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Messages - mikehunt

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / getting your facts straight
« on: June 09, 2004, 06:56:00 PM »
On 2004-04-09 05:57:00, still doing fine wrote:

"How arrogant to assume that your history is the same as mine!!!!  You know nothing about me or my past history with drugs and alcohol. Do people not die from drug and alochol addictions every day? If it were easy to just put drugs down then why don't people do it?  Sounds like if they cannot help themselves then someone nedds to help them.  We may differ on that opinion.  I do know that I was not abused or tormented while in treatment at Kids Helping Kids.   "

first off, i didn't go to khk.. i went to this place called cedu.  there wasn't as much physical abuse as there appears to have been at these other places (straight and it's offspring, etc.) at cedu with the exception of the restraints that children at the middle skool were put in.  sometimes it was just for mouthing off and running rampant in defiance, not really doing any harm to anybody.  they would claim that the child was out of control, when, i beleve, there was a bit of a syntactical error in such a statement; i believe they left out the werd 'my'... "the child was out of 'my' control."  and why should a staff member be in control of a child by using an ineffective standardized approach?  (please don't take this as me stating that the standardized approach is ALWAYS ineffective... apparently, it's not if you feel that it werked for you.  i am also doing fabulously now.  i never bought into the program (nor did i fake it.. my 3 years were spent in defiance until they realized that they couldn't help me any more with their methods... they didn't even stop to think that perhaps they could take another approach.) but i refused to let it damage me, and i'm not wallowing in my bitterness.  don't get me wrong, i still believe they are all unethical; an ethical approach would be to take into consideration the particular needs of the individual rather than hitting them with the standardized aggressive approach.  thus, i don't believe these skools are genuinely dedicated to helping children solve their problems and live beautiful lives as much as they are pushing their standards off onto these children and teaching them to be obedient.  i am dedicated to exposing this theory; had some of parents known how these skools had planned to execute their mission statements, they would've turned and run holding their child closely and lovingly...)  i'm just saying that it was not effective for that child, or else the child would not have been "acting up" in the first place.
anyway, these skools practice what many would consider mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical abuse.  from what i know, that is the nature of the "synanon" approach; aggressive confrontation and harsh disciplinary tactics implemented in order to encroach on the mind of the subject with a specific way of thinking.  perhaps for some people, this type of discipline is a good thing (honestly, i believe this is for those who aren't strong enough to create their own standards) but for others, it can be truly damaging... i've accepted both the positives and negatives of my stay at cedu.... it's a part of my past, and my past has made me who i am today, and i now love myself more than i ever thought i would... i don't think i'd be nearly as strong and militant had i not been put under that type of pressure.  on the other hand, there are many others who didn't have the same strength i had to combat the potential mental, spiritual, and psychological damage/trauma that arises from being constrained in such an environment.
i've always had a problem following other people's rules that i didn't agree with (no music? NO WAY! i'm a musician, for fuck's sake... and they wouldn't let me bring my sax; that's a level privilege for complient children.  ::puke:: i'm embarassed to say that by the time i got there, (i still have no clue how the hell i got there, considering my "behavior"...) i was too burnt out to even remember how much i'd loved that thing.)  i still won't do it, and thank "god" for that... if cedu had changed me, i'd never push the boundaries of what i knew to be my reality; consequently, i'd live a very mediocre, uncreative life which would not satisfy me.  i do, however, have my own moral code which i stand firmly behind.  i consider myself to be an outstanding person, with a great sense of moral/ethical responsibility.  
after all this rambling, i'll make my point: these skools are based on what some people consider abuse.  whether this "abuse" helped or hurt you is up to you.  you've implied that there is nothing wrong with this program because it helps people.  there is truth to that.  at the same time, it hurts a lot (i'd venture to say more, but i have no statistics) of people; some end up killing themselves because they don't know how else to respond to the aggressive pressure being placed upon them.  in conclusion, i believe that in order to make an optimal change in a child's life, it is the counselors' duty to gauge out the needs of each student, and thus treat each of them differently.  unfortunately, i don't believe that this is a part of their job description... i know it wasn't at cedu.  

