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Messages - mouse

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Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / Sue Scheff
« on: June 12, 2005, 08:50:00 PM »
BuzzKill, I believe all that is Sue's place to answer. So, I'd suggest contacting her, and not me.

« on: June 12, 2005, 08:46:00 PM »
Actually, I figured you were using that as an analogy, not as an actual event that happened. Because that's absurd, and never happened.

I am visiting the Whitmore; is there a problem with that? I knew you'd say something. I know you can trace the IPs on this forum.

I am free. It is you who is bound by the hate and confusion within your own mind. To be free, one must embrace serenity and do good things, not evil. Free yourself, AMF, before it is too late.

I can't decide whether you or "Tha Truth" is Anneliese. Maybe both. ::shrug::

« on: June 12, 2005, 08:07:00 PM »
Former student.

So while I read for news and take guidence from my family, friends, and books, I really should be keeping up-to-date on a public forum for discussing problems with programs? Wow, now it hits me. We better call BBC about this one...


Look at that site. It's one of those dumb things geeks read after checking their mailbox for the latest copy of The Inquirer.

I never said the kids manipulate the program. I'm saying they could all just rebel one day if they wanted to and there's the end of it. I know those kids and I know they'd do just that if there was abuse going on.

« on: June 12, 2005, 06:06:00 PM »
No one threatened him. No one hurt the guy. We educated him (with words, mind you) by telling him why he needed to be at the Whitmore, how we could help him, and emphasized how his life was basically going to the dogs if he kept living the way he had been at home. And it would've, and if he gets out of the school he's in now too early, it will. If it hasn't already. I don't know where that kid is.

Did I enjoy the show? No, I don't enjoy group. I find it boring a lot of the time. I usually get in trouble for falling asleep during it. But not that one, and yeah, it did get boring after a while of the same old thing over and over again. We weren't getting very far with him. I think that after he'd read a book or two on how to express feelings instead of holding them in, he would've been more willing to change his life around. That was his big issue, expression. Also sensitivity. He acted very apathetic, when one could see in his eyes that he had so much emotion. He was a cool kid behind that mask, but just didn't want to show his real self. He feared his emotions.

As for playing a part in it, no, I didn't say much in that group. I talked to him throughout the day, chilled with him, and we were friends.

Does that answer your questions? Oh, and I apologize for getting a bit psychological in this post.

On 2005-06-12 14:35:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-06-12 13:30:00, mouse wrote:

"Ah, I see.

But let me ask you this.

Is the justice system necessarily right all the time? Isn't part of this site about corruption of government and society? Correct me if I'm wrong. It's your site and I haven't been through everything on it."

No, the justice system is not always right. However, Utah authorities have shown a pattern of extreme bias in favor of the troubled parent industry. In the rare event that even they are forced to concede that a program is over the top, it's like... well, like 3 Supreme Court justices arguing in favor of medical marijuana; it's pretty hard to argue to the contrary.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
--Philosopher, Blaise Pascal


So... what's your point in this, that almost no program can be shut down because the state doesn't want to admit it made a mistake?

Not trying to be smart alek (this time), just seeking to understand...

Let me guess... Anneliese, would it be? I wouldn't doubt it, but I'm not going to swear it.

Obviously, you know the truth, right? Since group is always about "yelling, cussing, screaming, and hitting each other"? And if this is Annie, who just loved to initiate these things? If I remember correctly, it was you and one other we usually had to calm down. I wouldn't mention his/her name here because (s)he is not involved and not needed to be brought into this discussion. Didn't you always hate hypocrites, sweetheart?

You are entitled to your opinion, I suppose. But just know that your opinion, your "truth", makes me laugh.

« on: June 12, 2005, 04:44:00 PM »
That's called "pricks".

You know... they're rude, usually looking to hurt others, maybe just trying to fit in with those they consider friends...

Maybe even influenced by spiteful parents who didn't get their money back when they pulled out their kid early, or parents pissed off because their kids said just a little too much about the way they're treated at home.

Zita's a good example of this, but she wasn't a prick. She was a sweet little girl in the time I knew her. Zita was abused by her mother in order to tell lies. Nearly everything Zita said happened to her at Whitmore was done to her by her mother before she came to the school. She told us some of these things in only her first week. I was there when she did.

I know the names of the other six, and I'd give them to you if I thought it appropriate. But it's not. However, I did know them all, and I can promise you that no abuse went on.

Right alongside with UFOs, right? And aliens; do you believe in those, too?

Give me a break. I've seen crap of that type before. So it's occured in major, obsessive cults a few times through history; I'll give you that. But I'm sure it would happen in Nephi, UT, in a boarding school of all places. Riiight...

By the way, everyone at Whitmore could easily rebel if they felt threatened. But they don't. So they aren't.

Ah, I see.

But let me ask you this.

Is the justice system necessarily right all the time? Isn't part of this site about corruption of government and society? Correct me if I'm wrong. It's your site and I haven't been through everything on it.

Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore / how many laws has joyce harris broken?
« on: June 12, 2005, 04:26:00 PM »
You know what else? It was a student, and as I stated earlier, just because a former student says something about the Whitmore doesn't mean the school condones it. I'm also angry with her for lying and trying to get innocent people in trouble for nothing but Leah's own satisfaction.

She is a cruel girl. I shudder to even call her a girl, because something so disgusting and so dispicable as her doesn't even deserve to be called such.

She gets off on others' pain. She'll probably turn on you all, too. Just watch and see, but I'm warning you now. You'd be wise to listen.

The Whitmore does not support my words, by the way. I'm saying these things as an individual expressing my point of view. Just so you know.

Thank you, Sarah.

She's right. There is partial custody of the child when they attend Whitmore boarding school. If a kid is living in a state seperate from their parents, they have to have some sort of guardianship. Therefore, Harris did assist three minors in running away from their legal guardians.

I know what I'm talking about here.

You can't make someone believe something opposite than what they saw with their own eyes.

I'm not sure if Sarah was there, but I was, and Joyce Harris was extremely rough with her little girl and did throw her down the stairs. Zita did refuse to leave the Whitmore, and Harris did drag her out to the car.

I think a witness at the scene of this crime when it occured is a lot more reliable than this "he said she said" bs.

Get over it. You're wrong, okay?

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