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Messages - ex-prisoner

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Yeah that's wierd, this part:

"A teen who wasn't sufficiently enthusiastic in his or her confession would be thrown to the floor and immobilized, often for hours.

Immobilization was also the punishment for other infractions -- such as eye contact between a boy and a girl, or slouching."

- although, say you were slouching and not motivating, then they put two phasers next to you to force you to do it, sooner or later you are going to lose it since people have their hands on you. That's when you get restrained.

As for dressing boys in drag, I can believe that, they did some fucked up humiliation stuff in Straight, too.

That is a 2001 article. What a shame.

What has got me is that looking around at professional child abusers who used to work for Straight, I see they are still abusing children or else they are abusing older people.

What about Miller Newton's goons, those strange looking men who accompany him and so on? Newton is a practised cult leader of about twenty-five years, right? Well what does anyone think is going on now? How has he got those people under his thumb now? I don't know the story except for the gossip I read here about them, but I am highly suspicious. What if Newton is some secret option for them to get out of serving time on drug charges? That is just a wild speculation.

Newton, Margolis, Ross, Sembler, Riddile - these people are dangerous child abusers. Even Suzanne Byrd Hardmann still works in the "drug counselor" industry.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GOOD NEWS NJ SURVIVORS
« on: December 12, 2005, 09:36:00 PM »
I still think that Newton should be prosecuted as a criminal child abuser by New Jersey. He should be locked up behind bars. Ruth Newton too.

Also, anyone who was in Kids of BC or NJ should get together on a class action and bleed him dry. House, home, car, everything. Ruth Newton, too.

Then the Butcher should finish him off.

But see what you have here is a case in which parents signed their kids over to be child abused. New Jersey allowed him to operate. New Jersey has not done a damn thing about a child abuser who kept children locked up for years and years. Of course, NJ won't say IF they are doing anything at all. I think people should find out how to get NJ to prosecute him on criminal charges.

Those with a law background correct me if I got this wrong, but isn't it a lot easier to get someone in a civil suit if they have already been found guilty in a criminal court?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / GOOD NEWS NJ SURVIVORS
« on: December 12, 2005, 04:03:00 PM »
The State of New Jersey should prosecute Miller Newton for untold number of counts of horrendous child abuse. I think the only reason New Jersey did not do this is because then NJ could itself be liable for allowing him to operate. The Law is supposed to protect people. When it refuses it's proper role, The Law becomes a party to the crime.

I'm not saying I have any exact knowledge of how to get NJ to do this, if it could be done, etc. But the fact is, this is the thing, we KNOW the Straight spin-offs are abusing children, and we are PREVENTED by the law enforcement and justice systems from going in there, freeing the children, and ending the child abuse.

How many more examples are there of the law enforcement and justice systems being in fact a danger and detriment to children? Something is not right.

« on: December 12, 2005, 10:55:00 AM »
On 2005-12-12 00:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

"you don't know who I am at all."

the eggman?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / It's snowin' in PA
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:24:00 AM »
I wear a lot of scarves.  :wave:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dear Reagan Youth...
« on: December 12, 2005, 10:23:00 AM »
gosh it's good to see you back. :lol:

On 2005-12-08 09:06:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I was in Straight in the 80's and staff as well. I googled myself and came up with this column ,with I thought was interesting. Been some time since I have pondered ole' 5515 Backlick Rd and the sound your host families' tires used to make went they hit the gravel and woke you up to the realization that in less than 2 minutes you will be stuffed with 43 other rank, farting straightlings in a small room holding only your shitty lunch of one fruit and whatever your host family's dog didn't eat the night before . I have found the way I view some things is different from others because of my experiences at straight(i.e. what do you mean you got laid at the prom? what's a prom?) but overall I say I am okay with what happened and how things have turned out. I still have many friends from Straight that I see and interact with all the time, although none that I know are still "straight" and i cant remember the last time it even came up in conversation, including some of the mentionables in this column. While I am not casting any bad karma at all to anybody who did not complete the program, I certainly think that the psychological effects of not doing so have been very damaging to some of these people. Having been a staff member, I do not feel i owe anybody an apology, but would love to hear more from people about life experiences that they feel are outside of the norm due to the common time we shared together at "the warehouse". We should all get together for beers and ping pong regularly."


