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Messages - Scott D

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I saw The Passion Of The Christ tonight
« on: February 26, 2004, 11:29:00 PM »
A few of you wanted me to let you know how it was......all I can say
for right now is......WOW! I can't really put it into words, it was
the most intense, powerful and emotional movie that touched me deeply. I sat
in a theatre tonight that had about 250 people and when the movie
finally ended...everyone and I mean everyone just sat there quietly,
you could hear people sniffing but, it was just very somber. I
really recommend everyone to see it if you can regardless of your

Everyone at least, knows the story and the movie was made very well.
My hats off to ya Mel! I am sure that I am still processing the film
and I will be more clear on the impact on me that it had in the days
to come.
All The Best,

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-26 20:41 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / To Mega Therion Thread
« on: February 25, 2004, 02:00:00 PM »
that's fucked up

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / To Mega Therion Thread
« on: February 25, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »
I personally do not believe that God punishes me...I feel that I punish me and my own decisions and actions have results and consequences. Regardless of what you believe in we were all put here on this earth with free will and the power to make decisions. What we do with the rest is up to us. I am anxious to go see The Passion tomorrow. I have had my tickets for 3 weeks and have read and researched as much as I could about it. Mel went out on his own with this movie because Hollywood had to many limits with it. I think that this may be the last of Mels work (by his choice). He stated that this is not a christian movie. This movie is for everyone.

Even for non believers, this story is known virtually by all and should be known as an incredible piece of art by Mel. Mel said that he wanted his hands to be the ones hammering the nails into Jesus hands simpley because he feels most responsible for his own sins and killing Jesus on the cross.

I am a believer in christ but, if I wasn't I would want to see this film for the simple fact that one person (Mel) has sooo much passion about it that it would intrigue me to no end.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / How the hell??
« on: February 21, 2004, 01:57:00 AM »
Hell, I'm just glad to be here. LOL

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Letter from an incestuous father
« on: February 20, 2004, 07:02:00 PM »
You certainly are not alone and it is huge growth for you to be able to forgive and live your own life. God Bless.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Is it True that Steve Turney Died???
« on: February 20, 2004, 06:17:00 PM »
Send me a email and we can chat in detail at [email protected]
Scott D.

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-20 15:18 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Is it True that Steve Turney Died???
« on: February 19, 2004, 11:43:00 PM »
oops forgot to log on in message above.about Steve being Sr staff in 88. I didn't post the other message.

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-19 20:44 ]

Dunno Jerry...Glenn died of a suicide from what I understand and read and was told. It all sucks.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Is it True that Steve Turney Died???
« on: February 19, 2004, 09:48:00 PM »
I have not heard that...but am curious to know. Sucks if it is true. He was on staff when I was there in 88.