by the way, not doing drugs IS that easy... all you do is stay away from them, and when you're near them, you pass (or as you said, put them down.)  what's hard is rewiring your mentality so that you no longer desire them.  [apply my statements in regard to optimal change here]

laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-09 16:45 ]

even if kati did get shit from cedu, it wasn't strong enough to combat her powerful sense of self-loathing.  kati had been enrolled at cedu because she had severely low self-esteem which lead to an eating disorder and suicidal tendencies (and more.)  kati was a very soft and gentle person... "synanon tactics" were not ideal for her; her love for herself was not strong enough to resist the harsh criticisms presented by both herself and her environment.  consequently, this approach would only make kati feel worse about herself and her situation; what she really needed was someone to help her love herself (not someone to give her more reasons to hate herself.)  
this just goes to show how thoughtless and ineffective these standardized processes can truly be... any psychologist/therapist who has a high rate of success recognizes that every person is unique, and thus each individual requires a personalized approach.

have you guys ever heard about my old cedu buddy david attias? ... A25263.DTL

by the way, to the therapist who started this thread: having werked at cedu isn't something that you need to be forgiven for... i mean, you therapists kept most of us sane.  it's how you werked with the kids that may or may not have been evil.  if there's anything else to beg forgiveness for, it's having left when there were lots of kids who needed a compassionate shoulder to cry on (rather than a sadistic one.)
laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-09 15:03 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / report your abuse
« on: June 08, 2004, 07:07:00 PM »
both of these issues need to be addressed; they're of the same nature.  i feel about these systems as cedu feels about it's students: they need to be broken down so they can be rebuilt with moral and ethical soundness.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / martin weins
« on: June 08, 2004, 07:04:00 PM »
he was my team leader, he made me soooo uncomfortable.  even in his raps.. beyond his trenquility, there was just something there that drove me nuts.  something about the way he spoke, the language he used, his body language.  he definitely rubbed me the wrong way, i could not trust him one bit.

do you know me?
no, i wish i had robby's contact info... he was my sunshine. teehee.

this forum is too fucking cool.

On 2004-05-13 17:55:00, PosterChild wrote:

"Hey Braden-

The thing that I really struggled with for the first few months of being back home was re-learning social skills.  I was so used to being so upfront with feelings and telling people what they were doing wrong or how I felt about them.  I had to re-learn that that is not how people communicate in the real world.



no doubt... that's what i struggled with too;  for so long, i thought that it was ok to be confrontational and abrasive when trying to communicate with people.  i've since realized that there's a way to deal with people without dehumanizing them, while maintining the integrity of what you need to say.  people are people... they respond optimally to different communicational tactics.  i wish they'd learn that up at cedu.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / martin weins
« on: June 08, 2004, 04:03:00 AM »
wow, that was rather profane...

On 2004-06-07 23:31:00, Anonymous wrote:

"God, she was such a hypocritical BITCH! I wish to hell the parents could see this! They think CEDU will solve their problems. Ha!


On 2004-06-07 23:19:00, mikehunt wrote:

"i loved how brandi would tell all the girls that they were sluts or had eating disorders because that was how she was...

how projectile!

she loved to yell and point the finger.  why doesn't she realize that three of those fingers are being pointed back at her???



yeh... my parents still don't understand.  they never will.  i've tried to explain.  whatever.
i did hate cedu very much, but i love the person i am now with more passion than i could ever hate that skool with... after all, i am a product of it.  where would i be if i hadn't gone through that kind of torture?  i don't think i'd be half as strong or militant.

