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Messages - Maximus

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / All BCA Stand up
« on: April 15, 2004, 04:33:00 PM »
Below is the best description of the Propheets I have ever Heard. Please note that most of the I-and-Me and The Summit Workshops came from the Life Spring EST cults.

I went through the same high in the Basic course and the same berating in Life Spring's Advanced Course. My opinion is that it is all worthless and damaging. It is exactly as stated here.

In fact, the whole "science" of all of this comes down to dragging people down emotionally by berating and shaming and evoking sad emotion in them and then opening the trap and letting them out to the sound of charismatic music about freedom, and love, and a plethora of hugging, and other bullshit.

In summary, there is no science other than dragging the kid into a carefully crafted manufactured hell and then releasing him into a carefully crafted manufactured bliss, whereby he or she is convinced that a transformation has occured within. Nothing has actually occured.

In actuality, all that has happened is a mental minipulation - induced depression followed by the induced euphoria of being let out of the depression.

That is what parents are paying big bucks for. It is a total deception and nothing more. No improvement in personality, mood, or mental stability occurs. People actually are made more unstable of mood by these processes. Just look at the staff who have been going through these workshops - the term "histrionic" would describe the worst of them, "unstable" the best of them.  

On 2004-04-14 17:35:00, chinsk wrote:

"the good employee fired was mike bonner

as far as propheets are concerned they were just a chance for me to be full of crap and do what it took to get through them.  the breakdown of the propheets is as follows


This was mega stupid.  I heard a lot of things about people that I would rather not hear.  This was the emotional growth session where you were supposed to address your "disclosures".  Disclosures defined as things you have experienced in life you generally feel bad about.  For me it was no big deal because I didn't feel particularly bad about to many things.  I mean all I was ever guilty of was acting like a troublesome teenager.  I never had some horrible act under my belt.  Pathetic part about this was how out of proportion staff got with things.  If you had sex with a guy and you were a girl you were called a slut and had some pretty profane things yelled at you.  I heard staff yell things at teenage girls that would get them arrested outside of BCA.  Terrible stuff, they also got in pretty graphic detail when talking about such things.  If the staff didnt feel like you got all your disclosures off your back they would pester you call you "chicken shit" and such.  I ended up making stuff up to get them off my back.  I was credited with "doing my work". Whatever, I was doing what it took to get this thing over with.


Getting in touch with your inner child.  This is where you are supposed to A: Feel bad by thinking about how you "destroying your inner child" with your actions or B: get mad at your parents for supposedly destroying your inner child.  Whatever, move on.


Your friends really arent your friends.   I don't fully understand cedu's definition of a friend but evidently its someone you are constantly expected to berate in raps and nag constantly about emo stuff.  You just weren't being a good friend if you didnt yell at your buddy in raps.  BTW the definition I heard of a friend seemed to change weekly.  One day I hear I am being a good friend, the next day I dont.  Blah, I give up.


Pretty much slept through this one. Hah :wink:

I want to live:

I liked this one because you got to wrestle around with your buddies and break stuff and not get in trouble.  Once again like all propheets you were expected to talk about your feelings, get told they are bullshit and let staff tell you your feelings.  Girls are once again sluts, if you even tried a drug oncce you were a dying addict, if you got angry you were going to be murderer when you got older, etc. Pretty routine by this point, seeing a patern yet?


This one wasn't so bad, mine was devoid of a lot of the dumb stuff usually found in propheets.  Most likely due to the fact that mine was ran by a decent guy.  Unlike most staff who I think jump at the chance to be in a propheet because they enjoy whatever game it represents to them or move up on the emotional growth staff chain of command.


Now this one I really did get a kick out of.  For about I guess the first 12 hours of this thing you are sitting in a room having the staff ask you questions that have no point and go in circles, argue with everything you say, screw with you repeatedly.  I mean this thing is rediculous.  This was the first propheet I had with my RMA counterpart peergroup.  Boy were those guys good at the game, they had the whole routine down to a T, the crying, the indictments, the self realization, etc.  A buddy of mine told me about this part so I pretty much kept silent until it was over.  I did have an outburt with a staff where I mocked the situation but after they figured out I wasn't going to break down and cry like everyone else I was simply written off as being dishonest with my feelings and we moved on.

