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Messages - str8h8er

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I need more information
« on: September 03, 2007, 05:09:37 PM »
First off, forgive me for being a dumb ass and asking dumb ass questions, but

because I was one of "dem needy kids" and received a grant/state funds, how was Straight able to collect my grant/fund money without clear, concise documentation.

Correct me if I am wrong, wouldn't the state require well documented treatement notes for one of their "needy kids", if using state funds?

There has to be a record some fucken where about me. About all of us.

I am also wondering if you get resistance from your parents when you ask for details regarding Straight?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 03, 2007, 04:54:48 PM »
Quote from: "Nonconformistlaw" Your situation is what I was thinking about in regards to the possibility of kidnapping of minors. There are definitely laws pertaining to those specific situations. For example, one parent takes kid for the weekend but refuses to return the kid to the other parent, or one parent just disappears with the kid, etc.

The other situation I had in mind was where Straight used program parents (not the child's parents) or 7 steppers to forcibly return cop outs. I would think that it is at least arguable that this was kidnapping. These individuals did not have legal custody and were not on staff so I cant see how they could hunt down, capture and forcible hold and return a minor child to Straight without it being legally kidnapping.[/quote

Hmmm, thinking about the first point you made. I agree, it is considered kidnapping if one parent kidnaps a kid from the other parent. I am thinking it may apply in my case. Who know's? The more and more I read, the more I am informed and the more confused I get.

I think about the possibility of a "lawsuit" and what that would exactly mean for the survivors.

It wouldn't stop the abuse that occured.

It wouldn't give back the time we lost, the schoolong we lost.

It will never repay being broken down, and broken down until there is nothing left.

It wont make up for being restrained by fat ass bitches more times then I can count, that held their hands over my nose and mouth at the same time, just to scare the shit out of me in hopes of producing a confession out of me.

It wont help in making up for sleep depervation I endured at that time.

It wont make up for the malnutrition I suffered during that time.

It wont make up for the nightmares I had consistantly for years, and still do off and on.

It wont make up for being led around like a dog by your belt-loop.

It wont make up for my bleeding ass from not being able to shit for the first few weeks I was in there.

It will not solve my inability to trust. ANYONE!!!!! or question their intensions.

It wont make up for any of it.

The Troubled Teen Industry / "Libby Legal Defense Trust"
« on: September 03, 2007, 04:36:26 PM »
I am quite familer with the "refresher" term.

Do you ever wonder where in the fuck they came up with this shit?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 02, 2007, 05:31:20 PM »
I really dont know if I totally agree here. I understand that each case is individual. I also agree that is one was kept against their will at the age of 18 and over is a crime and considered kidnapping. In my case, my parents had joint custody. JOINT. However my mother signed me into the program behind my fathers back and with out his permission. For 10 months my father and step mother tried contacting everyone they knew, upto and including Nancy Reagan herself. After my step mother wrote her a letter explaining what had happened, I got out a week later. Released to the custody of my father.

With all that is known about Straight and shit holes like it, I can not believe that we, the survivors of said shit holes do not have recourse. I just do not get it. Depriving people of our personal freedoms and worse. Not allowing us to go to school/work and have no contact with the outside world. To me, that is fucking kidnapping.

The Troubled Teen Industry / "Libby Legal Defense Trust"
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:42:22 PM »
And another one

Yeah, I know, old news right? I needed a "refresher."

The Troubled Teen Industry / "Libby Legal Defense Trust"
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:39:28 PM »

I especially love the comment Dick made at the very top of this page.  ::bandit::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:30:24 PM »
To be clear, this would cover the one's that were under 18 years of age as well?

Does anyone remember a guy staff member named John Gugliamo? I think that is how his last name was spelled.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 01, 2007, 04:47:37 PM »

I am sorry your mother put you through those horrible experiences.

As far as straight go's, I understand you completely. When I refused to conform to their ways I was repeatedly restrained by big fat bitches who thought it would be fun to put there hands over my mouth and nose so I would have to scream and gasp for air. On the verge of begging for my life. The whole world went to hell when I refused to write my MI one night. Don;t even want to tell you what happened then.

This place was nothing more then domestic torture camps for throw-away teens. I am so fucking tired of Parents saying "I didn't know that Straight was like that". Fuck that shit. Fuck them. My only hope is that these sorry mother fuckers get what's coming to them.

Where is the link?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What the fuck is up with this place?
« on: August 31, 2007, 08:06:29 PM »
Quote from: ""webdiva""
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
Now they attack pregnant teens also?

Check out the bottom where it shows affiliations!!!!!

They got some fucken balls

im not surprised. whats the difference really? because its someone with child they shouldn't be attacked but if its a teen that isn't pregnant then it's ok?  I know you don't think that im being a bit over the top. my point is LOOK at who we are dealing with. CHILD ABUSERS. They don't GIVE A FUCK about anything or anyone. Why would they care if she's pregnant if anything they get a rise outta that shit and it's sick. But it sure Lets you see what we're REALLY dealing with.

Per haps I am just waiting to wake up from the nightmare.

Quote from: ""Froderik""
Quote from: ""Guest""
The only link I know that Cheney has with Sembler is they're both willingly getting fucked up the ass by a bush.

C'mon, you know they like to suck cock as well. :rofl:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:54:13 PM »

I wanted to know the same thing. I have thought about this over and over but wasn't sure who would want to participate or even how to get together with other survivors to talk about it.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I need more information
« on: August 31, 2007, 10:34:03 AM »
Do you remember the persons name of the 12 year old? Or if they were male of female? Where were they from, etc?

I know it was years ago. If your memory is like mine, you probably won't remember. But any information would be better then nothing.

Thank you for your posts!!!

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