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Messages - Che Gookin

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This harsh approach to helping troubled teens has a long and disturbing history. No fewer than 50 programs (though not the Rotenberg Center) can trace their treatment philosophy, directly or indirectly, to an antidrug cult called Synanon. Founded in 1958, Synanon sold itself as a cure for hardcore heroin addicts who could help each other by "breaking" new initiates with isolation, humiliation, hard labor, and sleep deprivation.

I dispute this number as being to low. If you look back on the founding of CEDU you will hear many accounts of Synonan members making their way into the ranks. After the fall of CEDU these members, and those that they indoctrinated into the synanon way via their daily association with the ex-synonan members, didn't do the right thing and conduct a massive lemming like exodus over the nearest cliff. Instead they buggered off to the next program and so on and so forth.

I maintain that it isn't to difficult to trace the roots of far more than 50 programs back to synanon if you are willing to dig a little deeper.

She was however a very depressed young woman with an extensive history of abuse and a serious issue with self-harm. I personally believe that she could meet the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder. A condition Ginger herself might be interested in knowing more about, or as Aristotle said, "Know thy self".

Anyway, I digress. This young woman met up with another young woman who had recently arrived at HLA. They concocted a plan to elope from HLA campus (not a locked campus) where when once off campus they would inflict wounds upon each other and themselves to gain sympathy from their parents and show how dangerous this campus was. The injuries were inflicted by each of them upon each other as well as themselves. No rape occured, No internal injuries occured, nor did anyone die.

If you are telling the truth, which I doubt you are, at the very minimum you just admitted to having not adequately supervised the children entrusted into you care. Keep flapping your gums smart ass you aren't helping your cause any.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""psy""
Well.  If you can get permisssion from the who to make ALL his postings available to the public, then we might be able to work something out.  If TheWho truly wants the truth to be known, fine by me.

He was NOT banned for what he did in a few minutes, either.  I don't know who you are getting your information from.

As for labeling a FEW of his MANY posts with a cat in the hat, I agree with you that it was wrong.  He should have just been banned and left it at that.

Hey.  I don't like the idea of keeping all this secret either, but Ginger has a strict policy of not outing posts.  If the Who waives that, in the interest of showing that he was not flooding the forum, fine, but he won't do it.  Figure out for yourself why.

I am sure thewho would not object to his posts being made public.  I will ask him and check in tomorrow.
I think this will take the focus off his posts being altered and deleted and place his anon posts, if he had then, under a microscope.  But I believe he has nothing to hide if he is the same person on-line as he is off, he wont object.

This ought to be hilarious.

The argument seems to have drifted to being less about what the Who did or didn't do and more about what could potentially happen in the future. I agree alternations of posts should not be happening and this entire episode should prove to be a good example of why not to alter posts.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Can't we all just stop the...
« on: August 20, 2007, 01:02:07 AM »
Wramting is soooo programmie! I'm shocked at your lack of knowledge!

That was quite possibly one of the more interesting posts you've made deborah.

I think this is the first time I've seen you use the F word.

Actually moderators do have the ability to modify posts  that doesn't leave a time stamp or any other mark on the post. I used to modify his posts all the time on the facilities forum. Of course he already knew he was banned from my forum so its a buyer beware sort of deal.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Can't we all just stop the...
« on: August 19, 2007, 10:08:07 PM »

Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
Why Psy, are we cross?  It seems to me that we both continue to use the same types of arguments with each other.  You claim to be the victim of an unfair legal system that allows individuals to file frivilous lawsuits without justification.  Trust me, HLA knows how you feel.

The lawsuit pending against HLA isn't frivolous. Far from it as the suit represents only a tiny percentage of the total population of men and women left scarred for life by your odious institution. IMO the current suit doesn't go far enough to involve more of the population of those wronged by your little cartel of child abusers.

Yet, HLA stood its ground took its knocks and saw the issue through.  It eventually paid off because the system does work.  You may never get to go to court and be proven to have done no wrong.  The American legal system doesn't do that.  All they can say is that you haven't done what your accused of doing.  Not that you are blameless.  Thus you may have to throw a few dollars at the frivilous individuals who file the suits just to get them to go away.  Leaving the country is not the answer.

Just make sure you accuse us all of the right thing. Accuse us of once again exposing HLA to the rest of the world as that is exactly what happened. The sadism and cruelty shown to the youth by the staff at HLA isn't something I can adequately sum up in a few words.  We aren't blameless of exposing the truth and HLA isn't at all blameless from collectively being a pack of child torturing animals.