The next two activiteies were I and Me and the Summit.  Now these two things are filled with the most rediculous activities, verbal ridicule, and mental abuse.  The summit is basically 5 days of telling you you are a piece of shit and the 5th day you are supposed to celebrate because you are now super, thanks for asking.  Of course I came out being all happy and what not, part of it was the upper school look-good requirement and the other half was that I was happy as hell I was done with all that nonsense.  It truely did feel good to be out of the summit, it meant i never had to do one of these stupid exercizes again.

What got me the most in all these experiences was how the "power staff" appeared to take it so seriously.  I mean their dedication to carrying out these rediculous and innaproprate sessions was way past the point of fanatical.  A lot of staff exhibited behavior that I just cannot condone no matter how it is rationalized to me.  They acted rediculous and abusive, period.  Nothing gives them the right to say the things they did and the worse feeling was that you couldn't speak your mind or put some of these bastards in their place.  Doing so resulted in consequences ranging from: dropping you a peer group, full times, indefinite work assignments, ascent, etc.  Having your own oppinion or own way of doing things was unacceptable.  You had to be the cedu staff super emotional being clone. You were trapped and had to conform.  In the end it isnt all that bad to go along with the program just so things were easier on you and you didn't have to deal with all the mess.


CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / All BCA Stand up
« on: April 15, 2004, 01:12:00 PM »
Don't blame the artists. I'm sure Denver and John would be sick to know how their music is used to brainwash - but who am I to judge? Hell, I'd burn the stuff to let go of the hate. I'd throw everything in the fire.

I'll never forget the time I went into the bridge and put on Bob Dylan "Everybody Must Get Stoned." Those staff idiots looked like swarming ants. I laughed my ass off.

Music is not related to drug use. And, humor actually prevents it by releasing stress. I never saw that CD again. I would play AC DC in my office for them though and those Mormons would pace around outside my office. They couldn't do anything about it.

They are clearly frustrated that they have not yet been promoted to Godhood, though they are practicing daily. They just can't get that lightning bolt thing down, and they are lousy at floods and famines - they do hire human locusts however. But, the locusts are not very smart or effective. They just swarm around - it is very frustrating to them. Denial of music as drug prevention - who ever heard of that? Reminded me of the Movie "Footloose" where the town banned music and dancing and the kids rocked out "underground" - Great movie - rent it.

Little did they know that the kids were indeed acting like good CEDU boys and girls while all of them just accepted the fact that the place was a total joke run by total idiots - lemmings, locusts whatever.

They would ban Bob Dylan and other "subversive" "propaganda" while the kids brewed their own alcohol, broke into staff offices, had sex or took cigarettes out of offices, and got deliveries of pot. Ulrich's psychotropic drugs were mixed into cocktails, amphetamines were bought and sold by the, so called, ADHD kids. People cheeked and threw away antipsychotics or broke them up to get high, Todd Degraff, LaTeresa and BCA was "in charge" "in control" What a Joke

We would try helping the staff deal with these issues, but their "interventions" of screaming and yelling, all day Raps, sickening transparent fake love and concern, restrictions lasting weeks or months, these would only make the problem worse - making kids so angry that all they wanted was to subvert the system or burn down the whole place.

I would try to tell staff that making enemies and imposing standards that would make Islamic fundamentalists uneasy produced the opposite results from those they wanted, but, as La said "The therapists don?t understand what we do."

Hell, we understood it just fine. We clearly understood that the collective IQ of the place was around 65. We knew intimately that you can't explain to a dog how to make a paper airplane because a dog is not interested in paper airplanes. They want to chew on sticks and bark.

They are all still there chewing on sticks and barking for $160 thousand dollars per kid per year.

So we therapists finally realized that subverting subversion was not subversive. It was subversive to support the subversive subversion (funny huh). Well, I'm the funniest guy I know. "Get her done."

Anyway, seeing the futility and illegality of mandatory reporting of danger to children to "risk management" instead of CPS as required by CEDU. (They would just sweep it the rug), I eventually, just reported to CPS. After all, this is the law, and, it is illegal for CEDU to decide for the therapist what is reportable and withhold it, but they did anyway and still do.