40 prepared to most likely  get drilled. I graduated from Springfield in 89. I am sure you know some people that I was in with that were still there when you came in. On here, just say what you honestly feel and think. If you are happy and glad you were in there just say it(like ya sorda did)...hell, everyone else shares honestly how they feel about the place and no one is wrong with how they, I am telling you in advance that your feelings are not wrong either.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 16, 2004, 07:44:00 PM »
Now, this is what I love about everyone in here.....there are so many different reactions to everything because certain things strike people differently to each individual for their own reasons. I have made the mistake of taking people wrong when reading text before and people have taken me wrong as well thinking I was being a dick when that was not my intent at all. It's hard to tell emotion behind typed words. Unless it is blunt but, in this case I did not pick up on it as a bad motive. I remember when I first found this site about 5 months ago and I started reading past posts I truely started to get pissed off at some of what I was reading....why?....because I didn't believe a lot of it or I felt pissed because I saw people still letting Straight or whatever past thing still control them like they just got out of there yesterday. But, then I had to step back a second and realize a bunch of was until I found this, my contact with anyone from Straight has been extremely small(next to nil)and most times when I think back to being in Straight itself all I think about for the most part was me and my experience mean while being blinded by everyday problems after Straight and trying desparately to function in everyday life. This may sound selfish and it is and was but this is how I thought. I try daily not to be and think like that anymore...i'm certainly not perfect with it. I also realized on here that when I was in Springfield may 88- Nov 89 that 1988 was severe compared to 89. So, I know that it was much worse way before I got there and other Straights had different staff so I don't know what took place in those places except for what I read on here. I also know that I have a drug problem and I also believe many people that were in there didn't and do not have addiction issues. All I am trying to say is that everyone has a different outlook on what they read in here and their thoughts on Straight from their direct perspective and frankly, it can be quite overwhelming first coming into these posts. Jenifer, I liked your post and I clearly understood your thinking and what your thought process was. I personally am still sober, but to be sober I feel that you must be a holic or addict. I am friends with people that drink and smoke weed to. I choose not to be around them when they smoke weed and thats my choice and my own issues not theirs and they all respect me for that....therefore they are my friends. Sometimes I wish on here Therion, that more people would just come out and say that they feel alone when they are hurting but, seems like so many tend to focus on all the bull shit that Straight may have delt them that it blends in with so many other posts. I am sure many people were mentally and emotionally scarred by someone in Straight but, I think a lot of people hide unintentionally behind Straight and it doesn't allow themselves the oppurtunity to move on. I don't know.....I really don't have all the answers nor do I think I ever do, it's just that I have gotten myself into many negative cycles in my life and it seems like I am not alone with the cycle thing in here either. For example, typically when I post that I am sober and still sober since Straight, there usually will be someone jumpin down my throat asking me why I feel like I have a drug problem or stating that I must still be brain washed. I have no problem ever responding to those questions but I have never asked someone on here why they don't think they have a problem when they post pictures of bongs or when they talk about doing cocaine or trippin etc. The reason I don't ask??? Because who am I to know if one has a problem or not. I am not God. Alot of people that were in Straight that didn't have problems drug related often seem to assume that everyone else that was there also didn't have addiction problems. I am here to say that wasn't the case with me personally and because I say that on here many react that I'm still brainwashed at age 30. I personally learned very quick what reality was after graduating Straight and going to AA. There is a huge difference and I spent countless times in meetings just crying my eyes out trying to adjust and learn "real" recovery. I look and listen to people very different today on here and in real time. On here it can be difficult for so many reasons trying to guess at ones motives in text. I hope 7 stepper responds to some of the questions that were asked to him because I can't speak for him but, I still do not think his motive was to be little anyone or to put himself up on a pedastal. But he knows . Sorry for the long ramble.

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-16 16:54 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 15, 2004, 01:25:00 PM »
I didn't take him as trying to rub anything in anyones face. He was just stating his own experience there. I am sure that there were things that fucked with his head in and out of Straight as a result of being in there. I have yet talked to anyone that was there sober or not that didn't have something that they felt that Straight messed with their head about. He just said that he was able to get over a lot of things and move on in his life with a wife , a job and his kids. I don't know him personally or does he me. But, when I get jammed up about shit in my life and I can't seem to get out of it and I am depressed, pissed, scared and ears tend to perk up when I hear someone else or see someone else that overcame the same shit that I am sitting in. I mean this with any issue in my life not just Straight related things. I truely don't think that anyone wants to be unhappy....people want friends and family etc. Why wouldn't someone want that? I am not taking away from bad shit that has happened to people. We ALL have a story. There are some very bad things in my story that I had no control over, the sweet thing now is that I do have control over it now for the most part. I simply mean that I have the power of choice now with everything about me. I know what my experience in Straight was and I know who I am. I don't forget anything about my history in life is like a huge classroom where I learn as I go but, for a really long time after Straight I stayed in the same grade for years. This is a gay analogy but, this world does not owe me shit and if I want something I have to go after it.. I am no different then you or 7 stepper. We all are "survivors of Straight" and I want to hear his story as much as I want to hear yours. I also want to hear how you are dealing with things and how he is dealing with stuff now (I mean this in general not just you two specifically). Then I am able to choose things that I read that I think may be of help to myself. All I am saying is that when your read his post, you got pissed at something....when I read it, I didn't get pissed at all. Why is that? I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong.... i'm just asking why the big contrast between 2 individuals that have a ton in common? Listen dude, I can respect your opinions and most certainly your emotions as I have felt them to but, you just seem to be very quick to slam the door on someone that rightfully should be able to walk in here. Peace to you.

