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Messages - jgar

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: October 01, 2005, 02:26:00 PM »
Hey Anon,
I was all too aware of how I would be perceived and of course judged. What I find as funny is how that insecurity ruled and prevailed when we preached the importance of being solid and secure people. It was painfully obvious that we were anything but. If they only would of realized how much I thought of all those people (Seed kids) with nothing more than fondness and love and a genuine nostalgia.

   Yet the thought of being or feeling so trapped scared the hell out of me. I used to have nightmares about this.
 :roll: [ This Message was edited by: jgar on 2005-10-01 11:27 ]

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: October 01, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »
Hey Anon,

Liked your post and I agree. By the way Jgar(me) (would have been know at the Seed as Corky G. :grin:  :grin:

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: September 30, 2005, 12:10:00 PM »
Hey Ginger, :???:

Sounds about right and that attitude was all too typical.One of the things that use to bring a bitter taste to me.It always seamed to me that the girls were alot more zelous than the guys. :???:  Do you remember thier names I probably know them very well.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: September 30, 2005, 09:23:00 AM »
No, Jgar, I'm not talking about former seedlings keeping in touch w/ each other. I'm talking about former seedlings keeping in touch w/ current ones. Are you saying you did that? That you left, quit going to raps, but still socialized w/ people who stayed?

   Hey Ginger to answer your question yes and no. When I first left I called the Seed about once every 2 weeks or so and about once a month I would visit and catch a rap session. I found that this began to create internal conflicts with me and it became more apparent what a crutch the Seed had become to me. As I separated myself farther from the group and I tried to establish my independence the more infrequent my visits became and the less contact I had with the people still there until, I never returned again. Once I realized that I needed to go my own way and cut my dependence I very rarely made contact. About 10 years later when a cousin of mine was on the program he informed me that staff extended an invitation to me to go to a Seed reunion and I went. During than I reestablished some ties with people still part of the Seed this was around 2002. After that the Seed closed it?s doors and I kept certain friends from the Seed in which I still have contact with and consider some of my closest freinds.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: September 29, 2005, 06:44:00 PM »
One more thing Ginger

 :eek:  :eek: One thing that I will agree with you 100 % is how a whole Drug rehabilitation industry was born out of the available insurance money set aside for private drug treatment. How did all these 28 day programs for $ 30,000.00 a shot suddenly pop up everywhere?  This I view as both abusive and criminal.
[ This Message was edited by: jgar on 2005-09-29 15:45 ]

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: September 29, 2005, 05:43:00 PM »
Actually I still do with some of them, that?s how I found out about this Web site. With time people go their own ways and I lost touch. Some of the Seed people I still talk to are now on both sides of this (for lack of a better word ?argument?) and with time I also changed but the core of what I learned at the Seed grew and as I grew in strength and once I became more certain in who I was and who I wanted to be  my independence grew.
    I have posted here on many occasions talking about the good and the bad about the Seed.
One thing I was against was how certain people at the Seed or in other life situations such as religious organizations or certain groups wanted me to see the world in a very clear cut black or white perceptive and only their way would be tolerated and accepted. At this point in my life I refuse to be that regimented, controlled or bullied into a certain way of acting or thinking.  I find myself constantly questioning my beliefs and opinions and in that same spirit in which I have criticized some of the Seeds short comings I also give the Seed validity and I give due credit to the Seed for it?s positive attributes I was able to take from there.

I do not see the Seed as the absolute evil so many others on this site seam to take and I have found that in life there are much more grey areas than there are black and white situations. The point of my last post was to emphasize the emotional tie I had to the Seed and that tie did not come from a victim abuser relationship but born out of kindness and love.
   I will not post or talk here about psychological theories or books or studies and how they can relate to the Seed, I will only talk about my own observations or experiences that I had during my time there and this is where I formulate my thoughts on this matter.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Why Did YOU Stay Away?
« on: September 29, 2005, 12:16:00 PM »
During the early 80?s the group was much smaller and was divided into two basic divisions. The first group consisted of what I would refer to as the core group these people had been around for years from the early or mid 70?s?? they walked the walk and talked the talk?. The Seed was their life they professed lived breath and slept the Seed philosophy all with the underlying idealism that what was being done at the Seed was the most important thing in the world. People?s lives were being saved by the raps and by the collective example of the old comers. This group had more influence and power due to their experience and time dealing with the politics of the day to day affairs of the group. Most people in this group were the ones that remained until the end.
The second group consisted of the newer people who were either recent graduates or people still on their programs. People that went through the program during the 80?s usually once they graduated stuck around for a short period of time and than resumed back to their lives. In the 80?s the group was older most people were in their 20?s or 30?s and most had been around the block once or twice. Some minors still came in but they were few and far between and thank God for that, I always looked at the minors as a major pain in the ass.
Since the group was much smaller every one kind of fell into their niche and had their own persona that they would be known for. Some people related very well and were very articulate in the group others were the funny one?s etc. Under the pretense of helping or being part of the good to help people get their lives together was the single most important theme and this was reflected with our attitudes to be all giving, all dedicated and lead by example. For the most part  what was preached was that a job was just a method of making just enough money to be able to do the most important work and that was to save lives.  
   One thing that sticks out in my mind was how the importance of developing close bonds were stress and talked about we were one big family and any person from the Seed was considered special and treated with the up most love and respect (I always related to it as if we were kind of a secret society).  With in this however was a certain distance that was kept between the guys and the girls although we shared great friendships and love, a formal relationship had to be blessed by Staff and of course Art.  (So much for the technical aspects of the Seed).

The emotional aspects were much more complicated and with this being said in a very general and superficial way I can only explain while only able to capture very little of the emotion that I felt at the time. I find it very hard to relate to a Seed that was harsh and unbending and can only conclude that was a Seed of a bygone era. A Seed in its infancy along with a very young staff and group.  
I mostly remember being killed with love by everyone around me. A camaraderie between people I have yet to experience again. When I related in the group being showered with I love you?s. When a new comer came to live at the house how everyone pulled together to help that person out. I remember a very close nit friendship that develop between myself and my original old comers. A genuine happiness to see or spend time with someone else from the Seed. Being able to work with other people from the Seed was to me very Important. It seamed to me that people took the time to get to know me and I took time to get to know the people around me. A never ending collective of experience and knowledge to draw from for guidance and I can go on and on.
 Even though I have criticized some staff or their methodology I still liked and trusted Staff.   They did not always make the right decisions but I felt their heart was in the right place. As for Art Baker although I kept my distance I never felt he was out to use me or anyone for that matter. On many occasions he opened the door for me to be close to him and it was I who shied away.

   The reason I post these things in this particular post is to stress what made it so difficult to leave the Seed. To walk away was probably one of the most difficult decisions I ever had to make.

I was there  from 83to 89

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