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Messages - Nazi

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Elan School / Nazi proves he's a woman beater
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:56:00 PM »
I must be the luckiest man in the world, Cocksgrove already beleive's in his mind that I am a proven woman beater without having to see any eveidence.Imagine that, Cocksgrove can prove facts without having to see them actually take place,boy you sure are gifted Cocksgrove!

Elan School / Time to start a new thread...
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:53:00 PM »
On 2003-12-08 13:41:00, Froderik13 wrote:

"In your estimation, what sort of take did/does he (Cozgrove) have on ELAN? Please elaborate..."

I beleive Greg was frightened about the consquences that were a reality at Elan that one student could endure if they fucked up.I also beleive that he kissed Kruglik's ass and did what ever Marty told him to because he was scared of him.Greg claims he was never shotdown and did everything he was told to and graduated with honors.Well everyone got shotdown from time to time no matter what they did.It seemed impossible to go through the program and be on the staff's goodside 24/7.Now if one were to perform sexual favors for the staff, it is then possible to go throught the program without being shotdown.And I really do think that Greg was a blowup doll for Marty Kruglik.

Now he is here venting out, he knows he will be safe sitting behind the computer and can prtend to be what ever he dreams of.But reality for him is he can't go out his front door and talk to anyone else the way he does in here, because he will fear the consquences.So waht does he do?He goes after the biggest dog in the yard at fornits, me "NAZI".It is all like a dream come true, to talk down to a person of my size and attitude for him.I guess it gives him a sense of being a man and standing up for himself without having to deal with the reality of what I am capable of doing to him "PHYSICALLY".

So expect this little shit to continue on badgering me and others , eventially it will all come around back at him and haunt him.

Elan School / Nazi proves he's a woman beater
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:41:00 PM »
On 2003-12-08 13:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You've already been destroyed stevie. You're over, you're a bitchfaggot. Nobody can or will take you seriously anymore"

I've been destroyed?Hmm thats odd, I'm still typing, and what is your own opinion of how I was destroyed my little scared balls, yellow streak, tails tucked between the legs Cocksgrove?

C'mon man you can do better then that, can't you?Thats right Greg, let out all that anger and humilation that Marty made you stuff deep inside your mind out, no one's gonna make you suck their dick here, it's safe to post here.

Elan School / C'mon you little punk BGJ
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:31:00 PM »
Just want to know if he can back what he dishes out,I know I can.

Elan School / BGJ is scared to come and meet me!!!
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:30:00 PM »

Elan School / Nazi proves he's a woman beater
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:29:00 PM »
Show's you how smart you really are.I got to admit, this steve collins character is fucked because if he ever decides to join this forum he starts off with a very bad rap.

Elan School / Cayohuesto vs. Nazi
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:28:00 PM »
Well you'll have to excuse GBJ, he is fianlly out of prison and is still adjusting to the fact that he is free.What a ruff life he had, being traded for smokes by raging homo's and getting it up the ass,Just think GBJ, your asshole will finally heal up all that swelling, that is if you can keep dicks from penetrating it now that you are a freeman.

Elan School / Time to start a new thread...
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:24:00 PM »
On 2003-12-08 13:41:00, Froderik13 wrote:

"In your estimation, what sort of take did/does he (Cozgrove) have on ELAN? Please elaborate..."

Thats "Cocksgrove" Froderik..
Greg was so scared of getting shotdown that he threw his body at staff and said mercy!!!!Damn if this little shit is that scared to face the fact of having people scream at him, imagine if he came face to face with me?He would piss himself and themsome..

Elan School / Time to start a new thread...
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:22:00 PM »
On 2003-12-08 13:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Stevieboy, why don't you crawl back under that rick, or snow, or whatever it was you were under. It was actually nice without you around."

Crawl back under that rick?Oh Rick must be your boyfriend's name , you probably grab his belt loop when you see someone like me walking in your direction, protect me Rick, keep me safe.You ain't gonna run me out of here bitch!, why don't you take it to the next level and come meeet me coward? Bock,bock,bock,bock bock, chicken shit...

Whoops, had to go back and fix a typo, hey at least I knew I misspelled a word wrong!

[ This Message was edited by: nazi on 2003-12-08 14:25 ]

Elan School / BGJ is scared to come and meet me!!!
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:42:00 PM »
You little shit, you better be scared, because this 6ft 225 pd nazi will have his way with you.

Elan School / Cayohuesto vs. Nazi
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:40:00 PM »
Coz is just upset because Marty made him his little pet and he got all intimadated over a man that stands 5ft 2.LMAO!!!

Elan School / C'mon you little punk BGJ
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:39:00 PM »
Come meet me face to face, let's settle this once and for all.Have some balls you little fuck!!

Elan School / Nazi proves he's a woman beater
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:37:00 PM »
Come on cocksgrove? have some balls why don't you?

Elan School / Cayohuesto vs. Nazi
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:36:00 PM »
BGJ, why dont you come meet me face to face and administer this medicine to me in person? Whats wrong, got no balls?I"m in the NY/NJ area, come meet me bitch!!!

Elan School / Get a life
« on: December 08, 2003, 04:30:00 PM »
Keep yourself annoymous, and don't identify yourself to us or tell us where you live, because you are the weaker sex and you are a coward.Do me a favorcunt. if you do respond to this post, could you at least  have a dictionary handy so you know who to properly spell? "Retarted" LOL, almost seem's like you are retarded considering the way you spell, LOL.Yeah you wish I was ugly cunt, the ones that say I'm ugly are the ones that fear me, yea maybe I do sound a little full of myself, but I speak from experience.I know what woman think and how they feel about me I talk to them all the time and meet new people everyday at bars I frequent and my Gym I belong to.Say what you want cunt, you are the one who isnt getting any and is most likely an over weight or ugly bitch or a little or alot of the both.
So you remain annoymous, well I'm sure you are either one of the 2 "RETARDS" that have been trolling this forum.So go ahead sit back grab that old cucumber and ride it into the sunset like you probably do, you are the one who can't get a date.Oh by the way, I'm not in my 40's, I'm in my early 30's.

"Nazi you are just retarted and If I were as stupid as you I would just kill myself",Tell you what why don't you pretend that you are me and kill yourself then?Reality is I have friends here and you don't.You are the fish in a foriegn pond over here.So go back to where you came from, or is it that where you came from they rejected you and now you are here?

"do us all a favor and put yourself out of your misery. you make everyione sick"

Froderik are you sick? Paul St John are you sick? Hey Syn, are you sick?Dee Verry, are you sick? I think I mentioned 3/4 of the members that frequent this site, I guess we will have to wait for their reply's then.

"no one cares grow the fuck up you are all retarted. this website is the stupidest thing "
I came across alot of stupid website's in my time, I always never return to them.I don't sit there and post about how stupid they are, I take one look , make a descion and come to a conclusion that I don't like it and leave usually in 2 seconds or less, never took the time to read and post my opinion like you do.Now who's the "RETARD" or was it "RETART"? LMAO

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