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Messages - gduncan

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Mamma Bird- I'm curious, how long were you in the program?  How long ago were you in the program? I got out in 1982 and I was angry for awhile (for reasons I won't go into right now) and there came a point where I told myself to get over it and move on because I was dwelling in the past.  Without knowing more about you and what you went through, all I can say is I hope you find support from this forum and I hope you can find some inner peace.  Remember, you're not alone, we're all here for you!

[ This Message was edited by: gduncan on 2003-06-27 17:36 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / RSC
« on: June 24, 2003, 11:41:00 PM »
RSC: Rational Self Counseling or Rationalized Straight Crap?

I was going through some files the other day and came across the RBT Self Acceptance Script we were given in the early ?80?s when we started the RSC sessions.  It?s interesting to read after all these years.

The opening line, ?I am a person with human dignity?.  What a novel concept.  It?s a shame that Straight forgot this notion.

Or how about this, ?Many times things happen that I don?t like.  I will accept this by remembering that I can not control everything.?  Well, this wasn?t exactly comforting when I was put on a third phase refresher for things I did not do.  

Who can forget this, ??I can calmly remember that I have a choice.?  Let?s be honest, did we really have choices?

And my personal favorite, ?Sometimes I make mistakes; this doesn?t mean I?m bad or wrong?No one knows everything.?  How many times did egomaniacal staffers who thought they knew it all berate us for mistakes we made?  Oh my God, Straight was cultivating mini Millers!  I have this Austin Powersesque vision of Miller Newton- he?s sitting at his desk, he?s diabolically plotting and planning and he has a demented vision of what therapy should be and he says, ?I will call them mini me??

So, what did I learn from RSC?  How to rationalize some of my irrational behavior.  Well, I could go on, but I won?t.  So, here it is in its entirety:

RBT Self Acceptance Script

I am a person with human dignity.  What I do does not change me.  Sometimes I make mistakes, and sometimes I do things very well, but I?m the same person.

I will continue to make some mistakes throughout my life because I?m not perfect: I am a fallible human being.  However, because I?m a person, I also have the ability to learn.  I can work on mistakes and learn to do what is necessary to change them.  I can strive to ?do? better; I can not ?be? better.  I already am a human being.

Past is in the past.  I cannot change that.  I regret some things I?ve done.  I don?t like some things that have happened but I can?t change the past by staying upset and worried.  I can?t guarantee the future by being worried either.  I can change my feelings right now.  I?m probably going to handle situations better if I?m calmer and more clearheaded.  I am remembering that I am in control of my feelings.  I control myself.  I can?t always control the situation.  Many times things happen that I don?t like.  I will accept this by remembering that I can not control everything.  If I don?t like it, I can do my best to do something about it, if I want to.  If I don?t want to, I can calmly remember that I have a choice.

Other people control their decisions about their behavior.  I am not responsible for what other people think, feel or do.  I want to do my best to help others but their behavior is in their control.  They decide what they do.

I do what I do because I can only act in light of my own experience, my own learning, and my own attitudes.  Sometimes I make mistakes; this doesn?t mean I?m bad or wrong.  Mistakes mean I don?t know everything.  No one knows everything.  I am a human being who has the ability to learn from my mistakes.

What people think or do cannot make me less of a person.  I am me and no one can change me.  I will continue to do things I do and make the mistakes I make until I change.  I want to begin to change right now.  I am accepting myself by remembering I am a fallible human being, just as good, just as worthwhile as other people.

Sometimes people do what I?m not expecting them to do.  Sometimes it seems as if they don?t care.  This is my interpretation of their behavior and I could be mistaken.  However, even if it were true that some people are inconsiderate of me, and don?t really care about how I feel, I still do not have to get so upset about it.

Other people have a right to do what they do, and to think what they think.  They do not have to care about me in order for me to be calm or even happy.  Other people?s thought do not control or define my feelings; other people?s actions do not control or define my feelings.

I am a person with human dignity no matter what other people think of me.  Even if they don?t think of me the way I would like, I can stand it.  I don?t need the approval or caring of others in order to feel good about myself.  I am the most important person in my life because I control my life.

