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Messages - TechJockey

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Web forum hosting / Two more characters allowed in names please.
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:42:06 PM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
Nah, that was a post (my own) I copied b/c I couldn't link to it. It was a question. The question was, "Why the new format if IPs could have been banned before" or something like that. My original post was somewhere in one of the recent threads (shit i ain't gonna go hunt it down now) on the str8 forum....I don't care about the color but I liked the old emoticons better, fwiw.

Banning IP's is pretty much pointless. There's just way too many of them.

Yeah, I wasn't sure whether or not to keep the old smilies. It could always be changed back, or maybe install both the new ones and the old ones.

Web forum hosting / Two more characters allowed in names please.
« on: July 12, 2006, 11:11:02 PM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
Prolific contributor

Joined: 09 Nov 2002
Posts: 2788

 Posted: 13 Jul 2006 02:08    Post subject:      

Truth be told, I have had that power for years.

Hmm....So then why the need to change to this format????

Just curious.

If that's a reference to the color thing, ask Ginger, because she's doing that.

Web forum hosting / Two more characters allowed in names please.
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:01:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death F'd""
Now I can't log in at ALL...

Also, have you considered changing the color scheme?

Sorry, the limit must be hard coded.  I went ahead and changed it back.

And yes, a style change is in progress.

Web forum hosting / Re: Two more characters allowed in names please.
« on: July 12, 2006, 09:32:55 PM »
How's that?

Web forum hosting / Expected down time
« on: July 12, 2006, 08:22:31 PM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Two new observations.
No post URL. Bummer. Looks like you can only link to the thread, not a specific post.

Yeah, that is a bummer. Not sure if that was an addon feature or not, but it shouldn't be that hard to implement, since the board does generate links to specific posts. It just doesn't put them on the page for you to copy.

Also, I keep getting logged off as I move around.
If I am not logged in and just put my user name in the box when I reply to a post, it tells me that name is taken.

I think your getting logged out because the session cookies were set to expire after one hour. I increased it to 2 hours. Not sure what's a good value for that. But, if you check the "Log me in automatically" box when you log in, you'll stay logged in for one day, with the current settings, assuming that's working right.

And the posting/login thing works a little different. You can actually use a username in a post without registering or being logged in, but only if that name isn't already taken. So, if you're a registered user, you have to log in using the link up top, before posting. I guess that could be a pain in the ass if you forget to log in, but that's the way they did it, for whatever reason.

Web forum hosting / Expected down time
« on: July 12, 2006, 03:54:05 PM »
Quote from: ""Eudora""
TechJockey rocks the Shazzbah!  :nworthy: He'll be attending to tech issues for me from here on out. Please let me know how it goes. These puting gurus can be troublesome servants and terrible masters. Let's not let him get out of hand.

I can easily be pacified with an endless supply of bananas. :wink:

Web forum hosting / Expected down time
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:43:08 PM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Okay, I think I "may" have figured out the problem.
I just conducted the same search son/Deborah and click posts at the bottom.
It returned only the message I just posted in this thread.
It appears that it is not searching the old database.
Is that possible?

Yeah. I was just looking at the code that converted the old database to the new format, and here's the deal:

This version contains a full-text indexing feature, to make the searches more efficent. During the upgrade conversion, wordlists were created by the upgrade script. This ultimately resulted in a list containing 174,031 unique words, and 7,707,538 occurances of those words. So, in order to keep the size of those tables down, the script automatically applied a formula to remove the the words that occur as more than a certain percentage of the list. In other words, the more common words from the old database simply arent in the list that the search feature uses to find the matching posts.

Probably more info than you needed, but it's actually working the way it was intended.  :D

Web forum hosting / Expected down time
« on: July 12, 2006, 01:58:45 PM »
Quote from: ""Deborah""
Pretty cool.
Search function isn't working correctly, or doesn't work as before.
I typed in a term and the author name and was told no post match the query.
Also when I searched posts by a particular author the returns were not from author only.

If you select "Display results as: Topics" when making your search, it will return a listing of all matching threads that author has posted to. If you select "Display results as: Posts" it will show only the individual messages.

There also seems to be a little bug in the topic search. For instance, if you search for all topics by Eudora, containing the term "Straight", and you then go to page 53 of the results (using the link at the bottom of the search results page), you get a blank page. It thinks there's 53 pages of matching results, but really there's only 52. If you make your search selecting  "Display results as: Posts" instead, that doesn't appear to happen. This is probably an inconsistency in the database, but may be a bug in phpBB itlself. I'll look into it, and if I can determine it's a software bug, I'll file a report with the phpBB developers.

As far as the inaccurate results, I haven't been able to duplicate that, but if you can provide a specific example, I'll look into that too.

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