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Messages - stina

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: The Rap
« on: August 16, 2008, 02:16:24 PM »
"a highly refined understanding of bullshit". well said. i think my first rap was one of my top 3 worst. in 2 and 1/2 years. i actually remember my 4 worst, the rest of them were just put into a smoky compartment in my brain somewhere (which is kind of odd because i don't usually compartmentalize, but i suppose the mind does what it must). my first rap was in the hobbit (sounded kind of quaint and innocuous) and not 3 minutes in someone was flipping out 2 chairs away from me and running their shit because they'd run away and been raped and had to testify (hopefully that's anonymous enough). needless to say, i was freaked the fuck out. and i never split. weird how that shit stays with you. i still think about that person. i don't think i said more than 2 words to them before they left/graduated but i still think about them.

Quote from: "Awake"
It was bad enough watching 3 ft strings of snot hanging off the face of someone doing work.

ahahahahah. i know right. especially when you're in the midst of it and then look down and realize that, this time, it's you. jesus.

Quote from: "Awake"
I can only imagine..... "I need to talk.  I'm feeling pretty bad and I.... <rrrrraaaaaallllpphhh>." It is pretty amazing that somehow the process of going through a religious exorcism was mirrored at Cedu only with different words to make it look like group psychotherapy.

that place, and its practices, keeps on mystifying me.

does anyone have a picture of caroline wolfe??? no one that i've spoken to has one. i've decided it's one of two things. either everyone hated her so much that they didn't want to inflict pictures of her on their friends while making their scrapbooks, or she's a vampire and doesn't photograph well. either way, please, if anyone has one PM me or respond with a way to get a hold of you. gracias fornitites.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: The Rap
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:09:53 AM »
sweet boneless christ...i thought that post was going to go on forever. just like raps. that was painful to read. now i know why my memories of that place are so hazy for periods of time...what's freaking me out is that that shit is seared into my subconscious, taking up vast amounts of space that would be better served with hazy patchoulli filled dead shows, or you know, maybe falling off a building. i've become convinced that in tearing us down and building us back up (which in itself is FUCKED) little subconscious triggers were put into place, like a little minefield and you never know which wrong step is gonna have it blowing up in your face. we were never really given a chance to figure out who we were, because those cocksuckers decided who we were for us. i was a slut, and a victim, and a liar, and a bad friend.

i remember jumping in on someone's indictment hoping that because i participated i'd be over looked for the rest of the rap. and i also remember how that blew up in my face many a time. god. and all the petty bullshit. and the intense fear and anxiety. dreading walking into that room. especially when you knew someone was gunning for you.

i need to stop writing about this. it's like chasing myself in circles. how do we move on?

Awake...well fucking done.

Quote from: "Awake"
BTW Stina..... are you a vegetarian? Can't help but be curious considering the dream.

not at all. weird. i have no idea why my mind decided to use that. let's just say that i'm a strange girl and leave it at that. :)

Quote from: "Awake"
All that happened in a dream? That is crazy.  I've had alot of crazy Cedu dreams recently, but for the most part either I was running away or they came into my house unexpectedly. Byond that not much detail besides waking up sweating and drenched.  I won't pretend I can interpret dreams, but ... I get it in some fd up way. Is there a more concise way to explain that experience? I can't think of one. 

when i first found this site i had a ton of dreams that i was back at RMA. and it was strange, just like no name said it was always my third time back, with no recollection of the second time. and there was one really odd one, when they were looking at and treating me like i was 15 again, but i was definitely 33. the dreams phased themselves out eventually.

and then i woke up yesterday with this vivid dream in my head, in which i was trying to explain the experience to a "civilian" (shanlea, that's hilarious, whether you meant it to be or not). and i told my friend the dream, and this girl's known me for years, we've talked about RMA a lot. and she said that it was super abstract and fucked up but that she thought she understood more what i'd been through regarding the program. it was such a vivid dream, i wonder if my subconscious is trying to reconcile it with itself. with seafood of all the weird fucking things. don't know.

shanlea, i totally understand about your mom. when i found this site i told my mom about it. and continued to tell her the things that i was learning, synanon, etc. she wasn't a program parent, she told me that i could stay home on my first homevisit, but at that point i wanted to complete it so that maybe at least it would mean SOMETHING, you know? and after a while it started to make her feel uncomfortable, because i think she was thinking that i was blaming and holding her responsible. and i've moved past those feelings a long time ago, i realized my parents are fallible and flawed, just like everyone else. i know that she thought that she was doing the best thing for me (and for my brother, he was sent away shortly after i was, to several different places). we were both super fucked up. and she still has so much guilt for staying with my dad for 17 years (match made in hell). but after a few months of talking to her about this she started saying that it seemed that fornits was "unhealthy" for me, and was probably contributing to my drinking (she's convinced that i'm a fullblown alcoholic, which is untrue, but that's a whole other story). but anyway, i can't imagine what she went through being married to my dad for that long and then having to make hardcore decisions regarding her children, who were both super fucked up. and i know the edcon she talked to did a number on her.

regardless, this is starting to be a journal entry so i'll end here.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / My CEDU seafood dream
« on: July 22, 2008, 03:20:16 PM »
so i had this weird dream last night, and in it i was trying to describe what CEDU/RMA was like, and the fallout, etc... and the way i described it was's like you're somewhere, in a contained environment, and the only thing they let you eat is seafood. and they make you drag the seafood to the kitchen, cook it, and tell you the whole time that these fish died JUST SO YOU COULD EAT THEM, and make you feel guilty about these fish dying, but it was all you could eat. so you have all this huge guilt for these damn fish, but you have no choice, you can't just not eat. and then for years and years afterward all you eat is seafood, because you're conditioned to simply eat the same old super guilty seafood. and then one day you look around and realize that there's tons of guilt free food.

