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Messages - SEKTO

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Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 06:19:32 PM »
Also, I recall that the kid who came back from NY (I think he was at Millbrook too) and told me of DAYTOP's supposed mob connections was a goofy redheaded guy John HOPKINS, if memory serves.  Whoa! Another H.

A coorection: my bad.  There was a Henry C., not a Henry H.  

But a Cole H. Renee H. and a Bobby H. also Bobby's brother was there for a while; his name was Chris H.  Their cousin too, Jeremy H.

Also John HOPKINS, the redheaded guy who was in Millbrook.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 05:26:43 PM »
Quote from: "Inculcated"
Your words brought tears to my eyes. I am not one who often cries. I am currently in 2x weekly sessions with a Psychologist who inadvertantly triggered a cascade of memories and rage in simply using vernacular I remember from Daytop. He had at some point worked within a similar program. I made my disgust about that known.
       I was one of the first 7 "family members" of DayTop Richardson TX. In that "common ground", I was trained and encouraged to be hostile and confrontational. My recollection of encounter groups are as of being a prized conteder in the verbally abusive equivalent of a cock fighting ring. I was a 13 yr. old girl.   I know that I quickly assimilated in to a scary little bitch who would "drop slips" on even counselors (Yes, even Marcy. I wonder if the Marcia written of had a scar on her right cheek. Same cheeky bitch?). I was searching for that "refuge" we all intoned about together, each morning meeting. I became trained to cut my peers to the quick and was rewarded with promotions for adapting so well. I am sorry to all who have ever encountered me in an encounter group or "hair cut" (more like a scalping). My experience of that place would have been far less damaging if someone any one of them had allowed me to be a kid or at least reminded me that I was.
     I was 14 when I was sent "upstate" to NewYork for residential treatment, after the police found me stoned at a male counselor's apartment. Granted, he held only a marginal role of being an "atheletics counselor" and was of course to the "others"(promoted from within) an outsider. No charges were filed against the "counselor" for having provided me with drugs or for harboring a runaway. One officer did ask if "anything had happened". I answered truthfully, "no". While sexual contact had not occured by the time of my being "located there", it had seemed to me inevitable. By that I mean unavoidable, as choice was not a consideration in that role. Following this, I was treated to my 15TH birthday in Millbrook, NY. In the RTC environment I was "that one" the girl with the dubious distinction of being the problem child that had been swept their way. I am aware that that which made me vulnerable to that particular pervert pre-dated my arrival at DayTop. That did not make the hypocracy of having been sent to RTC, and harshly discouraged from speaking honestly of the circumstances that brought me to RTC any less harmful. I became sucidol while in NY.
     I'm startled by how vivid my anger for these thing is.

Yes, now I know that you are for real, Inculcated.  

Marcy indeed has a scar on one of her cheeks, I cannot recall which.  

Like Gorman and his teardrop tattoo: it was under one of his eyes, but I likewise I cannot recall which.

How did you find this board?  

We might remember one another?  

Do we have mutual friends?

Do remember a guy named Henry H.?  A Cole H.?  Bobby H.?  A girl named Renee H.?  

They were some of the first, from what I remember.  What a coincidence, that their last names all start with an H.  Odd.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 01:47:18 AM »
Goodnight psy.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 01:37:18 AM »
Don't you know that I've heard it all before? You'll all have to try harder than that. It does not hurt my feelings.

You and Magnificent and Honesty all the rest of the trolls and DAYTOP apologists will go to such pains to try and discredit me...but, that would mean that I am often "on target", so to speak, IMO.

I am logging out and going to bed now.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 01:27:55 AM »
Yes, education is the key, is it not?

And for another thing: I learned about my Asperger's much later on, way after DAYTOP.  

This revelation was quite a relief, as I then understood that there is nothing wrong with me, that I was born this way (non-NT).

DAYTOP did little for me other than inculcate into my mind a sense that I was somehow "broken" and "bad."


Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 01:22:14 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "SEKTO"
Chuck, dude, put your tinfoil hat on and get back into your fallout shelter.  WTF are you talking about?

People are entitled to their opinions.  I happen to disagree with him too with most of what he said, but that's just me.  Personally, I think people are inherantly fucked up, greedy, and generally all around evil.  It's human nature.  I don't think that is going to ever change.  I don't think it's a huge conspiracy... I think that's just how people are and how they tend to act when endowed with power over others.  The trick is setting up a society where we can all get along.  Personally I think that rests with a government in which the sole role is to keep one person from infringing on another person's rights...  not to get off-topic...

Yeah, you're right.  I was annoyed is all, and beg your pardon.

Magnificent set me off.  Classic DAYTOP stuff.  "You're a failure and you aren't being honest.  Even though DAYTOP may have used harsh methods some of us needed it so shut up with  your phony whinin' ass, punk. You may have been picked on at DAYTOP a lot but get over it."

Sheez.  It never ceases to amaze me, how callous and judgmental some people can be.  Makes me sad, it does.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 01:04:04 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "chuckh"
I am very pleased that people here understand the mind controlled and dumbing down of the population as a whole. It is part of a grander scheme for control by the elitist. It is good that people start thinking for themselves and becoming their own master. Just listen to your gut feeling and when you yourselves have children, please teach in a positive way. As small children allow them to be with their imaginary friends and tell them they can learn from them. As children grow older have patience and understanding. Earth is nothing more than a school, an illusion where we come to learn lessons.
Teach them that mind control exits in all aspects of life from the statist controlled school system teachings and how the county is going towards fascism. This starts by putting the youth in mind controlled facilities such as the one I was placed into called the seed. Putting the youth on mind controlling drugs such as riddling. All this is for control and one world government. Parents are part of the problem because they have been brainwashed also. Please start thinking for yourselves. Look in the sky and see the chemtrails they are spraying us with. They keep so much from us. Project blue beam is another mind controlled project where radio frequencies are aimed at us constantly. There are weapons they have such as haarp where earth quakes can be generated at will. Television is such a farce where they tell us what they want us to know. Wake up people please. Send out frequencies of love toward the earth. We have all been incarnated at this time to grow and hopefully get past the negativity and evolve into a higher dimension. We have been here before but we must raise our consciousness.
I'm not sure everybody here would agree with you.

PS:  Are you a fan of Tool by any chance?

Chuck, dude, put your tinfoil hat on and get back into your fallout shelter.  WTF are you talking about?

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:50:33 AM »
Here's a cut and paste of something I posted on this thread a while back.  Why say the same thing again in a different way? have not walked the proverbial mile in my shoes and are not the judge of me. There are other things, personal things about my background and life story that I did not tell of and that you therefore in fairness cannot take into consideration in coming to such a conclusion; there are many other factors involved here that you are not able to take into account in attempting to evaluate me and my experience in DAYTOP, as I related it.

In other words, I am not here to tell you my autobiography. I am here to tell you about my experience with DAYTOP and how it affected my life and the lives of my friends, some of whom lost their lives. Mike Gomez, for instance, got pushed over the edge in DAYTOP and died from negligent treatment IMO.

I was a relatively stable person in the first place, and the DAYTOP environment was in fact the destabilizing influence, not the other way around; Daytopianism completely undermined and utterly warped my personal identity and sense of boundaries.

Simply put, my conclusion is that the "one size fits all" approach to that kind of "therapy" basically does not work, and in the long term far more persons get hurt than helped, especially (like me) if they did not need to be in a program like DAYTOP to begin with. It is (the DAYTOP way) not legitimate medical treatment, it's thought reform, mind control, and DAYTOP is little more than a "sobriety cult." I do not know of one single person from that time period that stayer "clean and sober" in the longer run, and we (me and my Daytopian friends from circa '93-'94) have all had major difficulties in our post-DAYTOP lives, but are all generally doing well now, fifteen years later. Some more well than others I suppose. I myself am more than OK and getting better all the time.

