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Messages - Nihilanthic

Pages: 1 ... 255 256 [257] 258 259 260
The Troubled Teen Industry / Utah-link to Iraqi prisoner abuse
« on: June 23, 2004, 08:08:00 AM »
I love this hypocritical world.

Europe is just digging a deeper hole for everyone when they don't care unless they can use it politically for their benefit. I'd be eternally grateful if they found out about what we do to our kids - and not shut up about it. Sure, they'd just be doing it for feel-good self rightousness, but at least those poor kids could get out.

Whats funny, is it all comes down to what the USA choses to do. Period. Europe, the middle east, Asia, none of them can make us do squat. Its going to be up to US to make or break this world.

So, how do we tell america about this?

Joe's Apartment / Fornits Vocabulary Bee
« on: June 21, 2004, 08:05:00 AM »
Sorry to threadjack here...

...but would it be possible to do some sort of a writeup about how the raps and other forms of pysch abuse... the "break them down" part of these places work?

When I try to explain waht the raps are and how this works by degrading/destroying the people stuck inside, I often have trouble doing so. It might help me explain this to the average person, and to my local authorities (I know they'll ask a ton of questions) and I could also give it to

And by the way...  :eek: jesus christ this shit just gets worse the more I read about it.

Anyway, I'm off to court, later everyone. (I just LOVE the system!)[ This Message was edited by: Nihilanthic on 2004-06-21 05:07 ]

Not trying to rain on your parade, but you should try to go after the industry at large, and maek the govt do its job to protect children, regulate, etc.

Pointing out their financial fraud might get some people to care who wouldn't care about abused kids, btw.

If you let it all boil down to CEDU they might counter argue it all away.

NOBODY could defend this whole industry.

Just don't anything stupid going after them.

Sure, watching a few places get blown to pieces or people die would mean justice to a lot of people - but it is quite illegal, and immoral.

Don't go down to their level, and don't give credit to their 'cause' by acting that way.

Here, go to and vote, add your comment (button is at bottom of page for commets) and send your story to their editor.

By the way, good job coming out unbroken. That alone probably pisses off quite a few of them  :grin:

The Troubled Teen Industry / What Should This Parent Do?
« on: June 19, 2004, 06:27:00 AM »
Shut up, troll.  :evil:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Sierra Tuscon? Anyone?
« on: June 18, 2004, 12:24:00 AM »
Stop enabling? What do you mean by that?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Oprah Today 10/2
« on: June 17, 2004, 09:14:00 PM »
When I was younger and saw that shit on Sally I always got angry and scared by it.

In hindsight it was like I was watching something evil happen. Its hard to stand knowing people do that sensationalist "FUCK YOU KIDS" kind of crap to get ratings and entertain people who get whipped up into a fury and hating people. Maybe they were in need of help but guh.

My own issues make me especially sensitized to having a large group of... large men humiliate, degrade and terrify me. Ugh. America is soooo advanced and humane, huh?

BE A PARENT! You can do it.

You don't need to lose your child and money to some greedy people off somewhere distant to fix her 'problems'. IT IS A BUSINESS. ANY PLACE. ALL PLACES LIKE THAT WANT MONEY! You run outta money? Kid gets shipped back home.

Anyone thinking I'm singling out any one place? Nope. All of them anywhere just want your money. All of the anons here protecting whatever org they represent can kiss my ass. All YOU really care about is your damn money anyway! If you ran your businesses without the abuse and more transparently so they can freaking get medical help and go to the authorities and talk to their parents I wouldn't be on your ass, would I?

Just be patient, build a bond, and love your kid. Thats all a child really needs. Don't give some strangers control over your child's life and custody of them. EVER. Give your money to charity if you can't do anything better with it.

If you *REALLY* need a program, do out patient. Locking someone up against their will will make them just want to escape. All of the coercive pain and punishment doesn't improve anyone unless you feel EVERYONE is better off from suffering - in which case you should be in there right beside your kid suffering with them. Locking someone up is a LAST resort, period.

Excuse me, it turns out telling you to take out your kids is 'conspiracy' to make you not 'fulfill contractual obligations', so I have to rephrase it.