Quote from: "dniceo7"
Sorry, but I'm with the guest on this one. I have a very hard time believing you never picked up a work assignment here or a program there or a restriction here. Just doesn't happen at that school unless you really were a junior staff like you claim you weren't. I wasn't there too long ago and I've been in touch with people in and around the hasn't changed THAT much...

ok, let's hold on a second. this is either one of two things, either he's telling us the truth and managed to pretty much fly under the radar or he's lying. either way, shouldn't we err on the side of caution with something like this? there should be some way to prove or disprove that he's being honest, and until we know for sure we shouldn't be saying things like this...

um, the only people I knew that managed to avoid work assignments the entire time they were there were the people that kissed the staff's ass, broke, and snitched on everyone left and right. judging from all your posts, this seems to describe you pretty well.

...especially when the person who said that signed on as GUEST. If this kid's for real then he needs our support. he doesn't need some dick who won't even sign on post mean shit about him. i don't know, someone brought this thread to my attention and i just think there's a need for a little more caution. i was at RMA in the early 90's and back then, ya it was pretty unrealistic that you'd get through that much of the program without incurring the wrath of at least one of the staff. But these days, who the fuck knows what's going on at that place. All I'm saying is that if he's for real it's pretty fucked up to attack and isolate, especially here. one girl's opinion.

Although if he is a troll, and there's significant evidence, we can lynch him.

Dniceo, what have you heard from the people you know who are still in and around the program?

Quote from: "dishdutyfugitive"
Getting pulled , "so you could go back for your senior year" is far fetched...... That would be like saying the US pulled out of Iraq because our camoflouge shirts didn't blend as well as expected with the Iraqi sand.

LOL. that's hilarious DD. i agree tho, there had to have been something deeper going on there.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: January 16, 2008, 04:08:19 PM »
Quote from: "TheWho"
Who is this “Botched Programming”
When will his terror end?
I am torn between running away
Or trying to be his friend.

His avatar is frightening
His demeanor is bazaar
He cuts you with his dialog
And ensures it leaves a scar

He claims to be a survivor
And is here under an assumed name
He attacks with furry and tenacity
Against programs like Straight and Elan

This man is a nightmare
And when he begins to bellow and shout
You may want to consider clicking on
The button the reads “Log out”

Now you must heed my words directly
you will come away from a debate tattered and scorned
And as you lay in bed humiliated
Remember that you were warned.

Go bobba yourself.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: The Who
« on: January 16, 2008, 04:06:03 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Unless we had some super genius hacker finding out his identity would require a subpeona from a judge delivered to the who's ISP.

I just so happen to know a super genius hacker. Who's been to a similar program in MO. Shall we begin?

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Private forum on TK
« on: January 14, 2008, 02:09:40 AM »
Ok, I know a bunch of you have signed up at TK, those of us that know about the big event happening at BCA/RMA and want to attend or help in some way should try to coordinate a time to all be on the private discussion chat and have a live chat this week and brainstorm to come up with new ideas and expand on old ones. Che Gookin made the questionable decision to give me moderator status, so I want to at least try to organize something like this since he's over in China having his pole polished and hijacking rickshaws and whatnot. Can you guys all respond to me, either on here or by PM and let me know generally what time evening wise works for you (and if there's a day you know you're not available)?

And if you're not already signed up, go sign up at and then let me know so I can get you into the private's all very VIP. I've posted this on the trouble teen industry forum as well.

Thanks all!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Private Forum on TK
« on: January 14, 2008, 02:04:21 AM »
Ok, I know a bunch of you have signed up at TK, those of us that know about the big event happening at BCA/RMA and want to attend or help in some way should try to coordinate a time to all be on the private discussion chat and have a live chat this week and brainstorm to come up with new ideas and expand on old ones. Che Gookin made the questionable decision to give me moderator status, so I want to at least try to organize something like this since he's over in China having his pole polished and hijacking rickshaws and whatnot. Can you guys all respond to me, either on here or by PM and let me know generally what time evening wise works for you (and if there's a day you know you're not available)?

And if you're not already signed up, go sign up at and then let me know so I can get you into the private's all very VIP. I'm gonna post this on the CEDU forum as well.

Thanks all!

Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
You gas it up also?

Maybe. We'll see what you bring me back from China. Surprise me. Just nothing ridiculously gross. Ridiculous is fine, but I'm not interested in anything I'd be challenged to eat on Fear Factor.

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