Everything I wrote is true and accurate to the best of my recollection.  I stand by everything I wrote 100%, and again, would testify to it in court if I had to.

Maybe certain minor details I did not recollect accurately, but that in my mind is of little consequence.  I mean, this was fifteen years ago.

Magnificent: you don't know me, friend.  

Here's a bit of personal information about me that I chose not to disclose until now to give you an idea of the bigger picture.

I have a relatively mild form of Asperger's Syndrome.  

Basically, I am on the high-functioning end of the autistic spectrum, I am a non-neurotypical person, am strongly introverted by nature, and am an intellectual, though also am quite socially awkward and prone to more than my share of personal eccentricities.

I got caught smoking weed and tripping on acid, my parents took the advice of my high school guidance counselor and put me in there so that DAYTOP could fix their kid.

Somebody like me would find DAYTOP to be a brutal and distressing environment.  

I should never have been there to begin with.

None of those counselors back then had degrees, none of them at all.  

I doubt that most of them would have even heard of the MBTI.

If the DAYTOP staff had been in any way, shape, or form properly trained professional counselors, they'd have picked up on my PDD right away.  

Just like Mike Gomez.  He was a FASD kid.  Complete fabrication my foot.  The guy was buried in the Restland cemetery in Dallas TX, right across the street from NorthPark Mall.  I can take you to the exact spot of his damn grave if you like.  I went to his funeral, for God's sake.  A lot of us did.

If DAYTOP staff back then were degreed professionals they could have picked kids like him and me out and made the appropriate referrals right away.

No, instead we were labeled as being "bad kids" and subjected to a regimen that repeatedly taught us that something was wrong with us, that we were lazy ungrateful babies.  

DAYTOP basically said "We don't like the way you behave.  Stop it.  Behave the way we tell you to behave or else."

I internalized all that junk and in an effort to undo the DAYTOPian programming I have been forced to dig deep and realize the program is still running and is self sustaining, not requiring new input, because the program in a sense robbed my identity and in it's place put reformo-me.

I have to a great extent rebuilt myself but the "disk operating system" is still performing commands , if you get my drift.

So I'm not going to argue with you, Magnificent.

You have no idea, no idea at all of what else I do with my time, my extreme efforts toward self-improvement and the educational activities that I have undertaken.

You don't know me from Adam and have no right to be so presumptuous as to think that you do.

You know nothing of how sick or how well I am.

You know nothing of how much of a failure or success I am.

You know nothing of what is going on in my head, or in my heart.

Don't tell me who I am, or how I think.

In other words, I am not here to tell you my autobiography. I am here to tell you about my experience with DAYTOP and how it affected my life and the lives of my friends, some of whom lost their lives. Mike Gomez, for instance, got pushed over the edge in DAYTOP and died from negligent treatment IMO.  Ask Marcy about him maybe.

News Items / Jailing Kids For Cash
« on: February 15, 2009, 08:20:00 PM »

In one of the most shocking cases of courtroom graft on record, two Pennsylvania judges have been charged with taking millions of dollars in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 08, 2009, 12:07:48 PM »
Telling me, Honesty, that what happened to me in DAYTOP is somehow my fault, that I somehow deserved that kind of mistreatment, is like telling a woman who was raped that it is her fault and that she should not have dressed like a slut to begin with.  

Mike Gomez not deserve that.  Billy C. did not deserve that.  I did not deserve that.  Nobody deserves that.

I did not "fail" in my treatment, DAYTOP failed us.

You are blaming the victims (a form of the ad hominem attack) and insulting our intelligence and integrity.  

So please do me (us) a favor, Honesty.  

Before you pop off with another self-justifying response on this board, why don't you take a little time to think about this.

If you are honest with yourself I think you will see that you do not have anything here to take a stand about.

You are very much in the wrong here.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:38:47 PM »
Anne, I slightly edited the post you quoted in order to include the names of the people who thought up these humiliating "LEs."