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-15 10:28 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 14, 2004, 10:37:00 AM »
I certainly didn't say that everyone is full of shit...I just stated about my own experience there. That is why i said that not everyone had the same experience. I did see people get hit by other phasers. I personally don't agree with a bunch of stuff Straight did and many kids should not have been there as drug problems most likely were not an issue for them. For the people that were sexually abused in there by another phaser or by whoever....I feel for them. I was sexually abused before going to Straight and I know exactly how fucked up that can leave a person. I also know how hard it is to change things within myself and how painful shit can be. But, I refuse to torture myself day after day with things that have happened to me that I couldn't control. I am an adult now and I have complete power over every decision I make now and I don't want to waste anymore of my life on pain and misery. I certainly am not taking anything away from how you or anyone else is feeling but, it seems like in here that everyone wants to feed off of everyone elses pain and the minute someone comes on here and says that they are doing ok and they have been able to let go of alot of shit and pretty much move on in their life.....about 20 people jump on them and say that he or she is just brainwashed and get the fuck off of here. Why???? My question to that individual would be "what did you do to get thru all this?"  The reason I came onto this site was to find people that I lost contact with and to see and hear how people are doing. Straight was a rough time for anyone who was there and for that reason alone I have a connection to all of you.

[ This Message was edited by: Scott D on 2004-02-14 07:43 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / dwelling in the past
« on: February 14, 2004, 10:10:00 AM »
I don't find anything wrong about what he said. Not everyone had the same experience in there. I never saw anyone sit in piss or shit either and I was never hit by anyone nor was I deprived of food. I didn't get to eat what I wanted but, I ate. He didn't say that he loved the place or that it was, I don't know why you all are busting his balls. He is as much of a survivor of Straight as anyone else that was there regardless of him graduating or not. I mean the guy said he stayed sober by choice and now he is all about his wife and that a bad thing? Hell no it's not!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Edited for future reference.
« on: February 05, 2004, 12:25:00 AM »
Ya know what? I graduated the place and I had some bad experiences from the place and I didn't like it or liked being there and I most certainly can see some negative results about by life that may or may not be a result of Straight. I certainly didn't have as bad of an experience as some people claim they did....I'm not even gonna get into this whole story again. Here is my point, if you feel strong enough about something regardless whatever it is and your heart is truely telling you to do something like write a statement to the police....then by all means do it. Just be true to yourself about whatever you are doing and try not to hurt anyone else or yourself in the process. I am not one to get into text arguements and I can respect just about everyones opinions on various things but, anonymous as you may already know.....not every single person has the same story on why they got placed in Straight or how their experience was while in there. I agree that you or anyone should and will speak an opinion wether we all agree or not on it. I am more curious as to what you read specifically somewhere on here that struck a bad chord in you to react to her the way you did? You also have the right not to answer that as well but,I remember first coming onto this forum and reading stuff that pissed me off simply because I knew or felt very strong that someone was out right lying about something etc. I am well aware that there are people on here that may not like me let alone agree with me because I am never the first in line to jump down Straights throat. I personally had some benefits as a result of Straight and I suffer with somethings that I believe could be a result of Straight. My point is this.....I try very hard everyday to better myself and to look at life a little bit different then I am used to. I am most certainly not God nor do I have the right to make judgments on people the way I did everyday since I graduated and for years in recovery. I still fail at this at times but, my life in general is so much better when I started working on this shit daily. Emotions are strong man, and life is and can be real short....ok now I don't even know what I am typing anymore as it is late. I am not trying to tell ya what to do as you wish as that is what she will do and I will do and by the way my name is Scott Davis I am not concerned with people trying to discredit me or insult whatever.

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