the girls raised just as much objection as the guys.
I can't imagine the girls individual raps and what you all were forced to talk about.
Being forced to discuss those types of issues with a bunch of people laughing and screaming at you when you are a 13+ girl is nothing more than psychological and emotional torture.

A few times the raps were held in the main room, so everyone shared together.
That was private stuff that was no one's business - they forced us to talk even if we had to make up shit as we went along just to appease the group.

I hate those people - they were evil then and alot of them have probably never changed.
May they all rot in Hell and die a painful death at an early age.

Straight Richardson 88/89  ::stab::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / 7th Stepping
« on: June 03, 2003, 02:02:00 PM »
Hi everybody,

What is seventh stepping?
My roomate has an AA book, but it lacks any form of index.
I'm curious to know what it means - Orwellian Newspeak I'm sure.

Straight Richardson Tx. 88/89 :???:

Powerful Attitude I pity you.
You are a self-proclaimed prophet, Huh?
Good luck with that bud.

I don't know what Spiritual Fornication is, but I do know that you're a certified nutcase.

Go someplace else - this place is for people who suffered emotional and physical torment thanks to people like you I'm sure.

Go spew your frightening dogma someplace else. :wstupid:  :wstupid:  :wstupid:

Powerful Attitude I pity you.
You are a self-proclaimed prophet, Huh?
Good luck with that bud.

I don't know what Spiritual Fornication is, but I do know that you're a certified nutcase.

Go someplace else - this place is for people who suffered emotional and physical torment thanks to people like you I'm sure.

Go spew your frightening dogma someplace else. :wstupid:  :wstupid:  :wstupid:


That is one of the best responses I've seen.
Well written.

That Powerful Attitude is a nutcase, and needs mental health NOW :???:  :???:  :???: .

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / NOON Today!!
« on: May 31, 2003, 06:01:00 PM »
Oh yea,

I'd love a chance to meet good ol' Sembler.

All I'm going to say is that he would not enjoy the points in his body, and the stick up his ass.

Those people need to pay.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: May 31, 2003, 10:27:00 AM »
To: Mo
or Princess Leah


It sounds like Straight made you do even harder drugs to escape all the madness.
I remember 13 year olds in there hearing about how you shoot up drugs - I thought at the time wow I don't even know how to do that and I'm 17.
It was like prisoners teaching the youngins how to pick a lock or rob a bank.

That's horrible that it just got worse for you when you left - it was the same for me in some aspects.
It was the same for a lot of people I'm sure.
I hate those people so much it makes me want to scream.

You mentioned that you are you again and that's awesome.
Be strong and don't let anyone tell you what to do.
Since I found this site last week I have talked to a lot of people that express the same feelings as we do.

From the picture you posted of yourself and your daughter it looks like you've got a great life (Richardson string).
Take care and know that there are other survivors like us who honestly do care.  Hopefully programs like Straight will be killed off by people like us who know what it still feels like. . . even 14 years later.

Live for the day!
Peace and best wishes.
Straight Richardson Tx.  88/89 ::bwahaha2::


I also understand what you are saying - just be positive in life and know that those fuckers can never touch you again . . .literally.

When I escaped it was so strange being in public places like restaurants.
I felt like all these people are eating and drinking and they are all looking at me and judging me.
It took along time before I could simply enjoy sitting by myself in a bar or res. and drink/eat and watch a ball game.
Only people who have been through an ordeal like us can understand.
Beer and wine they were drinking with their Italian food - EVIL says Straight.
I can't believe Straight actually wanted everyone to declare that we would never drink alcohol again!
Yea, right.  I couldn't even say that when I was 17 - I refused even though the upper phaseres constanly screwed with me.
Sure, I will never drink a beer even if I'm hanging at the lake with my best friends when I'm 100 years old.
Give me a fucking break!

I don't know how we fix things.
That's a big one.
Just be happy, enjoy life and know that there are other people out here who went through the same Hell . . .and that we are there to share out experience and get it off our chest.

Also, that some of us are active in lobbying in States all around the nation against these organizations, in order to SHUT THEM DOWN.
Future generations should not have to live with the memories that we will never foget.