Marcy was one of the more vicious and confrontational counselors; she was downright sadistic about it really, I'd say.  

I used to hate the encounter groups she's run because she'd scream at you until you wanted to hide under your chair.  

She'd always scream at me and tell me how phony and shallow and plastic she thought that I was.

She'd counsel me to try and not use big words when I speak to people and told me that she thought it very annoying.

I am as certain as I can be that she once recommended to me that I read Dianetics.  That would have been in '93 or '94.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:24:12 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Were people really forced to walk around with pacifiers in their mouths?

Thought I'd ask again since I didn't get an answer.

I beg your pardon for not answering this sooner, Anne; I was meaning to get to it today and thanks for reminding me.

Here was my original post, made last 6 December:

For example: if somebody new was "copping an attitude" we'd "reel them in" by arranging a "haircut" with that person's "big brother" and some "coordinators" or "counselors." We'd confront this person on their "image problem" and "physical attitudes" and then after the "haircut" they'd be given an "L.E." like sitting in The Chair for awhile with a sign on their back, or walking around with a sign that said, "ask me to bark like a dog" or a pacifier on a string around their neck. If the person would still not come around, then they'd be confronted in the "encounter group" and then if they were still had not made the proper attitude adjustment they'd be "called out" before the entire "DAYTOP family" in "morning meeting," which I suppose was a variation of the Fireplace Ritual, in an effort to help "pull them up."

To answer your question: I recall Mike Gomez being made to walk around with a pacifier hanging around his neck on a string (like a necklace), but no, I do not recall him actually being made to put it in his mouth.  People were told to approach him and ask "Why do you have that pacifier around your neck, Mike?" and he was made to reply, "Because I am such a baby."  That was Marcy's idea.
And once I was made to walk around with a sign on my back that said "Ask me to bark like a dog."  People would approach me and ask me to bark like a dog, and I would.  That was the idea of a coordinator named Nathan Y.

Also I was once made (again, by Marcy) to dance around like a spazz in morning meeting in an effort to "help me" overcome my inhibitions and social shyness.  At first I refused, but she told me that we would stay in the meeting for as long as it took, until I danced.  It was terribly embarrassing for me, and only added to my hangups.  I never forgot the time Marcy kept us in morning meeting for as long as it took in order to make me dance.  I felt like an idiot.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:04:42 PM »
You are welcome, Guest, and I thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

And now for a little more commentary.

As human beings we (or at least, most of us) need to be in relationship to other people. We need others as friends, confidants, lovers, etc. to offer us affirmation, solace, correction, fellowship, etc.

In normal, healthy relationships, however, we also need time and space for ourselves occasionally so we can obtain rest and spend time in reflection. We will on occasion voluntarily give up our personal agenda on occasion to meet an emergency, whether it concerns our family, out community, or our nation. But once the emergency has passed we go back to our normal lives again.

In abusive organization like DAYTOP this personal agenda is seldom if ever granted; the member is almost always, if not always, giving up his own right to privacy and the pursuit of his own goals in order to pursue the goals of the group and to submit to the agenda of his or her authority.

Finally, the process of group building, when it becomes abusive, creates a system that is mutually addictive to both founder(s) and followers.  The followers need the founder/leader/organization to make them feel that they are realizing the proffered goal; the founder/leader/organization needs followers (some call them the leader's "narcissistic supply") to make him (O'Brien) feel successful, powerful, and truly enlightened.

It is a truism that to be in one's teens and early twenties (like we Dallas DAYTOPians from the early '90s were) is a most difficult period of life; young people, such as the young people that DAYTOP seems to target (at least back then), are in a major transition period of life from childhood to adulthood. They are beginning to take on or be given greater responsibility over their own lives, making decisions for themselves that some authority-parents, teachers, etc.-formerly made for them. This can be either a heady experience or an unsettling one, often both at the same time. If some one older (like Mr. O'Brien) comes along and offers guidance, even in the form of harsh discipline,this can be experienced as relief from the pressure of decision-making.