It sucked; you had to sneak around them to CPS and report anonymously. It made no difference anyway. CPS fears Mel's or Brown's mafia - and rightly so. In fact CEDU scares the hell out of me. They will spy. They will hack. They will lie about you. And, frankly, I would not even consider murder beyond their capabilities. That is why I stay vigilant 24 hours a day almost two years after leaving BCA.

I hope parents gat the picture because if anything happens to the child the parent is held legally responsible - not BCA, not RMA, not NWA. not Milestone, not CEDU High School, not Ascent or Cedu Middle School has any liability. The liability is with the parent

The best way to save a family is to speak up no matter how they judge you.

Remove the stubbling stone.

Please send this web link to everyone you know who has been at CEDU - any Cedu Facility Including Saint George Academy

The best way to save a family is to speak up no matter how they judge you.

Remove the stubbling stone.

Please send this web link to everyone you know who has been at CEDU - any Cedu Facility Including Saint George Academy

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / All BCA Stand up
« on: April 14, 2004, 08:01:00 PM »
Which good employee that they fired was it? If it was when I was there it would have been Greg, Cowboy Bob, Wendy and a few others who were not therapists. Cowboy Bob got canned for complaining to the state about the "jumpsuits." After they fired him the State actually did make the staff get rid of them and re write the "propheets" - now called "workshops." they just wrote new scripts and kept doing the same shit - with less sleep deprivation.

They are and always were useless. Every time they were done the kids would rave about them in front of the staff, then come to my clinical office and tell how phoney, idiotic, infantile, chiche and stupid it all was and how the staff acted like they were crowned with glory while the kids held back laughter.

I too had many moments of "easy stomach" nausia at those staged coming out of propheet rituals. "Like La, you were so Awsome." "Boo Hoo I can't believe how you went for it in there." Then God the Mormon come up and tells all the converts to "take it easy with thse guys" - "go slow around them." Yeah, while we scream at them.

What a scham !!!!!!!!!!!!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / ezboard site
« on: April 14, 2004, 12:37:00 PM »
There is nothing terrably wrong with the essay Self Reliance and there is nothing of CEDU in it.

With regard to other sites, heed the words of Ginger. Evil can very quickly advance upon good.

For example the Cult Awarnes Network is now owned by the Church of Scientology - They won it in a lawsuit and it continuse to develop a list of people it considers fair game.

Now, again, with regard to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Self Reliance. CEDU or not, he was a progressive master of free thought. CEDU used Emerson to promote its own grandiosity and to create the false perception that CEDU embraced the values in Self Reliance (this is a straw man fallicy) and, let's face it pure CEDU Bullshit.

If you read the whole Emerson Essay called "Self Reliance" you will see that Emerson hated authority, hated dogma, hated conformity, hated self agrandisement and would have hated CEDU with a passion unmatched by the fires of a burning hell. God bless him.

Emerson stated the following:
"He who is a man must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the NAME of goodness (cedu) but first must determine if it be goodness."

Clearly CEDU personifies the opposite. They would say the following:

"he who is a man must conform to the CEDU system 110%. He who would gather immortal palms must "buy in" to all our dogma or be excommunicated because CEDU is all perfect, all good, all knowing, without any flaw. Anyone who questions CEDU, thinks for himself, or is a critical thinker in any way, is to be cast out and damned to hell" - all Mormons trancending. HA HA HA (couldn'r resist, afrer all the "Gods" of cedu so resemble the future Gods of Moroni).  

So don't kill literature (the messinger) because a tyrant power structure uses the messaage as a tool to brainwash. CEDU is full of shit, Emerson is not.

Part of critical thinking, my friend, is reading and drawing inferances from objective positions of differing perspectives. Moving around and looking from differing areas of perception and ideology is key. Doing less is no better than embracing the tyrant, CEDU in this case, as literal truth. So let intellect, not bias, rule the day. Read the Essay and judge it accordingly. You will find that it is not pure truth (nothing is). You will find a few flaws buried in diamonds of brilliance - The same brilliance upon which this country was intended to be based, and the way back home.

