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Messages - SUCK IT

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Open Free for All / "If I'm reading the invoice correctly."
« on: May 06, 2010, 01:11:20 PM »
"We currently have a balance owing of $50.40 due by the 5th of next month if I'm reading the invoice correctly.

When people commit fraud they often times include a disclaimer that is carefully hidden in plain sight. On a television commercial this comes in the form of fine print "results extraordinary" in tiny print allows you to market weight loss products that don't work.

"If I'm reading the invoice correctly" is obviously such a disclaimer. Or should we believe that the owner of this forum is so unable to understand an invoice, they aren't sure how much they owe? Is the owner of this site admitting they are illiterate?

If you knew were the money was really going nobody here would donate. That's all I can say now, as I am under threat of lawsuit.... but let me put it this way, be careful who you trust with your money.

Open Free for All / Re: why and how this forum fails
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:00:52 PM »
This forum FAILS because the anti program argument is invalid. Just because 0.000001% of kids who go to programs end up crying about it on message boards for years afterwards because they have issues with their family doesn't make programs bad. Just because 1 out of 10000 programs goes out of business doesn't make the rest just as bad. The hypocrisy here is so thick any one with an open mind would be hard pressed not to notice it immediately.

Let's say a "program survivor" (how laughable a term is that since 99.9999999999999999% of kids survive programs?) comes here and makes unsubstantiated claims about how evil a program is. Demands of proof? Hardly. Fornits takes that one single biased experience and uses it to paint an entire industry with the same bloodied brush! But wait! What about the large majority of kids who have positive, life changing, and life saving experiences in programs? They are brainwashed! Cannot be trusted! Their testimony is summarily dismissed as lies, propaganda, marketing or the words of the brainwashed. Luckily there is a resident hypocrisy detector TheWho who helpfully points out this bullshit, but TheWho hardly makes a dent because this place is built upon such bullshit hypocritical generalizations. Don't think the fornits cult members didn't try to purge THeWho, they used every tactic available from blackmail to threats. Including the admins of this very forum!!

This forum fails because it's not honest, the people who post here are not honest, they have an agenda and will use whatever bullshit tactics they need to push their lies. Fornits has morphed into a cult of losers who will defend bullshit claims to their death bed. Fornits fails because 12 survivors post here (according to a recent poll) out of the hundreds of thousands that have been through them. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. Programs Win!

Open Free for All / Re: How long ago were you in a program?
« on: May 05, 2010, 12:48:12 PM »
Funny watching people spin to suit their agenda. Psy could have walked out at any time, as a legal adult who signed himself into a state-regulated rehab at the age of 18 he had that right. He could of walked to a payphone, called the cops or CPS (does child services help 18 year olds?) and told them he was being abused. But instead they focus on the lame excuse of peer pressure, oh no the staff and other kids would have got mad at me if I called anyone, so I just took it up the ass because I'm such a pussy! Sorry losers, that's not abuse , just proving the fact you are a bunch of passive, whining, cowards!

Ursus is the same, tell us Ursus how long ago were you in a program? Peer pressure ain't abuse no matter how you cut it. The hazing on sporting teams is worse than the "abuse" the people here claim to have endured. That's why when asked to prove they were abused, they write a long post talking about how it was "psychologically a prison" and shit like that, because they know it's not abuse by everyone else's definition of abuse. So they make a new fornits certified definition of abuse which includes staff telling you no, you can't do certain things. Boo-hoo! How sad that these people spend DECADES whining about this shit online to anyone gullible fool who will listen.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Wonder why they didn't mention the gaggle of criminally convicted jailbirds on the property when soliciting wealthy parents for teenage daycare? :seg:

Anti-program strategy #53: Tell the white parents their kid might have to sleep near a poor minority kid whose parents didn't have enough money to buy their acquittal with an expensive lawyer and connections like they did.

Keep trying, losers.  :suicide:

These kind of bullshit lying websites are dropping like flies! Fornits has got it's loser hand out begging for money to stay online, the admins are no where to be found and the inmates are running this asylum! Fornits will fall the question is when??????????
How may losers does it take to fund a cult bullshit forum? Not very many, aparently. LOL

The Troubled Teen Industry / If programs are so bad....
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:56:37 PM »
Then why are there hundreds or even thousands of them helping tens of thousands of kids or hundreds thousands even every single day? While this crap cult forum has only half a dozen illiterate losers who post here 24 fucking 7??? Lets hear your best cult argument to counter common sense, logic and FACT.  Let's hear some logic not your whiny bullshit what happened to me in a program story, that shit is old and tired and guess what, bullshit! Yes some of us can see through your bullshit a mile away, not like the suckers in your fornits cult!

The Drama Box / Open your wallets wide LOSERS!
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:54:04 PM »
Fornits needs some money so open that wallet wide you fucking losers and donate your hard earned disability money and hand it over to the losers who run this crap fest. You are not wasting your money because you get to play program friends and people like me can come here and laugh at you for being losers who play victim. It's a win, win scenario!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Inside baseball bullshit. NOBODY CARES
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:52:12 PM »
Nobody cares about this shit other than the small group of losers who talk about it 24 fucking 7 on this piece of shit cult website. Get your head out of the sand and realize you are wrong and programs are right and move on and maybe, just maybe you won't be a loser douchebag for your entire fucking life. Thats a big maybe, you probably will be, but at least you'll be slightly less of a loser!!!!

Anne Bonney- This loser is on 24.7 standby fornits loser patrol, to counter any claims that go against their precious fornits cult!! Less than a minute for responses that counter their cult beliefs??? That is just sad, pathetic and downright scary.

Dysfunction Junction- This loser actually trolls for friends and more on fornits, enough said. Fucking bonkers, desperate and basically the biggest loser on the planet.

The choice is difficult, but the choice is yours.  vote now!!

HINT: You can vote for both!

1st prize: Anne Bonny
2nd: Ursus

Congratulations on being losers!

Open Free for All / Re: Forced treatment = Stalinist reeducation
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:48:35 PM »
Loser on standby fornits patrol at all times!!!! alert, alert!! LOL Take the helm Anne Bonney for the rest of your pathetic life!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Aspen residential boarding schools
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:47:39 PM »
Less than a minute this loser comes out of the woodwork to defend their retardness. Thanks for making my point you fucking loser!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !

Open Free for All / Re: Forced treatment = Stalinist reeducation
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:46:45 PM »
Fornits is more of a cult than any program. Keep repeating bullshit phrases like the people you hate, you fucking hypocritical retards!!!!!!!!

Open Free for All / Re: Dr. Phil The girl gets STD tested
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:45:59 PM »
Every single one of you retards who posted in this thread is lacking severely in mental capabilities and health. Get a life, losers!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Aspen residential boarding schools
« on: April 20, 2010, 02:45:11 PM »
All of you retards posting here have more in common than you think. You waste your time trying to convince other retards to take on your already retarded views. You are all retarded, yes, RETARDED

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