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Messages - shaggys

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: For Their Own Good
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:33:01 PM »
Crist is a former Seedling? Had no idea. Please give the details Psy, if you would be so kind. thanks

Just knowing that I'm  not the only one who got F'd up, seems to have a soothing effect on my troubled mind - at least to some extent. Not that I am glad other people got screwed up but as humans we are social-animals, so we find it comforting to know that others share similar problems. thanks Fornits for providing this forum for interaction with fellow ex-Straightlings. It has helped alot.

Yeah and because they had taken all that from me I went with all I had left, which was the ability to dissapear in a crowd. Thats what they left me with for any kind of new SCM. I can be so inconspicuous that you will never notice me at all. its my way of coping with being in groups of people. Remember being in group and getting motivated while at the same time attempting to hide behind the person in front of you, while at the same time pretending that you are really not trying to hide behind the person in front of you. Dreading what would happen if you got called on. Despite your best effort to be invisible you ineveitably get called upon to speak. Maybe you just dont feel good that day, maybe you are exhausted from lack of sleep and so you stumble over your words and the next thing you know those blue chairs start rumblin....

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Who was the worst staff and why?
« on: April 15, 2010, 04:00:12 PM »
The question of who was worst staff seems to be dependent upon each persons individual experience. I know people who hate certain staff who i feel indifferent about completely. Remember how clickish straight could be? Staff had their favs and they had their whipping boys, just depended on the individual. It would seem like inner-staff rivalries could get played out at the phasers expense. ie One staff member doesn't like another so he tries to manufacture BS against that staffers little favorites in group. The petty BS like that affected so many peoples lives in such hurtful ways. Endless movie plots could come from the multitude of games being played out at those buildings.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Dr. George Ross
« on: April 02, 2010, 12:59:55 PM »
The post by Woof above was tough to read. The visual I get of the madness and terror unleashed in that intake room makes me angry and really sad at the same time. The years of suffering manufactured in seconds by "Dr" Ross is sickening.  Woof, even though our contact with each other has been limited I feel like I know you. We have spoken personally and share many things in common. I know if you had a time machine, could put yourself back in that room, the outcome would be vastly different. I envision "Dr" Ross being slammed  to the floor and his disgusting spittle dripping mouth being properly smashed. Sadly dude we don't have that time machine and we have to live with what we saw and did. It sucks. I am glad you haven spoken to the girl involved, Im sure that was good for both of you. I wish you well.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: I just
« on: March 30, 2010, 05:30:45 PM »
I Just..... it goes so well with a little Cypress Hill or Boombox. Or if Im feelin old school I do a little Alice Coopers' Ballad of Dwight Frye.

I really appreciate this apology as well. In fact i think it could be regarded one day as a ground breaking event for us. Thank you Rich Mullinax. That said, I understand when people get pissed and unload on ex-staff. I feel like they earned the right to unleash some venom if it helps them to feel better. I have done it myself and I'm not ashamed of anything i have said to ex-staffers. I appreciate the fact that Rich Mullinax has taken it on the chin for a while now and he hasn't retreated. Everyone needs to look real hard at their own actions while at Straight before tossing boulders at Rich Mullinax. If you ever progressed in your phases at all then you did it on the back of somebody elses suffering. That was the way of the cult. I realize the adult staff members carry a larger degree of guilt than the rest of us but those who admit their crimes and ask forgiveness should be respected for that - just my opinion.

Welcome to Fornits. I joined the army shortly after getting out of Straight as well. I adapted so easily to army life cause after what I had been through at Straight, the army was just grits and gravy. I was in the infantry in the late 80's so I never saw anything for real. Just constant target practice and cleaning weapons mostly. I have quite a few friends who, like yourself have seen war up close. Most guys I know who have been there are carrying a pretty hefty dose of PTSD. Is the VA treating you OK?
Your escape from the building by hiding in the ceiling is fuckin awesome. Too bad you didn't have a lighter to spark that mutha up before you left that night. I copped out on 5th phase. Just walked away.
You are obviously pissed off. Well, we should get along cause I am too. I have a righteous hatred for many staffers and Straight in general. I would like the opportunity to smash some of these scum. On the atlanta Straight FB page some ex-staffer was discussing having a "reunion". No, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to attend something like that. Unless of course, they wouldn't mind me bringing my baseball bat and ball-pen hammer in with me.
I also just wanted to let you know that i was struck by your description of seeing family and such that still look at you as that 15 year old dope-head druggie from straight. This awkward feeling is the primary reason I feel uncomfortable attending any family functions. It is an awful feeling and I wish I had a cure for it. Maybe we will eventually find some peace with it all, i don't know. I am steve from FB. If its OK I will send you a friend request there. thanks,  Shag

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: 32 years ago today
« on: January 23, 2010, 06:37:43 PM »
I don't think the pro-straight crowd has any legitimate argument, as far as i have heard yet anyway. It is obvious that they are all either still "washed" in some way or lying to cover their crimes and personal guilt. There are not two sides to this story. There is the truth and then there is the propaganda bullshit. I will not try to even pretend to respect the opinion of a truth-denier. As we used to say in group they are " Full Of Shit ". I have come here and other forums and come clean about my crimes in Straight. I was hurt and i hurt others. I admit it. I was forced into membership of an abusive cult. Its not as easy to admit as I make it sound sometimes. Then to have someone come along and deny everything is like slapping me in the face and calling me a liar. Yeah, i'm not gonna ever react well to that.
   Yo Woof, I really respect and appreciate the work you have done on behalf of the survivor community. I also understand that you don't want to be hateful. However, my hate keeps me going sometimes. i know its fucked up, but its true. Its not blind ignorant hate but a focused intensity. Hate has been there for me when i felt completely alone. It has kept me company. I can't let go easily of something that has been a reliable "friend?" for so long. Like I said, its fucked up. thanks, shag