Peace and happiness to you. :grin:

Straight Richardson, Tx. 88/89

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Hey, @ my house!!!
« on: May 30, 2003, 04:04:00 PM »
Hi Wesswolf,

I also did a search about a week or two ago and was amazed to find so much info. on Straight.
It sickened me to read about the horrors that I didn't see (although what I did witness gave me the strength to run away one day).
One of the 5th phasers who was set back and lived in my folks home ended up killing himself after leaving the program.
I had actually lived in his parents house in Highland Park Texas and he was watching me.  Once he was set back, the shoe was on the other foot.  He was now temp. under my supervision.
It's tragic that so many people lost their sons and daughters to such an evil group of people.
I can't imagine the anguish and despair that those families felt.

I have to agree with Mo's post - welcome to our disfunctional family!!!!! ::bigsmilebounce::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / THE RULES
« on: May 30, 2003, 03:38:00 PM »
Hey everybody,

Wow.  Whoever posted all those rules thanks - I learned alot of hidden aspects concerning the "program".
I've slowly been finding out more and more about the fifth phasers, staff in training, and parental rules.  It's scary shit.
What was allowed and what was not.
It sounds like life got even weirder the higher you went!
We were all being brainwashed during the entire relationship with Straight.
Plain and simple.

I had forgotten (probably repressed) so much of this, and it is amazing to me the stuff I am remembering now.  I guess it's just human nature to do so, and considering that I got to fourth level before I left I know for a fact that I screamed at my share of people.  I participated in the sickness simply trying to get through it day by day.

Most of us did eventually.  We got tired of fighting, being held down. punched, kicked, spit on, tackled, etc..  They called it "fake it 'till you make it".  Yea, make it to a level to run like Hell.

Thanks again - your post is the sort of thing that parents and courts of law need to read before trusting others with their child(ren).

Straight Richardson 88/89

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / THE RULES
« on: May 30, 2003, 03:38:00 PM »
Hey everybody,

Wow.  Whoever posted all those rules thanks - I learned alot of hidden aspects concerning the "program".
I've slowly been finding out more and more about the fifth phasers, staff in training, and parental rules.  It's scary shit.
What was allowed and what was not.
It sounds like life got even weirder the higher you went!
We were all being brainwashed during the entire relationship with Straight.
Plain and simple.

I had forgotten (probably repressed) so much of this, and it is amazing to me the stuff I am remembering now.  I guess it's just human nature to do so, and considering that I got to fourth level before I left I know for a fact that I screamed at my share of people.  I participated in the sickness simply trying to get through it day by day.

Most of us did eventually.  We got tired of fighting, being held down. punched, kicked, spit on, tackled, etc..  They called it "fake it 'till you make it".  Yea, make it to a level to run like Hell.

Thanks again - your post is the sort of thing that parents and courts of law need to read before trusting others with their child(ren).

Straight Richardson 88/89

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Abuse Still Going ON?!
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:26:00 PM »
I thought after the Straights were investigated and shut down that these programs had slowly all died away.
I'm sickened and horrified to hear that people are still prisoners in facilites like Pathway Family Center, The Phoenix Institute, SAFE, Kids Helping Kids, Kids of New Jersey, Growing Together, and Second Chance.
Apparently a lot of the staff of the former Straights simply changed the names of the prisons, and in some cases just shipped everyone out of state to a Straight that wasn't closed down yet.
For anyone who's suffered at the hands of these sick programs - if the program is still up and running I have one word.
SUE! :flame:

For those of us who were tormented by Straight, since it was so long ago we probably can't do a lot legally.  However,if you win anything for pain and suffering it is a victory for us all!
Especially if the place is shut down.

I encourage everyone to look up these "treatment" companies websites, and you may notice that it's a Straight pamphlet right out of the past. These sick, greedy people all appear to use the same peer-to-pear confrontational format.
From their website,". . .Pathway Family Center utilizes peer to peer interaction/confrontation in a caring manner."
Sure, we all know what that means - degrade and humiliate the person in front of 100+.  Oh, and don't forget the forced, fake smile followed by I LOVE YA.
Wish I could go back in time and pay a few of the 5th phasers and "staff" a visit in a dark alley.

Straight Richardson 88/89

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