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Messages - Rugby Punk

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And I was like, this is my United States of Whatever!

Seriously, what the hell was that?

I got the whole resort/country club sell, too, for Cedu.
When you're a kid in the Midwest and you hear about a school in So-Cal, you figure, hey it could be worse. I get to see palm trees and kick it on the beach. I was pretty pissed to find out how long a drive it was to the beach from Running Springs.

One of my first run ins while touring my new home was with my former cokehead roommate at an old boarding school. He and his friends ripped on me and how poor I was (I was there on a scholarship) and fucked with and stole all my shit.
Man, I was bumming hard. He tried to convince me later that he'd changed since coming to Cedu, but he didn't really.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / On a lighter note!
« on: May 04, 2007, 12:51:37 AM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""
I might feel a tinge of being disturbed if they play anything by the Plastic Ono Band. (Some of the stuff played in the I&Me) That shit makes me cringe a bit. I'm not a huge fan of John Lennon as a result of that experience. Plus, he was a pompous ass.

Lennon was a little full of himself at times, but probably because he knew he had such influence. He was an amazing songwriter. It makes me sad that his stuff was co-opted for evil by those assholes. He would roll in his grave if he knew what his music was used for.

There were quite a few great artists whose music was totally misused and abused for the Cedu system, like Neil Diamond. I won't let them ruin Neil for me. His son went to Cedu btw, I met him when he came back to visit. What would that have been like to hear your dad's music like that?

Wow! I know that Jill and Rudy had a thing for Native American art, but that's still a bit of a surprising career choice for him. Here's the website:

No picture, so no way to really confirm it's the same Rudolph Bentz, but...

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / martin weins
« on: April 10, 2007, 03:24:34 PM »
No, I don't think Martin was a former student. He was probably in his late 30's to early 40's then in the late 80's. He never said he was and didn't give off that vibe. I think he was one of the few that actually had some kind of academic credibility. Maybe a Masters. He was originally from Kansas or Missouri, I remember.

Makes me sick that I actually liked him when I was there and connected with him on current events and history and shit like that. Then again, I didn't like to smush with him when he asked either.
Of course, the full time cum gargle thing was a big turning point of my views about him and the other sick shit being perpetrated.

So besides NWA, what others did they reopen? Cedu, RMA, Benchmark, etc.?

And wtf is Stepcraft?

So, in laymen's terms does this mean that scientists have a gag order to not talk about Greenhouse, global warming and climate change that was effected by the Government's previous shoddy regulating? Like we need a scientist to tell us that we shouldn't be freezing in April and our coastlines are gonna be wiped out anyway.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: question
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:29:49 PM »
Quote from: ""Rugby Punk""
The staff, for the most part, had no formal or professional training (Other than what knowledge was passed down to them thru the Cult hierarchy) to be doing what they did.

To clarify, this was back before the mid to late 90's when apparently they started to hire actual therapists onto the staff to look more official to the outside world. I've read some of the posts of those professional staff therapists that have visited here and they were freaked out too by the shit they witnessed and heard about there that was done to the students.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Re: question
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:23:19 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Why did CEDU go to these great lengths to develop negative issues for kids?

Did some kids need treatment for specific problems, and was CEDU equipped to engage those issues?

I'm not trying to knock you down or anything, but where are you coming from with this? Are you a 'treatment professional'?

If you read some of the other threads in this sub-forum you'll probably answer your own questions anyway. But if we must...Short answer is they needed to keep the kids hooked in to the program and the parents money still flowing in. Hence, kids with little to no problems who had no business being there (not that anybody did) were made to feel that they should work thru these 'major issues'. The staff, for the most part, had no formal or professional training (Other than what knowledge was passed down to them thru the Cult hierarchy) to be doing what they did.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / martin weins
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:45:22 AM »
I think what really pissed me off was when he was running a full time of someone in our peer group. The guy had serious gay issues going on and incest cop outs. Martin made some concoction of salty water with some other shit in it to simulate cum and made him drink it and think about those horrible blowjobs he gave.
Talk about all levels of fucked up. Also, coming from a man who was so in the closet yet obvious himself. Was he getting off on it or just full of self-hate and projecting it on to my friend?
I didn't know how to handle that and to who and if I should report it, but I did tell him to not do that again if Martin asked him to.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / What is Reality?
« on: April 08, 2007, 06:18:18 PM »
Now that I've stirred up all this shit recently from 17 yrs ago, I wonder how sharp my memories really are. I shut down a lot then to survive and get through that hell. I wonder how much I blanked out that actually happened directly to me that I attribute to happening to someone else there. Like I was an outside observer hovering in the background because I was so disconnected from it all at times. I worked hard at staying below the radar, but how successful was I really?
I played a lot of Risk and Axis & Allies with Johnny Propheet and the other guys to escape that which was an escape from reality itself.
I wish that I'd saved more of my writings from then.

Does anyone else feel like this?

The quickest way to get the most momentum of support would be to get a show like 20/20 or Dateline to put the spotlight on the revolving staff of the schools and how they keep spawning more torture centers. Much as people hate these milquetoast expose shows, they can be a valuable tool to that end. They and their viewers eat that shit up. Then it sticks in the back of the mind of any potential jurors in a legal case, whether they're told to ignore the media coverage or not, they can't help but refer back to it.
The problem is that most of the time those shows have put a positive spin on the teen help industry and boot camps, etc. They have to be shown the ugly underbelly.

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