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Messages - gary eskow

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Hyde Schools / Increasing Fornits' Ranking in Google
« on: February 06, 2007, 12:51:11 PM »
I plan on writing an article about Hyde. Anyone who would like to be interviewed, with a pseudonym if necessary, can e-mail me.
The account of my experience at Hyde, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE, is also available through the ISAC site.

Gary Eskow

PS- looking for families who had positive experiences at Hyde as well as those who encountered problems.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 05, 2007, 12:14:30 PM »

My writing something would be like reviewing Ford based on a Pinto test drive. My experiance is 30 years old.


Emil... Possibly, but to the best of my knowledge Hyde has not disavowed any of its earlier practices, and from what I heard very recently, Joe is still given free range to cajole and threaten whoever, whenever he wants to.

Historical continuity would be important. I think you could provide something valuable.  Your call, of course!


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 05, 2007, 09:53:53 AM »
Gary, I am willing to tell the story of our family at Hyde as long as our names are not mentioned. I have spoken to you about this and feel confident you will respect my privacy.

How about the rest of you posters stepping up to the plate. As long as names are not mentioned there shouldnt be a problem. You are sharing your stories on this website which is public, so there is very little difference putting it in another form of print. One person mentioned a liability issue. There is no liability issue unless you would make up a bunch of lies. I have already checked this out with an attorney.

I enjoyed speaking to Gary and you will too. He is a professional and is respectful of my request for anonymity


thank you for this... of course I will respect the privacy of any who choose to remain anonymous.  If there are folks tracking this link who are unabashed fans of Hyde... please contact me!!  We need a balanced overview of the school... the article I plan on writing will frankly address the concerns that many who have passed through Hyde have.  But those who look in the rear view mirror and feel that the time they spent there was all, or overwhelmingly, positive, need to be heard from as well.


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 05, 2007, 08:02:32 AM »
I would appreciate some sharp analysis. It's one thing to say Hyde School is a cult, AA, Synanon, etc. etc., and another to argue your point. I'm a little too lazy to do everyone's analysis for them. Unsupported opinions fall stillborn from this forum.

One way to do this would be to write a critical article that included interviews with dissatisfied former students and family members as well as material from people who passed through Hyde and feel positive about the experience.

I'd be willing to write such an article, and have posted to that effect on this site.  So far the response has beenn limited.


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: February 04, 2007, 12:29:15 PM »
Gary, I will have to think about my story appearing in print. For those who knew me there are to many hints to my identity. I would'nt want the life I have now jeopardized for any reason

Of course, I understand.  You have to balance your desire for privacy against the value that others in a vulnerable position might gain from learning from your experience. Let me know if you decide you'd like to be interviewed.

Confidentiality will be respected at all times.

[email protected]

Hyde Schools / Re: Hyde Experience
« on: January 30, 2007, 08:11:08 AM »
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.

What a story, so well remembered and told.  Would you like it to appear in print, under a pseudonym if necessary?


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 27, 2007, 08:40:23 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""gary eskow""
So, I ask again... which of you- those who had great experiences at Hyde and those who did not- are interested in being interviewed?

  Hey this is great.  IT would be like Joe's book except Joe would not get to pick the stories.  They could be stories that would challenge Hyde to reach deep, to find it's unique potential.

That's actually a big part of the story.  One thought I have is to let people hold onto their anonymity by telling their stories through the use of pseudonyms.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 26, 2007, 09:58:04 PM »
So, I ask again... which of you- those who had great experiences at Hyde and those who did not- are interested in being interviewed?

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:45:33 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I didn't wrestle, but I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't be struggling!


Sheesh-- you're far more effective when you're not trying to be clever.  Be yourself, and don't try to eviscerate other posters.  Not only is it in bad taste, but- if you don't mind me saying- you tend to get confused.  For example, anyone who has ever wrestled- even the best in the world- knows that struggle is part of the endeavour.
Suggesting that you wouldn't have to struggle if you had ever stepped on the mat only- excuse me if this sounds harsh- makes you sound dumb.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 25, 2007, 07:39:11 PM »
I am the one who posted about having dinner with the former student.  I was happy to see on another post that she came to this board and posted something herself.  Would love to hear some more stories from her or other students of Hyde.  I think it is important to hear of others experiences.  I have heard from more than a few students how they gave up on trying to get the people at Hyde to listen to their thoughts and warnings about some of what was going on.  No one would listen to them.  Must have been very sad and frustrating for these kids.  I feel their pain.

Would you be willing to be interviewed for an article on Hyde? Also... to anyone who had a completely positive experience at Hyde, a question: are you interested in sharing your thoughts with the public as part of this story?

If so, please send me an e mail with your contact information.