I control my thoughts, feelings and behavior.  I feel good about the things I do well and regret some things I don?t do well.  I accept all those behaviors and myself.

I feel calm about myself; I feel acceptable to myself; I feel good about accepting myself.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / girls' vs. guys' raps
« on: June 19, 2003, 01:08:00 PM »
Don- The name Cary Travis rings a bell.  Were you in St Pete and if so when?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / another bad thing
« on: June 19, 2003, 12:06:00 PM »
I remember these from my days in St Pete.  The air conditioning was turned off and we would start exercising.  The sun would pound on the metal roof and pretty soon it would get very hot and humid.  Sometimes the fans were turned on and all that did was blow hot air around.  A staff would yell, "We're doing 200 jumping jacks...and if anyone gest out of line we're starting over..."  I can't tell you how many times 200 jumping jacks turned into 500 or more because a misbehaver decided to get out of synch with the rest of the group.  One of the worst parts was having to sit in sweaty clotes all day.  I grew up playing sports and never had a problem with jock itch until I came to Straight.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / girls' vs. guys' raps
« on: June 19, 2003, 11:50:00 AM »
I'v read the posts for this topic and I believe a person's sexual past had little or no relevance to our drug use (although Straight wanted you to believe that it did) and shouldn't have been the focus of so many rap sessions.  When did Straight become a sex rehab?  I never heard anybody stand up and say, "My name is George, I'm a sex addict and the positions I've tried were... and in my past..."  I remember an oldcomer, no pun intended, stood up saying he wanted to talk about himself and he began crying and admitted to masturbating the night before.  Doug Hemminger was on staff at the time and he cracked me up because he told the guy that he, too, had done the deed the night before and that it's noboby's business.  He told the guy to sit down and basiclly get over it.  Doug did the right thing, he made it a non-issue.  After that, I don't remember guys confessing to doing it anymore in guy's raps.  If you stop and think about we were all victims of rape. We were raped by the staff, mentally and emotionally, having to discuss and listen to these private and intimate matters.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / weird daydream
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:10:00 PM »
In St Pete I remember someone made mullet stew and it was terrible!  I remember being so hungry I would eat watermelon rinds.  And, I remember as we approached the window to get our food looking for the cup with the most in it.  If you got one with lots of ice you could suck on the ice and  savor it for awhile- that was a good day...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Still Can't Fall Asleep?
« on: June 18, 2003, 09:49:00 PM »
I've never had a problem sleeping.  What I used to have a problem with is the assumption that if you were sleeping in group there was something going on with you.  Yeah, there was something going on with me- I was tired as hell!  Long open meetings, writing those fucking moral inventories and having to go over them, taking care of 2 or more newcomers...I could go on.  Isn't it ironic that I started drinking coffee for the caffeine buzz while I was in Straight.  Guess I should have been started over!

I graduated form Straight in Jan '82 and shortly after that I graduated high school then went off to college.  Got the diploma and have had sales jobs in a variety of industries- formal wear, printing, clothing mfr rep, etc.  Currently, I am a Regional Account Manager for a vendor (a division of a major corporation) that supplies public libraries with books and audiovisual materials.  I travel all over the SE and love my job.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Straight National - St. Pete
« on: June 18, 2003, 06:43:00 PM »
Bill Oliver- the definition of full of shit.  For years, he may still be doing it, he would do speaking engagements and preach the gospel of the virtues of a drug-free family and life style, when his daughter(Peggy) relapsed.  What a fucking hypocrite!  Does this man have no conscience?  Did he learn nothing from Straight (LOL)?  I ran into his wife a few years ago and she owned an antiques store.  She didn't speak about Peggy.  Guess BO puts the fun in dysfunctional!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Any St Pete and Atlanta survivors?
« on: June 18, 2003, 09:41:00 AM »
Bill- You're thinking of Rick Pumphrey.  I went to high school with him and I remember that mullet the day he walked in!  I ran into him a few years ago while mtn biking at Tsali in NC.  He had been in CA for several years working in the computer industry and I think he moved back.  Regarding the Crow's, my mom and Ann Crow are friends, so e-mail me at [email protected] if you want to get in touch with them.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What ever happened to...
« on: June 18, 2003, 07:55:00 AM »
Bill- We might have known each other.  E-mail me at ... e&l=Duncan
I seem to remember Tracy Atkins having a couple of sisters in the program as well as a cousin from Canada.  I think Ray and Ralph were cousins.  I lived with the Dibble's briefly when I first made second phase.  They lived in a mobile home and I remember being in the bedroom and looking out the window and seeing a movie- they lived near a drive in theater.  I, too remember Jim Sailor being a good guy.  He was always fair with me.