Adolescence and early adulthood is a notoriously difficult period of life. It is a transition from childhood to adulthood, with young people wanting and being able to make more decisions for themselves. Decisions that an authority (teacher, parent, etc.) formerly made for them they are now having to make for themselves. And they are having to think about their futures: what career should they pursue? What do they want to look for in a potential mate? What do they believe about the meaning of life? This can be a bit unsettling, even scary, for a lot of young people. If a group like DAYTOP comes along and offers "assistance" in the form of "attack therapy," or even offers to make some or most of those decisions for them, then this can be experienced as a major relief.

I believe that this is how and why the DAYTOP generally only succeeds in enticing people to join the DAYTOP organization as staff/counselors, when the potential recruits are barely adults, whether in an emotional or chronological sense.

Furthermore, in practice, it looks a lot like "Honesty" is deriving his/her sense of self-worth as an individual from his/her involvement with his/her group (DAYTOP).

"Honesty" offers something of a voluntary testimonial as to how wonderful DAYTOP is--for the first time in his/her life he/she feels special and has been given meaning and purpose. This is no doubt true, which is precisely what makes his/her statements so sad.

There is a potential danger with public testimonials, such as "Honesty's" or any of the others made publicly by past or present DAYTOPians. If the testimony is to a person or a human organization (as in this case since, after all, DAYTOP is a human organization which is led by imperfect humans and not by God Himself) there is the possibility that the person or organization may change in time from good to bad. For example, teaching discipline to students or to one's own children is essentially good, and getting them to articulate answers to spoken questions may facilitate learning. But discipline may mutate into abuse, if, for example, the teacher or parent or counselor hits a student with words; with verbal abuse and psychological assaults, humiliation and such.  At this point, since Honesty has made a statement praising the DAYTOP it will be much harder for him/her to admit that it is abusive. It is humiliating to have to "eat one's words" and Honesty will more than likely redefine the abuses as "discipline" designed to improve the "dope fiend/druggie" who was hit, humiliated, verbally abused, or otherwise mistreated.  After all, if what I am saying is true in all respects, then it would mean that DAYTOP has been abusing kids for the past forty years, and why would DAYTOP or any of its staff want to acknowledge and admit to that?

This is very much like what happens with the woman who is physically abused by her husband. Having expressed her love for him and committed herself to living with him "for better or for worse" she finds it impossible to entertain the thought that he could and would deliberately hurt her. So she redefines the abuse and views it either as discipline to make her a better wife and mother, or as a punishment she deserves for failing to please her husband.
Public testimonies to God or abstract principles like love, patriotism, or the virtues of a lifestyle of absolute sobriety do not carry the same potentiality for negative consequences, for the simple reason that God and abstract principles do not change from good to bad, from healthy to unhealthy.

Virtually any conversion experience will feel similar on the level of emotions, whether the conversion is to Christ, Mohammed, Marx, Monsignor O'Brien, or Elvis.

That does not mean all conversions are the same, just that they feel the same.

And doubtless we'll shortly be hearing the DAYTOPians cry "slander" as a response to my recent posts on the topic of "Honesty" and the source(s) from which he/she derives his/her self esteem, and his/her sense of personal validation.  Any criticism of any of DAYTOP or anyone on its staff will be automatically be interpreted as "slander" and/or "persecution" as we all well know.

I would encourage the DAYTOPians to try and remain objective and rational in reflecting on the concepts that I have introduced to the discussion.

Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 03, 2009, 09:54:05 PM »
In a cult, abusive organization, or abusive relationship it does not matter if the information presented is true.  If the information presented is negative about the group or any member of the group, then you cannot say it. Usually such negative information will be will be labeled as slander, and if one persists in speaking it or writing it one can be disciplined severely; speaking ill about or being at all critical of the group can result in the speaker (or in this case, writer) being demonized, dehumanized, poked fun at, humiliated, or what have you.

