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Messages - Smith Mr

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You did catch it.  

They would not mention the settlement was made by the Sembler Co.  

'Baywalk" is defunct.  Sembler Co. stuck it to the St. Pete taxpayers big time.

Sembler of course failed the moral test and the test to participate in a corporate prespective in a civilized society to simply take care of this little boy and his family and tried to smear them to no end.

You may post a comment to their story on their website.  Or email one to me at site.

Respectfully Mr. Smith

I have the entire file which is public record.

Mr. Martin was repeatly molested by a close male relative for years as child.  He was placed into Straight at age 16 in Virginia.

He stood up and confessed the molestation.  Straight clients and staff called him a "fag" and abused him terribly amongst other things.

At 18 Mr. Martin withdrew himself from Straight and met an older man and they became involved.  Mr. Martin also had a girlfriend.

Mr. Martin was suffering from significant mental health issues as a result fo the abuse.  The relative is in prison.

Mr. Martin murdered the man he was involved with, his girlfriend was there and they stole some items.

Mr. Martin came within 30 days of being executed in P.A. by Bush/Sembler buddy Tom Ridge for Gobernor of P.A. he signed the death warrant.

Reed Smith in P.A. is the law firm handling the case.

Wesley Fager and Richard Bradbury were called as expert witness in the case.  They both spent several days in Lebanon County P.A. back before Bradbury put the penis pump for sale.

Bradbury was so enraged by what he heard the truth of the matter is that's why Melvin Sembler's penis pump went for sale.  I have drank beer with the man and he told me very clearly.

Thanks to the work of Wesley Fager who is a hero and Bradbury an activist Bradley Martin will receive a new trial on the penalty phase issue of his case.

The court in very very very specific works spelled out how damaging Straight was to him in issusing the order for a new penalty phase hearing.

At the end of the day Melvin Sembler got what he had coming to him.  Bradbury sat on the penis pump for years.  When he heard what they called Bradbley Martin at Straight and did to Bradley and he read every document over a four day marthon period in Lebanon County, P.A. to prepare for testimony he flipped and went right after Melvin Sembler.

The moral of the story is don't give your maid your penis pump and don't hire Lenny Englander or Ana-Maria Carnesoltas as your attorney or they will "blow you in" and take your money and buy a new car.  Last I saw Englander he had a top of the line "Jag.  "

Best regards Brill Smith

PS I am going to write a story on it when I have time and post the documets so you can read but I found it very difficult.  In fact it made me sick.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Rich
« on: August 16, 2010, 08:30:57 PM »
Hey saw your post but Richard could not remember his password to respond.  

He told me to tell you he his is very into the lawsuit against the Florida Department of Children and Families right now, formelry HRS.

There are a bunch of legal filings and hearings in the case right now and a deposition is set.  Richard is representing himself.

I have held the Magic GRits III story until some court orders in the case are signed and some hearings are set in the case I am going to attend.

You will find out what really happened to your medical records.If you spoke out against Straight and told the truth about the abuses I have some bad news for you.  They kept your medical records.

Best Regards Brill

PS You can read all about it in Magic Grits III

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Mr Seeber
« on: August 08, 2010, 09:44:54 PM »
He has been under IRS investigation for a while.

They have seized documents relating to property transactions from the Title Source of Tampa.

Respectfully Mr Smith

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Suspended ???
« on: July 27, 2010, 01:39:28 PM »
We are working to have back up shortly and all the bugs worked out.

Kindly be patient and we appreciate your inquiry, Brill breaking news July 23, 2010

The Troubled Teen Industry / Crist $10 million, Wineberger $0
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:25:23 PM »

If you have the time kindly click on the links and read the background information, thank you Mr. Smith

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Ham Head" indicted
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:13:09 PM »
More infor @

Respectfully, Mr. Smith

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Magic Grits III
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:03:42 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Sembler and Gov Sanford
« on: March 26, 2010, 02:17:16 PM » ... ler-drama/

These guys are cut form the same "junk.'  They both have cheated on their wives.  Brill

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