[ This Message was edited by: gduncan on 2003-06-18 04:58 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What ever happened to...
« on: June 17, 2003, 02:39:00 PM »
Reading through the various posts has brought to mind a lot of people from my days in St Pete that I haven't thought about in many, many years.  So, whatever happened to...

Clark Whickman
Pierce & Preston Kuhn
Keith Tobler
George Sullivan
Joel Fillion
Dave & Laurie Burke
Aldo & Bridgette Bollinger
Greg Armenta
Dave Lawrence
Jeff Miller
Roger Reed
Grant & Richard Gerber
John & Scott Kantner
Loren Markel
Bob Selinas
Pat Cuniff
Ray Conejo
Ralph Hernandez
Alan Harshman
Greg Junkenz
Bob Cody
Chuck Haag
Shaun & Lowen Dibble
Dave Phirman
Robert Schlecht
Mike & Mark Mead
Pete Mauer
Bill Kellerman
Andy MacDonald

Mark Newton (Staff)
Dave Crock (Staff)
Dave McAdams (Staff)
Doug Hemminger (Staff)
Carrie Hoepner (Staff)
Chris Cassler (Staff)
Kathleen Wynne (Staff)
Jim Sailor (Staff)
Charles Pendergrass (Staff)

[ This Message was edited by: gduncan on 2003-06-17 11:41 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / May 29, 1982
« on: June 09, 2003, 05:25:00 PM »
David- Glad to know that my words had some impact.  When you go back and walk through the past stand with pride and think about who you are now and scream FUCK 'EM!  That's for the people who thought you were worthless and thought you wouldn't amount to anything in life.  And, it's for the mental and emotional hell you endured and conquered!  A lot of those "Straightlings" didn't think I'd amount to much and I bet those are the ones who are in desperate need of help.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / May 29, 1982
« on: June 09, 2003, 06:43:00 AM »
June 10, 1980 is burned in my memory- that's the day I walked into the Morgan Yacht building.  My parents said we were going to FL for a vacation and were going to the "realtor's office" to pick up the key for the condo.  After almost 23 years I still have nighthmares (not as often) about being stuck on first phase or standing helplessly in a sea of waving hands as someone is chosen to confront me.  

I confronted those demons '94.  I had a job that required me to go to FL and I went to the old building on Frontage Road which was vacant.  It was bought by a church for additional space and I was able to talk to someone in the small executive building and told them I was interested in walking through the building and why.  She was familiar with the program because she said a lot of people had stopped by wanting to do the same.

As I walked through I remembered many mornings sitting in the intake rooms crowded with other newcomers waiting to be seated.  I walked into the group area and could hear the songs we would sing.  I rememebered the exercise sessions- lying in a pool of sweat, dehydrated and wanting a drink.  If you were lucky you got a 3 second drink of water from the fountain.  So many images flashed through my mind- I could go on.  I spent about an hour walking around and I left at peace.  Doing that gave some closure.

[ This Message was edited by: gduncan on 2003-06-09 03:45 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Any St Pete and Atlanta survivors?
« on: June 09, 2003, 06:18:00 AM »
CLay- John was the one who had the accident- really messed him up.  Haven't spoken to him in years.  The last I heard, Richard was working for Mindspring which became Earthlink.  Tracy Fredericks is the staffer you're referring to and I have no idea about him.  DK sounds familiar but can't place him.  Did you know the Hollingsworth boys, Brian Beatty, Shannon Zuelke, Rick Pumphrey, Peggy Oliver, John Muller?

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