There have been lots of ACCUSATIONS (many uninvestigated) of abuse at many instutitions like the ones you were considering for your child. I would advise more research before you send a kid there, and against signing over control of your child to them, and do NOT just buy into anything she says is a lie. If she is hurt who whould she tell? How? Give her a way out. Talk to a parent who did pull their kid out of a place after only a few weeks, if that parent is willing to tell you.

For those *WITH* kids in there, well, apparently if I tell you to pull out your kid that could be a breach of contract. So, I'd get a lawyer and try to contact your kid without them influencing you. And shame on you for signing off your child into some contract.

BTW - to all the lawyers or spies watching me, kiss my ass. I'm trying to look out for wellbeing of children and all you want is MONEY MONEY MONEY. You'll get all the profit in the world and NONE of the nasty little accusations if you didn't run your places like you do... perhaps less secrecy, transparency and GOVERNMENT oversight? Then I'd leave you alone because if there is abuse they could tell the world and the authorities!

Sorry for my misbehavior, but I never graduated from a program myself  :grin: [ This Message was edited by: Nihilanthic on 2004-06-10 12:42 ]

I live in NC... is there anything I could do?

Anyone experienced with this able to tell me what I could tell the authorities? Try to nip this in the bud?

If I can't STOP the thing being built I could at least make DAMN sure they constantly make sure those girls are NOT being abused, and acutally HAVE a chance to tell people and not just be sent back if they are being abused.

I am NOT going to just let this happen in my state when I know about it  :evil:

By the way.. ... ience.html

Read her THERAPEUTIC experience at Cross Creek Manor!

Wow, thats some real good treatment for her problems isn't it?

To ANY parent with a child in a program or is thinking of doing so, PLEASE do not put them in there, and PLEASE pull them out! LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN!

Being tricked or kidnapped into being locked in a place against their will where they can't even tell their parents what is going on and being trapped in a painful coercive environment is not going to be therapeutic, its going to make them suffer, feel pain, have a lot of their NEEDS as a child or teenager NOT met, and make them be seperated from you and the world. Being terrified, being VERY painfully 'restrained' (tied up or wrestled down by several people) and made to panic and suffer pain and almost suffocate for hours, the psychological torture a lot of them employ, the complete and total lack of fun, freedom, or privacy, and total lack of control of their lives is not going to make them grow up, but it is almost guaranteed to make them very obedient little dolls that are perfectly happy on the outside for you with their 97% satisfaction rate, and be broken shells on the inside and suffer for years to come.

At that age you need to get out and have FUN AND ENJOY LIFE, and go and do things to grow independant and mature, not be brainwashed and turned into a marionette for their parents to enjoy. When adulthood comes you HAVE to be yourself and do for yourself not just be a damn obedient doll.

To everyone knocking people who speak out against it... what do we have to GAIN by doing this except trying to save a few kids from abuse? We don't want money or fame, we just want kids to grow up happily and healthily and not be tortured and abused.

I started a petition/investigation request of sorts at

ANYONE with a kid in a program or even THINKING about it, or who knows someone with a kid in one or thinking of it, I urge you to look there. Look at what they found out after I tipped them off. Look at the comments. Email the editor. Why would all of these victims over the past 20 years all say the SAME KIND OF ABUSE HAPPENS, when they are all totally remote and unrelated except they were in the SAME KIND OF PROGRAM? Think about it. They want money. We just want kids to not be abused by lying money-grabbing monsters.

Please don't believe their pretty words and give them your money and your child. Life is too short and hard as it is for them to lose out on the best years of their lives to some 'program' and come out a tortured shell.

Check my profile. contact me. I could tell you lots of stories or point you to people who have actually put their kids in a program or been in one.

They want your child, your money, and total control over both. We want you to keep both. Think about that.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Interesting read
« on: June 05, 2004, 02:14:00 PM »

I found this and it turned out to be an interesting read.

Its a big long and involved, but informative, and shows that at least some in the medical field agree that this kind of 'treatment' is wrong.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Teen's Dad Cries "Thought Crimes"
« on: June 05, 2004, 01:06:00 AM »
Next thing you know masturbating will be the same as adultery...

Oh wait, in some places even THATS illegal.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Finally, someone is doing something!
« on: June 03, 2004, 02:15:00 PM »
By the way, they need people with firsthand experiences!

Send them your stories!

Ginger, if you're there give people a heads up!

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