On 2005-12-05 03:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

"ex-prisoner - elaine benis"

funny. i love her.  :lol:

i cursed in public today three or four times! Loud!  :lol:

i told one lady in the parking lot "Don't fucking shop at that store! Corporate assholes!" She was surprisingly sympathetic. The manager at the next store agreed heartily when I again brought up the corporate thing. Poor schmuck, he has to enforce some just downright impolite, unkind, cruel and pathetic rule. That must feel like shit, not to be able to make your own decisions all day long. I pity the fool. Poor guy doesn't have any survival skills, or he lost out on the genius thing he was supposed to do, or the government or corporations or whatever took away the family farm a generation ago. Anyways, god our ancestors must look down and pity us. Those without the constitution for the frontier should die off. Evolution favors laziness?

On 2005-12-03 16:35:00, Anonymous wrote:


who is this?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / suicidal
« on: December 07, 2005, 03:36:00 PM »
On 2005-12-07 11:31:00, Anonymous wrote:

"some times I just want to kill myself and end the pain I feel. I am sick of the hurt I am sick of it all. I am so unhappy. I have no family left no significant other, no life. Except for the slight possibility that one day Ill see those bastards in court (which is bleek) I realy have nothing to look forward to. I have nothing to be happy about. I think Ill take some sleepers and just go to bed.

Well fuck it."

You can get my # from G if you want to talk or anything.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Texas Monthly 06/90
« on: December 07, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »
On 2005-12-07 11:13:00, Frank Discussion wrote:

Man that shit gets my Irish up. Fuckin' clock that criminal bitch.

 :grin: :evil: :tup: :tup:"

Ditto, let's go clockin, micks.

Let It Bleed / Something you listened to today
« on: December 03, 2005, 07:24:00 PM »
Lyrics Born, Later That Day

This guy is really talented.

Let It Bleed / Something you listened to today
« on: December 01, 2005, 01:13:00 PM »
Busta Rhymes, "What up". Tune in next week when I get some fully bass capable speakers. My gangster boyfriend returns loaded down with loot. All for me. Black Market Love, American Style.

Let It Bleed / Something you listened to today
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »
ID and Sleeper, Displacement. Highly industrial and moody.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Stolen Childhood - Now Frozen in Childhood
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:22:00 PM »
I never wanted to grow up anyway. Really you don't have to, it's overrated. It is nice to unfreeze things and get memories back. I don't think I am giving Straight more of my time, I am giving me more of my time. It is good to be fucking pissed, it is good to love people out there as fucking whacked as I am, troglodytes in our own caves sending out smoke signals. It is good to have someone as sweet as NCL write about lost childhood.

Did you know PTSD is known to cause memory problems?

There may be an outlined way for "counselors" to deal with all this, but myself I am tired of counselors, I am sick of being misinterpreted or having my words mixed up and my experience and stories stolen and corrupted to fit their agenda. None of them have ever truly dealt with me on my own terms. I respect what I was as a young person before Straight, I don't need another person's interpretation of that in their own way just like Straight, really, ingrained in my mind a certain interpretation which I so foolishly kept for too long. Like pirate, I saw through the authority, the imprisonment of school and all that.

I would really rather be stark crazy than live in the middle of a pitiful lie. I see me before Straight, then what they did to my mind, and I am done, I am fucking done. It is not giving my life to Straight to be messed up if I am messed up. Let me explain better by saying that all the grief and loss and anger felt opens up the truth, whereas before my miserable pathetic life was lies, Straight lies, like I had to do everything by myself, I had to keep going in the face of physical and mental pain, I was nothing and could get nothing for my life that I wanted, nothing I ever wanted was real or worthy.

THAT is the lie!

Love your madness, love your grief. Rise up from the fire, phoenix, and fly.

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