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight Staffers on Facebook
« on: December 30, 2009, 04:48:51 PM »
Thanks Woof, sorry about using the term "temper tantrum" bad choce of words. I just got ugly with dude on FB again. I know I shouldn't but couldn't really help it after I read his latest post to another survivor on that same thread. I did decide not to address that individual directly though. I will limit any response to just letting people know that he is a former staffer only interested in continuing his work from Straight. It's not healthy for us to get so pissed, i know thats true but the fact is, I am pissed. There are some things in life which have no gray area. For me, child abuse is one of those things that are Black and White. Either you condone it or you don't. If you condone it then you are evil scum. So to me that cat on FB falls squarely into the evil scum category. Anyway, there I go ranting again, sorry.    Shag

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight Staffers on Facebook
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:23:00 PM »
Woof, Don't be so damn hard on yourself dude, that guy on FB is a complete ass. Yeah, I'm one too but at least I'm an asshole with the truth on his side and that shit counts for a helluva lot. As for the counseling, please be careful who you pick for that. I have heard about some not-too-healing experiences there. Seems like there should be some professionals that are familiar with the Straight thing by now. Hope you can find one. God knows I need it really bad but for a variety of reasons, haven't really gone there yet. I am sorry if I ever post anything here or on FB that gets anybody upset. Always remember, I am a defensive Asshole and my postings will sometimes reflect my knee-jerk, knock a mother-fucker over the head reaction. Most of the time I try to wait before posting but it just doesn't always work. That doesn't mean that I take anything back that I said on FB. As stated earlier that guy is a complete ass. Woof, you have helped people and as far as I am concerned that mitigates a temper tantrum here or there. Please don't retreat, you are appreciated.  Shaggy

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight, LSD, and "Insanity"
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:12:15 AM »
I was locked up during that time too and I can tell you the "food" served at the building wasn't laced with anything except terrible taste. In Atlanta they initially got the food donated from some local dive(almost inedible really bad stuff) then later a phasers mom came to the building everyday to fix lunch. I stayed at this womans house for awhile and can assure you she was not a secret gov't agent. As for the "Uncle Sid" I never did it until after I was out of Straight. Unfortunately, it tends to upset my stomach so I don't play there anymore. The 420 makes it all good though.  Shaggy

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight Staffers on Facebook
« on: December 19, 2009, 04:49:30 PM »
Thanks for the responses above. I read these posts and I got to thinking. Before I go on some crusade to condemn these people for what they did, I really need to fully aknowledge my own participation in the things that I complain about. While incarcerated at the cult of Straight inc I did participate directly in abuse of other inmates. This is the part of the whole thing that pisses me off the most. I am 2 years into this thing and I still just can't quite wrap my mind around that part of it. I get extremely defensive. Maybe I want to confront thse staffers so I don't have to think about my own shit so much. Don't get me wrong, I think anyone that remembers me from Straight would say I was not particularly cruel or anything. A newcomer under my care could definently consider himself lucky by Straight standards. But when these Staffers commanded me to do something, I did it. Whether it be participating in the humiliation of others in group, preventing someone from leaving, taking part in food /sleep deprivation of newcomers etc etc etc, it was all ABUSE. The fact that they openly deny all that, just touches some deep nerve in me. I am sorry to anyone I did wrong while I was in there. Thanks.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Straight Staffers on Facebook
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:06:19 PM »
The staffers that are currently on Facebook that I know personally: Derek Boyd, Abby Orr and Elizabeth Perry. There were several others who said they were staff but I don't know them due to the difference in times that we were there. These particular 3 have posted about how great Straight was. Derek actually said he wished he could do it again. Abby and Elizabeth deny any abuse and basically treat the whole experience as if it was just some kind of summer camp where they helped do waterpaintings or something. Derek was never particularly mean as a staffer, he was a needle junkie before coming to Straight, he needed treatment at a legitimate facility for sure. However, he was and is a true believer, really pathetic actually. The other 2 I mentioned were pretty much cruel witches with Elizabeth being the worst by far. Elizabeth delighted in catching guys sneaking a peek at a girl. Intense confrontation of the offending boy would always follow with Elizabeth barely able to contain her glee at the unrestrained power she was able to wield. I am sure you can link to their Facebook pages from the main Atlanta Straight Facebook page. I have to get set-up on Facebook so I can respond to their BS there cause I accessed it through a friends account. Once I have more info I will post again. Thanks

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight Staffers on Facebook
« on: December 17, 2009, 07:04:18 PM »
I just visited the Atlanta Straight Alumni page on Facebook. You guys have to see this! It has several ex Straight staffers on there full blown denying not only their crimes but ALL Straight crimes. I realize most here didn't go through the Atlanta program but I thought yall would like to see the monsters comforting each other and denying any abuse whatsoever. Just when I was getting in a forgiving mood too. Since these people put their names out there for the public on Facebook I see no reason not to use them here. Elizabeth P. was one of the most vicious female staffers at atlanta Straight. She was petty and cruel to the point that girls would actually shake as she walked by. She says on Facebook that "she never abused anyone". I guess she has a different definition of the word "abuse" than the rest of the human race. I saw her humiliate girls daily. She was one of those staffers that made it obvious, she enjoyed what she was doing. I think I will join Facebook just to respond to these folks. If you guys want to look at Straight brainwashing/zealotry/denial then pay a visit to the Atlanta Straight group on facebook. Not to be at all confused with the Facebook page done by Kelly M. (thanks Kelly) which is cool. If anyone has the time to look and would like to post their reactions I would appreciate it. I really don't want to feel this hate and anger towards these people but they just made it alot harder to forgive.

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