Psy, this is where all of you come off as terrorists.  I believe you are a marginalized group.  I may be wrong.  Maybe the vast majority of America would agree with what you say.  However, the way you choose to get your message out there only further marginalizes your cause.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. I proudly will fight for the freedom of the youth being wrongfully held in your grasp. The fact that you are here ranting and raving away about this site only indicates to me how offended the scum that make up the HLA staff happen to be. If it was up to me I'd strongly consider carving the message into your forehead. I doubt that would do much to further the cause, but it would certainly illustrate the message loud and clear for you.

If that makes me a terrorist/freedom fighter then more power to me.

It really doesn't matter if you offend me or the staff at HLA.  We already found you offensive.  But when you adopt a policy that offends those individuals you need for support you are cutting your own throat.  What politician would take up your cause and run the risk of the average American looking at this site and the repulsive things said here?  None.  They would never be taken seriously because this site can't be taken seriously.

The average politician is to busy taking bribes, getting blow jobs, and snorting nose candy to give a damn. So no thank you I intend to employee whatever means necessary to reach the young men and women of the country in a way that will catch their attention. Rather than wasting my time with the corrupt politicians, government investigators, and other assorted baboons that inhabit the halls of power I seek to educate the next generation on the evils of torture camps like HLA.

Now Psy, I no you feel very strongly about your cause.  This is good so far as you have understood why you feel so strongly about it.  I feel strongly about mine as well.  Not because I have any vested interest in HLA, nor do I condone abuse and neglect of children.  However, I have seen first hand the experiences at HLA and I can say emphatically that there is no abuse.  Have you been there?  Have you walked the campus?  I doubt it.

And you can even utter this shit? How many times are you going to brush over post after post and try to cover up your ass? This site is full of examples of abuse by the 'good' staff aka concentration camp guards of HLA.

You sound much more like Hitler and Ghandi.  You seem to be suggesting that you are working to keep the free world free while they are expelling you wholesale from their countries.  You don't represent their values.  Frankly, it is to the benefit of all programs around the world that you remain marginalized.  And you seem to be willing to do that without any outside assistance.

Thank god I'm no Ghandi. I am far from being a pussy. Damn straight I don't represent Hitler's values. You seem to have that market cornered down in Georgia.

Personally I don't give a shit about the rest of the world. I do give a shit about what goes on in the USA. It sickens me that places like HLA are allowed to exist. But no worries your time to exist is here, but the future is a much better looking place for children. I see it a place with no HLA, with no Tranquility Bays, with no Aspens, and others like those mentioned.

You might be wondering who the hell I am and why I am bothering with your candy ass. It is simple, because I can, and their isn't a damn program out there that is going to stop me.

If hosting the HLA site becomes a problem, I'll more than happily volunteer to pay for hosting for it elsewhere.  In fact I'd be happy to pay for a whole series of anti-HLA websites and the hosting it requires.

Anyone who wants to take me up on that offer can feel free to private message me. I will see to it that the domains are purchased, and if I need to I will see to it that you get the hosting needed to put these anti-HLA websites online.

The truth will not be stamped out by your lies Johnny Ringworm.

Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Wandering Waygookin""
For one they allow their employees ample time to browse the internet at HLA.

TSW, How can you keep a straight face and just go on with the discussion like nothing has changed?  You know dam well I cant focus on anything else since your new avatar.

Put her back up!!

Tits out for the lads then. Enjoy.

Open Free for All / The Black Race.
« on: August 19, 2007, 03:54:52 AM »
Mike I like you alot. You have always been one of my favorite people to troll, and later on I've enjoyed watching you grow up some. I can't emphasize enough on the key point that you take the time to really see where Hanzomon is coming from. He makes some good points. I've faced my own racism in the South, and I'm as lily white as it gets, and gotten even more of it here in Korea.

The idea of being a second class citizen is something I've gotten pretty used to.

So like I said look over what Hanzomon think are really think about where you are going with this. You've got a huge future ahead of you once you get a few thing sorted out and I'd hate to see that future screwed up due to something as pointless as stereotyping ethnic groups.

errr.. I should say 10 to 12 years old seems a pretty young age to be away from home that long.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Getting help: Torture Treatment Centers
« on: August 18, 2007, 09:08:33 PM »
Why would just survivors not touch it with a 10 foot pole?

Open Free for All / The Black Race.
« on: August 18, 2007, 09:06:49 PM »
Mike.. I'm not going to give you some big lecture on the Zen Art of Internet melt downs. Lord knows I could teach a PH.d course on the subject. But do you really have hard confirmation that Hanzomon4 is a woman?

What are you basing your assertions on that this person in fact is a mother of child who is or was in a program?

Because from what I know Hanzomon4 is a man.

For one they allow their employees ample time to browse the internet at HLA.

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