You gave me an old-school haircut and really put me in my place, huh?

Wow, I admit it; you are right, Honesty.

Yes, I admit to God, yourself, and all participants in this forum that I am a hypocrite, a failure, an idiot, and a weak person in general.

It is such a blessing to have good friends like you, who'll point out my imperfections and help me to correct my attitude when it is needful for you to do so.

I am humbled and welcome the opportunity to receive rebuke from you in the future.

Thanks for your wonderful service.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.  Do you see what I am driving at?

In other words, a lot of times people who leave high control groups (and this particularly happens with people who were part of leadership in their group, as I suspect that you are) still behave as if they are still in the group when interacting with others in another group situation, regardless of whether that kind of behavior is appropriate in the new situational context.

That is what I see you doing ; you are behaving this situational context as if you are still in your old group, namely DAYTOP.

Actually, I suspect that you are presently part of DAYTOP leadership.

Is this assessment correct?

You are translating your (past or present) position as a leader within the DAYTOP organization, into this situation and it's not appropriate for you to do so.

Thanks again for humbling me with your words of rebuke.  

I'm sure that I deserved such hostility and beg your pardon for being offensive.

You are right, I am an idiot, a hypocrite, weak, and a failure.  

Maybe one day I can arrive at your level of virtue and goodness.

I sure hope to be a well-adjusted and psychologically healthy guy one day, just like you.

Thanks for straightening me out.  I am sure you feel really good about yourself now.

With such a great example as you to show me the way to go about resolving conflict (with verbal abuse and psychological assaults) I am sure to go far in life.

Seriously though, your response to me was just plain nasty.

You come across to me as arrogant, condescending, and self-righteous.

But that's OK.  I am not going to lose any sleep over it.  And do you know why?


Daytop Village / Re: DAYTOP Did Me Great Harm in the Long Run
« on: February 03, 2009, 07:30:36 PM »
Monsignor O'Brien and the DAYTOP organization have made this person "Honesty" feel good about him or her-self, probably for the first time in his/her life, and "Honesty" wants to do everything he/she can to make sure that nothing further happens to expose DAYTOP and hurt the credibility of the man (O'Brien) and group (DAYTOP) that have given this person his/her new-found improved self-image.

"Honesty's" is a very typical position in most cult groups. People outside of the group are viewed either as potential members or potential enemies of the group. They are not usually considered appropriate for friendships-whether close or casual.  They are not seen as adequate individuals in and of themselves.

All cults and abusive organizations view themselves as engaged in some all-important work, whether it is to convert lost souls, spread "The Truth," improve the well-being of members, get people off of drugs, or simply raise money. Nothing can be permitted to interfere with this all-important mission.

"Honesty's" is a classic expression of the "end justifies the means" argument. This is a terrible concept under the best of circumstances, as it permits deception and other unethical behavior in the pursuit of "good" goals. It is especially heinous when followed in the name of helping people.

"Honesty" (and all of the DAYTOPians for that matter) needs to learn that his/her importance and worth as a person does not depend on any role or function that he/she fills in a group-his/her value (and that of all people) rests in the fact that he/she is a human being. One is not more valuable because one possesses a high IQ, has many possessions, lives in a three-story mansion, or has been sober for twenty years.

After all, it is DAYTOP that makes "Honesty" feel so good about him or her-self-so self-confident and worthwhile, probably for the first time in his/her life. He/she may believe that he has no options outside of the group, and that is not a happy prospect for him/her.

So rather than receive the message, he/she attacks the messenger (in this case, myself) through use of the ad hominem attack.

Again, a very typical reaction for someone in an abusive and controlling group. After a certain point it seems that they are unable to refute the logical, objective arguments put to them and so he/she does what people often do in such a situation: they attack DAYTOP's critics personally. If one party to a dispute can discredit the other party in some way, then it is easier to to discredit that person's arguments. This is what the DAYTOPian trolls engage in time after time, argument for the sake of argument, and it is quite a pedantic and tiresome tactic.

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