Also - Dave Hampton is a great Guy, I have spent many beloved hours with his family and I have the greatest respect for him.

This should be taken as evidence that just because someone has worked at CEDU does not make him or her a bad individual. Some people stay and don't succumb to the almighty system of stupidity and tyranny at CEDU.

It should also be said that these people are needed as a safe haven for the kids who would have nobody to turn to otherwise. I wish Roy was still there. [ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-04-14 08:55 ]

I didn't post the annomous statemant about John Aaron being sadly promoted to director of RMA - the one with all the typos where the guy says his keyboard has problems. Yet it says it was posted by Maximus.

I don't know how this could happen. Perhaps this happened by chance since I have external and internal routers that alter IP addresses and three firewalls. I would, neverless, like not to take responsibility for the statements of others - true or not.

[ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-04-14 08:49 ]

If you have a photographic memory I envy you. I have had CRS all of my life. Sometimes it pays off, other times it is tough to get by.

If your memory serves you when you need it, then it is a blessing. If memories come to you when you don't want them and run with anxiety, then you could have a trauma related issue or an anxiey an/or mood related problem.

Bottom line, if it doesn't bother you or cause you problems with others count your blessings. People come in many different models with different strengts and weaknesses. It's all good if you are ok with it, others don't suffer, and you can get what you want. We are all great and marginal beings balanced between birth and death. [ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-04-13 17:16 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-05-13 11:58 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Maximus on 2004-05-12 17:43 ]

My dear friend, I understand.
This is one of the problems with E Communication. We speak too soon because we cannot know the context through electronic media.

Empathy is all I have my friend. Anyone would be angry after spending any amount or time at RMA. It is natural to assume that anyone who was even indirectly connected with CEDU would currently contain evil.

I did benifit from the tyranny of the place by living on campus while my wife worked there. I would like to qualify that by stating that the benifit was financial only. The emotional and personal part was devistating.

CEDU turned my wife into a mean person who yelled and screamed as a general rule of communication. After a few years of that, she went silent, passive aggressive, and she addopted a superior condisending hatered toward me.

I suppose that some of it was justified. I have not been the best person all of my life. I have made many mistakes. When we met, I was a high school drop out carpet cleaner with a wild and selfist past and an unsophisticated maverick nature. I guess you could say that I wasn't always a good person, but I worked hard to become a better person - but the maveric remained. To this day, that side of me is not admired by many, But, in this violent, soulless conformist, elitest, materialistic wasteland it is all I hold dear.

If CEDU would have worked hard to evolve, to get educated, to open up, to love instead of damn others, then, like me, they would have become successful but not perfect. That would be enough.

It has been said that at any given time one can be judged by what he produces in his life. We all produce good and bad and the scale best be heaver on the side of good. I weigh myself on that scale and make corrections often.

CEDU would do well to do the same. But, I think the initial data would be more than the human psyche could handle.

This is why they run from the truth and refuse to change. I, for one, am convinced that they will never change. I spent three years of my life handing them the truth and the answers to save them from disintegration. They rejected the data, rejected me and chose to continue to disintegrate.

Consequently, all we must do to save the children and families trapped by that patronizing narcissistic reflection so liberally handed out is to make it known what they have done, what they will do, and watch the grape die on the vine.

I hope we all continue to make it our responsibility to "remove the stumbling stone" from the path of our brothers at CEDU, staff and students alike. They are all victims of that evil mirror reflecting a false perception of perfection that makes us all into people we don't like.

As we said before: Strength and Beauty Come From Us - Not Tyranny.
Love to you and all

Well. I ain't a city slicker and I aint afraid of Chuck. He's a s..t.

You are wrong in your assessment. I used CEDU as a model to study how it should not be done. The result was success all the way.

If you ain't CEDU then you are OK with me. Nothing in this world do I hate more.

As for Armstrong, he was the escort on the newspaper who was charger with drugging and raping a girl. See Then go to Newspaper Articles. Then go to "Spokesman Review Articles" on RMA. His story is one of the many on RMA NWA and BCA abuses.

I wish you well. Are you Staff?

Brown schools does not have much money anymore; and if you all keep posting the truth the kids will be free and the parents can then face their problems and become mentors to their kids.

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