this is wild... i never thought i'd hear all this from ex-staff/therapists.  well, actually, some of my therapists tried to get me pulled.  it never werked tho.. it was because i couldn't control myself (what i mean is that i couldn't put on a front for the staff that i didn't trust.  i kept acting up and getting in trouble and ended up staying there for 3 years, having to graduate because they were so hopeless about me.)  i just had to rebel.  but that's got it's up-side... i've always been outspoken, as i always will be.
anyway, thank you guys for opening up to us.  it's amazing that the staff members there hated it as much as we did  (i only knew of a couple who were open enough to talk to me about it.)  honestly, a couple months ago, i had wanted to werk for cedu in order to revolutionize their faulty system and be what the counselors like randolph and dennis were for me... these were the guys that saw me as an individual with a unique psychology, not just another student to hit with the standardized aggressive fault-picking treatment (and, of course, there was robby who made my days so much more pleasant with his caring, strength/perseverence-building attitude.)  this obviously is not going to happen at this point, considering i've spent a good amount of time on here today trying to make rapport with the other people in the forum through sharing my brutally honest opinions that wouldn't fly by a freak like brandi (projectile bitch.)
ironically, they do a lot of spirit-breaking at cedu, when their mission statement claims to be quite the opposite... aren't the students supposed to be getting to know the real them in order to optimize their lives?  it's so sad... most of the posts in this forum are from students who are miserably reflecting on the horrors of their cedu encounters.   i'm fortunate that although i hated that place with every ounce of energy i had (for years), i've now come to appreciate it as a part of my past that's made me the outstanding person that i am today.  i have no idea what my life would've been like without the cedu trauma.
i'm now on a mission to help.  i now have the strength to do it.  it seems so backward.
anybody that would like to talk to me about cedu or anything, please feel free to hit me up... [email protected]  i'd really love to hear from you.

laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-08 00:33 ]

i totally agree...
i'm so glad that i've found this forum... today, i actually realized that i think i would like to write a book.  i'm glad you mentioned it.  anybody that has anything to contribute, email me
[email protected]

i loved how brandi would tell all the girls that they were sluts or had eating disorders because that was how she was...
how projectile!
she loved to yell and point the finger.  why doesn't she realize that three of those fingers are being pointed back at her???

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / GOOD MEMORIES ONLY
« on: June 08, 2004, 01:57:00 AM »
oh god...
one thing that came to mind was that time that my homies dropped martin's nasty dog annie in the dumpster.  
i thought it was really funny at the time (i'm against animal cruelty now, but i fucking hated that dog... and it's owner.)  that dog was grimey.
we used to have lots of fun screwing around in back kitchen...
i remember this one night when we couldn't get into the walk-in to get food, and we were hungry (i refused to eat most of the nasty crap they tried to feed us... that stuff was soooo unhealthy.  and their vegetarian food was horrible.  all i ate was bread and rice.  sometimes salad.  that was my fault, i should've eaten only salads... oh well, i know better now.) so we used the stuff they had sitting out in the kitchen (flour, brown sugar, peanut butter, raisins, oatmeal) to make cookies.  they were gangster... and it was sooo funny.  we were so proud of ourselves.
did you guys make that nasty alcohol too out of juice and yeast?? that was a trend at some point in "the underground" at our skool... so, a couple of my friends and i tried to make some... i think we left the lid on when we weren't supposed to (or we didn't leave the lid on when we were supposed to) and when we checked on it a couple days later, it smelled soooooo foul.  i wouldn't go near it.  i think we threw it away.[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-07 22:59 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / martin weins
« on: June 08, 2004, 01:50:00 AM »
did any of you know him??
talk about an immoral hypocrite...
my friend adam told me that he started spuing about how his whole cedu career was bullshit.  wow, at least this pedapheliac fuck can admit to being a sadistic bastard.
gross... i hated how he used to rub on the boys all the time.  being alone with him made me feel so uncomfortable (luckily, i don't have a dick, or else i might've been in serious trouble.)[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-08 02:59 ]

i just read through that whole thing...
i've seen many kids restrained out of "convenience" or whatever.  it's disgusting.

i'm really disappointed by randy's mom... accepting a settlement is such a selfish solution.  if she wanted reform, she would've taken the fucks to court.

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