Gary Eskow
[email protected]

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 25, 2007, 08:27:28 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous.  Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.

Hyde is not perfect and never will be,  there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business.  The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner.  And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?

So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School.  It really does help more than it hurts.


First of all, Sheesh deserves credit for taking a reasonable tone and presenting his/her arguments in a more thoughtful manner.  I respect that.

As my paper reveals, I, like Sheesh, find much to admire in the dedication to developing healthy kids that so many of the staff evince on a daily basis.  Without a doubt, my experience there helped me more than it hurt, and I never said otherwise.

This was, however, in part due to the fact that I never allowed myself to be railroaded. Nor did I take my feelings and stuff them in order to fly under the radar, as so my parents- and students- do to get by.

The reason I think a balanced article should be written and widely disseminated is not to destroy the Hyde School, Sheesh.  The question is this: do you believe that holding people accountable for bad behaviors helps their character development?  Do you believe it takes courage to speak truth- especially to people in power- and that those who do so should be commended and not belittled?  If so, why did you take such a sarcastic and rhetorically charged tone in your initial posting?  

Many people go through Hyde who have low esteem issues, who are confused, who are uncertain about the paths they are on.  From what I have seen personally at the school, and from the numerous posts on this site and elsewhere, scores of them emerge from Hyde more damaged than they were upon entry.  Their story- along with those from people like you who are grateful for the time they spent at Hyde- must be told, both to hold the staff's feet to the fire, that they may grow- and to ensure that incoming families have an accurate understanding of Hyde.

Again, I respect your changed tone- it makes true dialogue possible.


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 25, 2007, 08:27:06 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous.  Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.

Hyde is not perfect and never will be,  there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business.  The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner.  And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?

So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School.  It really does help more than it hurts.


First of all, Sheesh deserves credit for taking a reasonable tone and presenting his/her arguments in a more thoughtful manner.  I respect that.

As my paper reveals, I, like Sheesh, find much to admire in the dedication to developing healthy kids that so many of the staff evince on a daily basis.  Without a doubt, my experience there helped me more than it hurt, and I never said otherwise.

This was, however, in part due to the fact that I never allowed myself to be railroaded. Nor did I take my feelings and stuff them in order to fly under the radar, as so my parents- and students- do to get by.

The reason I think a balanced article should be written and widely disseminated is not to destroy the Hyde School, Sheesh.  The question is this: do you believe that holding people accountable for bad behaviors helps their character development?  Do you believe it takes courage to speak truth- especially to people in power- and that those who do so should be commended and not belittled?  If so, why did you take such a sarcastic and rhetorically charged tone in your initial posting?  

Many people go through Hyde who have low esteem issues, who are confused, who are uncertain about the paths they are on.  From what I have seen personally at the school, and from the numerous posts on this site and elsewhere, scores of them emerge from Hyde more damaged than they were upon entry.  Their story- along with those from people like you who are grateful for the time they spent at Hyde- must be told, both to hold the staff's feet to the fire, that they may grow- and to ensure that incoming families have an accurate understanding of Hyde.

Again, I respect your changed tone- it makes true dialogue possible.


Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 24, 2007, 08:16:39 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!).   :D

Thank you... it's one thing for people who fear reprisals to take the cloak of anonymity, but guys like Sheesh are simply cowards.
Anyone with the most basic rhetorical skills could slice and dice this chump without yawning.

Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:25:26 PM »
Don't you have anything better to d?.  Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen.  I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth.  Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.


Ok, it seems clear that "Sheesh" will most likely not respond to the posts subsequent to his/hers.  Note the obvious rhetorical device:
Sheesh puts the colloquial contraction "kinda" in quotes to give the impression that he's quoting other submissions. He/she/it also tries to diminish those with whom my comments might resonate by calling them "a small group."  But noone used the folksy "kinda,"  and the idea that I'm "milking it for all it's worth" is totally unsubstantiated- and he has no reasonable basis for making a judgment on the number of people who might agree- or disagree for that matter- with me.  Let's give this guy a break and disregard his inability to parse the English language or spell with any degree of competency.

Sheesh, a bit of advice: if you aspire to move up the chain and challenge the next level of competition you need to hone your rhetorical chops!



Hyde Schools / Requesting Parents' Assessment of Hyde School
« on: January 24, 2007, 11:37:07 AM »

Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.



  Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?  Are you a current or former student? Somehow, you don't strike me as a parent.
Did you enjoy a positive experience at Hyde?  Great!  What's the best thing about the school?  How has the education you received impacted your life?  Did you internalize the values that Hyde espouses, and have they become an integral part of your pattern of behavior?  Do you believe that people have an obligation to point out the weaknesses they see in the Hyde process?  Or do you feel that doing so is just an attack on the school?

   In short- who are you?


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